FRE370H5 • Voices from No-Man's Land: Diaspora Writings in the 21st Century Francophone Literature

Contemporary literature written in the French language offers a rich and fertile ground for writers of various origins, cultures and languages who are united by several common factors: exile, immigration, transculturation, identity and alterity, and relationship with French, among others. This course explores these topics while relating them to literary and cultural contexts as well as students' real life through extensive reading and analysis of ultra contemporary novels and short stories by authors such as Dany Laferrière, Ying Chen, Aki Shimazaki, Kim Thúy, Marco Micone, Abla Farhoud, Sergio Kokis, Agota Kristof, Dai Sijie, or Nancy Huston.

(FRE240H5 and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5
In Class