Linguistic Studies - Minor (Arts)

Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in the Minor program is limited to students who have achieved at least 63% in both LIN101H5 and LIN102H5. Second year entry requirements (for those students who have not met the enrolment requirement in the first year): A grade of 67% in at least two of the following seven courses: LIN228H5, LIN229H5, LIN231H5, LIN232H5, LIN237H5, LIN240H5, LIN256H5, JLP285H5 (formerly LIN288H5). 


Students cannot be enrolled simultaneously in the Linguistic Studies Major and the Linguistic Studies Minor programs.

4.0 credits are required.

First Year: LIN101H5 and LIN102H5

Upper Years: The remaining courses to be chosen from the following list:

  1. Minimum 1.0 credit from the following list: LIN228H5, LIN229H5, LIN231H5, LIN232H5, LIN237H5, LIN240H5, LIN256H5, JLP285H5 (formerly LIN288H5).
  2. Minimum 1.0 credit from the following list: any 300 and 400 level LIN, JAL, JFL, or JLP courses.
  3. 1.0 credit from any remaining courses listed in (1) or (2) or from the following list: FRE489H5, ITA373H5, ITA437H5, ITA451H5, and SAN392Y5.

Some of the courses listed above have prerequisites which would not count towards this program.

No more than 1.5 credits can be double counted towards two programs of study in Linguistics.