Professional Experience Certificate in Digital Media, Communication and Technology

Admissions to the Professional Experience Certificate in Digital Media, Communication and Technology are administratively suspended as of 2024-2025. Students currently enrolled in the program will be allowed to continue.

The Professional Experience Certificate in Digital Media, Communication and Technology program provides eligible students the opportunity to integrate work placements into their ICCIT program of study. The certificate offers students authentic learning experiences outside the classroom that involve the application of skills and concepts learned in the classroom through a 12-16 week non-credit paid work term and a course-based internship. This certificate program must be taken in addition to any of the current ICCIT programs.

Students enrolled in the certificate program also complete two professional practice courses in class (1.0 credit), CCT273H5 Professional Practice and Communication, and CCT373H5 Career Planning and Development, as well as 0.5 credit from CCT409H5 Special Topics in Work-Based Learning or CCT410H5 CCIT Internship I or WRI410H5 Internship I that count toward their program requirements.

Students will be eligible to apply for this certificate program at the end of their second year of study. Requests to enrol in this certificate program subject post will only be assessed through the Spring term via Acorn with notification of acceptance/invitations made available in the Summer.

Students will be awarded the certificate via a transcript notation upon successful completion of the four required courses and one 12-16 week full-time work placement.

Limited Enrolment: Enrolment in the Certificate Program in ICCIT is limited to students who have met the following criteria:

1. Concurrently enrolled in one of the following ICCIT programs:

  • Communication, Culture, Information and Technology (CCIT) Major;
  • Professional Writing & Communication (PWC) Major;
  • Digital Enterprise Management (DEM) Specialist;
  • Technology, Coding and Society (TCS) Major.

2. Have completed CCT110H5 Rhetoric and Media or WRI173H5 Creative Non-Fiction or WRI203H5 Expressive Writing.

3. Have completed CCT273H5 Professional Practice and Communication with a minimum course grade of 70%.

4. Have achieved an overall minimum CGPA of 2.5. The CGPA requirement for entry will be set each year in relation to the number of applicants, with the minimum being 2.5.

2.0 credits and one 12-16 week full-time work placement.

Required courses:

  1. CCT110H5 or WRI173H5 or WRI203H5
  2. CCT273H5 and CCT373H5
  3. CCT409H5 or CCT410H5 or WRI410H5