Program and Certificate Search

Earth Science - Minor (Science)

Earth Science - Minor (Science)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is based on completion of 4.0 credits including ERS101H5 or ERS111H5 or ENV100Y5 (A minimum grade of 60% in one of these courses is required.)

Completion Requirements:

4.0-4.5 credits are required.

First Year: ERS101H5 or ERS111H5 or ENV100Y5

Higher Years:
1. 1.5 credits from ERS201H5 or ERS202H5 or ERS203H5 or ERS211H5 or ERS225H5
2. 2.0 credits of Earth Science (ERS) from: ERS301H5 or ERS302H5 or ERS303H5 or ERS304H5 or ERS311H5 or ERS312H5 or ERS315H5 or ERS325H5 or ERS381H5 or ERS401H5 or ERS402H5 or ERS403H5 or ERS404H5 or ERS411H5 or ERS412H5 or JGE378H5 or PHY351H5

ERMIN1465 | Program Area: Earth Science

Earth Science - Specialist (Science)

Earth Science - Specialist (Science)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment – Enrolment in this program is based on completion of 4.0 credits, including ISP100H5 and one of the following courses with a minimum grade of 60%: ERS101H5 or ERS111H5 or ENV100Y5.

Enrolment in the UTMCIP stream of this program is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits, including:

  1. ERS101H5 or ERS111H5 or ENV100Y5 (minimum grade of 60%)
  2. ISP100H5
  3. CHM110H5 and CHM120H5
  4. ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or ( MAT137H5 and MAT139H5) or MAT137Y5
  5. ( PHY136H5 and PHY137H5) or ( PHY146H5 and PHY147H5)
  6. BIO152H5 and BIO153H5

Students who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 are encouraged to apply. Students must be in good standing with no outstanding academic integrity cases.

Completion Requirements:

14.5-15.0 credits are required, including at least 5.0 at the 300/400 level, of which 1.0 credit must be at the 400 level.

First Year:
1. ERS101H5 or ERS111H5 or ENV100Y5
2. ISP100H5
3. CHM110H5 and CHM120H5
4. ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or ( MAT137H5 and MAT139H5) or MAT137Y5
5. ( PHY136H5 and PHY137H5) or ( PHY146H5 and PHY147H5)
6. BIO152H5 and BIO153H5

Second Year: ERS201H5 and ERS202H5 and ERS203H5 and ERS211H5 and ERS225H5 and STA220H5

Third and Fourth Years:
1. ERS301H5 and ERS303H5 and ERS311H5 and ERSE315H5 and ERS325H5.
2. 4.0 additional credits from GGR201H5 or GGR217H5 or JGE378H5 or PHY351H5 or JCB487Y5 or any ERS course at the 300/400 level. Of these 4.0 credits, 1.0 credit must be at the 400 level.

1. No more than 1.0 credit from CPS489Y5 or ERS399Y5 or ERS499Y5 or ERS470Y5 or ERS471H5 or JCB487Y5 can be counted toward the Earth Science Specialist program.
2. Students interested in future certification by the Association of Professional Geologists of Ontario in their Geology and Environmental Geoscience oriented streams may benefit from taking courses in one of the following two pathways:

Resources, Hazards & Tectonics Pathway: ERS302H5, ERS304H5, ERS402H5, ERS403H5, ERS404H5, ERS425H5, JGE378H5, and 0.5 credit from CPS489Y5/​ ERS399Y5/​ ERS470Y5/​ ERS471H5/​ ERS472H5/​ JCB487Y5.

Earth, Climate, & Life Pathway: ERS304H5, ERS312H5, ERS411H5, ERS412H5, ERS425H5, GGR201H5, GGR217H5, and 0.5 credit from CPS489Y5/​ ERS399Y5/​ ERS470Y5/​ ERS471H5/​ ERS472H5/​ JCB487Y5.

ERSPE1465 | Program Area: Earth Science, Co-op Internship Program

Ecology and Evolution - Specialist (Science)

Ecology and Evolution - Specialist (Science)

Enrolment Requirements:

Enrolment is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits (including BIO152H5 and BIO153H5) with a cumulative grade point average of 2.50. All students (including transfer students) must complete 4.0 UTM credits before requesting this program.

Note: CGPA for enrolment in this program is calculated based on a minimum of 4.0 credits completed at UTM with final percentage grades (i.e. CR/ NCR courses are not applicable).

Completion Requirements:

14.5 credits are required, including at least 6.0 credits at the 300/400 level, of which 1.0 credits must be at the 400 level.

First Year:

  1. BIO152H5 and BIO153H5
  2. CHM110H5 and CHM120H5
  3. ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or ( MAT137H5 and MAT139H5) or MAT137Y5
  4. 1.0 credit from: CLA201H5 or ENV100Y5 or ERS101H5 or PHY136H5 or PHY137H5 or PSY100Y5 or WRI173H5 or WRI307H5

Note: ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) Calculus for Life Sciences is highly recommended.

Second Year:

  1. BIO202H5 and BIO203H5 and BIO205H5 and BIO206H5 and BIO207H5 and BIO259H5

Third and Fourth Years:

  1. BIO313H5 and BIO342H5 and BIO360H5 and BIO443H5
  2. 1.0 credit from courses in organismal biology: BIO325H5 or BIO326H5 or BIO339H5 or BIO353H5 or BIO354H5 or BIO356H5 or ( BIO370Y5 or BIO371H5)
  3. 0.5 credit from field courses: BIO332H5 or BIO416H5 or BIO444H5 other 2-week Ontario Universities Program in Field Biology (OUPFB) Courses
  4. 2.0 credits from core ecology/evolutionary biology courses: BIO311H5 or BIO329H5 or BIO330H5 or BIO331H5 or BIO333H5 or BIO341H5 or BIO361H5 or BIO373H5 or BIO376H5 or BIO378H5 or BIO406H5 or BIO424H5 or BIO427H5 or BIO445H5 or BIO464H5 or GGR312H5 or JBH471H5
  5. 1.0 credit from other UTM biology courses at the 300/ 400 level.
  6. 1.0 credit from related courses from other departments: MAT222H5 or MAT232H5 or STA302H5 or STA322H5 or GGR227H5 or GGR278H5 or GGR305H5 or GGR307H5 or GGR309H5 or GGR311H5 or from courses listed in #4, #5 and #6

No substitute statistics course will be allowed for BIO360H5.

Students may take no more than 2.0 credits combined in ROP, Internship Program, or Individual Project / Thesis courses at the 300/400-level for credit toward their Biology program.

Students must consult with the Undergraduate Advisor before enrolling in any St. George course that they wish to use for credit toward any Biology program.

ERSPE1020 | Program Area: Biology

Economics - Major (Arts)

Economics - Major (Arts)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in the Major program is limited to students with 4.0 completed credits including:

Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in the Economics Specialist (ERSPE1478), Financial Economics Specialist (ERSPE2722), Economics Specialist – BCOM (ERSPE0137), or Economics Minor (ERMIN1478) program.

Enrolment in the UTMCIP stream of this program is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits, including:

Students who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 are encouraged to apply. Students must be in good standing with no outstanding academic integrity cases.

Completion Requirements:

7.0 credits are required.

First Year:

[ ECO101H5 and ECO102H5] or ECO100Y5;
and MAT133Y5 or ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or ( MAT137H5 and MAT139H5) or MAT137Y5.

Second Year:
ECO200Y5 or ECO204Y5 or ECO206Y5;
and ECO202Y5 or ECO208Y5 or ECO209Y5;
and ECO220Y5 or ECO227Y5 or (1.0 credit from STA256H5, STA258H5, STA260H5)

Higher Years:
2.0 credits in 300/400 level ECO courses


  • ECO205Y5, ECO244Y5 and ECO261H5 cannot be used to fulfill the requirements for this program.
  • MGT437H5 can be used as an ECO 300/400 course to satisfy the program requirements for an Economics Major.

ERMAJ1478 | Program Area: Economics, Co-op Internship Program

Economics - Minor (Arts)

Economics - Minor (Arts)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in the Minor program is limited to students with:

Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in the Economics Specialist (ERSPE1478), Financial Economics Specialist (ERSPE2722), Economics Specialist – BCOM (ERSPE0137), or Economics Major (ERMAJ1478) program.

Completion Requirements:

4.0 credits are required, including 1.0 credit at the 300/400 level.

First Year:

  1. ECO100Y5 or ( ECO101H5 and ECO102H5)
  2. ( MAT133Y5 or ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or MAT137Y5 or ( MAT137H5 and MAT139H5)).

Second Year: ECO200Y5 or ECO204Y5 or ECO206Y5

Higher Years: 1.0 ECO credit at the 300/400 level. Note: ECO205Y5, ECO244Y5 and ECO261H5 cannot be used to fulfill the requirements for this program.

ERMIN1478 | Program Area: Economics

Economics - Specialist (Arts)

Economics - Specialist (Arts)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment – Enrolment in this program is limited to students with:

Students should apply for this program at the end of their second year (8.0 credits), once they have completed the prerequisites listed above. It is recommended that students apply to the Economics Major program (ERMAJ1478) at the end of their first year (4.0 credits).

Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in the Financial Economics Specialist (ERSPE2722), Economics Specialist – BCOM (ERSPE0137), Economics Major (ERMAJ1478), Economics Minor (ERMIN1478), or Commerce: Finance Specialist (ERSPE2034) program.

Completion Requirements:

13.0 credits are required.

First Year:
1. ECO100Y5 or ( ECO101H5 and ECO102H5)
2. MAT133Y5 or ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or MAT137Y5 or ( MAT137H5 and MAT139H5);
3. MAT223H5 or MAT233H5

Higher Years:
1. ECO206Y5 and ECO208Y5 and [ ECO227Y5 or ( STA258H5 and STA260H5)]
2. ECO325H5 and ECO326H5 and ECO375H5
3. 1.0 credit in Economic History from: ( ECO302H5 and ECO303H5) or ECO322Y5 or ECO323Y5
4. 5.0 additional 300+ level ECO credits, including at least 1.0 at the 400 level

Specialist Programs

  1. Economics Specialist Program (ERSPE1478) leads to an Honours BA degree.
  2. Economics Specialist – BCOM (ERSPE0137) program can only be taken jointly with the Specialist program in Commerce, and thus leads to a BCom degree.
  3. Enrolment in Economics (Commerce) Specialist Program ERSPE0137 Program is open only to those who have been admitted to the BCom degree program.
  4. ECO205Y5, ECO244Y5 and ECO261H5 cannot be used to fulfill the requirements for this program.

ERSPE1478 | Program Area: Economics

Economics - Specialist (BCom)

Economics - Specialist (BCom)


This program can only be taken jointly with a Commerce Specialist program. Students must be actively enrolled in a Commerce (BCom) Specialist Program in order to be admitted to this Economics program. Students must complete one of the following Commerce programs in order to complete this program: ERSPE1704, ERSPE2034, ERSPE2273.

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — This program may only be taken jointly with a Specialist program in Commerce which leads to a BCom degree. Students must be actively enrolled in one of these Commerce Specialist (BCom) Programs in order to qualify for this Economics Specialist program: ERSPE1704 or ERSPE2034 or ERSPE2273.

Additionally, enrolment in this program is limited to students with [70% in ECO100Y5 or (70% in ECO101H5 and ECO102H5)] and [80% in MAT133Y5 or (63% in MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or (63% in MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or 60% in MAT137Y5 or (60% in MAT137H5 and MAT139H5)] and 63% in MGT120H5 and a minimum CGPA which is determined annually.

Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in the Financial Economics Specialist (ERSPE2722), Economics Specialist (ERSPE1478), Economics Major (ERMAJ1478), or Economics Minor (ERMIN1478) program.

Completion Requirements:

Within a BCom degree, 15.0 credits are required.

First Year:

  1. ECO100Y5 or ( ECO101H5 and ECO102H5)
  2. MAT133Y5 or ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or MAT137Y5 or ( MAT137H5 and MAT139H5)
  3. MGT120H5 and MGM101H5

Higher Years:

  1. MGT Requirements (5.0 credits)
    1. MGT220H5 and MGT223H5 and MGT231H5 and MGT232H5
    2. 1.0 credit from: MGT252H5 or MGT262H5 or MGT353H5 or MGT363H5 or ( MGT371H5 or MGT422H5) or MGT374H5 or MGT393H5
    3. 1.0 credit in MGT at 200+ level
    4. 1.0 credit in MGT at 400 level
  2. ECO Requirements (6.0 credits)
    1. ECO206Y5 and ECO208Y5 and [ ECO227Y5 or ( STA258H5 and STA260H5)]
    2. ECO375H5
    3. 1.0 credit in Economic History from: ECO302H5 or ECO303H5 or ECO322Y5 or ECO323Y5
    4. ECO325H5 and ECO326H5
    5. 0.5 credit in ECO at the 300+ level
  3. Writing Component (1.0 credit). 1.0 credit chosen from the following:

ERSPE0137 | Program Area: Economics

Economics and Political Science - Specialist (Arts)

Economics and Political Science - Specialist (Arts)

Enrolment Requirements:
Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited. Students enrolling at the end of first year (4.0 credits) must obtain:
Students enrolling at the end of second year (8.0 credits) must obtain:

Enrolment in the UTMCIP stream of this program is limited to students who have completed 4.0 credits, including:

Students who have achieved a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 are encouraged to apply. Students must be in good standing with no outstanding academic integrity cases.

Completion Requirements:
14.5 credits are required.
ISP100H5 (0.5 credit)
Economics: 7.0 credits
  1. ECO100Y5 or ( ECO101H5 and ECO102H5)
  2. MAT133Y5 or ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) or ( MAT137H5 and MAT139H5)
  3. ( ECO200Y5 or ECO204Y5 or ECO206Y5) and ( ECO202Y5 or ECO208Y5 or ECO209Y5) and [ ECO220Y5 or ECO227Y5 or (1.0 credit from STA256H5 or STA258H5 or STA260H5)]
  4. ( ECO302H5 and ECO303H5) or ECO322Y5 or ECO323Y5
  5. 1.0 credit of ECO at the 300/400-level
Political Science: 7.0 credits in POL, including at least 1.0 credit at the 400 level and no more than 1.0 credit at the 100 level.
  1. POL200Y5 and ( POL215H5 and POL216H5) and ( POL243H5 and POL244H5) and POL309Y5
  2. 1.0 credit each (total 2.0 credits) from two of the following three fields:
    a. Comparative Politics - ( POL203Y5 or POL203H5) or ( POL218Y5 or POL218H5 or POL219H5) or POL300Y5 or POL300H5 or [ POL302Y5 or ( POL313H5 and POL314H5)] or POL302H5 or ( POL303Y5 or POL303H5) or ( POL304Y5 or POL304H5)or POL332Y5 or ( POL354Y5 or POL354H5) or POL360H5 or POL361H5 or POL362H5 or POL373H5 or POL390H5 or POL391H5 or POL438Y5 or POL438H5 or POL440Y5 or POL443Y5 or POL443H5 or POL444H5 or POL445H5 or POL446H5 or POL447H5 or POL448H5
    b. International Relations - ( POL208Y5 or POL209H5 or POL210H5) or POL305H5 or POL307H5 or ( POL310Y5 or POL311H5 or POL312H5) or ( POL327Y5 or POL327H5) or POL340Y5 or ( POL343Y5 or POL344H5 or POL345H5) or POL370H5 or POL406H5 or POL407H5 or POL486Y5 or POL486H5 or POL487H5
    c. Public Policy and Public Administration - POL316Y5 or ( POL317Y5 or POL317H5) or POL318H5 or POL336Y5 or POL346Y5 or POL353Y5 or ( POL355Y5 or POL355H5) or ( POL368H5 or POL368Y5) or ( POL369Y5 or POL370H5 or POL371H5 or POL372H5) or POL493H5 or JEP351H5 or JEP356H5 or JEP452H5 or JPE250Y5 or JPE251H5 or JPE252H5
  3. 1.0 credits of POL

ERSPE0751 | Program Area: Economics, Political Science, Co-op Internship Program

Education Studies - Minor (Arts)

Education Studies - Minor (Arts)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Enrolment into the Education Studies Minor is limited. To be considered for enrolment, students are required to have completed 4.0 credits with a minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of at least 2.30. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee enrolment into the program.

Completion Requirements:

4.0 credits are required.

First Year: 0.5 credit from EDS100H5 or EDS101H5 (Note these courses are open to all students. Highly recommended but not required for those applying to the EDS minor.)

Second Year: EDS200H5, EDS210H5 and EDS220H5

Third and Fourth Years:

  1. EDS300H5 and EDS310H5
  2. 0.5 or 1.0 credits in experiential learning (for example, EDS325H5, EDS377H5, EDS388H5) or internship courses in other subject areas as approved by the Education Studies Program Coordinator.
  3. 0.5 or 1.0 remaining credits from the following: CSC389H5, EDS250H5, EDS275H5, EDS285H5, EDS291H5, EDS345H5; EDS399H5; FAS453H5, FAS455H5; FRE227H5, FRE325H5, FRE352H5, FRE355H5, FRE382H5, FRE383H5, FRE453H5; JLP388H5; LIN456H5, LIN487H5; LTL227H5, LTL380H5, LTL456H5, LTL486H5, LTL487H5, LTL488H5; MAT382H5, MAT392H5; PHL272H5; PSY310H5, PSY311H5, PSY312H5, PSY313H5, PSY315H5, PSY341H5, PSY345H5, PSY410H5; SOC224H5, SOC480Y5; or additional appropriate courses as approved by the Education Studies Program Coordinator.

Note: Students must check prerequisites and exclusions for the courses listed above to ensure they meet the requirements for entry.

ERMIN0605 | Program Area: Education Studies

English - Major (Arts)

English - Major (Arts)

Completion Requirements:

At least 7.0 ENG credits, including at least 2.0 credits at the 300 or 400 level. Only 1.0 ENG course at the 100 level may be counted towards program requirements, and no more than 1.0 credit may be counted towards program requirements from the following courses: ENG217H5, ENG218H5, ENG234H5, ENG235H5, ENG236H5, ENG237H5, ENG238H5, ENG239H5, ENG261H5, ENG263H5, ENG276H5, ENG277H5, ENG279H5, ENG289H5, ENG291H5, ENG319H5, ENG328H5, ENG373H5, ENG374H5, ENG376H5, ENG377H5, ENG378H5, ENG381H5, ENG410H5. ENG100H5 may not be counted towards program requirements. No course may be counted towards the program requirements of more than one of the 6 areas below. The major also requires the following courses:

ERMAJ1645 | Program Area: English

English - Minor (Arts)

English - Minor (Arts)

Completion Requirements:

At least 4.0 ENG credits, including at least 1.0 credit at the 300 or 400 level. Only 1.0 ENG course at the 100 level may be counted towards program requirements. ENG100H5 may not be counted towards program requirements.

ERMIN1645 | Program Area: English

English - Specialist (Arts)

English - Specialist (Arts)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Students enrolling in the Specialist Program at the end of first year (4.0 credits) must obtain a CGPA of at least 2.0 and a mark of at least 70% in 1.0 ENG credit. Students applying to enrol after second year (8.0 credits), must obtain a CGPA of at least 2.30 and a mark of at least 70% in each of 2.0 ENG credits.

Completion Requirements:

At least 10.0 ENG credits, including at least 3.0 credits at the 300 level and 1.0 credit at the 400 level. Only 1.0 credit at the 100 level may be counted towards program requirements, and no more than 1.0 credit may be counted towards program requirements from the following courses: ENG217H5, ENG218H5, ENG234H5, ENG235H5, ENG236H5, ENG237H5, ENG238H5, ENG239H5, ENG261H5, ENG263H5, ENG276H5, ENG277H5, ENG279H5, ENG289H5, ENG291H5, ENG319H5, ENG328H5, ENG373H5, ENG374H5, ENG376H5, ENG377H5, ENG378H5, ENG381H5, ENG410. ENG100H5 may not be counted towards program requirements. No course may be counted towards the program requirements of more than one of the 6 areas below. The specialist also requires the following courses:

ERSPE1645 | Program Area: English

English Language Linguistics - Minor (Arts)

English Language Linguistics - Minor (Arts)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment - Enrolment in the Minor program is limited to students who have achieved at least 63% in both LIN101H5 and LIN205H5. Second year entry requirements (for those students who have not met the enrolment requirement in the first year): A grade of 67% in at least two of the following ten courses: JAL253H5, LIN208H5, LIN228H5, LIN229H5, LIN231H5, LIN233H5, LIN232H5, LIN237H5, LIN240H5, LIN256H5, JLP285H5 (formerly LIN288H5).

Completion Requirements:

4.0 credits are required.

First Year: LIN101H5, LIN204H5, LIN205H5

Upper Years:

  1. 1.5 credits: LIN233H5, LIN208H5, JAL253H5
  2. 1.0 credit at the 300 or 400 level to be selected from the following list: LIN310H5, LIN325H5, LIN352H5, LIN353H5, LIN357H5, LIN372H5, JAL355H5, JFL389H5, LIN452H5, LIN486H5, CHI411H5

NOTE: No more than 1.5 credits can be double counted towards two programs of study in Linguistics.

ERMIN1200 | Program Area: Linguistics

Environmental Geosciences - Specialist (Science)

Environmental Geosciences - Specialist (Science)


Admissions to the Environmental Geosciences Specialist program are administratively suspended as of 2024-2025. Students currently enrolled in this program will be allowed to continue.

Completion of this program is intended to fulfill the knowledge requirements for certification as a Professional Geoscientist (P. Geo.) in conformity with the stipulations of the Association of Professional Geoscientists of Ontario (APGO) and the Canadian Council of Professional Geoscientists (CCPG).

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is restricted. Selection will be based on completion of 4.0 credits including CHM110H5, CHM120H5, ( PHY136H5, PHY137H5)/( PHY146H5, PHY147H5), ( MAT132H5, MAT134H5)/( MAT135H5, MAT136H5)/ MAT134Y5/​ MAT135Y5/​ MAT137Y5 and ERS101H5/​ ERS111H5/​ ENV100Y5 and a minimum CGPA of 2.5.

Completion Requirements:

Within an Honours degree, 14.5 credits are required.

Year 1: BIO152H5, BIO153H5; CHM110H5, CHM120H5; ERS101H5/​ ERS111H5/​ ENV100Y5; ( MAT132H5, MAT134H5)/( MAT135H5, MAT136H5)/ MAT134Y5/​ MAT135Y5/​ MAT137Y5; ( PHY136H5, PHY137H5) / ( PHY146H5, PHY147H5); STA107H5

Year 2: ERS201H5, ERS202H5, ERS203H5, ERS211H5; GGR201H5, GGR217H5, GGR278H5

Year 3 & 4: ERS312H5, ERS315H5, ERS325H5, ERS412H5, ERS471H5/​ ERS472H5; GGR307H5, GGR315H5, GGR317H5, GGR321H5, GGR337H5, GGR338H5; JGE378H5


  1. Students are strongly advised to consult the Program Advisors in CPS and/or GGR regarding the program of study.
  2. Additional 400-level courses include ERS470Y and GGR417Y

Students without pre- and co-requisites or written permission of the instructor can be de-registered from courses at any time.

ERSPE1253 | Program Area: Environmental Geosciences

Environmental Law and Policy - Minor (Arts)

Environmental Law and Policy - Minor (Arts)


The Minor in Environmental Law & Policy is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the environmental issues, ethical principles, practices, and case studies relevant to legal, political, and social applications, both in Canada and internationally. The program is intended to prepare students for career paths in law, but also more broadly in the private sector, such as establishing and enforcing environmentally responsible business practices, and in the public sector, such as advising decision-makers and developing and assessing new environmental regulations.

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment - Enrolment in this program is limited to students who have completed ENV100Y5 with a mark of 60% or higher.

Completion Requirements:

4.0 credits are required, with at least 1.0 credit at the 300-400 level.

First Year: ENV100Y5

Higher Years: ENV201H5; JPE251H5 and JPE252H5 1.5 additional credits from: ECO373Y5; ENV210H5, ENV311H5, ENV393H5, ENV430H5, ENV435H5; ENV422H1; GGR318H5; GGR329H5; GGR426H5; HIS318H5, HIS319H5; JEP351H5, JEP356H5, JEP452H5; PHL247H5, PHL271H5; POL346Y5

NOTE: Be sure to look ahead and plan to complete the prerequisites for any upper-level elective courses that are of interest to you. The ENV upper-level course electives typically rely only on the program’s core courses as prerequisites, but upper-level electives from other departments could have different prerequisites, so be sure to check the Calendar listings for these courses and their prerequisites.

ERMIN1392 | Program Area: Environmental Management

Environmental Management - Major (Arts)

Environmental Management - Major (Arts)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited to students who have completed ENV100Y5 with a mark of 63% or higher.

Completion Requirements:

8.0 credits are required, of which at least 2.0 must be at the 300-400 level.

First Year: 2.0 credits:

  1. Environment Foundation: ENV100Y5
  2. Foundation in Related Disciplines: 1.0 credit from: ANT102H5; ECO100Y5 or ( ECO101H5 and ECO102H5); GGR111H5; POL111H5, POL114H5; SOC100H5

Be sure to look ahead and plan to complete the prerequisites for any upper-level courses that are of interest to you.

Second Year: 3.0 credits:

  1. Environmental Management Core: ENV201H5
  2. Environmental Policy Core: JPE251H5 and JPE252H5 (formerly JPE250Y5)
  3. Social Science/Humanities Core: 0.5 credit from: ANT241H5; ENG259H5; ENV210H5; GGR202H5, GGR207H5, GGR208H5, GGR209H5, GGR210H5, GGR252H5, GGR265H5, GGR288H5; PHL274H5, PHL284H5
  4. Science Core: 0.5 credit from: ANT214H5; BIO201H5, BIO205H5, BIO211H5; ERS201H5; GGR201H5, GGR214H5, GGR217H5, GGR227H5;
  5. Quantitative, Digital, and Analytical Methods Core: 0.5 credit from: GGR276H5, GGR277H5, GGR278H5; STA220H5; or another program-relevant 200/300-level Research Methods course, with permission of the Program Advisor

Upper Years: 3.0 credits:

  1. Environmental Management Perspectives: 1.0 credit from: ENV311H5, ENV320H5, ENV393H5, ENV425H5, ENV430H5, ENV435H5; JEP452H5
  2. Social, Economic & Policy Perspectives: 1.0 credit from: ANT357H5, ANT368H5, ANT370H5, ANT463H5, ANT464H5; ECO373Y5; ENV305H5, ENV311H5, ENV320H5, ENV425H5, ENV430H5, ENV435H5; GGR318H5, GGR322H5, GGR325H5, GGR329H5, GGR333H5, GGR348H5, GGR349H5, GGR353H5, GGR361H5, GGR362H5, GGR365H5, GGR370H5, GGR415H5, GGR418H5, GGR419H5, GGR420H5, GGR426H5, GGR461H5; JEP351H5, JEP356H5, JEP452H5; JGE378H5; POL343Y5, POL346Y5, POL475H5; SOC349H5, SOC356H5, SOC465H5; WRI375H5
  3. Scientific Perspectives: 0.5 credit from: ANT327H5; BIO311H5, BIO331H5, BIO333H5, BIO464H5; ENV495H5, ENV496H5; ERS312H5, ERS313H5, ERS315H5, ERS321H5; GGR304H5, GGR305H5, GGR307H5, GGR309H5, GGR311H5, GGR315H5, GGR316H5, GGR317H5, GGR322H5, GGR337H5, GGR338H5, GGR374H5, GGR375H5, GGR376H5, GGR377H5, GGR383H5, GGR384H5, GGR404H5, GGR406H5, GGR407H5, GGR440H5, GGR484H5; JGE378H5
  4. Field, Project-based, Experiential, and Research Perspectives: 0.5 credit from : ENV299Y5, ENV332H5, ENV399Y5, ENV496H5, ENV497H5; GGR335H5, GGR379H5, GGR389H5; JEG401Y5, JEG417Y5; or another program-relevant Field, Experiential, or Research course, with permission of the Program Advisor

Note: ENV490H5, ENV491H5 can substitute for #1, #2, #3, or #4 as course requirements, where appropriate, and with permission of the Program Advisor or Academic Counsellor.

Note: This is intended to be an interdisciplinary program. At least four different disciplines must be represented among the courses that are counted as program requirements. For example, a course list selected from ENV + GGR + ANT + POL is acceptable, but a course list selected only from ENV + GGR + ANT is not. Please contact the Program Advisors or Academic Counsellor if you have any questions about the validity of your course selections.

ERMAJ1425 | Program Area: Environmental Management

Environmental Management - Minor (Arts)

Environmental Management - Minor (Arts)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited to students who have completed ENV100Y with a mark of 60% or higher.

Completion Requirements:

4.0 credits are required, of which at least 1.0 must be at the 300-400 level.

First Year: 1.0 credit:

  1. Environment Foundation: ENV100Y5

Be sure to look ahead and plan to complete the prerequisites for any upper-level courses that are of interest to you.

Second Year: 1.5 credits:

  1. Environmental Management Core: ENV201H5
  2. Social Science/Humanities Core: 0.5 credit chosen from this list: ENG259H5; ENV210H5; GGR202H5, GGR207H5, GGR208H5, GGR209H5, GGR210H5, GGR252H5, GGR265H5, GGR288H5; JPE251H5, JPE252H5;
  3. Science Core: 0.5 credit chosen from this list: ANT214H5; BIO201H5, BIO205H5, BIO211H5; ERS201H5; GGR201H5, GGR214H5, GGR217H5, GGR227H5;

Third Year: 1.5 credits:

  1. Environmental Management Perspectives:1.0 additional credit chosen from this list: ANT357H5, ANT368H5, ANT370H5, ANT463H5, ANT464H5; ECO373Y5; ENV305H5, ENV311H5, ENV320H5, ENV393H5, ENV425H5, ENV430H5, ENV435H5; GGR318H5, GGR322H5, GGR325H5, GGR329H5, GGR333H5, GGR348H5, GGR349H5, GGR353H5, GGR361H5, GGR362H5, GGR365H5, GGR370H5, GGR415H5, GGR418H5, GGR461H5; JEP351H5, JEP356H5, JEP452H5; JGE378H5; POL475H5; SOC465H5; WRI375H5
  2. Field, Project-based, Experiential, and Research Perspectives: 0.5 credit chosen from this list: ENV299Y5, ENV332H5, ENV399Y5, ENV496H5, ENV497H5; GGR335H5, GGR376H5, GGR379H5, GGR389H5; JEG401Y5, JEG417Y5; or another program-relevant Field, Project-Based, or Research course, with permission of the Program Advisor

Note This is intended to be an interdisciplinary program. At least three different disciplines must be represented among the courses that are counted as program requirements. For example, a course list selected from ENV + GGR + ANT is acceptable, but a course list selected only from ENV + GGR is not. Please contact the Program Advisors or Academic Counsellor if you have any questions about the validity of your course selections.

ERMIN1425 | Program Area: Environmental Management

Environmental Management - Specialist (Arts)

Environmental Management - Specialist (Arts)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment � Enrolment in this program is limited to students who have completed ENV100Y5 with a mark of 65% or higher, and who have a CGPA of at least 2.0.

Completion Requirements:

12.0 credits are required, of which at least 4.0 must be at the 300-400 level, including at least 1.0 at the 400 level.

First Year: 3.0 credits:

  1. Environment Foundation: ENV100Y5
  2. Economics Foundations: ECO100Y5 or ( ECO101H5 and ECO102H5)
  3. Foundations in Related Disciplines: 1.0 credit from: ANT102H5; GGR111H5; POL111H5, POL114H5; SOC100H5

Be sure to look ahead and plan to complete the prerequisites for any upper-level courses that are of interest to you.

Second Year: 4.5 credits:

  1. Environmental Management Core: ENV201H5
  2. Environmental Policy Core: JPE251H5 and JPE252H5 (formerly JPE250Y5)
  3. Social Science/Humanities Core: 1.0 credits from: ANT241H5; ENG259H5; ENV210H5, GGR202H5, GGR207H5, GGR208H5, GGR209H5, GGR210H5, GGR252H5, GGR265H5, GGR288H5; PHL274H5, PHL284H5
  4. Science Core: 1.0 credit from: ANT214H5; BIO201H5, BIO205H5, BIO211H5; ERS201H5, ERS202H5, ERS203H5; GGR201H5, GGR214H5, GGR217H5, GGR227H5;
  5. Quantitative, Digital, and Analytical Methods Core: 1.0 credit from: GGR276H5, GGR277H5, GGR278H5; STA220H5, STA221H5

Upper Years: 4.5 credits:

  1. Environmental Management Perspectives: 2.0 credit from: ENV311H5, ENV320H5, ENV393H5, ENV425H5, ENV430H5, ENV435H5; JEP452H5
  2. Social, Economic & Policy Perspectives: 1.0 credits from: ANT357H5, ANT368H5, ANT370H5, ANT463H5, ANT464H5; ECO373Y5; ENV305H5, ENV311H5, ENV320H5, ENV425H5, ENV430H5, ENV435H5; GGR313H5, GGR318H5, GGR322H5, GGR325H5, GGR329H5, GGR333H5, GGR348H5, GGR349H5, GGR353H5, GGR361H5, GGR362H5, GGR363H5, GGR365H5, GGR370H5, GGR385H5, GGR415H5, GGR418H5, GGR419H5, GGR420H5, GGR426H5, GGR461H5; JEP351H5, JEP356H5, JEP452H5; JGE378H5; POL343Y5, POL346Y5, POL475H5; SOC349H5, SOC356H5, SOC465H5; WRI375H5
  3. Scientific Perspectives: 0.5 credit from: ANT327H5; BIO311H5, BIO331H5, BIO333H5, BIO464H5; ENV495H5, ENV496H5; ERS312H5, ERS313H5, ERS315H5, ERS321H5; GGR304H5, GGR305H5, GGR307H5, GGR309H5, GGR311H5, GGR315H5, GGR316H5, GGR317H5, GGR322H5, GGR337H5, GGR338H5, GGR374H5, GGR375H5, GGR376H5, GGR377H5, GGR383H5, GGR384H5, GGR404H5, GGR406H5, GGR407H5, GGR440H5, GGR484H5; JGE378H5;
  4. Field, Project-based, Experiential, and Research Perspectives: 1.0 credit from: ENV299Y5, ENV332H5, ENV399Y5, ENV496H5, ENV497H5; GGR335H5, GGR379H5, GGR389H5; JEG401Y5, JEG417Y5 or another program-relevant Field, Experiential, or Research course, with permission of the Program Advisor

Note: ENV490H5, ENV491H5 can substitute for #1, #2, #3, or #4 as course requirements, where appropriate, and with permission of the Program Advisor or Academic Counsellor.

Note: This is intended to be an interdisciplinary program. At least four different disciplines must be represented among the courses that are counted as program requirements. For example, a course list selected from ENV + GGR + ANT + POL is acceptable, but a course list selected only from ENV + GGR + HIS is not. Please contact the Program Advisors or Academic Counsellor if you have any questions about the validity of your course selections.

ERSPE1425 | Program Area: Environmental Management

Environmental Science - Major (Science)

Environmental Science - Major (Science)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment - Enrolment in this program is limited to students who have completed ENV100Y5 with a mark of 63% or higher.

Completion Requirements:

8.0 credits are required, of which at least 2.0 must be at the 300-400 level.

First Year: 3.0 credits:

Be sure to look ahead and plan to complete the prerequisites for any upper-level courses that are of interest to you.

Second Year: 2.5 credits:

Upper Years: 2.5 credits:

Note: ENV490H5, ENV491H5 can substitute for #1, #2, #3, or #4 as course requirements, where appropriate, and with permission of the Program Advisor or Academic Counsellor.


This is intended to be an interdisciplinary program. At least four different disciplines must be represented among the courses that are counted as program requirements. For example, a course list selected from ENV + GGR + CHM + ERS is acceptable, but a course list selected only from ENV + GGR + ERS is not. Please contact the Program Advisors or Academic Counsellor if you have any questions about the validity of your course selections.

ERMAJ1061 | Program Area: Environmental Science

Environmental Science - Minor (Science)

Environmental Science - Minor (Science)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited to student who have completed ENV100Y5 with a mark of 60% or higher.

Completion Requirements:

4.0 credits are required, of which at least 1.0 must be at the 300-400 level.

First Year: 1.0 credit:

  1. Environment Foundation: ENV100Y5

Be sure to look ahead and plan to complete the prerequisites for any upper-level courses that are of interest to you.

Second Year: 2.0 credits:

  1. Environmental Management Core: ENV201H5
  2. Life Sciences Core: 0.5 credit chosen from this list: BIO201H5, BIO205H5, BIO211H5; GGR227H5
  3. Physical Geographical and Earth Sciences Core: 1.0 credit chosen from this list: CHM211H5, CHM242H5; GGR201H5, GGR214H5, GGR217H5; ERS201H5, ERS202H5, ERS203H5; JCP221H5

Upper Years: 1.0 credit:

  1. Field, Project-based, Experiential, and Research Perspectives: 0.5 credit chosen from this list: BIO416H5; ENV299Y5, ENV399Y5, ENV496H5; ENV497H5; ERS325H5; GGR335H5, GGR379H5; JEG400Y5
  2. Biogeochemical Perspectives: 0.5 credit chosen from this list: BIO311H5, BIO331H5, BIO333H5, BIO373H5; ENV495H5, ENV496H5; ERS312H5, ERS315H5, ERS412H5; GGR304H5, GGR305H5, GGR307H5, GGR309H5, GGR311H5, GGR315H5, GGR316H5, GGR317H5, GGR337H5, GGR338H5, GGR372H5, GGR374H5, GGR375H5, GGR376H5, GGR377H5, GGR383H5, GGR384H5, GGR404H5, GGR406H5, GGR407H5, GGR440H5, GGR484H5; JGE378H5;

This is intended to be an interdisciplinary program. At least three different disciplines must be represented among the courses that are counted as program requirements. For example, a course list selected from ENV + BIO + ERS is acceptable, but a course list selected only from ENV + BIO is not. Please contact the Program Advisors or Academic Counsellor if you have any questions about the validity of your course selections.

ERMIN1061 | Program Area: Environmental Science

Environmental Science - Specialist (Science)

Environmental Science - Specialist (Science)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment � Enrolment in this program is limited to students who have completed ENV100Y5 with a mark of 65% or higher, and who have a CGPA of at least 2.0.

Completion Requirements:

12.0 credits are required, of which at least 4.0 credits must be at the 300-400 level, including at least 1.0 credit at the 400 level.

First Year: 4.0 credits:

Be sure to look ahead and plan to complete the prerequisites for any upper-level courses that are of interest to you.

Second Year: 4.0 credits:

Upper Years: 4.0 credits:

Note: ENV490H5 or ENV491H5 can substitute for #1 or #2 or #3 or or #4 as course requirements, where appropriate, and with permission of the Program Advisor or Academic Counsellor.


This is intended to be an interdisciplinary program. At least four different disciplines must be represented among the courses that are counted as program requirements. For example, a course list selected from ENV + GGR + CHM + ERS is acceptable, but a course list selected only from ENV + GGR + ERS is not. Please contact the Program Advisors or Academic Counsellor if you have any questions about the validity of your course selections.

ERSPE1061 | Program Area: Environmental Science

Ethics, Law and Society - Minor (Arts)

Ethics, Law and Society - Minor (Arts)


This program provides students with a deeper understanding of ethical theories and their application in various social contexts; for example, it examines particular ethical issues concerning health care, the environment, legal systems, and political institutions. Students are required to take courses in philosophy and social sciences. Courses should be selected in consultation with the Faculty Advisor.

Completion Requirements:

4.0 credits are required including at least 1.0 credit at the 300/400 level, of which 0.5 credit must be PHL.

  1. 1.0 credit from: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or PHL210Y5 or PHL235H5 or PHL240H5 or PHL241H5 or PHL244H5 or ( PHL239H5 or PHL247H5) or PHL255H5 or PHL258H5 or PHL284H5 or PHL285H5
  2. 0.5 credit from: PHL265H5 or PHL271H5 or PHL275H5
  3. 1.0 credit from: PHL267H5 or PHL273H5 or PHL274H5 or PHL277Y5 or PHL283H5 or PHL284H5 or PHL365H5 or PHL366H5 or PHL367H5 or PHL370H5 or PHL374H5 or PHL376H5 or PHL475H5 or from courses listed in #2 above;
  4. 1.0 credit from: ANT or ECO or POL or SOC
  5. 0.5 credit from: ANT or ECO or POL or SOC or from courses listed in #2 or #3 above.

Students cannot use more than 1.0 credits from 100-level PHL courses for program completion credit.

Students also cannot use PHL204H5 or PHL277Y5 (or in combination with either PHL265H5 or PHL275H5) for program completion credit.

Where courses exclude each other, at most one of them may be counted for credit toward philosophy program completion.

PHL courses completed in requirements 2, 3 and 5 may not be double counted to fulfill other program requirements in this minor.

All 200-level courses, with the exception of PHL204H5, PHL245H5 and PHL247H5, have the prerequisite that the student has completed at least 4.0 credits at the university. This prerequisite is waived for students who are taking (or have taken) a 100-level course in Philosophy. There are no other prerequisites for any 200-level courses.
All 300-level courses, with the exception of PHL344H5, 347H5, have a prerequisite of 1.5 credits in Philosophy. It is strongly recommended that students prepare for 300-level courses by taking two of the following: PHL103H5 or PHL113H5 or PHL200H5 or PHL210Y5 or PHL245H5 or PHL265H5 or PHL275H5. Some 300-level courses have specific prerequisites or recommended preparation, as described in the course descriptions. Students who do not meet the prerequisite for a particular course but believe that they have adequate preparation should consult the Undergraduate Advisor concerning entry to the course.
The prerequisite for 400-level courses, except PHL451H5, is 4.5 credits in Philosophy.
When choosing your courses, keep in mind that not all courses listed are offered every year. Some courses required to complete a program might be offered only every other year. For courses offered during the current year, consult the UTM Timetable website.

ERMIN1618 | Program Area: Philosophy

Exceptionality in Human Learning - Major (Science)

Exceptionality in Human Learning - Major (Science)

Enrolment Requirements:

Admissions to the Exceptionality in Human Learning Major are administratively suspended as of 2019-2020. Students currently enrolled in the program will be allowed to continue.

Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited to students who have:

  1. completed Gr. 12(4U) Biology and Advanced Functions or equivalent;
  2. completed 4.0 credits;
  3. a grade of at least 75% in PSY100Y5;
  4. successfully completed 1.0 credit from BIO152H5/​ BIO153H5/​ BIO202H5/​ BIO205H5/​ BIO206H5/​ BIO207H5; and
  5. a minimum CGPA of 2.7
Completion Requirements:

7.0-7.5 credits are required, including at least 2.0 credit at the 300/400 level:

First Year: PSY100Y5; 1.0 credit from BIO152H5, BIO153H5, BIO202H5, BIO205H5, BIO206H5, BIO207H5

Higher Years:

  1. PSY201H5/​ ECO220Y5/​ ECO227Y5/​ SOC350H5/​ STA215H5/​ STA218H5/​ STA220H5/​
  2. PSY210H5, PSY240H5
  3. 2.5 credits from the following: PSY310H5, PSY311H5, PSY312H5, PSY313H5, PSY315H5, PSY316H5, PSY317H5, PSY318H5, PSY319H5, PSY321H5, PSY325H5, PSY331H5, PSY333H5, PSY340H5, PSY341H5, PSY343H5, PSY344H5, PSY345H5, PSY346H5, PSY353H5, PSY374H5, PSY376H5, PSY384H5, PSY391H5, PSY392H5, PSY393H5, PSY410H5, PSY440H5, PSY442Y5
  4. 1.0 additional credit from the following: BIO202H5, BIO205H5, BOP206H5, BIO207H5, BIO210Y5, BIO315H5, BIO341H5, BIO370Y5, BIO371H5, BIO372H5, BIO375H5, BIO380H5, BIO403H5, BIO407H5, BIO434H5, BIO443H5, BIO476H5, BIO477H5; ANT202H5, ANT203H5, ANT331H5, ANT332H5, ANT333H5, ANT334H5

ERMAJ1883 | Program Area: Exceptionality in Human Learning, Psychology

Exceptionality in Human Learning - Specialist (Science)

Exceptionality in Human Learning - Specialist (Science)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Enrolment is limited to students who have:

1. completed Gr. 12(4U) Biology and Advanced Functions or equivalent;
2. completed 8.0 credits;
3. completed PSY201H5 (or equivalent), PSY210H5, PSY240H5 and at least 1.0 credit of 200-level ANT/BIO/SOC courses with a minimum average of 75% across the 2.5 credits; and
4. a minimum CGPA of 2.70.

Students who do not meet these requirements and/or students who apply after third year must have a psychology average of at least 75% (based on a minimum of PSY201H5 and the next most recent 1.5 credits completed in psychology) as well as an AGPA of at least 2.7. These requirements are based on all courses taken during students' most recent academic year (including Summer, when applicable).

Completion Requirements:

13.0-15.0 credits are required, including at least 5.0 300/400-level credits of which 1.5 must be at the 400-level.

First Year: PSY100Y5 and ( ANT101H5 and ANT102H5) or ( BIO152H5 and BIO153H5) or 1.0 credit from the following courses ( BIO202H5 or BIO205H5 or BIO206H5 or BIO207H5 or SOC100H5)

Second Year:

  1. PSY201H5 or ECO220Y5 or ECO227Y5 or SOC350H5 or STA218H5 or STA220H5
  2. PSY210H5 and PSY240H5
  3. 0.5 credit from the following: PSY202H5 (or equivalent) or PSY270H5 or PSY280H5 or PSY290H5 or JLP285H5

Higher Years:

  1. 3.0 credits from the following: PSY310H5 or PSY311H5 or PSY312H5 or PSY313H5 or PSY314H5 or PSY316H5 or PSY317H5 or PSY318H5 or PSY319H5 or PSY321H5 or PSY325H5 or PSY330H5 or PSY331H5 or PSY333H5 or PSY340H5 or PSY341H5 or PSY343H5 or PSY344H5 or PSY346H5 or PSY353H5 or PSY385H5 or PSY391H5 or PSY392H5 or PSY393H5 or JLP315H5 or JLP383H5 or JLP384H5 or JLP388H5
  2. PSY442Y5 and at least 0.5 credit from the following: PSY400Y5 or PSY401H5 or PSY403H5 or PSY404H5 or PSY405H5 or PSY406H5 or PSY410H5 or PSY415H5 or PSY440H5 or PSY474H5 or PSY495H5 or PSY499H5 or PSY499Y5 or JLP481H5 or JLP483H5
  3. One of the following:
    1. 2.0 credits from: ANT202H5 or ANT203H5 or ANT204H5 or ANT205H5 or ANT206H5 or ANT207H5 or ANT211H5 or ANT212H5 or ANT214H5 or ANT215H5 or ANT220H5 or ANT241H5 or ANT306H5 or ANT322H5 or ANT331H5 or ANT332H5 or ANT333H5 or ANT334H5 or ANT335H5 or ANT337H5 or ANT338H5 or ANT341H5 or ANT350H5 or ANT352H5 or ANT362H5 or ANT364H5 or ANT365H5 or ANT401H5 or ANT403H5 or ANT434H5 or ANT437H5 or ANT460H5 or ANT461H5 or ANT462H5
    2. 2.5 credits from: SOC205H5 or SOC209H5 or SOC211H5 or SOC216H5 or SOC219H5 or SOC224H5 or SOC227H5 or SOC240H5 or SOC244H5 or SOC263H5 or SOC275H5 or SOC304H5 or SOC307H5 or SOC310H5 or SOC316H5 or SOC323H5 or SOC332H5 or SOC333H5 or SOC341H5 or SOC352H5 or SOC356H5 or SOC359H5 or SOC371H5 or SOC375H5 or SOC380H5 or SOC456H5 or SOC457H5
    3. 2.0 credits from: BIO202H5 or BIO205H5 or BIO206H5 or BIO207H5 or BIO210Y5 or BIO315H5 or BIO341H5 or BIO370Y5 or BIO371H5 or BIO372H5 or BIO375H5 or BIO380H5 or BIO403H5 or BIO407H5 or BIO434H5 or BIO443H5 or BIO476H5 or BIO477H5 or ANT202H5 or ANT203H5 or ANT331H5 or ANT332H5 or ANT333H5 or ANT334H5
  4. 2.5 additional credits to be selected from the following (no more than 1.0 credit from any one discipline):
    ANT - Any course in 3(a) not counted previously
    SOC - Any course in 3(b) not counted previously
    BIO - Any course in 3(c) not counted previously
    CHM - CHM242H5 or CHM243H5 or CHM341H5 or CHM345H5 or CHM347H5 or CHM361H5 or CHM362H5
    ENG - ENG234H5 or ENG384H5
    FRE - FRE227Y5 or FRE355H5
    HIS - HIS310H5 or HIS326Y5 or HIS338H5
    LIN - LIN101H5 or LIN102H5 or LIN256H5 or LIN358H5 or LIN380H5 or JLP285H5
    JAL - JAL253H5 or JAL355H5
    PHL - PHL243H5 or PHL244H5 or PHL255H5 or PHL267H5 or PHL271H5 or PHL272H5 or PHL274H5 or PHL277Y5 or PHL282H5 or PHL283H5 or PHL290H5 or PHL350H5 or PHL355H5 or PHL357H5 or PHL358H5 or PHL367H5 or PHL370H5 or PHL374H5 or PHL376H5
    RLG - RLG314H5
    WGS - Any course

Students intending to complete Biology courses to satisfy Exceptionality in Human Learning - Specialist requirements, should thoroughly review Biology prerequisite requirements prior to enrolment to determine eligibility.

ERSPE1883 | Program Area: Exceptionality in Human Learning, Psychology

Financial Economics - Specialist (Science)

Financial Economics - Specialist (Science)


This program is intended for students planning careers in finance. It prepares students for jobs in banks, investment services, insurance companies, and finance departments of corporations and government agencies. This program will also prepare students for graduate studies in Economics or Financial Economics. Many courses in the program have a technical or analytical focus. This program has a stronger focus on courses related to Financial Economics than the Economics Specialist program (ERSPE1478).

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Enrolment in this program is limited to students with:

There will be a limited number of spaces available to students with 8.0 credits (including the prerequisites listed above) and a CGPA of 3.30 or with the approval of the Chair or Associate Chair of the Economics Department.

Students enrolled in this program cannot be simultaneously enrolled in the Economics Specialist (ERSPE1478), Economics Specialist-BCOM(ERSPE0137), Economics Major (ERMAJ1478), Economics Minor (ERMIN1478), or Commerce: Finance Specialist (ERSPE2034) program.

Completion Requirements:

13.0 credits, including at least 1.0 credit at the 400 level.

First Year:

  1. ECO100Y5 or ( ECO101H5 and ECO102H5)
  2. One of the following:
    1. MAT133Y5 and MAT233H5; or
    2. MAT135H5 and MAT136H5 and MAT223H5

Note: ( MAT135H5 and MAT136H5) can be replaced by ( MAT132H5 and MAT134H5) or MAT137Y5 or ( MAT137H5 and MAT139H5) or MAT157Y1

Higher Years:

  1. ECO206Y5
  2. ECO208Y5
  3. ECO227Y5 or ( STA256H5 and STA260H5)
  4. ECO325H5 and ECO326H5
  5. ECO375H5
  6. ECO358H5 and ECO359H5
  7. 5.0 credits of ECO at the 300/400-level of which at least 1.5 credits must be chosen from ECO348H5, ECO349H5, ECO356H1, ECO434H5, ECO440H5, ECO456H5, ECO460H5, ECO461H5, ECO462H1, ECO463H5, ECO475H5. Not more than 1.0 credit in Economic History.

ERSPE2722 | Program Area: Economics

Forensic Anthropology - Specialist (Science)

Forensic Anthropology - Specialist (Science)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Admission into the Forensic Anthropology Specialist Program is by special application only. To be considered for admission into the program, ALL students, including students admitted into the 1st year Forensic Science category, MUST submit a direct online application in addition to their ACORN request, upon completing the minimum program entry requirements.

Note: Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission into the program.

Application for admission into the program for ALL students can be found at: Program Application | Forensic Science (

Forensic Anthropology is a Type 3 program, and applications are open for Round 1 only. There is no Round 2 admission period.

Forensic Science Applications Open: March 1 of each year
Forensic Science Application Deadline: May 1 of each year


Minimum Requirements:

  1. Completion of 4.0 credits; including 3.0 science credits.
  2. Completion of FSC239Y5 with 70% or better in their first successful attempt.
  3. Completion of ANT101H5 with 75% or better and ANT102H5 with 75% or better
  4. Completion of BIO152H5 with 65% or better and BIO153H5 with 65% or better
  5. A minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 3.2
    The actual minimum CGPA varies from year to year but is never lower than 3.2

Students applying to enroll after second year must have:

  1. Admission category designation as 'FSC1'
  2. Completed 8.0 credits
  3. Completed ANT200H5, ANT202H5, ANT203H5 and ANT205H5 with 75% or better in each.
  4. Completed FSC239Y5 with a 70% or better in their first attempt.
  5. A minimum cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 3.2.

Students applying to this program in the 2024-2025 Academic Year (for program entry in the 2025-2026 Academic Year) will be required to have Grade 12(4U) Advanced Functions or equivalent.

Completion Requirements:

A minimum of 15.5 credits are required.

First Year:

  1. ANT101H5, ANT102H5
  2. BIO152H5, BIO153H5
  3. FSC239Y5

( ISP100H5 is strongly encouraged).

Second Year:

  1. Statistics Requirement (recommended completion prior to fourth year): ANT407H5 / FSC341H5
    * STA215H5 will no longer be accepted as an option to satisfy the Statistics requirement past September 2027.
  2. ANT200H5, ANT202H5, ANT203H5, ANT205H5
  3. FSC271H5

Third Year:

  1. IDENT Requirement: ( FSC300H5, FSC302H5) / ( FSC210H5, FSC303H5)
  2. ANT306H5, ANT312H5/​ ANT317H5, ANT334H5, ANT340H5
  3. FSC316H5, FSC330H5, FSC335H5, FSC340H5, FSC360H5

Fourth Year:

  1. Capstone Requirement: FSC481Y5 / ( FSC482H5, FSC483H5) / ( FSC482H5, FSC484H5) / ( FSC482H5, FSC485H5) / ( FSC482H5, FSC407H5)
    Note: Students seeking an IDENT capstone placement must have FSC302H5 completed prior to their capstone year.
  2. ANT415H5, ANT436H5/​ FSC307H5/​ FSC314H5, ANT439H5, ANT441H5
  3. FSC401H5, FSC439H5
  1. The program requirements in effect at the time the student is admitted to the program must be met in order to fulfill the degree requirements.
  2. Prospective students already holding a degree in Anthropology may not complete the Forensic Anthropology Specialist Program due to the overlap of course content for courses already completed in their first specialty.
  3. Students without pre- and co-requisites or written permission of the instructor can be de-registered from courses at any time. Once a student has been admitted into a FSC program stream, written authorization from the Forensic Science program advisor MUST be obtained for any request of change in a student's area of study within the Forensic Science program.

ERSPE1338 | Program Area: Forensic Science

Forensic Biology - Specialist (Science)

Forensic Biology - Specialist (Science)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Admission into the Forensic Biology Specialist Program is by special application only. To be considered for admission into the program, ALL students, including students admitted into the 1st year Forensic Science category, MUST submit a direct online application in addition to their ACORN request, upon completing the minimum program entry requirements.

Note: Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission into the program.

Application for admission into the program for ALL students can be found at: Program Application | Forensic Science (

Forensic Biology is a Type 3 program, and applications are open for Round 1 only. There is no Round 2 admission period.

Forensic Science Applications Open: March 1 of each year
Forensic Science Application Deadline: May 1 of each year


Minimum Requirements:

  1. Completion of 4.0 credits; including 3.0 science credits
  2. Completion of FSC239Y5 with 70% or better in their first successful attempt.
  3. Completion of BIO152H5 with 75% or better and BIO153H5 with 75% or better
  4. Completion of CHM110H5 with 65% or better and CHM120H5 with 65% or better
  5. Completion of ( MAT132H5, MAT134H5) / ( MAT135H5, MAT136H5)
  6. Completion of PHY136H5
  7. A minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 3.2.
    The actual minimum CGPA requirement varies from year to year but is never lower than 3.2
Completion Requirements:

A minimum of 15.5 - 16.0 credits are required.

First Year:

  1. BIO152H5, BIO153H5
  2. CHM110H5, CHM120H5
  3. FSC239Y5
  4. ( MAT132H5, MAT134H5) / ( MAT135H5, MAT136H5)
  5. PHY136H5

( ISP100H5 is strongly encouraged).

Second Year:

  1. Statistics Requirement: BIO259H5 (strongly recommended) / FSC341H5
  2. BIO206H5, BIO207H5
  3. ( BIO208H5, BIO209H5) / FSC316H5
  4. CHM242H5, CHM243H5
  5. FSC271H5

Third and Fourth Years:

  1. IDENT Requirement: ( FSC300H5, FSC302H5) / ( FSC210H5, FSC303H5)
  2. BIO362H5; CHM361H5; FSC315H5, FSC330H5, FSC335H5, FSC340H5, FSC360H5
  3. Capstone Requirement: FSC481Y5 / ( FSC482H5, FSC483H5) / ( FSC482H5, FSC484H5) / ( FSC482H5, FSC485H5) / ( FSC482H5, FSC407H5)
    Note: Students seeking an IDENT capstone placement must have FSC302H5 completed prior to their capstone year.
  4. BIO458H5 / BIO372H5 / BIO341H5; FSC415H5, FSC416H5,
  5. 0.5 additional credits from: BIO341H5, BIO374H5, FSC307H5, FSC314H5, FSC350H5, FSC370H5, FSC371H5, FSC401H5, FSC402H5, FSC406H5, FSC407H5
  1. The program requirements in effect at the time the student is admitted to the program must be met in order to fulfill the degree requirements.
  2. Prospective students already holding a degree in Biology may not complete the Forensic Biology Specialist Program due to the overlap of course content already completed in their first specialty.
  3. Students without pre- and co-requisites or written permission of the instructor can be de-registered from courses at any time.
  4. Once a student has been admitted into a Forensic Program of Study, written authorization from the Forensic Science Program advisor MUST be obtained for any request of change in a student's area of study within the Forensic Science Program.

ERSPE1410 | Program Area: Forensic Science

Forensic Chemistry - Specialist (Science)

Forensic Chemistry - Specialist (Science)


This program is accredited by the Canadian Society for Chemistry.

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Admission into the Forensic Chemistry Specialist Program is by special application only. To be considered for admission into the program, ALL students, including students admitted into the 1st year Forensic Science category, must submit a direct online application in addition to their ACORN request, upon completing the minimum program entry requirements.

Note: Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission into the program.

Application for admission into the program for ALL students can be found at: Program Application | Forensic Science (

Forensic Chemistry is a Type 3 program, and applications are open for Round 1 only. There is no Round 2 admission period.

Forensic Science Applications Open: March 1 of each year
Forensic Science Application Deadline: May 1 of each year


Minimum Requirements:

  1. Completion of 4.0 credits; including 3.0 science credits.
  2. Completion of CHM110H5 with 65% or better and CHM120H5 with 65% or better.
  3. Completion of FSC239Y5 with 70% or better in their first successful attempt.
  4. Completion of ( MAT132H5, MAT134H5) / ( MAT135H5, MAT136H5)
  5. Completion of PHY136H5
  6. A minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 3.2.
    The actual minimum CGPA requirement varies from year to year but is never lower than 3.2
Completion Requirements:

A minimum of 16.5 credits are required.

First Year:

  1. CHM110H5, CHM120H5
  2. BIO152H5
  3. FSC239Y5
  4. ( MAT132H5, MAT134H5) / ( MAT135H5, MAT136H5)
  5. PHY136H5, PHY137H5

( ISP100H5 is strongly encouraged).

Second Year:

  1. Statistics Requirement: BIO259H5/​ FSC341H5/​ STA220H5
  2. JCP221H5; CHM211H5, CHM231H5, CHM242H5, CHM243H5
  3. FSC271H5

Third and Fourth Year:

  1. IDENT Requirement: ( FSC300H5, FSC302H5) / (( FSC210H5 or FSC370H5), FSC303H5)
  2. CHM311H5, CHM331H5/​ CHM333H5, CHM361H5, CHM396H5, CHM397H5
  3. FSC311H5, FSC330H5, FSC340H5, FSC360H5, FSC402H5, FSC403H5
  4. CHM414H5, CHM416H5
  5. Capstone Requirement: FSC481Y5 / ( FSC482H5, FSC483H5) / ( FSC482H5, FSC484H5) / ( FSC482H5, FSC485H5) / ( FSC482H5, FSC407H5)
    Note: Students seeking an IDENT capstone placement must have FSC302H5 completed prior to their capstone year.

The following courses are highly recommended for students interested in Forensic Toxicology: BIO200H5, FSC370H5, FSC371H5

  1. Students are strongly advised to consult the program advisor regarding their program of study.
  2. Corequisite for CHM372H5 is CHM361H5.
  3. The program requirements in effect at the time the student is admitted to the program must be met in order to fulfill the degree requirements.
  4. Prospective students already holding a degree in Chemistry, cannot complete a Forensic Chemistry Specialist Program due to the overlap of course content for courses already completed in their first specialty.
  5. Students without pre- and co-requisites or written permission of the instructor can be de-registered from courses at any time.
  6. Once a student has been admitted into a FSC program stream, written authorization from the Forensic Science program advisor MUST be obtained for any request of change in a student's area of study within the Forensic Science program.

ERSPE1009 | Program Area: Forensic Science

Forensic Psychology - Specialist (Science)

Forensic Psychology - Specialist (Science)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Admission into the Forensic Psychology Specialist Program is by special application only. To be considered for admission into the program, ALL students, including students admitted into the 1st year Forensic Science category, MUST submit a direct online application in addition to their ACORN request, upon completing the minimum program entry requirements.

Note: Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission into the program.

Application for admission into the program for ALL students can be found at: Program Application | Forensic Science (

Forensic Psychology is a Type 3 program, and applications are open for Round 1 only. There is no Round 2 admission period.

Forensic Science Applications Open: March 1 of each year
Forensic Science Application Deadline: May 1 of each year


Minimum Requirements:

  1. Completion of 4.0 credits, including 3.0 science credits
  2. Completion of PSY100Y5 with a minimum average of 75% or better
  3. Completion of BIO152H5 with 65% or better and BIO153H5 with 65% or better
  4. Completion of FSC239Y5 with 70% or better in their first attempt.
  5. A minimum cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 3.2.
    The actual minimum CGPA requirement varies from year to year but is never lower than 3.2

Students applying to enroll after second year must also have:

  1. Admission category designation as 'FSC1'
  2. Completed 8.0 credits.
  3. Completed PSY201H5, PSY202H5 (or equivalent), FSC220H5, and at least an additional 1.0 credit in 200 series PSY courses with a minimum average of 77% for those five half courses
  4. Completed FSC239Y5 with a 70% or better in their first attempt.
  5. A minimum cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 3.2.
Completion Requirements:

A minimum of 15.0 credits are required.

First Year:

  1. BIO152H5, BIO153H5
  2. FSC239Y5
  3. PSY100Y5

( ISP100H5 is strongly encouraged).

Second Year:

  1. Statistics Requirement: PSY201H5, PSY202H5
  2. FSC271H5, FSC220H5
  3. PSY210H5, PSY220H5, PSY230H5, PSY240H5, PSY270H5/​ PSY280H5/​ PSY290H5/​ JLP285H5

Third and Fourth Year:

  1. IDENT Requirement: ( FSC300H5, FSC302H5) / ( FSC303H5, FSC316H5)
  2. FSC320H5, FSC330H5, FSC335H5, FSC360H5, FSC370H5; PSY309H5, PSY328H5/​ PSY340H5/​ PSY341H5/​ PSY393H5, PSY344H5/​ PSY346H5
  3. Capstone Requirement: FSC481Y5 / ( FSC482H5, FSC483H5) / ( FSC482H5, FSC484H5) / ( FSC482H5, FSC485H5) / ( FSC482H5, FSC407H5)
    Note: Students seeking an IDENT capstone placement must have FSC302H5 completed prior to their capstone year.

  4. 0.5 credits from the following laboratory-based courses: PSY329H5, PSY369H5
  5. 0.5 credits from the following: FSC314H5, FSC350H5, FSC351H5, FSC361H5, FSC371H5, FSC401H5, FSC402H5, FSC403H5, FSC406H5, FSC407H5
  6. 0.5 credit from PSY 400 level series courses
  1. The program requirements in effect at the time the student is admitted to the program must be met in order to fulfill the degree requirements.
  2. Prospective students already holding a degree in Psychology may not complete a Forensic Psychology Specialist Program due to the overlap of course content for courses already completed in their first specialty .
  3. Students without pre- and co-requisites or written permission of the instructor can be de-registered from courses at any time.
  4. Once a student has been admitted into a FSC program stream, written authorization from the Forensic Science program advisor MUST be obtained for any request of change in a student's area of study within the Forensic Science program.

ERSPE1505 | Program Area: Forensic Science

Forensic Science - Major (Science)

Forensic Science - Major (Science)

Enrolment Requirements:

Limited Enrolment — Admission into the Forensic Science Major program is by special application ONLY and MUST be completed in conjunction with a second approved Science Major (see Notes 'Second Major' below). To be considered for admission into the program, ALL students, including students admitted into the 1st year Forensic Science category, MUST submit a direct online FSC Application, upon completing the Minimum Program Requirements listed below.

Note: Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission into the program.

Application for admission into the program for ALL students can be found at: Program Application | Forensic Science (

Forensic Science is a Type 3 program, and applications are open for Round 1 only. There is no Round 2 admission period.

Forensic Science Applications Open: March 1 of each year
Forensic Science Application Deadline: May 1 of each year


Minimum Requirements:

  1. Completion of 4.0 credits; including 3.0 science credits.
  2. Completion of FSC239Y5 with 70% or better in the first successful attempt.
  3. Completion of CHM110H5, CHM120H5 with 65% or better.
  4. Completion of ( MAT132H5, MAT134H5) or ( MAT135H5, MAT136H5)
  5. Completion of PHY136H5
  6. A minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 2.7
    The actual minimum CGPA requirement varies from year to year but is never lower than 2.7
  7. Enrolment in an Approved Second Major (See Second Major Notes: 1).
Completion Requirements:

Note: This program must be taken concurrently with a second Major program (see notes below).

8.5 credits are required including at least 2.0 at the 300/400 level.

First Year:

  1. BIO152H5, BIO153H5
  2. CHM110H5, CHM120H5
  3. FSC239Y5
  4. ( MAT132H5, MAT134H5) / ( MAT135H5, MAT136H5)
  5. PHY136H5.

( ISP100H5 is strongly encouraged).

Second Year:

  1. CHM242H5, CHM243H5
  2. FSC271H5
  3. Statistics Requirement: ANT407H5/​ BIO259H5/​ PSY201H5/​ FSC341H5*

Third Year:

  1. IDENT Requirement: FSC303H5/​ FSC300H5
  2. FSC330H5; FSC360H5

Fourth Year:

  1. 0.5 credit from the following: FSC302H5, FSC307H5, FSC311H5, FSC314H5, FSC315H5, FSC316H5, FSC320H5, FSC335H5, FSC340H5, FSC350H5, FSC351H5, FSC361H5, FSC370H5, FSC401H5, FSC402H5, FSC403H5, FSC406H5, FSC407H5, FSC416H5, FSC430H5, FSC489H5

* STA215H5 will no longer be accepted as an option to satisfy the Statistics requirement past September 2027.

  1. The Forensic Science Major MUST be completed in conjunction with one of the following approved second major programs: Anthropology (Science), Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science or Psychology (Other 2nd Majors may be possible with permission of the Forensic Science program director.
  2. Students intending to complete the Forensic Science Major with an Anthropology Major MUST select the ERMAJ0105 Anthropology (Science) Major. As part of the ANT (SCI) Major requirement of 3.0 additional ANT credits, students are recommended to choose from the following: ANT205H5; ANT306H5, ANT334H5, ANT340H5, ANT415H5, ANT436H5, ANT439H5.
  3. For information on program requirements and enrolment procedures for each of the second major programs, students should consult the individual departmental faculty advisor or the departmental program descriptions listed within this calendar.
  4. In each of the 2nd majors, certain courses are compulsory and where a choice of courses is available, students should consult the Forensic Science Student Advisor for the most appropriate selection.
  5. The program requirements in effect at the time the student is admitted to the program must be met in order to fulfill the degree requirements.
  6. Once a student has been admitted into a FSC program stream, written authorization from the Forensic Science program advisor MUST be obtained for any request of change in a student's area of study within the Forensic Science program, including the second science major.
  7. Prospective students already holding a degree in Biology, Chemistry, Psychology or Anthropology may not complete a Forensic Science program in their first specialty due to the overlap of course content for courses already completed.

ERMAJ0205 | Program Area: Forensic Science