FAH457H5 • Exile and Modern Art

Investigates the role of exile, expatriation, and alienation in art of the late 19th and 20th centuries. Considering the idea of psychological and/or physical displacement as key to the condition of modernity and the formation of artistic modernisms, the course analyzes artistic strategies of representing, coping with, and/or enacting displacement and alienation (of the artist, the viewer, the object) in the work of Gauguin, Dada artists, Pollock, Morimura, Hatoum, Wodiczko, Whiteread, and others.

(FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH287H5 or FAH288H5) and 0.5 credit in FAH/VCC at the 300-level or permission of instructor
In Class