CSC338H5 • Numerical Methods

Computational methods for solving numerical problems in science, engineering and business. Linear and non-linear equations, approximation, optimization, interpolation, integration and differentiation. The aim is to give students a basic understanding of floating-point arithmetic and the implementation of algorithms used to solve numerical problems, as well as a familiarity with current numerical computing environments. Course concepts are crucial to a wide range of practical applications such as computational finance and portfolio management, graphics and special effects, data mining and machine learning, as well as robotics, bioinformatics, medical imaging and others.

CSC148H5 and (MAT134H5 or MAT136H5 or MAT137Y5 or MAT139H5 or MAT157Y5 or MAT159H5 or MAT233H5) and (MAT223H5 or MAT240H5) and (CSC263H5 or 1.0 MAT credit at the 200+ level)
Priority is given to students enrolled in Computer Science Specialist, Information Security Specialist, Bioinformatics Specialist or Computer Science Major programs.
In Class
Computer Science