GGR389H5 • Field Studies in Human Geography

This course will provide students with a first-hand exposure to the social, urban, historical and cultural geography of a North American city. During a 5-7 day stay in a city, students will apply basic field methods, such as observation and field note taking, to gain an in-depth understanding of the landscape and build environment. Students will participate in collecting primary observational data as well as gathering information gleaned from guided tours, lectures and group discussion. Admission to course will be through application due by end of March. The student's application must be submitted to the department and must include a current transcript, a current curriculum vita, and a letter of application explaining why their qualifications and interest make them suitable candidates for this field course opportunity. Applicants who meet minimum criteria will be selected for an interview. Acceptance will be based on a combination of GPA, experience, qualifications and interview performance. There is a nonrefundable fee associated with this course beyond tuition, for which the accepted students are responsible. This course fulfills 6 field days.

8.0 credits including GGR111H5 and GGR207H5 and GGR210H5 and GGR277H5
Social Science
In Class