FSC481Y5 • Internship in Forensic Science

As the capstone experience for the Forensic Science Specialist Programs, this course provides students with professional practice and research experience. Students are required to attend classes that address proper research design and methodology, as well as issues of professional practice in the forensic sciences including: ethics; research protocols; written and verbal communication skills; professional communication (interviews, letters, emails, reports, presentations, and publications); and expert witness testimony. Students will also be placed with a participating forensic agency to conduct research and gain an understanding of the unit's daily operations. In addition to practice presentations, critiques, an ethics approval application, a 10-15 page research proposal, and a mock interview, students are required to formally present the results of their research at the annual Forensic Science Day symposium and submit a publication quality manuscript of their work.

Note: Internship Placements are arranged by the FSC Program. Students MUST apply for this course and the Course Application is due in the February preceding the placement. See the Forensic Science Program website for details on course application, information, and procedures. There will be an information session regarding Internship Placements, preceding the application period. Students must have one free day (Monday - Friday) to work at their internship placement site and must be in the final year before graduation. Students are expected to provide their own transportation to placement work site.

FSC340H5 and (ANT407H5 or BIO259H5 or FSC341H5 or STA215H5 or STA220H5 or PSY201H5) and Enrolment in a Forensic Science Specialist Program and Permission of Instructor. Students seeking an IDENT capstone placement must also have completed FSC302H5.
Course application is required. See the Forensic Science Program website for details.

Restricted to students enrolled in a Forensic Science Specialist program.
In Class
Forensic Science