LIN411H5 • Introduction to Analysis and Argumentation in Linguistics

This course examines topics which have created controversy in linguistics, topics about which scholars have expressed opposing views through published articles. By reading and discussing these debates, students will galvanize their knowledge base in linguistics and develop skills in identifying the authors' assumptions, assessing their argumentation and recognizing how linguists build arguments to present an opposing view. The topics may range from big picture questions like the validity of Universal Grammar to more specific questions about a linguistic phenomenon. By the end of the course, students will have developed more acute reading skills, thereby also improving their academic writing skills. The title of the course might sound scary, but the course itself is not at all!

LIN229H5 and LIN232H5 and 0.5 credit from [JLP285H5 (formerly LIN288H5) or JLP288H5 or LIN231H5 or LIN237H5 or LIN256H5 or LIN258H5] and 0.5 credit from [LIN310H5 or LIN327H5 or LIN328H5 or LIN329H5 or LIN332H5 or LIN337H5 or LIN338H5 or LIN360H5 or LIN366H5 or LIN369H5 or LIN374H5 or LIN375H5 or LIN376H5 or LIN419H5 or LIN476H5 or LIN479H5].
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