DRE362H5 • Playwriting

An introduction to the art and craft of writing for the stage. Through a variety of practical exercises, students will be encouraged to explore the unique properties of the theatrical environment. Topics for investigation will include general issues (such as language, plot structure, characterization, metaphor, and symbolism, etc.) as well as issues specific to the theatrical context (such as theatrical time and space, movement, engagement with an audience, relationship to other theatre practitioners, etc.). The class will involve writing in and out of class, as well as exercises in effective and constructive critique of one another's work.

[4.0 full credits, including (DRE121H5 or ENG121H5) and (DRE122H5 or ENG122H5)] or permission of instructor. In some years, a portfolio submission will be required. Contact the undergraduate advisor for details.
In Class
Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies