LIN399Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

This course provides senior undergraduate students who have developed some knowledge of research methods used in the discipline of Linguistics to work in the research project of a U of T Mississauga professor for course credit. Enrolled students have the opportunity to become involved in original research, develop their research skills, and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Project descriptions for participating faculty members for the following summer and fall/winter sessions are posted on the ROP website in mid-February; students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

LIN101H5 and LIN102H5 and [1.0 credit from JAL253H5 or JLP285H5 (formerly LIN288H5) or LIN228H5 or LIN229H5 or LIN231H5 or LIN232H5 or LIN237H5 or LIN256H5]
University-Based Experience
In Class