WRI410H5 • Professional Writing and Communication Internship 1

This course is a practical internship and is available only upon application from PWC Majors. Through a placement, students will apply their expertise in writing, editing and communications. Students must plan well in advance for their placement and work closely with CCIT/PWC placement officer to determine eligibility and suitability. A report of the placement, samples of work completed on the placement and a presentation about it will be required at the end of the placement. These, and the employer's assessment, will determine the course mark.

Completion of 13.0 credits with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 and approval of the internship coordinator/instructor, and evidence of additional career development (e.g. workshops, networking events, and professional communication with faculty, librarians, staff, and peers).
Social Science
In Class
Communication, Culture, Information and Technology