PHL284H5 • Ethics of Eating

What obligations do we have in light of the effects of our food choices? Do we have any obligations to non-human animals; are we obliged to spare them painful lives and deaths? Are we obligated to spare their lives altogether? What about our obligations to our fellow humans, and to the environment that future humans will live in? Are we obligated to choose foods that minimize harm to the environment and to other communities? We will explore these questions at both the individual and the social-policy levels. For example, should we as a society have laws that ban certain foods, or certain treatments of animals? Or do such laws trample the freedom of individual choice? Whatever laws we do have, are we as individuals obliged to take responsibility for what we eat? Or are the effects of our choices just an insignificant drop in the bucket, since they make no real difference given what everyone else is doing?

PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL113H5 or PHL105Y5 or 4.0 credits
In Class