ECO375H5 • Applied Econometrics I

(Formerly ECO327Y5) This course is an introduction to econometrics. Statistical foundations and the interpretation of multiple regression models, with an emphasis on cross-sectional data. Application of regressions to a wide variety of economic questions and data sources, including the use of statistical software. Problems in the identification of causality, and an introduction to methods of addressing common statistical issues. This course is recommended for students contemplating graduate studies. This course is part of the Certificate in Advanced Economics.

(ECO200Y5 or ECO204Y5 or ECO206Y5) and (ECO202Y5 or ECO208Y5 or ECO209Y5) and (ECO220Y5(70%) or ECO227Y5 or (1.0 credit from STA256H5, STA258H5, STA260H5)).
Social Science
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