Co-op Internship Program

Experiential Education Unit, Office of the Vice-Principal Academic and Dean

William G. Davis Building, Room 3228-3249 
3359 Mississauga Road 
Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6 



About the Program

The UTM Co-op Internship Program (UTMCIP), administered by the Experiential Education Unit (EEU), Office of the Vice-Principal Academic and Dean, is a professional work-integrated learning opportunity for University of Toronto Mississauga (UTM) students enrolled in specific programs of study. Students enrolled in the UTMCIP stream of their Program of Study complete mandatory Work-Readiness modules, followed by a 12- or 16-month paid, full-time, academically related work experience. The time to degree completion for students enrolled in the UTMCIP is normally 5 years. Students that complete the UTMCIP graduate with an acknowledgement (“UTM Co-op Internship Program”) on their transcript.  

The mandatory Work-Readiness modules help students develop the professional competencies needed for success in the workplace. They prepare students for their work opportunities and enable them to maximize their learning while on work term. The UTMCIP includes 4 online asynchronous modules taken over 3 academic terms. In addition, students complete a 5th online asynchronous module while on work term to support them with reflective report writing for their final assessments. The Work-Readiness modules include assessments that are evaluated for completion.


Eligible Programs

The following academic units and programs have optional UTMCIP streams.

Department of Biology
  • Biology - Specialist (ERSPE2364)
Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences
  • Astronomical Sciences - Specialist (ERSPE1025)
  • Biological Chemistry - Specialist (ERSPE1995)
  • Biophysics - Specialist (ERSPE1944)
  • Chemistry - Specialist (ERSPE1376)
  • Earth Science - Specialist (ERSPE1465)
Department of Economics
  • Economics - Major (Arts) (ERMAJ1478)
  • Economics and Political Science - Specialist (ERSPE0751)
  • International Affairs - Specialist (ERSPE1384)
Department of Mathematics & Computational Sciences
  • Computer Science - Major (ERMAJ1688)
  • Computer Science - Minor (ERMIN1688)
  • Computer Science - Specialist (ERSPE1688)
  • Information Security - Specialist (ERSPE1038)
Institute of Communication, Culture, Information and Technology
  • Communication, Culture, Information and Technology - Major (ERMAJ1034)
  • Digital Enterprise Management - Specialist (ERSPE1307)
  • Professional Writing & Communication - Major (ERMAJ1302)
  • Technology, Coding & Society - Major (ERMAJ1040)


Student Eligibility

Students will be eligible to apply to UTMCIP streams after their first year of study and/or completion of at least 4.0 credits, in alignment with the program’s requirements, and no more than 6.0 credits in total. Please consult each academic program’s credit requirements in the UTM Academic Calendar for more details. Successful applicants will be enrolled into the UTMCIP stream of their academic program in Year of Study 2. The time to degree completion for students enrolled in a UTMCIP stream will normally be five years.

The program is only open to students enrolled in specific programs in its pilot year. To be considered for admission into the UTMCIP, students must meet all the following criteria:

  • Qualify for enrolment in an academic program that is participating in the UTMCIP. Be enrolled in an eligible program from the following academic departments:
    • Department of Biology
    • Department of Chemical & Physical Sciences
    • Department of Economics
    • Department Mathematical & Computational Sciences
    • Institute of Communication, Culture, Information and Technology
  • Be entering Year of Study 2 as a full-time student in the upcoming Fall/Winter session. Upper-year students will not have the option to transfer into the UTMCIP.
    • A full-time student will be enrolled in a minimum of 1.5 credits in each of the Fall and Winter terms.
  • Be in good academic standing at the time of application. Students must remain in good academic standing to continue in the UTMCIP and apply for a work term.
    • Students on probation at the time of application may not apply until their probation is lifted. Students who are assessed as On Probation at the end of the Winter 2024 term will not be eligible for admission to the UTMCIP.
    • Students on academic probation or academic suspension in the Summer after Year of Study 1 (i.e., Summer 2024) will be ineligible.
    • Students suspended in the Summer after Year 1 of Study due to academic misconduct will be ineligible. Please be aware that students suspended after admission to the UTMCIP due to academic misconduct may be removed from the program.
      • Applications by students with a pending allegation of academic misconduct (i.e., with a GWR notation) will be reviewed in accordance with the division’s established academic integrity processes and procedures and an effort will be made to deal with these allegations in a timely manner.
  • Students must be planning to resume full-time studies after completion of all work term requirements.
  • Students cannot currently be part of another co-op program at the University of Toronto or complete a certificate with an experiential learning component.
  • Both domestic and international students from eligible programs may participate.
  • International students must maintain full-time registration throughout the program, so as not to jeopardize their Post-Graduation Work Permit.
  • While it is not necessary at the time of application to the UTMCIP, all international students will require a valid work permit and Social Insurance Number (SIN) to participate in a work experience. UTMCIP staff will connect international students with the UTM International Education Centre for guidance on the required documentation, which will be issued to international students by the Office of the Registrar at least 6 months prior to securing local work experiences so that they have sufficient time to apply for a work permit.
  • Students with part-time status may be considered for the program if they have received accommodation from the University. An example of an accommodation may include, but is not limited to, having a reduced course-load accommodation with Accessibility Services. Students with part-time status who have received accommodation from the University and wish to apply to a UTMCIP stream must contact
  • Students admitted to UTM with transfer credits are welcome to apply. However, applications will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. These students are encouraged to contact the EEU at for more information.



Enrolment in the UTMCIP stream of each academic program is limited and facilitated by application. Students are admitted to the UTMCIP at the beginning of the Fall term of Year 2 of Study.

All students who meet the eligibility requirements stated above will be considered for admission. However, due to the limited space in the UTMCIP, meeting the minimum requirements will not guarantee enrolment in the program. A combination of criteria will form the basis for admission and academic units will consider a student’s CGPA and Subject POSt prerequisites. Academic units will also consider prior work, volunteer, extracurricular and/or community involvement, as reported by applicants on their UTMCIP application form.


Program Structure

Students begin the UTMCIP in the Fall term of Year of Study 2.

Year of StudyActivity
Year of Study 2Completion of the UTMCIP Work-Readiness Modules 1 and 2 and associated assignments.
Year of Study 3Completion of the UTMCIP Work-Readiness Modules 3 and 4 and associated assignments. Participation in the recruitment cycle for the 12- or 16-month work term. The work term may begin in the summer or fall after Year of Study 3.
Work Term12- or 16-month work term: full-time, paid work with a single employer and completion of UTMCIP Work-Readiness Module 5.
Year of Study 4Return to full-time studies.


Academic Requirements

Applying to the UTMCIP is optional; however, successfully completing a minimum of 12 months of continuous employment becomes mandatory once a student is admitted into the program.

Work terms will be assessed based on completion and recorded on a student’s transcript as either CR (credit) or NCR (no credit) with no impact to the student’s CGPA.

Receipt of the transcript notation is contingent upon the following deliverables:

  • Successful completion of all UTMCIP Work-Readiness modules:
    • Module 1: Work-Readiness – Assessing Skills and Developing a Profile
    • Module 2: Work-Readiness – Preparing for the Job Search
    • Module 3: The Recruitment Cycle
    • Module 4: Communication & Professional Practice
    • Module 5: Reflection & Professional Identity Development
  • Registration of appropriate work terms with the EEU
    • Students must complete a 12- or 16- month paid work experience. Each 4-month work block will be coded as follows:
      • CIW300H5F Co-op Internship Work Experience Term 1
      • CIW400H5F Co-op Internship Work Experience Term 2
      • CIW401H5S Co-op Internship Work Experience Term 3
      • CIW402H5F Co-op Internship Work Experience Term 4
  • Completion of the minimum duration of employment, as applicable.
    • One work term (12- or 16-months)
  • Adherence to the signed employment contract between student and employer partner.
  • All work-term deliverables including evaluation forms and final reflection report.

In order to enrol in academic courses while on work term, students must consult with the employer and will need the approval of their academic unit and the Office of the Registrar.


Program Fees

Every student registered in the UTMCIP is required to pay program fees as established by the University. The fees cover the cost of operations including, but not limited to, registration, stakeholder relations, program staffing, business development, curriculum design and iteration, delivery of preparatory program through mandatory Work-Readiness Modules, ongoing student support, and grading. Program fees are calculated in accordance with the Government of Ontario and University of Toronto policies and paid over a series of six installments.

Program fees will be collected as ancillary fees, tied to the first four Work-Readiness Modules (four instalments) and the work term (two installments). UTMCIP fees are the same for both domestic and international students.

If a student is not able to secure a 12- or 16-month work term and instead returns to classes full-time directly following Year of Study 3, the EEU will confirm the student's eligibility for the cancellation of remaining installments. Once paid, fee installments are not refundable.

For details on the program fees, please refer to the Program Fees section on the UTMCIP website.


Withdrawal and Removal

Students may elect to withdraw from the UTMCIP stream of their program at any time and return to the regular program stream with no academic penalty.

Withdrawal Process:
  1. A student who wishes to withdraw from the UTMCIP must complete the UTMCIP Withdrawal Form available on the UTMCIP website.
  2. The EEU will review the student’s withdrawal request and work with the Office of the Registrar to drop the UTMCIP Subject POSt from their ACORN account.
  3. The EEU will inform the Undergraduate Advisor in the corresponding academic unit of the student’s withdrawal from the UTMCIP, who may invite the student for an academic advising meeting to ensure a smooth transition to the regular stream of the academic program.

To guarantee academic continuity, every effort will be made to enable students to return to their regular program stream in a timely manner. Any UTMCIP fees already incurred are nonrefundable. A student may be removed from their UTMCIP stream on ROSI by their academic unit in consultation with the EEU at any time for the following reasons:

  1. Professional misconduct, including but not limited to: 
    • The student left the employer without approval after acceptance of work term offer or during the work term.
    • The student was dismissed with just cause by the employer from a work term.
    • The student received an unsatisfactory work term performance evaluation by the employer.
  2. Academic misconduct as defined by the University of Toronto’s Code of Behavior on Academic Matters.
  3. Offences covered by the University of Toronto’s Code of Student Conduct.

A student removed from the UTMCIP stream of their program of study due to any of the above may appeal the decision by formally contacting the EEU in accordance with existing procedures for appeals. Allegations of academic misconduct and offences covered by the Code of Student Conduct will be handled through the division’s established processes and procedures.