Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in the Specialist program is limited to students with a minimum of 4.0 credits, including:
For students applying in 2023-2024 for program entry in the 2024-2025 Academic Year:
- STA107H5 (with a minimum grade of 60%) or STA256H5;
- MAT134H5 or MAT136H5 or MAT137Y5 or MAT139H5 or MAT233H5 (minimum 60%) or MAT157Y5 or MAT159H5; and
- A minimum cumulative grade point average, to be determined annually.
- All students must complete 4.0 U of T credits before requesting this program. Courses with a grade of CR/NCR will not count as a part of the 4.0 credits required for program entry.
For students applying in 2024-2025 for program entry in the 2025-2026 Academic Year:
- STA107H5 (with a minimum grade of 60%) or STA256H5;
- MAT134H5 or MAT136H5 or MAT137Y5 or MAT139H5 or MAT233H5 (minimum 60%) or MAT157Y5 or MAT159H5;
- ISP100H5; and
- A minimum cumulative grade point average, to be determined annually.
- All students must complete 4.0 U of T credits before requesting this program. Courses with a grade of CR/NCR will not count as a part of the 4.0 credits required for program entry.
12.0-13.0 credits are required.
First Year:
- CSC108H5
- MAT102H5
- [( MAT132H5 or MAT135H5 or MAT137H5 or MAT157H5) and ( MAT134H5 or MAT136H5 or MAT139H5 or MAT159H5)] or MAT137Y5 or MAT157Y5
- MAT223H5 or MAT240H5
- For students entering the program in 2025-2026 (and beyond): ISP100H5
Second Year:
Higher Years:
- STA302H5 and STA304H5 and STA305H5 and STA348H5
- 2.0 credits of STA at the 300/400 level
- 2.0 credits from CSC322H5 or ( CSC311H5 or CSC411H5) or MAT302H5 or MAT311H5 or MAT332H5 or MAT334H5 or MAT344H5 or MAT337H5
- 1.0 credit of STA
- MAT133Y5 is included in the credit count only if the student also completes MAT233H5 (in which case MAT232H5 is not required).
- Students are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the 100-level calculus pre-requisites to select the correct courses.
- ECO220Y5 cannot be substituted for STA256H5 or STA258H5 or STA260H5.
- ECO227Y5 can be substituted for STA256H5 and STA258H5, but not for STA260H5.
- STA107H5 is highly recommended in first year, but it is not required.
- MAT337H5 is highly recommended for students intending to pursue graduate level studies in statistics.
- Students in the Applied Statistics Specialist may take at most 1.0 credit of Statistics Research Project Courses from STA378H5, STA398H5, STA478H5 and STA498H5.
- STA246H5 will not be permitted as a pre-requisite for any other 200+ level STA courses. In addition, STA246H5 cannot be used towards any program(s) in Applied Statistics or Mathematics. The course is intended only for students in Computer Science programs who will not need STA256H5 for other program requirements.