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Exceptionality in Human Learning - Major (Science)

Exceptionality in Human Learning - Major (Science)

Enrolment Requirements:

Admissions to the Exceptionality in Human Learning Major are administratively suspended as of 2019-2020. Students currently enrolled in the program will be allowed to continue.

Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited to students who have:

  1. completed Gr. 12(4U) Biology and Advanced Functions or equivalent;
  2. completed 4.0 credits;
  3. a grade of at least 75% in PSY100Y5;
  4. successfully completed 1.0 credit from BIO152H5/​ BIO153H5/​ BIO202H5/​ BIO205H5/​ BIO206H5/​ BIO207H5; and
  5. a minimum CGPA of 2.7
Completion Requirements:

7.0-7.5 credits are required, including at least 2.0 credit at the 300/400 level:

First Year: PSY100Y5; 1.0 credit from BIO152H5, BIO153H5, BIO202H5, BIO205H5, BIO206H5, BIO207H5

Higher Years:

  1. PSY201H5/​ ECO220Y5/​ ECO227Y5/​ SOC350H5/​ STA215H5/​ STA218H5/​ STA220H5/​
  2. PSY210H5, PSY240H5
  3. 2.5 credits from the following: PSY310H5, PSY311H5, PSY312H5, PSY313H5, PSY315H5, PSY316H5, PSY317H5, PSY318H5, PSY319H5, PSY321H5, PSY325H5, PSY331H5, PSY333H5, PSY340H5, PSY341H5, PSY343H5, PSY344H5, PSY345H5, PSY346H5, PSY353H5, PSY374H5, PSY376H5, PSY384H5, PSY391H5, PSY392H5, PSY393H5, PSY410H5, PSY440H5, PSY442Y5
  4. 1.0 additional credit from the following: BIO202H5, BIO205H5, BOP206H5, BIO207H5, BIO210Y5, BIO315H5, BIO341H5, BIO370Y5, BIO371H5, BIO372H5, BIO375H5, BIO380H5, BIO403H5, BIO407H5, BIO434H5, BIO443H5, BIO476H5, BIO477H5; ANT202H5, ANT203H5, ANT331H5, ANT332H5, ANT333H5, ANT334H5

ERMAJ1883 | Program Area: Exceptionality in Human Learning, Psychology

Exceptionality in Human Learning - Specialist (Science)

Exceptionality in Human Learning - Specialist (Science)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Enrolment is limited to students who have:

1. completed Gr. 12(4U) Biology and Advanced Functions or equivalent;
2. completed 8.0 credits;
3. completed PSY201H5 (or equivalent), PSY210H5, PSY240H5 and at least 1.0 credit of 200-level ANT/BIO/SOC courses with a minimum average of 75% across the 2.5 credits; and
4. a minimum CGPA of 2.70.

Students who do not meet these requirements and/or students who apply after third year must have a psychology average of at least 75% (based on a minimum of PSY201H5 and the next most recent 1.5 credits completed in psychology) as well as an AGPA of at least 2.7. These requirements are based on all courses taken during students' most recent academic year (including Summer, when applicable).

Completion Requirements:

13.0-15.0 credits are required, including at least 5.0 300/400-level credits of which 1.5 must be at the 400-level.

First Year: PSY100Y5 and ( ANT101H5 and ANT102H5) or ( BIO152H5 and BIO153H5) or 1.0 credit from the following courses ( BIO202H5 or BIO205H5 or BIO206H5 or BIO207H5 or SOC100H5)

Second Year:

  1. PSY201H5 or ECO220Y5 or ECO227Y5 or SOC350H5 or STA218H5 or STA220H5
  2. PSY210H5 and PSY240H5
  3. 0.5 credit from the following: PSY202H5 (or equivalent) or PSY270H5 or PSY280H5 or PSY290H5 or JLP285H5

Higher Years:

  1. 3.0 credits from the following: PSY310H5 or PSY311H5 or PSY312H5 or PSY313H5 or PSY314H5 or PSY316H5 or PSY317H5 or PSY318H5 or PSY319H5 or PSY321H5 or PSY325H5 or PSY330H5 or PSY331H5 or PSY333H5 or PSY340H5 or PSY341H5 or PSY343H5 or PSY344H5 or PSY346H5 or PSY353H5 or PSY385H5 or PSY391H5 or PSY392H5 or PSY393H5 or JLP315H5 or JLP383H5 or JLP384H5 or JLP388H5
  2. PSY442Y5 and at least 0.5 credit from the following: PSY400Y5 or PSY401H5 or PSY403H5 or PSY404H5 or PSY405H5 or PSY406H5 or PSY410H5 or PSY415H5 or PSY440H5 or PSY474H5 or PSY495H5 or PSY499H5 or PSY499Y5 or JLP481H5 or JLP483H5
  3. One of the following:
    1. 2.0 credits from: ANT202H5 or ANT203H5 or ANT204H5 or ANT205H5 or ANT206H5 or ANT207H5 or ANT211H5 or ANT212H5 or ANT214H5 or ANT215H5 or ANT220H5 or ANT241H5 or ANT306H5 or ANT322H5 or ANT331H5 or ANT332H5 or ANT333H5 or ANT334H5 or ANT335H5 or ANT337H5 or ANT338H5 or ANT341H5 or ANT350H5 or ANT352H5 or ANT362H5 or ANT364H5 or ANT365H5 or ANT401H5 or ANT403H5 or ANT434H5 or ANT437H5 or ANT460H5 or ANT461H5 or ANT462H5
    2. 2.5 credits from: SOC205H5 or SOC209H5 or SOC211H5 or SOC216H5 or SOC219H5 or SOC224H5 or SOC227H5 or SOC240H5 or SOC244H5 or SOC263H5 or SOC275H5 or SOC304H5 or SOC307H5 or SOC310H5 or SOC316H5 or SOC323H5 or SOC332H5 or SOC333H5 or SOC341H5 or SOC352H5 or SOC356H5 or SOC359H5 or SOC371H5 or SOC375H5 or SOC380H5 or SOC456H5 or SOC457H5
    3. 2.0 credits from: BIO202H5 or BIO205H5 or BIO206H5 or BIO207H5 or BIO210Y5 or BIO315H5 or BIO341H5 or BIO370Y5 or BIO371H5 or BIO372H5 or BIO375H5 or BIO380H5 or BIO403H5 or BIO407H5 or BIO434H5 or BIO443H5 or BIO476H5 or BIO477H5 or ANT202H5 or ANT203H5 or ANT331H5 or ANT332H5 or ANT333H5 or ANT334H5
  4. 2.5 additional credits to be selected from the following (no more than 1.0 credit from any one discipline):
    ANT - Any course in 3(a) not counted previously
    SOC - Any course in 3(b) not counted previously
    BIO - Any course in 3(c) not counted previously
    CHM - CHM242H5 or CHM243H5 or CHM341H5 or CHM345H5 or CHM347H5 or CHM361H5 or CHM362H5
    ENG - ENG234H5 or ENG384H5
    FRE - FRE227Y5 or FRE355H5
    HIS - HIS310H5 or HIS326Y5 or HIS338H5
    LIN - LIN101H5 or LIN102H5 or LIN256H5 or LIN358H5 or LIN380H5 or JLP285H5
    JAL - JAL253H5 or JAL355H5
    PHL - PHL243H5 or PHL244H5 or PHL255H5 or PHL267H5 or PHL271H5 or PHL272H5 or PHL274H5 or PHL277Y5 or PHL282H5 or PHL283H5 or PHL290H5 or PHL350H5 or PHL355H5 or PHL357H5 or PHL358H5 or PHL367H5 or PHL370H5 or PHL374H5 or PHL376H5
    RLG - RLG314H5
    WGS - Any course

Students intending to complete Biology courses to satisfy Exceptionality in Human Learning - Specialist requirements, should thoroughly review Biology prerequisite requirements prior to enrolment to determine eligibility.

ERSPE1883 | Program Area: Exceptionality in Human Learning, Psychology

Neuroscience - Specialist (Science)

Neuroscience - Specialist (Science)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Enrolment is limited to students who have:

  1. completed 8.0 credits;
  2. successfully completed PSY100Y5, BIO152H5, BIO153H5, CHM110H5, CHM120H5 and ( MAT132H5, MAT134H5) / ( MAT135H5, MAT136H5)/ MAT135Y5/​ MAT137Y5 (or equivalent);
  3. completed PSY201H5, PSY202H5 (or equivalent), PSY290H5, and at least 0.5 credit from: BIO202H5/​ BIO205H5/​ BIO206H5/​ BIO207H5/​ PSY210H5/​ PSY270H5/​ PSY274H5/​ PSY280H5 with a minimum average of 77%; and
  4. a minimum AGPA of 3.0.

Students who do not meet these requirements and/or students who apply after third year must have a psychology and biology average of at least 77% (based on a minimum of PSY201H5 and PSY202H5 and the next most recent 1.5 credits completed in psychology and biology courses listed in the Neuroscience Specialist program) as well as an AGPA of at least 3.0. These requirements are based on all courses taken during students' most recent academic year (including Summer, when applicable).

Completion Requirements:

11.5-12.5 credits are required, including at least 3.0 credits at the 300/400 level and 1.0 credit at the 400 level.

First Year: PSY100Y5 and BIO152H5 and BIO153H5 and CHM110H5 and CHM120H5 and ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or (or equivalent)

Second Year:

  1. ( PSY201H5 and PSY202H5) or ( STA220H5 and STA221H5) or ( BIO259H5 and BIO360H5) or equivalent
  2. BIO202H5 and BIO206H5 and BIO207H5 and PSY290H5
  3. one of the following: PSY210H5 or PSY270H5 or PSY280H5 or JLP285H5

Third Year: 1.0 credit from each of the following three areas:

  1. Behavioural Neuroscience area: BIO318Y5 or BIO320H5 or BIO328H5 or PSY316H5 or PSY318H5 or PSY346H5 or PSY352H5 or PSY353H5 or PSY354H5 or PSY355H5 or PSY368H5 or PSY369H5 or PSY385H5 or PSY389H5 or PSY391H5 or PSY392H5 or PSY393H5 or PSY395H5 or PSY397H5 or PSY398H5
  2. Molecular/Cellular Biology area: BIO314H5 or BIO315H5 or BIO341H5 or BIO347H5 or BIO372H5 or BIO407H5 or BIO476H5 or PSY355H5 or PSY392H5
  3. Neurobiology area: BIO304H5 or BIO310H5 or BIO380H5 or BIO404H5 or BIO409H5 or PSY318H5 or PSY346H5 or PSY369H5 or PSY393H5 or PSY397H5

Fourth Year:

  1. One seminar from the following: BIO403H5 or BIO404H5 or BIO406H5 or BIO407H5 or BIO408H5 or PSY471H5 or PSY480H5 or PSY490H5 or PSY495H5
  2. One thesis/ research project from the following: BIO481Y5 or PSY400Y5 or PSY401H5 or PSY403H5 or PSY404H5 or PSY405H5 or PSY406H5 or PSY499H5 or PSY499Y5


1. Students intending to pursue the Neuroscience Specialist program should be aware of minimum grade prerequisite requirements for entry to BIO152H5 (minimum grade of 70% in Grade 12 SBI4U) and CHM110H5 (minimum grade of 70% in Grade 12 SCH4U)

2. In second year, students are encouraged to consider taking the following courses depending on their planned course of study:

  • BIO202H5 - required for several courses in the Neurobiology area.
  • PSY210H5 - required for several courses in the Behavioural Neuroscience area.

3. Students interested in taking PSY400Y5 in their last year are advised to take PSY309H5 in their third year.

ERSPE2470 | Program Area: Neuroscience, Psychology

Psychology - Major (Science)

Psychology - Major (Science)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — All students must have completed Ontario Grade 12 Biology (SBI4U) and Advanced Functions (MHF4U) or equivalents.

Students applying at the end of their first year (minimum 4.0 completed credits), must have a grade of at least 64% in PSY100Y5 and a CGPA of at least 2.0.

Students who do not meet these requirements and/or students who apply after second year must have a psychology average of at least 64% (based on a minimum of 1.5 completed credits in psychology) as well as an AGPA of at least 2.0. Both these requirements are based on all courses taken during students' most recent academic year (including Summer, when applicable).

Completion Requirements:

6.5-7.0 credits in Psychology are required, including 2.0 at the 300/400 level.

First Year: PSY100Y5

Higher Years:

  1. PSY201H5/​ ECO220Y5/​ ECO227Y5/​ SOC350H5/​ STA218H5/​ STA220H5
  2. PSY210H5, PSY290H5
  3. one of the following: PSY270H5, PSY280H5, JLP285H5
  4. one of the following: PSY220H5, PSY230H5, PSY240H5
  5. 1.5 credits from the following courses: 0.5 credit must be taken from each group:
    1. Biological Bases of Behaviour: PSY318H5, PSY346H5, PSY351H5, PSY352H5, PSY353H5, PSY354H5, PSY355H5, PSY362H5, PSY372H5, PSY391H5, PSY392H5, PSY393H5, PSY395H5, PSY397H5, PSY398H5; BIO304H5, BIO310H5, BIO318Y5, BIO328H5
    2. Perception/Cognition/Communication: PSY312H5, PSY316H5, PSY362H5, PSY371H5, PSY372H5, PSY385H5, PSY387H5, PSY393H5, PSY397H5, JLP315H5, JLP383H5, JLP384H5, JLP388H5
    3. Developmental/Abnormal/Social/Personality: PSY310H5, PSY311H5, PSY312H5, PSY313H5, PSY314H5, PSY316H5, PSY317H5, PSY318H5, PSY320H5, PSY321H5, PSY324H5, PSY325H5, PSY327H5, PSY328H5, PSY330H5, PSY331H5, PSY333H5, PSY340H5, PSY341H5, PSY343H5, PSY344H5, PSY345H5, PSY346H5, PSY353H5, JLP315H5
  6. 1.5 additional credits in Psychology. At least 0.5 must be at the 300/400 level

NOTE: A single course can be used to satisfy only one Psychology program requirement.

ERMAJ1160 | Program Area: Psychology

Psychology - Minor (Science)

Psychology - Minor (Science)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — All students must have completed Ontario Grade 12 Biology (SBI4U) and Advanced Functions (MHF4U) or out of province equivalents.

Students applying at the end of their first year (minimum 4.0 completed credits) must have a grade of at least 61% in PSY100Y5 and a CGPA of at least 2.0.

Students who do not meet these requirements and/or students who apply after second year must have a psychology average of at least 61% (based on a minimum of 1.5 completed credits in psychology) as well as an AGPA of at least 2.0. Both these requirements are based on all courses taken during student's most recent academic year (including Summer, when applicable).

Completion Requirements:

4.0-4.5 credits are required, including 1.0 credit at the 300 level or above.

First Year: PSY100Y5

Higher Years:

  1. PSY201H5 or ECO220Y5 or ECO227Y5 or SOC350H5 or STA218H5 or STA220H5
  2. PSY290H5
  3. PSY270H5 or PSY280H5 or JLP285H5
  4. PSY210H5 or PSY220H5 or PSY230H5 or PSY240H5
  5. 1.0 credit in PSY at the 300 level or above, excluding PSY399H5 and PSY399Y5

ERMIN1160 | Program Area: Psychology

Psychology - Specialist (Science)

Psychology - Specialist (Science)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited to students who have:

  1. completed Gr. 12(4U) Biology and Advanced Functions or equivalent;
  2. completed 8.0 credits;
  3. completed PSY201H5 and PSY202H5 (or equivalent) and at least 1.5 credits in 200-level PSY courses with a minimum average of 77% across the 2.5 credits; and
  4. a minimum CGPA of 3.0.

Students who do not meet these requirements and/or students who apply after third year must have a psychology average of at least 77% (based on a minimum of PSY201H5 and PSY202H5 and the next most recent 1.5 credits completed in psychology) as well as an AGPA of at least 3.0. These requirements are based on all courses taken during students' most recent academic year (including Summer, when applicable).

Please see the Psychology Department website ( for full enrolment requirement details.

Completion Requirements:

10.0-11.0 credits in Psychology are required.

First Year: PSY100Y5

Second Year:

  1. PSY201H5 and PSY202H5 (or equivalent)
  2. PSY210H5 and PSY290H5
  3. PSY270H5 or PSY280H5 or JLP285H5
  4. PSY220H5 or PSY230H5 or PSY240H5
  5. 0.5 additional PSY credit at the 200-level

Third Year:

  1. PSY309H5
  2. One laboratory course from the following: PSY319H5 or PSY329H5 or PSY368H5 or PSY369H5 or PSY379H5 or PSY389H5
  3. 3.0 credits from the following courses (with a min. 0.5 credits from each grouping):
    1. Biological Bases of Behaviour: PSY318H5 or PSY346H5 or PSY351H5 or PSY352H5 or PSY353H5 or PSY354H5 or PSY355H5 or PSY362H5 or PSY372H5 or PSY391H5 or PSY392H5 or PSY393H5 or PSY395H5 or PSY397H5 or PSY398H5 or BIO304H5 or BIO310H5 or BIO318Y5 or BIO328H5
    2. Perception/Cognition/Communication: PSY312H5 or PSY316H5 or PSY362H5 or PSY371H5 or PSY372H5 or PSY385H5 or PSY387H5 or PSY393H5 or PSY397H5 or JLP315H5 or JLP383H5 or JLP384H5 or JLP388H5
    3. Developmental/Abnormal/Social/Personality: PSY310H5 or PSY311H5 or PSY312H5 or PSY313H5 or PSY314H5 or PSY316H5 or PSY317H5 or PSY318H5 or PSY320H5 or PSY321H5 or PSY324H5 or PSY325H5 or PSY327H5 or PSY328H5 or PSY330H5 or PSY331H5 or PSY333H5 or PSY340H5 or PSY341H5 or PSY343H5 or PSY344H5 or PSY345H5 or PSY346H5 or PSY353H5 or JLP315H5

Fourth Year:

  1. PSY400Y5 or PSY401H5 or PSY403H5 or PSY404H5 or PSY405H5 or PSY406H5 or PSY499H5 or PSY499Y5
  2. 1.0 credit from the following courses: PSY402H5 or PSY410H5 or PSY415H5 or PSY420H5 or PSY424H5 or PSY430H5 or PSY435H5 or PSY440H5 or PSY442Y5 or PSY471H5 or PSY480H5 or PSY490H5 or PSY495H5 or JLP481H5 or JLP483H5 or BIO403H5 or BIO407H5 or STA441H5

NOTE: A single course can be used to satisfy only one Psychology program requirement.

ERSPE1160 | Program Area: Psychology