Final Examinations
U of T Mississauga Final Examinations
A final examination, common to all sections of the course, and counting for between one-third and two-thirds of the final mark, must be held in each undergraduate course, unless an exemption has been granted. Department Chairs may grant exemptions to instructors from holding final examinations in 200-, 300- and 400-level courses. In any course where there is a final examination, the Department Chair may allow a reduction in the value of the examination from one-third of the final mark to no less than one-quarter of the final mark.
Final examinations are held at the end of each term. Students who make personal commitments during the examination period do so at their own risk. Students are expected to be available for the entire examination period. Information regarding dates, times and locations of examinations will not be given by telephone or in writing. The examination schedule is available at Please note that students cannot re-write an examination that they have already attempted.
Students taking courses during the day may be required to write evening examinations, and students taking evening courses may be required to write examinations during the day. Students taking Monday to Friday day or evening courses may be required to write Saturday or Sunday examinations. Final exam start times are 9:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 5:00 p.m.
The ratio of term marks to examination mark will be the same for all sections of multi-section courses that have final examinations.
In the event of a University closure due to unforeseen circumstances such as inclement weather, other emergency, etc., which results in the cancellation of final examinations, the final examination will be held on the exam contingency day following the end of the regular exam period.
Examination Conflicts
U of T Mississauga students who have:
- two University of Toronto final examinations in the same time slot, or
- three consecutive final examinations -- e.g., 1 p.m., 5 p.m. on a Monday, and 9 a.m. on a Tuesday (Note: This accommodation does not apply to the deferred examination period), or
- three examinations on one day,
should submit an online Examination Conflict(s) & Religious Accommodation Reporting Form to the Office of the Registrar by no later than the deadline listed on the U of T Mississauga examination schedule.
Students who are enrolled in a scheduled course conflict (lecture to lecture) at the time the exam schedule is produced will not be accommodated for scenarios 2 and 3 above.
In the case where a regularly scheduled course or test at another U of T division conflicts with a UTM final exam, the regularly scheduled course or test will take precedence. The student is responsible for contacting the Office of the Registrar to ensure that the conflict is declared so that appropriate arrangements to reschedule the final exam can be made.
Accommodation for Religious Reasons
Students must complete an Examination Conflict(s) & Religious Accommodation Reporting Form. The reporting form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by the date listed on the U of T Mississauga examination schedule.
Rules of Conduct for Examinations
- No person will be allowed in an examination room during an exam except the students concerned and those supervising the exam.
- Students must appear at the exam room at least fifteen minutes before the posted start time of the exam.
- Students are required to bring two pieces of photo ID to each exam. One MUST be a valid U of T student ID card (TCard) and the other must be government-issued (e.g. driver's licence, passport).
- Bags, purses, coats/jackets, books are to be deposited in areas designated by the Chief Presiding Officer (CPO) and are not to be taken to the exam desk or table. Students may place their wallets in the clear, sealable, plastic bag and put them on the floor under their chair. The student must not touch or open the bag during the exam.
- All electronic devices with storage, including but not limited to, cell phones, smart watches, smart devices tablets, laptops, calculators, etc., must be turned off, sealed in the clear, plastic bags provided and placed under the desk for the duration of the examination. The student must not touch or open the bag during the exam.
- The CPO has authority to assign seats to students.
- Students cannot communicate with one another, in any manner whatsoever, during the examination.
- Students may not leave the exam room unescorted for any reason, and this includes using the washroom.
- No materials may be used at an exam except those authorized by the Instructor or Chief Presiding Officer.
- Students who bring any unauthorized material into an examination room, or who assist or obtain assistance from other students or from any unauthorized source, are liable to penalties/sanctions as listed in the university's Code of Behaviour on Academic Matters, including the loss of academic credit, suspension or expulsion.
- Students who are less than 30 minutes late for a final exam may enter the exam room and begin writing. No extra time will be given. Students who are more than 30 minutes late for a final exam must report immediately to the Office of the Registrar in the Innovation Complex, Room 1235.
- To ensure minimal disruption at the beginning and end of an exam, students must remain seated at their desks for at least the first 30 minutes and the final 10 minutes of an examination.
- During the last 10 minutes of an exam, students are to remain in their seats until the exam is over and the CPO has collected all exams.
- At the conclusion of an exam, students must stop writing. The CPO may seize the papers of students who fail to observe this requirement. The CPO will write a detailed anomaly and inform the student that this matter will be reported to the Office of the Dean and a penalty may be imposed.
- Exam books and other material issued for the exam cannot be removed from the exam room, except by authority of the CPO.
- U of T Mississauga is not responsible for personal property left in exam rooms.
Missed Final Exams
In addition to using the Absence Declaration on ACORN, students are still required to submit proper medical or other documentation to support a formal petition for deferred exams. For more information on petitions, please see Petitions.
Students should consult with the Office of the Registrar if the period of absence will be lengthy and affect more than one exam.
External Exams
Students are normally required to write final U of T Mississauga exams on campus. However, if special circumstances arise, they may petition to write a final exam at an external examination centre.
In-class Courses
Students taking in-class courses who are unable to attend the campus to write their final examination(s) and have an exceptional reason, may petition for permission to write the examination at an external examination centre. To do so, the student must submit an online petition under the "Other" category no later than four weeks before the beginning of the examination period. In the petition, the student must clearly indicate the following: that it is a request for an external exam, the name of the centre that the student intends to write at and appropriate contact information.
If the petition is granted, the examination will be written on the originally scheduled date and time at the external examination centre. Students will be required to pay a non-refundable fee plus applicable shipping costs to the Office of the Registrar at U of T Mississauga. Students are responsible for any fees charged by the external examination centre. Such permission is granted only in exceptional circumstances.
Online Courses
Online courses may require students to write an in-person final examination. To be eligible to write a final examination at an external examination centre, students must submit a petition under the "Other" category no later than 4 weeks after the start of term and outline the extenuating circumstances which prevents them from writing their in-person exam. To be considered for this request, students should have no other exams on campus during that examination period.
In their petition, the student must clearly indicate the following:
- that it is a request for an external exam
- the name of the centre that the student intends to write at and appropriate contact information
- an explanation why they cannot write their in-person exam
Before the petition is submitted students should review the helpful articles available on AskRegistrar related to External Examinations -- Online Courses.
If the petition request is granted, the student will be notified to proceed with making arrangements and payment with the external examination centre. The student is responsible for any fees charged by the external examination centre. If the proposed external examination centre cannot be confirmed for any reason, the student will be required to find an alternate location. For more information, students should contact the Office of the Registrar.
Deferred Examinations
Deferred examinations will normally be scheduled in the week following the regular exam period or, in the case of December exams, during Reading Week in February.
Students who miss a deferred exam will receive a mark of zero for the exam in the calculation of the final grade. Only under exceptional circumstances (e.g., hospitalization or severe personal emergency), and when supported with strong and compelling evidence, will a petition for a further deferred exam be considered. Students who are granted further deferrals of unwritten final examinations will write the exam the next academic session in which the course is offered.
Students who missed their final exam due to illness or extenuating circumstances are advised to read Deferred Examinations on the Office of the Registrar website for more information.
Ordering a Copy of Your Final Exam (Examination Reproduction)
After the release of final marks, a reproduction of the examination can be obtained from the Office of the Registrar at U of T Mississauga by submitting the Exam Reproduction Request(s) form. Students will be required to pay a non-refundable fee.
Requests for an exam reproduction must be made within six months of the date of the exam. After that date, all examinations are destroyed.
Request a Re-Check or Re-read
Requests for clerical re-checks and examination re-reads must be made within six months of the date of the exam.
Students who feel that an error has been made in the calculation of their exam grade, may request a clerical re-check with the relevant department.
Students who feel there is merit for additional marks should complete an Exam Re-Read Request(s) form.
In completing the request, students must demonstrate that their answer is substantially correct, using evidence other than their own opinion, such as: lecture notes, textbooks, similar questions in tests, etc. Failure to do so may result in the instructor refusing to re-read an examination.
Please note that the exam grade may increase, decrease or remain unchanged.