Economics and Political Science - Specialist (Arts)

Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited. Students enrolling at the end of first year (4.0 credits) must obtain:
Students enrolling at the end of second year (8.0 credits) must obtain:

Enrolment in the UTMCIP stream of this program is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits, including:

Students who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 are encouraged to apply. Students must be in good standing with no outstanding academic integrity cases.

14.5 credits are required.
ISP100H5 (0.5 credit)
Economics: 7.0 credits
  1. ECO100Y5 or ( ECO101H5 and ECO102H5)
  2. MAT133Y5 or ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or ( MAT137H5 and MAT139H5)
  3. ( ECO200Y5 or ECO204Y5 or ECO206Y5) and ( ECO202Y5 or ECO208Y5 or ECO209Y5) and [ ECO220Y5 or ECO227Y5 or (1.0 credit from STA256H5 or STA258H5 or STA260H5)]
  4. ( ECO302H5 and ECO303H5) or ECO322Y5 or ECO323Y5
  5. 1.0 credit of ECO at the 300/400-level
Political Science: 7.0 credits in POL, including at least 1.0 credit at the 400 level and no more than 1.0 credit at the 100 level.
  1. POL200Y5 and ( POL215H5 and POL216H5) and ( POL243H5 and POL244H5) and POL309Y5
  2. 1.0 credit each (total 2.0 credits) from two of the following three fields:
    a. Comparative Politics - ( POL203Y5 or POL203H5) or ( POL218Y5 or POL218H5 or POL219H5) or POL300Y5 or POL300H5 or [ POL302Y5 or ( POL313H5 and POL314H5)] or POL302H5 or ( POL303Y5 or POL303H5) or ( POL304Y5 or POL304H5)or POL332Y5 or ( POL354Y5 or POL354H5) or POL360H5 or POL361H5 or POL362H5 or POL373H5 or POL390H5 or POL391H5 or POL438Y5 or POL438H5 or POL440Y5 or POL443Y5 or POL443H5 or POL444H5 or POL445H5 or POL446H5 or POL447H5 or POL448H5
    b. International Relations - ( POL208Y5 or POL209H5 or POL210H5) or POL305H5 or POL307H5 or ( POL310Y5 or POL311H5 or POL312H5) or ( POL327Y5 or POL327H5) or POL340Y5 or ( POL343Y5 or POL344H5 or POL345H5) or POL370H5 or POL406H5 or POL407H5 or POL486Y5 or POL486H5 or POL487H5
    c. Public Policy and Public Administration - POL316Y5 or ( POL317Y5 or POL317H5) or POL318H5 or POL336Y5 or POL346Y5 or POL353Y5 or ( POL355Y5 or POL355H5) or ( POL368H5 or POL368Y5) or ( POL369Y5 or POL370H5 or POL371H5 or POL372H5) or POL493H5 or JEP351H5 or JEP356H5 or JEP452H5 or JPE250Y5 or JPE251H5 or JPE252H5
  3. 1.0 credits of POL