Limited Enrolment – Enrolment in this program is limited. To qualify, students must have completed 4.0 credits and achieved a minimum grade of 63% in each of ANT101H5 and ANT102H5 and ISP100H5. Students applying to enrol after second year must have completed 8.0 credits (including ANT101H5 and ANT102H5 and ISP100H5), and achieved a minimum average of 63% in ANT courses and ISP100H5.
Completion Requirements:10.5 credits are required.
First Year:
ANT101H5 and ANT102H5 and ISP100H5
Second Year:
1. ( ANT200H5 and ANT201H5) or (1.0 credit from ANT202H5 or ANT203H5 or ANT220H5)
2. ANT204H5 and ANT206H5 and ANT207H5
Higher Years:
6.5 additional ANT credits of which:
1) At least 4.0 ANT credits must be ANT social science courses
2) At least 4.0 ANT credits must be at the 300 level or 400 level
3) At least 1.0 ANT credit must be at the 400 level and must be social science ANT courses
NOTE: JAL253H5 and JAL351H5 and JAL353H5 and JAL355H5 and JAL453H5 are social science credits and can be used to fulfill ANT program requirements.
Limited Enrolment – Enrolment in this program is limited. To qualify, students must have completed 4.0 credits and achieved a minimum grade of 63% in each of ANT101H5 and ANT102H5 and ISP100H5. Students applying to enrol after second year must have completed 8.0 credits (including ANT101H5 and ANT102H5 and ISP100H5), and achieved a minimum average of 63% in ANT courses and ISP100H5.
Completion Requirements:11.0 credits are required.
First Year:
ANT101H5 and ANT102H5 and ISP100H5
Second Year:
1. ANT200H5 and ANT201H5 and ANT202H5 and ANT203H5 and ANT220H5
2. ANT204H5
Higher Years:
6.0 additional ANT credits of which:
1) At least 4.0 ANT credits must be ANT science courses
2) At least 3.5 ANT credits must be at the 300 level or 400 level
3) At least 1.5 ANT credits must be at the 400 level and must be science ANT courses
Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in the Specialist program is limited to students with a minimum of 4.0 credits, including:
For students applying in 2023-2024 for program entry in the 2024-2025 Academic Year:
For students applying in 2024-2025 for program entry in the 2025-2026 Academic Year:
12.0-13.0 credits are required.
First Year:
Second Year:
Higher Years:
Enrolment in this program is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits, including ISP100H5.
Completion Requirements:12.5 credits are required, comprised of 0.5 credit of ISP100H5 and 7.0 credits in FAS and 5.0 credits in FAH or VCC or VST offered at UTM (see detailed notes below). The following program structure is highly recommended:
First Year:
1. FAH101H5 and ISP100H5
2. 1.0 additional credit in FAH at the 200 level
3. 2.0 credits from FAS143H5 or FAS145H5 or FAS147H5 or FAS232H5 or FAS236H5 or FAS248H5 (All of these courses are open to first-year students.)
Second Year:
1. VCC101H5
2. 1.0 credit of FAH at the 200 level
3. Remaining uncompleted credit(s) from the FAS course list identified in ‘First Year’ (above).
Third Year:
1. 1.0 credit of FAH or VCC at the 300/400 level
2. 2.0 credits of FAS at the 300/400 level
Fourth Year:
1. 1.0 credit of FAH or VCC or VST at the 300/400 level
2. 2.0 credits of FAS at the 300/400 level
1. Completion of the Art & Art History Specialist Program must include: FAH101H5 and VCC101H5 and ISP100H5 and FAS143H5 and FAS145H5 and FAS147H5 and FAS232H5 and FAS236H5 and FAS248H5. Of the total 12.0-12.5 credits in the program, 4.0 credits of FAH or VCC or VST or FAS must be at the 300/400 level with 1.0 credit in FAH or VCC at the 400 level and 1.0 credit of FAS at the 400 level.
2. Students must take at least 2.0 credits, but no more than 2.5 credits, of FAH at the 200 level. Of these 2.0-2.5 credits, at least 1.5 credits must be completed at UTM (see Note 3 below for the required area distribution and Note 4 below for the St. George exceptions allowed). VCC 200 level courses do not satisfy FAH 200 level requirements.
3. At least 0.5 credit of FAH at the 200-level must be completed in each of the following three areas: Ancient & Medieval; 15th-18th Centuries; and 19th-21st Centuries. See the departmental website ( for the distribution of courses by area.
4. 0.5 credit of FAH at the 200 level may be taken at St. George in an area not covered by current UTM offerings (i.e. one of the following courses – FAH248H1 or FAH260H1 or FAH262H1 or FAH270H1 or FAH272H1).
5. For the complete list of VCC courses that satisfy Art & Art History program requirements, please see the departmental website (
6. As studio space is limited in the 100-level and 200-level FAS courses, priority will be given during the first registration period to students enrolled in the Art & Art History Major or Specialist, Art History Major or Specialist, CCIT Major, VCC Specialist, and to newly admitted students who indicated the Art & Art History code on their application. Students committed to the program should make sure that they are officially registered in the program as soon as possible.
7. All 300 and 400 level FAS courses are to be enrolled in on ACORN. Students are required to have completed 1.5 credits in FAH or VCC before beginning their 300/400 level FAS courses.
8. It is recommended that students take at least one of the following ‘practicum’ courses: FAH451H5 or FAS453H5 or FAS454H5 or FAS455H5.
9. No more than 17.0 credits of FAH and FAS may be completed.
10. Students enrolling in any FAS course will be required to pay a fee of $101-$187 per half-credit course ($202-$374 per full-credit course) in ancillary fees to cover consumable materials used in studio as well as take-away materials. These charges will be automatically added to UofT student account upon enrolment in the course on ACORN. For details on ancillary fees, please see the Student Accounts website (
Enrolment in this program is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits, including ISP100H5
Completion Requirements:10.5 credits are required distributed across 4 areas (see notes below).
The following program structure is highly recommended:
First Year:
1. FAH101H5 and VCC101H5
2. ISP100H5
3. 1.0 credit in FAH at the 200 level
Second Year:
1. 2.0 credits in FAH at the 200 level
2. 0.5 credit in FAH or VCC at the 300 level
Third Year: 3.0 credits in FAH at the 300/ 400 level, of which at least 1.5 must be at the 300 level.
Fourth Year: 2.5 credits in FAH or VCC or VST at the 300/400 level, of which 1.0 must be at the 400 level in FAH or VCC.
1. Completion of the Art History Specialist Program must include: FAH101H5 and VCC101H5 and ISP100H5 and 3.0 credits of FAH at the 200 level and 4.0 credits of FAH or VCC or VST at the 300/400 level, of which 1.0 must be at the 400 level in FAH or VCC.
2. 2.0 credits from each of the following four areas are required: Ancient & Medieval; 15th-18th Centuries; 19th-21st Centuries; and Visual Culture & Theory. Some courses may satisfy more than one of the distribution requirements. See the departmental website ( for the distribution of courses by area.
3. For the complete list of VCC courses that satisfy Art History program requirements, please see the departmental website (
4. No St. George courses may be substituted for the required 100 or 200 level courses (see Note 5 below for exceptions).
5. No more than 4.0 credits in FAH may be taken at the 200 level. VCC 200 level courses do not satisfy FAH 200 level requirements. 0.5 credit of FAH at the 200 level may be taken at St. George in an area not covered by current UTM offerings (i.e. one of the following courses – FAH248H1 or FAH260H1 or FAH262H1 or FAH270H1 or FAH272H1).
6. Courses in other programs which have a significant Art History or Visual Culture content, such as offerings in CCIT, Cinema Studies, Philosophy, Drama, English History, East Asian Studies, and Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations, may be substituted for up to 1.0 credit of FAH or VCC credit. Consultation with the DVS Undergraduate Counsellor prior to enrolment is required. For possible courses options with appropriate course content, please consult the DVS Undergraduate Counsellor.
7. No more than a total of 16.0 credits of FAH may be completed.
8. Recommended Language Study: Students wishing to pursue graduate studies in Art History must acquire a basic reading knowledge of at least two languages. A minimum of 2.0 credits in one language, or 1.0 credit each in two languages (for a total of 2.0 credits) is recommended. German, French, and Italian are recommended.
Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program limited.
4.0 credits are required, including the following:
Enrolment in the UTMCIP stream of this program is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits, including:
Students who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 are encouraged to apply. Students must be in good standing with no outstanding academic integrity cases.
Completion Requirements:14.0 credits are required.
First Year:
Second Year:
Third Year:
Fourth Year:
1. Students who have completed PHY136H5 and PHY137H5 should speak with the Department of Chemical & Physical Sciences Academic Counsellor.
Admissions to the Bioinformatics Specialist Program (ERSPE1868) are administratively suspended as of 2023-2024. Summer 2023 is the final opportunity for students to request enrolment in this subject post. Students enrolled in the program will be allowed to continue.
Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited. Students who wish to enrol at the end of the first year (4.0 credits) must have passed all the courses listed for the first year, attained at least 60% in all 100-level computer science and mathematics courses, and have a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.0.
The Bioinformatics Specialist is a deregulated fees program and as such, tuition fees for students enrolled in this program are higher than for other regulated fee programs. Fees are charged on a program and not a per-course basis. See for more information on the fee structures.
Completion Requirements:14.0 credits are required.
First Year:
Second Year:
Third Year:
Fourth Year:
This program is accredited by the Canadian Society for Chemistry.
Enrolment Requirements:Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited.
4.0 credits are required, including the following:
NOTE: Completion of BIO152H5 prior to enrolment is recommended.
Enrolment in the UTMCIP stream of this program is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits, including:
Students who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 are encouraged to apply. Students must be in good standing with no outstanding academic integrity cases.
Completion Requirements:14.5 credits are required.
First Year:
Second Year:
Third Year:
Fourth Year:
Enrolment in this program is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits, including 60% or better in both BIO152H5 and BIO153H5, and who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5.
Enrolment in the UTMCIP stream of this program is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits, including 60% or better in both BIO152H5 and BIO153H5, and who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0. Students must be in good standing with no outstanding academic integrity cases.
Students who have not attained the standard required to enter the Specialist Program may enrol in the Major or Minor Programs. If their GPA rises to 2.5, and they have completed CHM110H5, CHM120H5, BIO152H5, BIO153H5, BIO202H5, BIO203H5, BIO205H5, BIO206H5, and BIO207H5, they will then be eligible to switch to the Specialist Program. All students (including transfer students) must complete 4.0 UTM credits before requesting this program.
Note: CGPA for enrolment in this program is calculated based on a minimum of 4.0 credits completed at UTM with final percentage grades (i.e. CR/ NCR courses are not applicable).
Completion Requirements:13.5 credits are required, including at least 6.0 credits at the 300/400 level, of which 1.0 credit must be at the 400 level.
First Year:
Note: ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) - Calculus for Life Sciences is highly recommended.
Second Year:
Third and Fourth Years:
It is recommended that students in the specialist program include at least 0.5 credit from each of four of the following groups:
Up to 1.0 credit may be taken from the following biology-related courses: GGR227H5 or GGR305H5 or GGR307H5 or GGR309H5 or GGR311H5 or GGR312H5 or CHM347H5 or CHM361H5 or CHM362H5 or CHM372H5 or CHM373H5 or PHY332H5 or PHY333H5 or PSY290H5 or PSY355H5 or PSY357H5 or PSY392H5 or PSY395H5 or PSY397H5 or ANT334H5 or ANT336H5 or ANT340H5.
Additional courses: BIO361H5 or BIO400Y5 or BIO481Y5 or JCB487Y5
Note:Limited Enrolment – Enrolment in this program is based on completion of 4.0 credits, including:
Enrolment in the UTMCIP stream of this program is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits, including:
Students who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 are encouraged to apply. Students must be in good standing with no outstanding academic integrity cases.
Completion Requirements:14.5 credits are required.
First Year:
1. PHY146H5 and PHY147H5
2. BIO152H5
3. CHM110H5 and CHM120H5
4. [( MAT135H5 or MAT137H5 or MAT157H5) and ( MAT136H5 or MAT139H5 or MAT159H5)] or MAT137Y5 or MAT157Y5
5. MAT223H5
6. ISP100H5
Second Year:
1. PHY241H5 and PHY245H5
2. JCP221H5 and JCP265H5
3. MAT232H5 and MAT236H5 and MAT244H5
4. BIO206H5
Third Year:
1. PHY325H5 and PHY332H5 and PHY333H5 and PHY347H5
2. JCP321H5 and JCP322H5
3. BIO314H5 or PHY324H5
Fourth Year:
1. ( PHY426H5 or JCP463H5) and JCP421H5
2. 1.0 credit from PHY473H5 or JCP410H5 or JCP422H5 or CPS400Y5 or CPS489Y5 or MAT322H5 or JCB487Y5 or PHY399Y5
Enrolment in this program is limited. Students who wish to enrol at the end of first year (4.0 credits) must obtain a grade of at least 63% in both CHM110H5 and CHM120H5, and a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.50 to qualify. Students who do not meet these criteria after first year can apply to enter the Specialist at the end of second year (8.0 credits) with the following new requirements: a grade of at least 70% in CHM242H5 and a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.50. All students (including transfer students) must complete 4.0 UTM credits before requesting this program.
Note: CGPA for enrolment in this program is calculated based on a minimum of 4.0 credits completed at UTM with final percentage grades (i.e. CR/ NCR courses are not applicable).
Completion Requirements:15.0 credits are required, including at least 7.0 credits at the 300/400 level, of which 1.5 must be at the 400 level.
First Year: BIO152H5, BIO153H5; CHM110H5, CHM120H5; ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5*) or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or ( MAT137H5 and MAT139H5) or MAT137Y5; MGM101H5, MGM102H5
*Note: ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) Calculus for Life Sciences is highly recommended.
Second Year: BIO200H5, BIO202H5/ BIO203H5, BIO206H5, BIO207H5, BIO259H5, CHM211H5, CHM242H5, CHM243H5
Third and Fourth Years:
Note: No substitute statistics course will be allowed for BIO360H5.
It is recommended that students in this program consider taking a research project or internship course in either Biology ( BIO400Y5/ BIO481Y5) or Chemistry ( CPS489Y5) or JCB487Y5. Other 4th-year courses directly relevant to this program are BIO443H5, BIO476H5, BIO477H5, CHM414H5 and CHM462H5.
Students may take no more than 2.0 credits combined in ROP, Internship Program, or Individual Project / Thesis courses at the 300/400-level for credit toward their Biology program.
Students must consult with the Undergraduate Advisor before enrolling in any St. George course that they wish to use for credit toward any Biology program.
This program is accredited by the Canadian Society for Chemistry.
Enrolment Requirements:Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited.
4.0 credits are required, including the following:
Enrolment in the UTMCIP stream of this program is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits, including:
Students who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 are encouraged to apply. Students must be in good standing with no outstanding academic integrity cases.
Completion Requirements:13.5 credits are required.
First Year:
Second Year:
Third Year:
Fourth Year:
This program leads to the Bachelor of Commerce degree. This Specialist program cannot be combined with the Management (Major or Specialist), Digital Enterprise Management Specialist, or Human Resource Management Specialist.
Limited Enrolment — Admission to this program is based on the following criteria:
This program has a total of 13.0 credits.
First Year (3.0 credits):
Higher Years:
Management (5.0 credits):
Economics (5.0 credits):
No more than 0.5 credits in Economic History
Note:Note that Management and Commerce students can only use 1.0 ROP credit towards program completion.
Please note the following list of acceptable equivalents for application to the POST:
UTSG: RSM219H1 | |
UTSC: MGTA05H3 or ( MGTA01H3 and MGTA02H3) UTSG: RSM100H1 | |
UTSG: ECO100Y1 or ( ECO101H1 and ECO102H1) UTM: ECO100Y5 | |
UTSG: MAT133Y1 or ( MAT135H1 and MAT136H1) UTM: MAT135Y5 or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or MAT137Y5 or MAT157Y5 |
This program leads to the Bachelor of Commerce degree. This Specialist program cannot be combined with the Management (Major or Specialist), Digital Enterprise Management Specialist, or Human Resource Management Specialist.
Limited Enrolment — Admission to this program is based on the following criteria:
This program has a total of 17.5 credits.
First Year (3.0 credits):
Higher Years:
Management requirements: (10.0 credits)
Economics requirements: (4.5 credits)
No more than 0.5 credits in Economic History
Note that Management and Commerce students can only use 1.0 ROP credit towards program completion.
Please note the following list of acceptable equivalents for application to the POST:
UTSG: RSM219H1 | |
UTSC: MGTA05H3 or ( MGTA01H3 and MGTA02H3) UTSG: RSM100H1 | |
UTSG: ECO100Y1 or ( ECO101H1 and ECO102H1) UTM: ECO100Y5 | |
UTSG: MAT133Y1 or ( MAT135H1 and MAT136H1) UTM: MAT135Y5 or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or MAT137Y5 or MAT157Y5 |
This program leads to a Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) degree. This Specialist program cannot be combined with the Management (Major or Specialist), Digital Enterprise Management Specialist, or Human Resource Management Specialist.
Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in the Financial Economics Specialist (ERSPE2722) or Economics Specialist (ERSPE1478) program.
Limited Enrolment: Admission to this program is based on the following criteria:
This program has a total of 16.0 credits
First Year (3.0 credits):
Higher Years:
Management (8.0 credits):
Economics (5.0 credits):
No more than 0.5 credit in Economic History.
Note:The prerequisite for ECO375H5 is a minimum of 70% obtained within ECO220Y5.
Management and Commerce students can only use 1.0 ROP credit towards program completion.
Please note the following list of acceptable equivalents for application to the POST:
UTSG: RSM219H1 | |
UTSC: MGTA05H3 or ( MGTA01H3 and MGTA02H3) UTSG: RSM100H1 | |
UTSG: ECO100Y1 or ( ECO101H1 and ECO102H1) UTM: ECO100Y5 | |
UTSG: MAT133Y1 or ( MAT135H1 and MAT136H1) UTM: MAT135Y5 or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or MAT137Y5 or MAT157Y5 |
This program leads to a Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) degree. This Specialist program cannot be combined with the Management (Major or Specialist), Digital Enterprise Management Specialist, or Human Resource Management Specialist.
Enrolment Requirements:Limited Enrolment — Admission to this program is based on the following criteria:
This program has a total of 16.0 credits.
First Year (3.0 credits):
Higher Years:
Management: (8.0 credits)
*Note: It is recommended that students interested in pursuing the marketing stream consider completing CCT109H5 and CCT110H5 to ensure access to some upper year CCT courses. Students have the option to select some CCT courses to fulfill elective requirements in which prerequisites are strictly enforced.
**Note: MGT450H5 and MGT451H5 can fulfil only one.
Economics: (5.0 credits)
No more than 0.5 Economic History credit
Note:Note that Management and Commerce students can only use 1.0 ROP credit towards program completion.
Please note the following list of acceptable equivalents for application to the POST:
UTSG: RSM219H1 | |
UTSC: MGTA05H3 or ( MGTA01H3 and MGTA02H3) UTSG: RSM100H1 | |
UTSG: ECO100Y1 or ( ECO101H1 and ECO102H1) UTM: ECO100Y5 | |
UTSG: MAT133Y1 or ( MAT135H1 and MAT136H1) UTM: MAT135Y5 or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or MAT137Y5 or MAT157Y5 |
Enrolment in this program is limited. Students wishing to enrol at the end of the first year (4.0 credits) must obtain a grade of at least 63% in both CHM110H5 and CHM120H5 and a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.50 to qualify. Students who do not meet these criteria can apply to enter the Specialist at the end of second year (8.0 credits) with the following new criteria: a grade of at least 70% in both BIO202H5 and BIO203H5 and a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.50. All students (including transfer students) must complete 4.0 UTM credits before requesting this program.
Note: CGPA for enrolment in this program is calculated based on a minimum of 4.0 credits completed at UTM with final percentage grades (i.e. CR/ NCR courses are not applicable).
Completion Requirements:14.5 credits are required, including at least 5.0 credits at the 300/400 level, of which 1.0 credit must be at the 400 level.
First Year:
Note: ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) - Calculus for Life Sciences is highly recommended.
Second Year:
Third and Fourth Years:
No substitute statistics course will be allowed for BIO360H5. Students may take no more than 2.0 credits combined in ROP, Internship Program, or Individual Project / Thesis courses at the 300/400-level for credit toward their Biology program. Students must consult with the Undergraduate Advisor before enrolling in any St. George course that they wish to use for credit toward any Biology program.
Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited to students with a minimum of 4.0 credits, including the following:
Transfer students who have completed any postsecondary studies outside of UTM (including studies at other divisions at the University of Toronto) are not eligible to pursue a Specialist and/ or Major in Computer Science at U of T Mississauga.
The Computer Science Specialist is a deregulated fees program and as such, tuition fees for students enrolled in this program are higher than for other regulated fee programs. Fees are charged on a program and not a per-course basis. See for more information on the fee structures.
Enrolment in the UTMCIP stream of this program is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits, including:
Courses to take in Year of Study 2: Complete CSC207H5/ CSC207H1/ CSCB07H3 by the end of Year of Study 2 to remain eligible for the program.
Students who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 are encouraged to apply. Students must be in good standing with no outstanding academic integrity cases.
Completion Requirements:12.0-13.0 credits are required.
First Year:
Second Year:
Higher Years:
1. In addition to the course requirements above, students must complete an integrative learning experience. This requirement may be met by participating in the UTM Co-op Internship Program (UTMCIP)* or by completing one of the following half-courses: CSC318H5, CSC367H5, CSC375H5, CSC376H5, CSC409H5, CSC420H5, CSC427H5, CSC477H5, CSC490H5.
*Please be advised that the UTMCIP only applies to UTM Computer Science students entering Year of Study 2. For more information about the UTMCIP, please visit the Experiential and International Opportunities page of the UTM Academic Calendar.
2. Students are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the 100-level calculus pre-requisites to select the correct courses.
Limited Enrolment - Space in the Specialist Program in Criminology, Law & Society is limited. To be considered for enrolment, students must meet the following minimum criteria. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.
Note: Students who have taken SOC209H5 will use this credit in lieu of SOC109H5. No specific grade in SOC209H5 is required. The achieved grade in SOC209H5 will be included in the CGPA calculation used to determine admission eligibility.
Completion Requirements:10.0-10.5 credits are required, including 5.0 credits at the 300/400 level
First Year:
Higher Years:
Note: The credits used to satisfy the bulleted requirements listed above must include 3.0 credits at the 300/400 level.
Group A - Criminology, Law & Society Courses:
SOC206H5 or SOC208H5 or SOC210H5 or SOC211H5 or SOC216H5 or SOC219H5 or SOC301H5 or SOC303H5 or SOC306H5 or SOC310H5 or SOC311H5 or SOC312H5 or SOC316H5 or SOC320H5 or SOC321H5 or SOC322H5 or SOC323H5 or SOC324H5 or SOC325H5 or SOC326H5 or SOC327H5 or SOC328H5 or SOC329H5 or SOC330H5 or SOC331H5 or SOC333H5 or SOC337H5 or SOC338H5 or SOC339H5 or SOC346H5 or SOC351H5 or SOC353H5 or SOC357H5 or SOC358H5 or SOC363H5 or SOC365H5 or SOC366H5 or SOC371H5 or SOC378H5 or SOC379H5 or SOC382H5 or SOC393H5 or SOC394H5 or SOC401H5 or SOC403H5 or SOC405H5 or SOC406H5 or SOC420H5 or SOC421H5 or SOC423H5 or SOC424H5 or SOC429H5 or SOC432H5 or SOC446H5 or SOC447H5 or SOC448H5 or SOC450H5 or SOC456H5 or SOC475H5 or SOC493H5 or SOC494H5
Group B - Interdisciplinary Elective Courses:
ANT205H5 or ANT209H5 or ANT217H5 or ANT306H5 or ANT352H5 or ANT354H5 or ANT369H5 or ANT439H5 or FSC220H5 or FSC239Y5 or FSC271H5 or FSC360H5 or FSC406H5 or PHL246H5 or PHL265H5 or PHL271H5 or PHL274H5 or PHL275H5 or PHL277Y5 or PHL365H5 or PHL370H5 or PHL374H5 or PHL376H5 or POL209H5 or POL210H5 or POL215H5 or POL216H5 or POL310Y5 or POL340Y5 or POL343Y5 or PSY220H5 or PSY230H5 or PSY240H5 or PSY270H5 or PSY328H5 or PSY340H5 or PSY341H5 or PSY344H5 or PSY346H5 or PSY440H5 or SOC253H5 or SOC263H5 or SOC275H5 or SOC302H5 or SOC318H5 or SOC332H5 or SOC342H5 or SOC348H5 or SOC359H5 or SOC364H5 or SOC375H5 or SOC380H5 or SOC388H5 or SOC425H5 or SOC455H5 or SOC457H5 or SOC460H5 or SOC463H5 or WGS215H5 or WGS350H5 or WGS351H5 or WGS365H5 or WGS373H5 or WGS420H5
Group C – Enrichment Courses:
SOC230H5 or SOC299H5 or SOC299Y5 or SOC382H5 or SOC399H5 or SOC399Y5 or SOC401H5 or SOC403H5 or SOC406H5 or SOC410H5 or SOC411H5 or SOC412H5 or SOC413H5 or SOC414H5 or SOC415H5 or SOC416H5 or SOC417H5 or SOC418H5 or SOC419H5 or SOC420H5 or SOC421H5 or SOC423H5 or SOC439Y5 or SOC450H5 or SOC452H5 or SOC456H5 or SOC467H5 or SOC480Y5 or SOC485H5 or SOC499H5 or SOC499Y5
Students are not permitted to take any of the following courses elsewhere:
1. SOC100H5
2. SOC109H5
3. SOC205H5
4. SOC221H5
5. SOC222H5
6. SOC231H5
7. SOC350H5
8. SOC387H5
9. SOC440Y5
If any of the above credits are completed outside of UTM, students will be required to complete the UTM version of the
course and it will be designated as an EXT course. Special consideration may be given to new students assessed for
transfer credit at UTM.
Digital Enterprise Management (DEM) is a specialist program, providing students with the skills and knowledge for utilizing digital technologies to solve business management and organizational problems in creative and innovative ways. Students study, build, and critically analyze enterprise-grade emerging technologies in addition to studying the traditional managerial fields such as finance, law, economics, organizational studies, risk management, design, and project management. Understanding the challenges and demands of managing organizations that use and/or develop digital technologies will prepare students for both traditional and digital enterprises.
Limited Enrolment — Admission is based on academic performance (CGPA) in a minimum of 4.0 credits that must include a minimum grade of 65% in each of CCT109H5 and CCT110H5 and CCT112H5. Each year the ICCIT program sets a minimum required CGPA. This will vary from year to year and is based, in part, on supply and demand. All students (including transfer students) must complete 4.0 U of T credits before requesting this program.
Courses completed as CR/NCR will not count as part of the 4.0 credits required for program entry. Tuition fees for students enrolling in the DEM Specialist Program will be higher than for other Arts and Science Programs.
Enrolment in the UTMCIP stream of this program is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits, including:
Students who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 3.20 are encouraged to apply. Students must be in good standing with no outstanding academic integrity cases.
Completion Requirements:13.5 credits are required.
First Year: CCT109H5 and CCT110H5 and CCT112H5
Second Year:
Higher Years:
Limited Enrolment – Enrolment in this program is based on completion of 4.0 credits, including ISP100H5 and one of the following courses with a minimum grade of 60%: ERS101H5 or ERS111H5 or ENV100Y5.
Enrolment in the UTMCIP stream of this program is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits, including:
Students who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 are encouraged to apply. Students must be in good standing with no outstanding academic integrity cases.
Completion Requirements:14.5-15.0 credits are required, including at least 5.0 at the 300/400 level, of which 1.0 credit must be at the 400 level.
First Year:
1. ERS101H5 or ERS111H5 or ENV100Y5
2. ISP100H5
3. CHM110H5 and CHM120H5
4. ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or ( MAT137H5 and MAT139H5) or MAT137Y5
5. ( PHY136H5 and PHY137H5) or ( PHY146H5 and PHY147H5)
6. BIO152H5 and BIO153H5
Second Year: ERS201H5 and ERS202H5 and ERS203H5 and ERS211H5 and ERS225H5 and STA220H5
Third and Fourth Years:
1. ERS301H5 and ERS303H5 and ERS311H5 and ERSE315H5 and ERS325H5.
2. 4.0 additional credits from GGR201H5 or GGR217H5 or JGE378H5 or PHY351H5 or JCB487Y5 or any ERS course at the 300/400 level. Of these 4.0 credits, 1.0 credit must be at the 400 level.
1. No more than 1.0 credit from CPS489Y5 or ERS399Y5 or ERS499Y5 or ERS470Y5 or ERS471H5 or JCB487Y5 can be counted toward the Earth Science Specialist program.
2. Students interested in future certification by the Association of Professional Geologists of Ontario in their Geology and Environmental Geoscience oriented streams may benefit from taking courses in one of the following two pathways:
Resources, Hazards & Tectonics Pathway: ERS302H5, ERS304H5, ERS402H5, ERS403H5, ERS404H5, ERS425H5, JGE378H5, and 0.5 credit from CPS489Y5/ ERS399Y5/ ERS470Y5/ ERS471H5/ ERS472H5/ JCB487Y5.
Earth, Climate, & Life Pathway: ERS304H5, ERS312H5, ERS411H5, ERS412H5, ERS425H5, GGR201H5, GGR217H5, and 0.5 credit from CPS489Y5/ ERS399Y5/ ERS470Y5/ ERS471H5/ ERS472H5/ JCB487Y5.
Enrolment is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits (including BIO152H5 and BIO153H5) with a cumulative grade point average of 2.50. All students (including transfer students) must complete 4.0 UTM credits before requesting this program.
Note: CGPA for enrolment in this program is calculated based on a minimum of 4.0 credits completed at UTM with final percentage grades (i.e. CR/ NCR courses are not applicable).
Completion Requirements:14.5 credits are required, including at least 6.0 credits at the 300/400 level, of which 1.0 credits must be at the 400 level.
First Year:
Note: ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) Calculus for Life Sciences is highly recommended.
Second Year:
Third and Fourth Years:
No substitute statistics course will be allowed for BIO360H5.
Students may take no more than 2.0 credits combined in ROP, Internship Program, or Individual Project / Thesis courses at the 300/400-level for credit toward their Biology program.
Students must consult with the Undergraduate Advisor before enrolling in any St. George course that they wish to use for credit toward any Biology program.
Limited Enrolment – Enrolment in this program is limited to students with:
Students should apply for this program at the end of their second year (8.0 credits), once they have completed the prerequisites listed above. It is recommended that students apply to the Economics Major program (ERMAJ1478) at the end of their first year (4.0 credits).
Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in the Financial Economics Specialist (ERSPE2722), Economics Specialist – BCOM (ERSPE0137), Economics Major (ERMAJ1478), Economics Minor (ERMIN1478), or Commerce: Finance Specialist (ERSPE2034) program.
Completion Requirements:13.0 credits are required.
First Year:
1. ECO100Y5 or ( ECO101H5 and ECO102H5)
2. MAT133Y5 or ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or MAT137Y5 or ( MAT137H5 and MAT139H5);
3. MAT223H5 or MAT233H5
Higher Years:
1. ECO206Y5 and ECO208Y5 and [ ECO227Y5 or ( STA258H5 and STA260H5)]
2. ECO325H5 and ECO326H5 and ECO375H5
3. 1.0 credit in Economic History from: ( ECO302H5 and ECO303H5) or ECO322Y5 or ECO323Y5
4. 5.0 additional 300+ level ECO credits, including at least 1.0 at the 400 level
Specialist Programs
This program can only be taken jointly with a Commerce Specialist program. Students must be actively enrolled in a Commerce (BCom) Specialist Program in order to be admitted to this Economics program. Students must complete one of the following Commerce programs in order to complete this program: ERSPE1704, ERSPE2034, ERSPE2273.
Enrolment Requirements:Limited Enrolment — This program may only be taken jointly with a Specialist program in Commerce which leads to a BCom degree. Students must be actively enrolled in one of these Commerce Specialist (BCom) Programs in order to qualify for this Economics Specialist program: ERSPE1704 or ERSPE2034 or ERSPE2273.
Additionally, enrolment in this program is limited to students with [70% in ECO100Y5 or (70% in ECO101H5 and ECO102H5)] and [80% in MAT133Y5 or (63% in MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or (63% in MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or 60% in MAT137Y5 or (60% in MAT137H5 and MAT139H5)] and 63% in MGT120H5 and a minimum CGPA which is determined annually.
Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in the Financial Economics Specialist (ERSPE2722), Economics Specialist (ERSPE1478), Economics Major (ERMAJ1478), or Economics Minor (ERMIN1478) program.
Completion Requirements:Within a BCom degree, 15.0 credits are required.
First Year:
Higher Years:
Enrolment in the UTMCIP stream of this program is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits, including:
Students who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 are encouraged to apply. Students must be in good standing with no outstanding academic integrity cases.
Completion Requirements:Limited Enrolment — Students enrolling in the Specialist Program at the end of first year (4.0 credits) must obtain a CGPA of at least 2.0 and a mark of at least 70% in 1.0 ENG credit. Students applying to enrol after second year (8.0 credits), must obtain a CGPA of at least 2.30 and a mark of at least 70% in each of 2.0 ENG credits.
Completion Requirements:At least 10.0 ENG credits, including at least 3.0 credits at the 300 level and 1.0 credit at the 400 level. Only 1.0 credit at the 100 level may be counted towards program requirements, and no more than 1.0 credit may be counted towards program requirements from the following courses: ENG217H5, ENG218H5, ENG234H5, ENG235H5, ENG236H5, ENG237H5, ENG238H5, ENG239H5, ENG261H5, ENG263H5, ENG276H5, ENG277H5, ENG279H5, ENG289H5, ENG291H5, ENG319H5, ENG328H5, ENG373H5, ENG374H5, ENG376H5, ENG377H5, ENG378H5, ENG381H5, ENG410. ENG100H5 may not be counted towards program requirements. No course may be counted towards the program requirements of more than one of the 6 areas below. The specialist also requires the following courses:
Admissions to the Environmental Geosciences Specialist program are administratively suspended as of 2024-2025. Students currently enrolled in this program will be allowed to continue.
Completion of this program is intended to fulfill the knowledge requirements for certification as a Professional Geoscientist (P. Geo.) in conformity with the stipulations of the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario (APGO) and the Canadian Council of Professional Geoscientists (CCPG).
Enrolment Requirements:Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is restricted. Selection will be based on completion of 4.0 credits including CHM110H5, CHM120H5, ( PHY136H5, PHY137H5)/( PHY146H5, PHY147H5), ( MAT132H5, MAT134H5)/( MAT135H5, MAT136H5)/ MAT134Y5/ MAT135Y5/ MAT137Y5 and ERS101H5/ ERS111H5/ ENV100Y5 and a minimum CGPA of 2.5.
Completion Requirements:Within an Honours degree, 14.5 credits are required.
Year 1: BIO152H5, BIO153H5; CHM110H5, CHM120H5; ERS101H5/ ERS111H5/ ENV100Y5; ( MAT132H5, MAT134H5)/( MAT135H5, MAT136H5)/ MAT134Y5/ MAT135Y5/ MAT137Y5; ( PHY136H5, PHY137H5) / ( PHY146H5, PHY147H5); STA107H5
Year 2: ERS201H5, ERS202H5, ERS203H5, ERS211H5; GGR201H5, GGR217H5, GGR278H5
Year 3 & 4: ERS312H5, ERS315H5, ERS325H5, ERS412H5, ERS471H5/ ERS472H5; GGR307H5, GGR315H5, GGR317H5, GGR321H5, GGR337H5, GGR338H5; JGE378H5
Students without pre- and co-requisites or written permission of the instructor can be de-registered from courses at any time.
Limited Enrolment � Enrolment in this program is limited to students who have completed ENV100Y5 with a mark of 65% or higher, and who have a CGPA of at least 2.0.
Completion Requirements:12.0 credits are required, of which at least 4.0 must be at the 300-400 level, including at least 1.0 at the 400 level.
First Year: 3.0 credits:
Be sure to look ahead and plan to complete the prerequisites for any upper-level courses that are of interest to you.
Second Year: 4.5 credits:
Upper Years: 4.5 credits:
Note: ENV490H5, ENV491H5 can substitute for #1, #2, #3, or #4 as course requirements, where appropriate, and with permission of the Program Advisor or Academic Counsellor.
Note: This is intended to be an interdisciplinary program. At least four different disciplines must be represented among the courses that are counted as program requirements. For example, a course list selected from ENV + GGR + ANT + POL is acceptable, but a course list selected only from ENV + GGR + HIS is not. Please contact the Program Advisors or Academic Counsellor if you have any questions about the validity of your course selections.
Limited Enrolment � Enrolment in this program is limited to students who have completed ENV100Y5 with a mark of 65% or higher, and who have a CGPA of at least 2.0.
Completion Requirements:12.0 credits are required, of which at least 4.0 credits must be at the 300-400 level, including at least 1.0 credit at the 400 level.
First Year: 4.0 credits:
Be sure to look ahead and plan to complete the prerequisites for any upper-level courses that are of interest to you.
Second Year: 4.0 credits:
Upper Years: 4.0 credits:
Note: ENV490H5 or ENV491H5 can substitute for #1 or #2 or #3 or or #4 as course requirements, where appropriate, and with permission of the Program Advisor or Academic Counsellor.
This is intended to be an interdisciplinary program. At least four different disciplines must be represented among the courses that are counted as program requirements. For example, a course list selected from ENV + GGR + CHM + ERS is acceptable, but a course list selected only from ENV + GGR + ERS is not. Please contact the Program Advisors or Academic Counsellor if you have any questions about the validity of your course selections.
Limited Enrolment — Enrolment is limited to students who have:
1. completed Gr. 12(4U) Biology and Advanced Functions or equivalent;
2. completed 8.0 credits;
3. completed PSY201H5 (or equivalent), PSY210H5, PSY240H5 and at least 1.0 credit of 200-level ANT/BIO/SOC courses with a minimum average of 75% across the 2.5 credits; and
4. a minimum CGPA of 2.70.
Students who do not meet these requirements and/or students who apply after third year must have a psychology average of at least 75% (based on a minimum of PSY201H5 and the next most recent 1.5 credits completed in psychology) as well as an AGPA of at least 2.7. These requirements are based on all courses taken during students' most recent academic year (including Summer, when applicable).
Completion Requirements:13.0-15.0 credits are required, including at least 5.0 300/400-level credits of which 1.5 must be at the 400-level.
First Year: PSY100Y5 and ( ANT101H5 and ANT102H5) or ( BIO152H5 and BIO153H5) or 1.0 credit from the following courses ( BIO202H5 or BIO205H5 or BIO206H5 or BIO207H5 or SOC100H5)
Second Year:
Higher Years:
Students intending to complete Biology courses to satisfy Exceptionality in Human Learning - Specialist requirements, should thoroughly review Biology prerequisite requirements prior to enrolment to determine eligibility.
This program is intended for students planning careers in finance. It prepares students for jobs in banks, investment services, insurance companies, and finance departments of corporations and government agencies. This program will also prepare students for graduate studies in Economics or Financial Economics. Many courses in the program have a technical or analytical focus. This program has a stronger focus on courses related to Financial Economics than the Economics Specialist program (ERSPE1478).
Enrolment Requirements:Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited to students with:
There will be a limited number of spaces available to students with 8.0 credits (including the prerequisites listed above) and a CGPA of 3.30 or with the approval of the Chair or Associate Chair of the Economics Department.
Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in the Economics Specialist (ERSPE1478), Economics Specialist-BCOM(ERSPE0137), Economics Major (ERMAJ1478), Economics Minor (ERMIN1478), or Commerce: Finance Specialist (ERSPE2034) program.
13.0 credits, including at least 1.0 credit at the 400 level.
First Year:
Note: ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) can be replaced by ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or MAT137Y5 or ( MAT137H5 and MAT139H5) or MAT157Y1
Higher Years:
Limited Enrolment — Admission into the Forensic Anthropology Specialist Program is by special application only. To be considered for admission into the program, ALL students, including students admitted into the 1st year Forensic Science category, MUST submit a direct online application in addition to their ACORN request, upon completing the minimum program entry requirements.
Note: Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission into the program.
Forensic Anthropology is a Type 3 program, and applications are open for Round 1 only. There is no Round 2 admission period.
Forensic Science Applications Open: March 1 of each year
Forensic Science Application Deadline: May 1 of each year
Minimum Requirements:
Students applying to enroll after second year must have:
Students applying to this program in the 2024-2025 Academic Year (for program entry in the 2025-2026 Academic Year) will be required to have Grade 12(4U) Advanced Functions or equivalent.
Completion Requirements:A minimum of 15.5 credits are required.
First Year:
( ISP100H5 is strongly encouraged).
Second Year:
Third Year:
Fourth Year:
Limited Enrolment — Admission into the Forensic Biology Specialist Program is by special application only. To be considered for admission into the program, ALL students, including students admitted into the 1st year Forensic Science category, MUST submit a direct online application in addition to their ACORN request, upon completing the minimum program entry requirements.
Note: Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission into the program.
Forensic Biology is a Type 3 program, and applications are open for Round 1 only. There is no Round 2 admission period.
Forensic Science Applications Open: March 1 of each year
Forensic Science Application Deadline: May 1 of each year
Minimum Requirements:
A minimum of 15.5 - 16.0 credits are required.
First Year:
( ISP100H5 is strongly encouraged).
Second Year:
Third and Fourth Years:
This program is accredited by the Canadian Society for Chemistry.
Enrolment Requirements:Limited Enrolment — Admission into the Forensic Chemistry Specialist Program is by special application only. To be considered for admission into the program, ALL students, including students admitted into the 1st year Forensic Science category, must submit a direct online application in addition to their ACORN request, upon completing the minimum program entry requirements.
Note: Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission into the program.
Forensic Chemistry is a Type 3 program, and applications are open for Round 1 only. There is no Round 2 admission period.
Forensic Science Applications Open: March 1 of each year
Forensic Science Application Deadline: May 1 of each year
Minimum Requirements:
A minimum of 16.5 credits are required.
First Year:
( ISP100H5 is strongly encouraged).
Second Year:
Third and Fourth Year:
The following courses are highly recommended for students interested in Forensic Toxicology: BIO200H5, FSC370H5, FSC371H5
Note:Limited Enrolment — Admission into the Forensic Psychology Specialist Program is by special application only. To be considered for admission into the program, ALL students, including students admitted into the 1st year Forensic Science category, MUST submit a direct online application in addition to their ACORN request, upon completing the minimum program entry requirements.
Note: Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission into the program.
Forensic Psychology is a Type 3 program, and applications are open for Round 1 only. There is no Round 2 admission period.
Forensic Science Applications Open: March 1 of each year
Forensic Science Application Deadline: May 1 of each year
Minimum Requirements:
Students applying to enroll after second year must also have:
A minimum of 15.0 credits are required.
First Year:
( ISP100H5 is strongly encouraged).
Second Year:
Third and Fourth Year:
Admissions to the French and Italian Specialist Program (ERSPE0815) are administratively suspended as of 2017-2018. Students currently enrolled in the program will be allowed to continue.
Enrolment Requirements:Limited Enrolment – Final grade of 63% in FRE180H5 and FRE181H5 (or equivalent) is required.
Completion Requirements:14.0 credits are required. The program must include a minimum of 4.0 300/400 level credits (2.0 in French and 2.0 in Italian) and 1.0 credit at the 400 level (either in French or in Italian).
7.0 credits are required.
First Year: FRE180H5 and FRE181H5 (minimum grade of 63% is required) or equivalent. Students exempted from these courses may replace them with a higher level 1.0 credit in FRE.
Higher Years:
1. FRE240Y5 (or FRE240H5 and FRE241H5)
2. FRE280Y5, FRE382H5, FRE383H5
3. 1.0 credit from French Linguistics
4. 1.0 credit from French Literary and Cultural Studies
5. 1.0 additional credit in French linguistics or literature
Course Categories:
• French Linguistics: FRE372H5, FRE373H5, 376H5, 378H5, 387H5, 474H5, 476H5, 489H5
• French Literary and Cultural Studies: FRE312H5, FRE316H5, FRE317H5, FRE319H5; FRE320H5, FRE356H5, FRE357H5; FRE363H5, FRE364H5, FRE365H5, FRE367H5, FRE368H5, FRE369H5; FRE391H5, FRE393H5, FRE397H5; FRE445H5, FRE446H5, FRE474H5
• Language Teaching & Learning: FRE325H5, FRE345H5, FRE352H5, FRE353H5, FRE355H5, FRE474H5, LTL380H5, LTL417H5, LTL456H5, LTL486H5, LTL488H5
7.0 credits are required. Written work will be done in Italian in all courses.
1. ITA200Y5
2. ITA350Y5
3. 1.0 credit from ITA237H5, 239H5, 354Y5
4. ITA231H5/ ITA232H5, ITA420Y5
5. 2.0 additional credits in ITA, excluding ITA100Y5/101H5/ 102H5. Courses not used in #1 above may be used. At least 1.0 credit must be in Italian literature (excluding those in item #2 above).
Limited Enrolment — Minimum grade of 63% required in FRE180H5 and FRE181H5 (or equivalent course).
Completion Requirements:10.0 credits are required, including at least 5.0 300/400 level credits in literature/linguistics, 1.0 of which must be a 400 level credit.
First Year: FRE180H5, FRE181H5 (or equivalent). Students exempted from these courses must replace them with a higher level 1.0 credit in FRE.
Second Year: FRE240H5, FRE227H5, FRE272H5, FRE282H5, FRE283H5
Third and Fourth Years:
Course Categories:
French Linguistics: FRE325H5, FRE355H5, FRE376H5, FRE377H5, FRE378H5, FRE384H5, FRE385H5, FRE387H5, FRE389H5, FRE399H5, FRE399Y5, FRE490Y5, FRE491H5, FRE492H5, JFL369H5, JFL388H5, JFL389H5, JFL454H5, FRE487H5, FRE488H5, FRE489H5.
French & Francophone Literary and Cultural Studies: FRE312H5, FRE316H5, FRE342H5, FRE343H5, FRE356H5, FRE363H5, FRE364H5, FRE367H5, FRE369H5, FRE370H5, FRE391H5, FRE393H5, FRE395H5, FRE397H5, FRE398H5, FRE399H5, FRE399Y5, FRE440H5, FRE445H5, FRE446H5, FRE482H5, FRE491H5, FRE492H5.
The Geography BA program brings together many subjects of interest, ranging from community health issues, urban form and globalization to electoral politics, transportation and economic development. The program emphasizes the development of quantitative and qualitative analytical skills, including cartography, analysis of spatial data, social theory and archival work, which it supplements with field work and collaborative research opportunities. Through their training, geography BA students will become highly skilled and flexible problem solvers, preparing them for some of today's most dynamic areas of the job market.
Students enrolled in the specialists Geography Arts program are required to complete a minimum of six field days over the course of their program. Field days may be accumulated either through a geography field course and/or though geography courses with field day components as indicated in course descriptions.
Enrolment Requirements:Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited to students who have completed GGR111H5 and GGR112H5 and have a Cumulative Grade Point Avof 2.7 (B-) in 2nd year program courses.
Completion Requirements:10.0 credits and 6 Field Days are required.
First Year: 1.0 credit:
Second Year: 3.0 credits:
Third Year: 4.5 credits:
Fourth Year: 1.5 credits:
Field Days: 6 Days
Six days accumulated either through a geography field course and/or through geography courses with field day components as indicated in course descriptions.
The Geography BSc offers a broad perspective on physical geography. In-depth studies include climatology, hydrology and ecosystems, with possible specialization in biogeochemistry, glaciology, landscape ecology, natural resources and urban climate. Students enrolled in the specialist Geography Science program are required to complete a minimum of eight field days over the course of their program. Field days may be accumulated either through a geography field course and/or through geography courses with field day components as indicated in course descriptions.
Enrolment Requirements:Limited Enrolment � Enrolment in this program is limited to students who have completed GGR111H5 and GGR112H5 and a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.7 (B-) in 2nd year program courses.
Completion Requirements:12.0 credits and 8 Field Days are required.
First Year: 3.0 credits:
Second Year: 3.0 credits:
Third Year: 4.5 credits:
Fourth Year: 1.5 credit:
Field Days: 8 days
Eight days accumulated either through a geography field course or through geography courses with field day components as indicated in course descriptions.
ROP/Project courses: Maximum 2.0 credits
Students may take no more than 2.0 credits combined in ROP, individual project courses, or thesis courses at the 300/400 level for credit toward a Geography Specialist program.
Admissions to the Geology Specialist are administratively suspended as of 2019-2020. Students currently enrolled in the program will be allowed to continue.
Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is based on completion of 4.0 credits including ( ERS101H5 and ERS111H5) or ENV100Y5 (with a minimum grade of 60%).
Completion Requirements:14.0 credits are required.
First Year:
1. ( ERS101H5 and ERS111H5) or ENV100Y5
2. CHM110H5 and CHM120H5
3. ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or (MATH135H5 and MAT136H5) or MAT134Y5 or MAT135Y5 or MAT137Y5
4. ( PHY136H5 and PHY137H5) or ( PHY146H5 and PHY147H5)
Second Year:
1. ERS201H5 and ERS202H5 and ERS203H5 and ERS211H5
2. 0.5 credit from ERS225H5 or GGR217H5 or GGR214H5 or BIO356H5 or ESS261H1
3. 0.5 credit from CHM211H5 or CHM231H5 or ESS211H1 or JCP221H5
4. 1.0 credit from MAT212H5 or MAT223H5 or STA220H5 or STA221H5
Third Year:
1. ERS325H5
2. 2.5 credits from ERS301H5 or ERS302H5 or ERS303H5 or ERS304H5 or ERS311H5 or ERS312H5 or ERS315H5 or ESS312H1/ or ESS322H1 or ESS345H1
Fourth Year:
1. ESS420H1
2. 2.5 credits from 400 level courses in ERS or ESS (St. George) or ( JCB487Y5 or ERI398H5 or CPS400Y5)
NOTE: MAT212H5 has the following requirements: Prerequisite - MAT233H5 or ( MAT232H5 or MAT257Y5 as a corequisite); and Corequisite - MAT223H5 or MAT240H5.
Limited Enrolment – Students applying to enroll at the end of first year (4.0 credits) must have a CGPA of at least 2.00 and a mark of at least 70% in each of 1.0 HIS credits. Students applying to enroll after second year (8.0 credits) must have a CGPA of at least 2.30 and a mark of at least 70% in each of 2.0 HIS credits.
Completion Requirements:10.0 credits, meeting the following requirements:
Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited.
For program entry in the 2023-2024 Academic Year (and beyond): 4.0 credits are required, including the following:
Students enrolling at the end of second year (8.0 credits) must obtain the following:
14.0-14.5 credits, meeting the following requirements:
For students entering the program in 2023-2024 (and beyond): ISP100H5
History: 7.0 credits
Note: 2.0 HIS credits must correspond in region or field to the 2.0 POL credits. Students are invited to contact the Historical Studies Academic Advisor for further information.
Political Science: 7.0 credits
7.0 credits in POL are required, including at least 1.0 credit at the 300 level and 1.0 credit at the 400 level and no more than 1.0 POL credit at the 100 level.
Specialists may substitute acceptable non-HIS courses at UTM for up to 1.0 credit of HIS. Students are invited to contact the Historical Studies Academic Advisor for further information.
Limited Enrolment – Students applying to enroll at the end of first year (4.0 credits) must have a CGPA of at least 2.00 and a mark of at least 70% in each of 1.0 RLG credits. Students applying to enroll after second year (8.0 credits) must have a CGPA of at least 2.00 and a mark of at least 70% in each of 2.0 RLG credits.
Completion Requirements:10.0 credits, meeting the following requirements:
This program leads to a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree. This Specialist program cannot be combined with the Commerce (Specialist or Major), Digital Enterprise Management Specialist, or Human Resource Management Specialist.
Enrolment Requirements:Limited Enrolment — Admission to this program is based on the following criteria:
This program has a total of 15.5 credits.
First Year (3.0 credits):
It is recommended that students interested in pursuing this program consider completing SOC100H5 to ensure access to some upper year SOC courses to fulfill the 1.5 Electives Program Requirement listed below.
Higher Years (12.5 credits):
* STA218H5 and MGT218H5 will no longer be accepted as an appropriate course for this program AFTER the 2022-2023 Academic year. Beginning in the 2023-2024 Academic year all students will be required to complete ECO220Y5 as the statistics course for this program.
** MGM222H5 will no longer be accepted as an appropriate course for this program AFTER the 2022-2023 Academic year. Beginning in the 2023-2024 Academic year, all students will be required to complete MGT223H5 as a course for this program.
Note: enough space is reserved each year in MGT480H5 to accommodate the full HRM cohort.
Note:Please note the following list of acceptable equivalents for application to the POST:
UTSG: RSM219H1 | |
UTSC: MGTA05H3 or ( MGTA01H3 and MGTA02H3) UTSG: RSM100H1 | |
UTSG: ECO100Y1 or ( ECO101H1 and ECO102H1) UTM: ECO100Y5 | |
UTSG: MAT133Y1 or ( MAT135H1 and MAT136H1) UTM: MAT135Y5 or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or MAT137Y5 or MAT157Y5 |
Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited to students with a minimum of 4.0 credits, including the following:
The Information Security Specialist is a deregulated fees program and as such, tuition fees for students enrolled in this program are higher than for other regulated fee programs. Fees are charged on a program and not a per course basis. See for more information on the fee structures.
Enrolment in the UTMCIP stream of this program is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits, including:
Courses to take in Year of Study 2: Complete CSC207H5/ CSC207H1/ CSCB07H3 by the end of Year of Study 2 to remain eligible for the program.
Students who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 are encouraged to apply. Students must be in good standing with no outstanding academic integrity cases.
Completion Requirements:12.0-13.5 credits are required.
First Year:
Second Year:
Third Year:
Fourth Year:
1. In addition to the course requirements above, students must complete an integrative learning experience. This requirement may be met by participating in the UTM Co-op Internship Program (UTMCIP)* or by completing one of the following half-courses: CSC318H5, CSC367H5, CSC375H5, CSC376H5, CSC409H5, CSC420H5, CSC427H5, CSC477H5, CSC490H5.
*Please be advised that the UTMCIP only applies to UTM Computer Science students entering Year of Study 2. For more information about the UTMCIP, please visit the Experiential and International Opportunities page of the UTM Academic Calendar.
2. Students are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the 100-level calculus pre-requisites to select the correct courses.
Limited Enrolment - enrolment in this program is limited to students who have completed at least 4.0 credits, including:
Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in the Economics Specialist program (ERSPE1478) or Economics & Political Specialist program (ERSPE0751).
Enrolment in the UTMCIP stream of this program is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits, including:
Students who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 are encouraged to apply. Students must be in good standing with no outstanding academic integrity cases.
Completion Requirements:Within an honours degree, 14.5 credits are required, of which at least 1.0 must be at the 400 level.
1. 7.0 credits are required from the following list:
2. 3.5 language credits from one language discipline, with at least 1.0 credit at the 300/400 level:
Note: An alternate language option can be taken with the approval of the Department. Contact the Economics Academic Advisor for more information.
3. 3.0 credits from: ENV311H5, GGR325H5, GGR333H5, GGR365H5, ( HIS311H5 or HIS392H5 or ECO302H5 or ECO303H5), POL302Y5, POL302H5, POL311H5, POL312H5, POL327Y5, POL327H5, POL340Y5, POL343Y5, POL344H5, POL345H5, POL362H5, or an alternate 300/400-level course with approval of the Department. A list of approved alternates is available on the Economics website -
4. 1.0 credit from: ECO400Y5, ECO406H5, ECO411H5, ECO433H5, ECO435H5, ECO436H5, ECO439Y5, ECO456H5, ECO460H5, ECO461H5, ECO463H5, ECO419H1, ECO459H1, POL475H5, or an alternate 400-level course with approval of the Department.
Note: Contact the Economics Academic Advisor to request course alternates for approval.
Limited Enrolment — Completion of 4.0 credits and ITA100Y5 is required.
Completion Requirements:10.0 credits are required including at least 3.0 300/400 level full courses and 1.0 400 level credit.
Italian Cinema - ITA242H5; ITA247H5; ITA307H5; ITA309H5; ITA311H5; ITA313H5; ITA342H5; ITA343H5
Italian Culture; Literature - ITA218H5; ITA221H5; ITA222H5; ITA231H5; ITA232H5; ITA233H5; ITA235H5; ITA255H5; ITA256H5; ITA237H5; ITA238H5; ITA307H5; ITA315Y5; ITA339Y5; ITA370H5; ITA371H5; ITA390H5; ITA391H5; ITA392H5; ITA415Y5; ITA420H5; ITA421H5
Italian Experiential Learning - ITA388H5; ITA315Y5; ITA400Y5; ITA415Y5
Italian Language Practice - ITA100Y5; ITA102H5; ITA200Y5; ITA201Y5; ITA350H5; ITA351H5; ITA352H5; ITA450H5
Italian Linguistics; Teaching and Learning - ITA227H5; ITA272H5; ITA373H5; ITA374H5; ITA375H5; ITA451H5; ITA437H5
Limited Enrolment --A final grade of 63% is required in FRE180H5 and FRE181H5 (or equivalent).
Completion Requirements:14.0 credits are required. The program must include a minimum of 4.0 300/400 level credits (2.0 in French and 2.0 in Italian), 1.0 credit at the 400 level (either in French or Italian).
7.0 credits are required.
First Year: FRE180H5, FRE181H5 (or equivalent). Students exempt from these courses must replace them with a higher level 1.0 credit in FRE.
Higher Years:
7.0 credits are required. Some written work will be done in Italian in all courses.
Italian Cinema - ITA242H5; ITA246H5; ITA247H5; ITA307H5; ITA309H5; ITA311H5; ITA313H5; ITA342H5; ITA343H5
Italian Culture; Literature - ITA103H5; ITA219Y5; ITA221H5; ITA222H5; ITA231H5; ITA232H5; ITA235H5; ITA255Y5; ITA237H5; ITA238H5; ITA307H5; ITA315Y5; ITA370Y5; ITA390H5; ITA391H5; ITA392H5; ITA413Y5; ITA420Y5; ITA436Y5
Italian Experiential Learning - ITA388H5; ITA315Y5; ITA400Y5; ITA413Y5
Italian Language Practice - ITA100Y5; ITA101Y5; ITA102H5; ITA200Y5; ITA201Y5; ITA350Y5; ITA351H5; ITA352H5; ITA450H5
Italian Linguistics; Teaching and Learning - ITA227H5; ITA272H5; ITA373H5; ITA374H5; ITA375H5; ITA376H5; ITA451H5; ITA437Y5
This program leads to a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree. This Specialist program cannot be combined with the Commerce (Specialist or Major), Digital Enterprise Management Specialist, or Human Resource Management Specialist.
Enrolment Requirements:Limited Enrolment — Admission to this program is based on the following criteria:
This program has a total of 14.0 credits
First Year (3.0 credits):
Higher Years (11.0 credits):
* STA218H5 or MGT218H5 will no longer be accepted as an appropriate course for this program AFTER the 2022-2023 Academic year. Beginning in the 2023-2024 Academic year, all students will be required to complete ECO220Y5 as the statistics course for this program.
** MGM222H5 will no longer be accepted as an appropriate course for this program AFTER the 2022-2023 Academic year. Beginning in the 2023-2024 Academic year, all students will be required to complete MGT223H5 as a course for this program.
Please note the following list of acceptable equivalents for application to the POST:
UTSG: RSM219H1 | |
UTSC: MGTA05H3 or ( MGTA01H3 and MGTA02H3) UTSG: RSM100H1 | |
UTSG: ECO100Y1 or ( ECO101H1 and ECO102H1) UTM: ECO100Y5 | |
UTSG: MAT133Y1 or ( MAT135H1 and MAT136H1) UTM: MAT135Y5 or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or MAT137Y5 or MAT157Y5 |
The Specialist Program in Mathematical Sciences is primarily directed toward students who hope to pursue graduate studies in, or related to mathematics.
Enrolment Requirements:Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in the Specialist program is limited to students with a minimum of 4.0 credits, including:
For students applying in 2023-2024 for program entry in the 2024-2025 Academic Year:
For students applying in 2024-2025 for program entry in the 2025-2026 Academic Year:
13.5-14.0 credits are required.
First Year:
Second Year:
Higher Years:
Enrolment in this program is limited. Students wishing to enrol at the end of first year (4.0 credits) must obtain a grade of at least 63% in both CHM110H5 and CHM120H5 and a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.50 to qualify. Students who do not meet these criteria can apply to enter the Specialist at the end of second year (8.0 credits) with the following new criteria: a grade of at least 70% in BIO206H5 and a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.50. All students (including transfer students) must complete 4.0 UTM credits before requesting this program.
Note: CGPA for enrolment in this program is calculated based on a minimum of 4.0 credits completed at UTM with final percentage grades (i.e. CR/ NCR courses are not applicable).
Completion Requirements:15.0 credits are required.
First Year:
Note: ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) Calculus for Life Sciences is highly recommended.
Second Year:
Third Year:
Fourth Year:
**Note: that both BIO477H5 and BIO419H5 can be taken, but each will be counted only once in the total 1.5 credits required in this section.
Note:Limited Enrolment — Enrolment is limited to students who have:
Students who do not meet these requirements and/or students who apply after third year must have a psychology and biology average of at least 77% (based on a minimum of PSY201H5 and PSY202H5 and the next most recent 1.5 credits completed in psychology and biology courses listed in the Neuroscience Specialist program) as well as an AGPA of at least 3.0. These requirements are based on all courses taken during students' most recent academic year (including Summer, when applicable).
Completion Requirements:11.5-12.5 credits are required, including at least 3.0 credits at the 300/400 level and 1.0 credit at the 400 level.
First Year: PSY100Y5 and BIO152H5 and BIO153H5 and CHM110H5 and CHM120H5 and ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or (or equivalent)
Second Year:
Third Year: 1.0 credit from each of the following three areas:
Fourth Year:
1. Students intending to pursue the Neuroscience Specialist program should be aware of minimum grade prerequisite requirements for entry to BIO152H5 (minimum grade of 70% in Grade 12 SBI4U) and CHM110H5 (minimum grade of 70% in Grade 12 SCH4U)
2. In second year, students are encouraged to consider taking the following courses depending on their planned course of study:
3. Students interested in taking PSY400Y5 in their last year are advised to take PSY309H5 in their third year.
Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in the Specialist Program in Philosophy is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits including 2.0 credits of PHL with a grade of 73% or higher.
Completion Requirements:10.0 credits in PHL are required, including at least 3.0 credits at the 300 level and at least 1.0 credits at the 400 level.
The program must include:
When choosing your courses, keep in mind that not all courses listed are offered every year. Some courses required to complete a program might be offered only every other year. For courses offered during the current year, consult the UTM Timetable website.
Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited.
4.0 credits are required, including the following:
Students applying to enrol after second year (8.0 credits) must complete the following:
11.0 credits are required; including no more than 1.0 POL credit at the 100 level and 4.0 credits at the 300/400 level, of which 2.0 credits must be at the 400 level.
Students are not permitted to take any of the following courses elsewhere:
1. POL200Y5
2. POL209H5
3. POL210H5
4. POL215H5
5. POL216H5
6. POL218H5
7. POL219H5
8. POL243H5
9. POL244H5
10. POL320Y5
If any of the above credits are completed outside of UTM, students will be required to complete the UTM version of the course and it will be designated as an EXT course. Special consideration may be given to new students assessed for transfer credit at UTM.
Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited to students who have:
Students who do not meet these requirements and/or students who apply after third year must have a psychology average of at least 77% (based on a minimum of PSY201H5 and PSY202H5 and the next most recent 1.5 credits completed in psychology) as well as an AGPA of at least 3.0. These requirements are based on all courses taken during students' most recent academic year (including Summer, when applicable).
Please see the Psychology Department website ( for full enrolment requirement details.
10.0-11.0 credits in Psychology are required.
First Year: PSY100Y5
Second Year:
Third Year:
Fourth Year:
NOTE: A single course can be used to satisfy only one Psychology program requirement.
Limited Enrolment - Space in the Specialist Program in Sociology is limited. To be considered for enrolment, students must meet the following minimum criteria. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.
10.0-10.5 credits are required.
First Year:
Higher Years:
Students are not permitted to take any of the following courses elsewhere:
If any of the above credits are completed outside of UTM, students will be required to complete the UTM version of the course and it will be designated as an EXT course. Special consideration may be given to new students assessed for transfer credit at UTM.
The study of Theatre, Drama and Performance examines the relationship between the artists who create written texts intended for production, the artists who turn scripts into performances, and the audiences who experience the resulting theatrical event. It is the study of the event itself and the acts of creation involved in producing that event. Theatre, Drama and Performance involves the study of plays, actors, directors, theatres, designers, and audiences from the classical stage to contemporary plays and performances from around the world.
The focus of Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies at U of T Mississauga, both curricular and extra-curricular, is the Erindale Studio Theatre and the Multi-Media Studio Theatre in the CCT Building (or MiST). The Erindale Studio Theatre is used for performances of Theatre Erindale, the production company of the Specialist Program, and for performances of the English and Drama Student Society (EDSS). MiST is used for teaching and co-curricular and extra-curricular performances by all programs. We also have several rehearsal halls in Deerfield Hall that are used for classes, performances, and other program activities.
Courses in related topics are given in many disciplines. A list of these courses is given in the general notes for All Programs below and students interested in the field are advised to consider taking some of them.
The Specialist Honours Program in Theatre & Drama Studies, offered jointly with Sheridan College, involves the study of plays, actors, theatres, designers and audiences from the classical stage to contemporary plays and performances from around the world. We give students the opportunity to earn a two-year (equivalent) conservatory diploma in professional actor training from Sheridan within a Specialist degree in performance history and theory and dramatic literature from U of T Mississauga. This high-powered combined program prepares students for a career on the stage or behind the scenes in the professional theatre world, or for drama teaching at the high school or university level.
Enrolment Requirements:Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited to students who are successful in an audition, conducted in the spring of each year. For audition requirements, please see the website Enrolment in all studio courses (DRS) is restricted to students in the Specialist Program. Students applying to proceed to the second year of the Theatre and Drama Studies program must have completed 4.0 credits with a minimum CGPA of 2.0.
TDS students must enroll in the Specialist Subject POSt at the end of the first year. Check your email and ACORN for further information about your Subject POSt or contact your undergraduate advisor.
Completion Requirements:12.0 credits are required.
First Year:
Second Year:
Third & Fourth Year:
Limited Enrolment – Enrolment in this program is highly competitive and will be limited as follows (meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission):
Tuition fees for students enrolling in this Department of Visual Studies program will be higher than for other Arts and Sciences programs.
Completion Requirements:13.0 credits are required, including at least 1.0 credit of VCC at the 400 level.
Specialists in VCC are strongly urged to structure their studies as follows:
First Year: CCT109H5 and CCT110H5 and FAH101H5 and VCC101H5 and CIN101H5 and ISP100H5
Second Year:
1. 1.0 credit from CCT204H5 or CCT250H5 or CCT270H5
2. 1.0 credit from CCT200H5 or CCT206H5 or CCT210H5
3. 1.0 credit from VCC205H5 or VCC236H5 or VCC290H5
Third Year:
1. 2.0 credits from CCT310H5 or CCT311H5 or CCT353H5 or VCC394H5 or VCC397H5
2. 1.5 credits of VCC at the 300/400 level
3. 1.0 credit from VST410H5 or any CIN or FAH course at the 300/400 level
Fourth Year:
1. VCC400H5 and 0.5 additional credit of VCC at the 400 level
2. CCT417H5 and CCT434H5 and CCT453H5 (with permission and the appropriate prerequisites, up to 1.0 credit can be replaced with FAS246H5 or FAS346Y5 or FAS347Y5)
Students admitted to the program prior to 2022 must follow the program requirements in the 2021 academic calendar if they wish to receive the Certificate in Digital Communications from Sheridan College. The Certificate in Digital Communications will no longer be available for students enrolling in 2022 and beyond.