UTM119H5 • utmONE: Lights, Camera, Culture: Exploration of Cinema

This course will explore how cinematic movies represent time capsules. They tell stories that embody historical events, describe political ideas, represent race and gender roles, disseminate propaganda, display economic class difference, demonstrate the technological sophistication of its day, capture styles of fashion, music and art, and propagate culturally important ideas. As movies are watched by everyone across the whole socioeconomic spectrum (both historically and currently), students will have an opportunity to evaluate and discuss how this powerful form of media has had and will continue to play an important role in representing and shaping society. As part of this course students will participate in a series of tutorials that will introduce them to essential elements of a holistic student experience (such as career exploration, health and wellness, and co-curricular engagement).

Social Science
In Class
Study of University Pedagogy