ARA210H5 • Arab Culture I

This course introduces the Arab culture in general terms and familiarizes students with some fundamental realities of the Arab world (e.g. family, gender roles, social etiquette, etc.) with a general introduction to values and religious practices. The course is taught in English.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ARA212Y5 • Introductory Arabic

This introductory course is designed for beginners, i.e., students with NO prior knowledge of the Arabic language. The course provides a basic proficiency in Modern Standard Arabic. The students will have ample practice of reading and writing the Arabic alphabet and will master the Arabic sounds and their phono-syntactic features. A foundation of grammar will familiarize the students with word formation, word order, and sentence structures. By the end of the course, the students should be able to fully read Arabic, comprehend simple reading, produce complete sentences to express basic information orally and in writing, and to conduct basic conversations in Modern Standard Arabic. All students are REQUIRED to complete the Arabic Language Assessment Questionnaire before enrolling in this course. Please visit and complete the Arabic Language Assessment Questionnaire by no later than August 29th. Late assessment submissions will not be accepted.

Prerequisites: All students who are enrolling in an ARA language course for the FIRST time are required to complete a language assessment questionnaire. Please visit…
Exclusions: ARA211H5 or ARA211Y5 or (LGGA40H3 and LGGA41H3) or (NMC210Y1 or NML210Y1) or higher, native speakers.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ARA300Y5 • Intermediate Arabic for Heritage Learners

This is an Arabic language course for heritage students, i.e. of Arab origins, who may have had passive exposure to Arabic but have never formally studied the reading and writing of Arabic. This course is also designed to help students with interest in Islamic studies who may have been exposed to elementary Qur’anic teaching but were never taught the alphabet, and who cannot communicate in spoken or written Arabic. In this course, students will begin by learning how to sound, read and write the Arabic alphabet. They will study Arabic grammar, develop reading comprehension, and practice writing skills that advance gradually throughout the course. Each unit of the course is fully supported by a range of comprehension, vocabulary-building, grammar reinforcement activities, and reading & writing exercises. Language analysis will be based on the reading of excerpts of authentic Arabic texts from contemporary literature, magazines and newspapers. By the end of this course, students will have completed the prerequisites to take Arabic reading, literature, and advanced language courses. Please visit… and complete the Arabic Language Assessment Questionnaire by no later than August 29th. Late assessment submissions will not be accepted.

Prerequisites: As determined by assessment questionnaire (…).
Exclusions: ARA211H5 and ARA311H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ARA305Y5 • Introductory Egyptian Colloquial Arabic

This is an introductory course designed for high beginner level students, who desire to acquire fluency in spoken Egyptian Arabic, commonly known as Egyptian or Cairene Arabic. The course follows a teaching approach that places emphasis on the development of the listening and speaking skills of spoken Egyptian Arabic. This course develops communicative skills in Egyptian colloquial Arabic along parallel tracks of vocabulary and grammar. Therefore, student must be independently comfortable with the Arabic alphabet and must have developed elementary reading ability. The course is designed for students who have completed the beginner level of modern Standard Arabic ARA212Y5Y, and are now ready to branch out into their first experience of a major spoken dialect.

Prerequisites: ARA212Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ARA312Y5 • Intermediate Arabic

This course is for students who have basic background information in formal Arabic. To study this course, students should be able to write and speak simple sentences to express basic information in formal Arabic. The course builds on the skills that students have learned in ARA212Y5. By the end of this course, students should be able to use formal Arabic at an intermediate low level using ACTFL guidelines. Everyday language in the Egyptian and Levantine accents will be provided occasionally as supplementary materials for students' information only. However, students' skills will be assessed using formal Arabic only, which is the focus of this course.

Prerequisites: ARA212Y5
Exclusions: Native users or NMC310Y1 or NML310Y1 or LGGC42H3 or LGGC43H3 or ARA211H5 or ARA311H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ARA400Y5 • Advanced Arabic for Heritage Learners

This course develops the student's communication skills in grammar, writing, reading, and formal registers of speaking, into an advanced level. It caters to the students who have completed the intermediate high level: ARA300, or whose language assessment reflects an intermediate level of proficiency of Arabic as a heritage language. The teaching of this course will also focus on error analysis to develop the student’s ability to distinguish between their version of heritage spoken language and that of the erudite Arabic, الفُصْحى, as used formally across the Arab world. By the end of the course, the student will be able to write in a formal academic register, sustain oral expressions and deliver oral presentations in formal Arabic.

Prerequisites: ARA300Y5 or appropriate language level as indicated by the Arabic Language Assessment Questionnaire (
Exclusions: ARA412Y5 and NML410Y1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ARA408H5 • Arabs in Western Literature and Arts: Reception and Interpretation

(Offered in English).This survey course examines representative fiction and non-fiction texts, painting, films, operas, comics and video games to explore salient incidences of encounter, impact, and reception of the Arabs in medieval and modern Western thought. Examples of topics of analysis are Islamic imagery in Dante’s Inferno, motifs of storytelling and narrative structures from the One Thousand and One night in Boccaccio’s Decameron and Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales…From the Moors in Spain, to the Arabs in Sicily, from Shakespeare’s Othello to the Victorian Gothic Vathek, the course will move on to explore the extension of the French Orientalists’ influence beyond European painting to operas, and later in cinema, exploring works such as Il Seraglio, Lawrence Arabia, Casablanca and others. Current representations of the Arabs in Western films, TV shows, comics, and video games will be analyzed to trace continuity and discontinuity of the earlier reception. Students who take this course to be counted towards the Language Citation must complete written course work in Arabic.

Prerequisites: Open to all students who have completed 9.0 credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ARA410H5 • Advanced Arabic Reading I: Reading the Sacred and the Legendary

This is the first of two intensive advanced reading courses in the Arabic language. Throughout this course, the students will also be familiar with different sacred texts such as Tafsīr (Quranic exegesis) and Qiṣas al-Anbiyā’ (Tales of the Prophets) to the fables focused on the description of amazing and mythological creatures such as Qazvīni’s ‘Ajā’ib al-Makhlūqāt wa Gharā’ib alMawjūdāt (Marvels of Creatures and Strange things existing) and Kalīla wa Dimna as well as the epic of the legendary Arabic heroin Dhāt al-Himma in Sīrat Dhāt al-Himma.

Prerequisites: ARA311H5 or ARA312Y5
Corequisites: ARA412Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ARA411H5 • Advanced Arabic Reading II: Literary Journeys into the Past

This is the second of two intensive advanced reading courses in the Arabic language. This course will concentrate on works relating to history which includes universal histories in the world from creation up to their own eras; biographies of individuals and biographical dictionaries, advice literature that guide rulers to govern efficiently; poetry by poets and poetesses; maqãmãt or works of rhymed prose; mystical texts; travelogues that describe the adventures and observations of travelers to faraway lands; annalistic chronicles that record events from year to year; and chancery documents that shed light on the way medieval administrations worked.

Prerequisites: ARA311H5 or ARA312Y5
Corequisites: ARA412Y5
Recommended Preparation: ARA410H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ARA412Y5 • Advanced Arabic

This course uses differentiated instruction and assessment methods to provide Arabic language instruction to two groups of students: 1) advanced learners of Arabic as a foreign language, and 2) heritage students who may have native or native-like proficiency in the Arabic language. Both groups of learners will have customized study materials and assessment schemes that provide for their specific learning needs and language abilities.

Prerequisites: (ARA312Y5 or ARA311H5). Students who have not completed ARA312Y5 or ARA311H5 must obtain permission from the department before enrolling.
Exclusions: NML410Y1 or ARA400Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CCT453H5 • Digital Media Production II

Building on the CCT353H5 Digital Media Production I, this course will further develop theoretical and practical aspects of video production and editing. Over the course of the term, we will explore advanced video and sound capture techniques, media mixing, applications of digital libraries and effects in post-processing.

Prerequisites: CCT353H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 48P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CCT454H5 • Documentary Practices

This course explores the form and practice of documentary. Objectivity, ethics, censorship, representation, reflexivity, responsibility to the audience and authorial voice will be examined. Students will engage in practical engagement with documentary forms including the expanded field of documentary using tools such as photography, audio, video, 360 video, VR and new technologies.

Prerequisites: A minimum of 13.0 credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI101H5 • Introductory Chinese for Students with Prior Background

This course is designed for students who have some prior knowledge of Chinese. Potential students for this course are able to speak and understand elementary Mandarin or any Chinese dialects but with minimal literacy skills (reading and writing), or are able to read and write with either traditional or simplified character at beginner level. This course focuses on phonetics and literacy of Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) and addresses integrated skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation.

Prerequisites: NOTE: All students who are enrolling in a CHI language course for the first time (do not have the prerequisite) are required to complete a language assessment questionnaire. Students who have not completed an assessment cannot be approved for course enrolment. Please visit….
Exclusions: CHI100Y5 or CHI101Y5 or EAS100Y1 or EAS101Y1 or LGG60H3 or LGG61H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI103H5 • Introductory Chinese I

Intended for students with none or minimal background in Mandarin or any Chinese dialects, this course provides a comprehensive introduction to phonetics and written form of Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) and covers the topics of functional Chinese at beginner level. All students are REQUIRED to complete the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire before enrolling in this course. Please visit and complete the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire by no later than August 29th. Late assessment submissions will not be accepted.

Prerequisites: All students are REQUIRED to complete the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire ( before enrolling in this course.
Exclusions: CHI100Y5 or EAS100Y1 or EAS101Y1 or LGGA60H3 or LGGA61H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI104H5 • Introductory Chinese II

As the second half of Introductory Chinese, this course continues to expand students’ knowledge and develop their language skills of Mandarin. More topics of functional Chinese are covered in this course. Students who have not completed the listed prerequisite of CHI103H5 are REQUIRED to complete the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire (…).

Prerequisites: CHI103H5 or as indicated by the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire (…).
Exclusions: CHI100Y5 or EAS100Y1 or EAS101Y1 or LGGA60H3 or LGGA61H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI203H5 • Intermediate Low Chinese I

As a continuation of Introductory Chinese, this course aims at developing students' language comprehension, expanding their vocabulary and grammar, and improving their skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation in Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) at intermediate level. The course content is focused on functional topics. Students who have not completed the listed prerequisite are REQUIRED to complete the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire (…) by August 29th. Late assessment submissions will not be accepted.

Prerequisites: CHI104H5 or as indicated by the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire (…).
Exclusions: CHI200Y5 or CHI201H5 or CHI202H5 or EAS200Y1 or EAS201H1 or LGGB60H3 or LGGB61H3 or LGGB62H3 or LGGB63H3 or LGGB64H3 or LGGB65H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI204H5 • Intermediate Low Chinese II

As the second half of Intermediate Chinese, this course continues to develop students' language comprehension, expand their vocabulary and grammar, and improve their skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation in Modern Standard Chinese (Mandarin) at the intermediate level. The course content is focused on functional topics. Students who have not completed the listed prerequisite for this course are REQUIRED to complete the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire before enrolling in this course. Please visit and complete the assessment questionnaire by no later than August 29th. Late assessment submissions will not be accepted.  

Prerequisites: CHI203H5 or as indicated by the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire (…).
Exclusions: CHI200Y5 or CHI201H5 or EAS200Y1 or EAS201H1 or LGGB60H3 or LGGB61H3 or LGGB62H3 or LGGB63H3 or LGGB64H3 or LGGB65H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI211H5 • Chinese for Academic Purposes I

This course, designed for native or near-native speakers of Mandarin Chinese, develops rhetorical knowledge and critical thinking skills for effective academic reading and writing. Students will also receive training in conducting effective formal presentations with supporting media and public speaking skills.

Prerequisites: Appropriate language level as indicated in the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire ( or interview.
Exclusions: CHI200Y5 or CHI201Y5 or CHI201H5 or CHI202H5 or EAS200Y1 or EAS201H1 or LGGB60H3 or LGGB61H3 or LGGB62H3 or LGGB63H3 or LGGB64H3 or LGGB65H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class, Online (Summer only)

CHI212H5 • Chinese for Academic Purposes II

This course, designed for native or near-native speakers of Mandarin Chinese, continues the study of rhetorical knowledge and critical thinking skills for effective academic reading and writing. It also prepares students for upper level courses which demand in-depth reading, writing, as well as professional presentation skills.

Prerequisites: CHI211H5 or appropriate language level as indicated by the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire ( or interview.
Exclusions: CHI200Y5 or CHI201Y5 or CHI202H5 or EAS200Y1 or EAS201H1 or LGGB60H3 or LGGB61H3 or LGGB62H3 or LGGB63H3 or LGGB64H3 or LGGB65H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class, Online (Summer only)

CHI303H5 • Intermediate High Chinese I

This course, designed for second-language learners of Mandarin Chinese, aims to: 1) develop listening and speaking skills in handling daily routines and social situations related to personal lives; 2) improve reading and writing skills in narration and description on everyday topics; and 3) cultivate cultural knowledge that facilitates effective intercultural communication. Students who have not completed the listed prerequisite are REQUIRED to complete the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire (…) by August 29th. Late assessment submissions will not be accepted.

Prerequisites: CHI204H5 or as indicated by the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire (…).
Exclusions: CHI201H5 and CHI202H5 and LGGC60H3 and LGGC61H3 and EAS300Y1.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI304H5 • Intermediate High Chinese II

This course, designed for second-language learners of Mandarin Chinese, is the second half of Intermediate High Chinese. It continues to: 1) develop listening and speaking skills in handling daily routines and social situations related to personal lives; 2) improve reading and writing skills in narration and description on everyday topics; and 3) cultivate cultural knowledge that facilitates effective intercultural communication. Students who have not completed the listed prerequisite are REQUIRED to complete the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire (…) by August 29th. Late assessment submissions will not be accepted.

Prerequisites: CHI303H5 or as indicated by the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire (…).
Exclusions: CHI201H5 or CHI202H5 or EAS300Y1 or LGGC60H3 or LGGC61H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI308H5 • Chinese Cultural Studies Seminar

This seminar course provides a platform for critical discussion of what we call "Chinese culture". Students will consider ideas of invented traditions, the essentialization of culture, and questions about modern states and regions. Topics may include Chinese civilization, customs, rituals, religion, philosophy, ideology, morals, literature, folk art and craft, performance arts, martial arts, cuisine, medicine, etc. The discussions will draw from historical and contemporary topics.

Prerequisites: CHI211H5 and CHI212H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI310H5 • Chinese for Career Development

This course is designed for near-native or native speakers of Mandarin Chinese who are interested in advancing their careers in Chinese-speaking regions and in North America. Students will develop knowledge in career planning from cross-cultural perspectives, from job search, to applications and interview processes in Chinese-speaking regions of Asia and in North America. They will build a solid foundation for reading, writing, and speaking Chinese in a business setting.

Prerequisites: CHI211H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI311H5 • Classical Chinese Literature

This course will examine representative genres of traditional Chinese literature—poetry, prose, fiction, and drama—with an emphasis on language structure, style, and the influence on modern Chinese society and culture. We will also analyze the aesthetic features of classics and discuss the influences of traditional Chinese society on literature in terms of religion, philosophy, the imperial system, gender, family, and ethnicity.

Prerequisites: CHI211H5 and CHI212H5
Exclusions: EAS358Y1 and EAS306Y1 and LGGC66H3 and LGGC67H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI312H5 • Chinese Diaspora Literature and Culture

This course examines literary and cinematic works as well as visual art by authors of the Chinese diaspora. The course covers topics such as multiculturalism, racism, cultural preservation, invented traditions, and agency through the lens of overseas Chinese writers and creators.

Prerequisites: CHI211H5 and CHI212H5
Exclusions: LGGC62H3 or LGGC63H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI313H5 • The Wisdom of Life in Traditional Chinese Culture

This course explores different thought systems, ideas and the wisdom of human life rooted in traditional Chinese culture from the following two approaches: a theoretical discussion of the purpose, meaning, and value of human life, ideals and ways of life, existential questions and multiple solutions; and a historical as well as critical examination of the conventional wisdom originated by Chinese cultural figures like Laozi, Confucius, Mencius, Sima Qian, Zhu Xi, Qian Mu, Qian Zhongshu and more. The goal of the course is to facilitate student consideration of the essence of human life and the understanding of contemporary Chinese views by ascertaining traditional Chinese erudition. Through the examination of traditional Chinese scholarship, students will develop an understanding of the connection between such teachings and contemporary Chinese views.

Prerequisites: CHI211H5 and CHI212H5
Exclusions: EAS414H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI314H5 • Chinese Culture through Media

This course examines Chinese cultural traditions and values through contemporary media produced in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong. Background readings and literary works will provide students with the necessary historical and cultural context for each work. Class discussions will focus on the political, social and cultural transformations presented in the media. Special attention will be paid to topics such as family, class issues, gender and identity.

Prerequisites: CHI211H5 and CHI212H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI403H5 • Advanced Chinese I

This course, designed for second-language learners of Mandarin Chinese, aims to: 1) develop listening and speaking skills in handling most informal and some formal communicative tasks; 2) strengthen reading and writing skills in expository and persuasive essays on familiar cultural and social topics; 3) cultivate cultural knowledge that facilitates effective intercultural communication. Students who have not completed the listed prerequisite are REQUIRED to complete the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire (…) by August 29th. Late assessment submissions will not be accepted.

Prerequisites: CHI304H5 or as indicated by the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire (…).
Exclusions: EAS401H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI404H5 • Advanced Chinese II

This course, designed for second-language learners of Mandarin Chinese, is the second half of Advanced Chinese. It continues to: 1) develop listening and speaking skills in handling most informal and some formal communicative tasks; 2) strengthen reading and writing skills in expository and persuasive essays on familiar cultural and social topics; and 3) cultivate cultural knowledge that facilitates effective intercultural communication. Students who have not completed the listed prerequisite are REQUIRED to complete the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire (…) by August 29th. Late assessment submissions will not be accepted.

Prerequisites: CHI403H5 or as indicated by the Chinese Language Assessment Questionnaire (…).
Exclusions: EAS402H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI408H5 • Reading Confucianism in Modern Chinese

This advanced level course covers seminal readings on Confucianism written in modern Chinese language. The course examines Confucian doctrines and the development of Confucianism from ancient time to the contemporary era. Critical reading and essay writing skills will be emphasized.

Prerequisites: CHI211H5 and CHI212H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI409H5 • Influence of Confucianism on Chinese Culture

This advanced level course discusses the cultural influence of Confucianism on Chinese writing, philosophy, religion, education, literature, customs, ethics, society and so forth. The readings covered in this course are mainly in modern Chinese language. Critical reading and essay writing skills will be stressed.

Prerequisites: CHI211H5 and CHI212H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI410H5 • Modern Chinese Literature Studies

This seminar course offers a critical examination of modern Chinese literature. modern Chinese literature. The primary focus will be on representative works of poetry, prose, drama, and fiction. Discussions will emphasize historical, cultural, and social-political contexts. Emphasis will be placed on building writing skills in literary criticism and analyzing literary devices and themes.

Prerequisites: CHI211H5 and CHI212H5
Exclusions: EAS284H1 or EAS309H1 or EAS334H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CHI411H5 • Theory and Practice in English/Chinese Translation

This course is an introduction to the major theories, methods and techniques involved in translating from English into Chinese. The course focuses on practical training for novice translators. Through practice, students will familiarize themselves with the translation process and develop a variety of translation skills and strategies. Students will discuss and reflect upon issues encountered during translation and develop decision-making ability to deal with translation challenges. This course provides a solid foundation for students to continue their studies in translation at the advanced level.

Prerequisites: CHI211H5
Exclusions: ECTB61H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN101H5 • An Introduction to Cinema Studies

Introduction to film analysis, concepts of film style and narrative. Topics include documentary, avant-garde, genres, authorship, ideology, and representation.

Exclusions: INI115Y1 or NEW115Y1 or VIC115Y1 or ERI201H5 or ERI202H5 or CIN202H5 or CIN205Y5 or CIN105H1 or ENGB70H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN102H5 • Modernity and the Moving Image

Looking at a few periods of intense technological change—for example, with the invention of photography, and the introduction of sound, of colour, of television—we will consider the ways in which artists, filmmakers, studios, and media conglomerates have responded to such changes and to accompanying ideas about the role that moving technology plays in our conception of history and the future.

Prerequisites: CIN101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN203H5 • The Films of Alfred Hitchcock

The establishment of film as a serious art form is coincident with the earliest critical writing on Alfred Hitchcock that emerged in the 1950s. Since then, Hitchcock has remained one of the most important filmmakers of all time, spawning not only a massive body of critical scholarship but also legions of imitators. This course will serve as an introduction to both the films (such as Psycho and North by Northwest) and related issues: questions of suspense, authorship, morality, and spectatorship.

Recommended Preparation: CIN101H5 or CIN202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN204H5 • The Films of Martin Scorsese

This course will examine the films of Martin Scorsese, one of the most influential figures in the history of cinema. Scorsese's films will be understood in relation to questions about imitation and originality, genre, violence, male hysteria, and also as meditations on the history of film itself.

Recommended Preparation: CIN101H5 or CIN202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN205H5 • Canadian Auteurs

This course will offer a comparative study of a selection of major contemporary Canadian filmmakers, including Denys Arcand, Atom Egoyan, David Cronenberg, Sara Polley, Denis Villeneuve, Ruba Nadda, Denis Côté, Guy Maddin, Michael Snow, and Joyce Wieland.

Recommended Preparation: CIN101H5 or CIN202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN206H5 • Auteurs

This course will look closely at the work of a single director. Emphasis will be given to the aesthetic, historical, cultural, and philosophical contexts that inform the director's work. We will also tend closely to the style and central preoccupations of the director under examination.

Recommended Preparation: CIN101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T/36P
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

CIN207H5 • East Asian Cinema

This course is an introduction to East Asian cinema from the 1960s to the present, including films from Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Japan, and Korea. With an emphasis on formal aesthetic analysis of short and feature-length films, we will examine film waves, genres, film festivals, and interconnected film industries. Throughout the course, we will consider not only the production, exhibition, and reception spaces of East Asian cinema but also critically examine its definitions and borders.

Recommended Preparation: CIN101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN208H5 • The Films of Abbas Kiarostami: Being and Movement

This course will survey the work of the Iranian filmmaker, Abbas Kiarostami, and will do so with an especial interest in the way that Kiarostami’s films raise important questions about tradition, judgment, and the fluidity of self and world.

Recommended Preparation: CIN101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN210H5 • Contemporary Southeast Asian Cinemas

This course is an introduction to contemporary Southeast Asian cinemas from the 2000s to the present. Since the turn of the millennium, the cinematic innovation of Southeast Asia has been aided by an increase in productive interaction and transnational modes of collaborations and co-productions. These waves of cinema augur new possibilities for considering cross-cultural, cross-boundary ways of being, seeing and knowing that can challenge formulaic and essentialist understandings of the region. Through formal aesthetic analysis of short and feature-length films, and the study of Asia-based and international institutions of cinema, we will examine the multifarious potential of contemporary Southeast Asian in spurring the rethinking of the histories, concepts, and borders of the region.

Recommended Preparation: CIN101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN215H5 • Bollywood in Context

India has arguably the most popular and prolific film industry in the world. This course contextualizes the relatively recent 'Bollywood' phenomenon within the history of Indian commercial cinema and key aspects of modern Indian culture, emphasizing the popular cinema's role in constructing historically changing ideas of national and gendered identity. It also challenges the assumptions of film theories developed in relation to Hollywood or European cinema by introducing film theory concepts that address South Asian image-cultures (such as darshan, frontality, melodrama, and interruption).

Exclusions: VCC390H5, Topic: Bollywood (Winter 2009 and Fall 2009), CIN302H5 (Fall 2013)
Recommended Preparation: (CIN101H5 or CIN202H5) and (VCC101H5 or VCC201H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN250H5 • Introduction to the Fundamentals of Cinematic Language

This hands-on studio-based course will examine fundamentals of cinematic language and production. Students will work individually and in teams to create a series of works that focus on aesthetics and skill development. 24L, 12T, 24P

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN290H5 • Topics in Cinema Studies

The course may have a historical, genre, theoretical, auteur, or other focus. See the Department of Visual Studies website at for the current topic.

Recommended Preparation: CIN101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN301H5 • Topics in Cinema Studies

The course may have a historical, genre, theoretical, auteur, or other focus. Students should contact the program director for the current topic.

Recommended Preparation: (CIN101H5 or CIN202H5) or at least 1.0 credits in courses that count toward Cinema Studies programs.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN302H5 • Topics in Cinema Studies

The course may have a historical, genre, theoretical, auteur, or other focus. Students should contact the program director for the current topic.

Recommended Preparation: (CIN101H5 or CIN202H5) or at least 1.0 credits in courses that count towards Cinema Studies programs.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN303H5 • Global Auteurs

This course is devoted to three major international filmmakers: Michael Haneke (Austria), Olivier Assayas (France), and Hou Hsiao-Hsien (Taiwan). While different in many important respects, these filmmakers are nevertheless linked by their tendency to make international films that are themselves meditations on national identity in an increasingly globalized world. Screenings will include Caché, Code Unknown, Carlos, Demonlover, The Flight of the Red Balloon, and Goodbye South, Goodbye, to name just a few.

Recommended Preparation: (CIN101H5 or CIN202H5) or (VCC101H5 or VCC201H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN304H5 • The Violent Image

It is commonly believed that violent images produce violent, or desensitized people. In this class, we will examine the multiple forms of violence in film, television, and videogames as well as the variety of discourses about violence and images. Rather than confirming the moral logic of condemnation of the violent image, we will ask instead what good a violent image might do.

Recommended Preparation: (CIN101H5 or CIN202H5 or CIN205Y5) or at least 1.0 credit in courses that count towards Cinema Studies programs.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN305H5 • Taiwan New Wave in Our Time

The film In Our Time (1982), which combined short works by four directors (Edward Yang, Jim Tao, Ke Yizheng, and Zhang Yi), is regarded as the beginning of Taiwan New Cinema, generally considered to have ended in the late 1980s. Figures such as Hou Hsiao Hsien, Wang Tung, Chu Tien-wen, Wu Nien-Jen, Hung Hung, Hsiao Yeh, Tsai Chin, and Sylvia Chang played key roles, as directors, screenwriters, producers, and/or actors. From examining films within the era to their impact on contemporary global cinema, this course asks: how may a film be transnationally and transgenerationally re-animated for shifting eras and constellations of viewers? This course speculates that the time of the Taiwan New Wave is still beckoning, even from beyond the contested shores of Taiwan.

Recommended Preparation: CIN101H5 or at least 1.0 credit in courses that count towards Cinema Studies programs.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN306H5 • The Comedic Image

Comedies routinely depend on the performance of the unthinkable in the ordinary. Our laughter follows from the saying or doing of the unsayable and the undoable. Comedy is in this way both a form of bad manners and also a uniquely philosophical genre, insofar as saying the unsayable means that we are able to recognize more than what we see or typically say. This course will survey the history of comedy and its relation to thought, perception, and social values.

Recommended Preparation: (CIN101H5 or CIN202H5) or at least 1.0 credits in courses that count toward the Cinema Studies minor.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN307H5 • Movement

Since the advent of cinema, filmmakers and film theorists have repeatedly attempted to define film as a unique art form on the basis of its most defining characteristic: movement. Painters can represent movement, but film is movement itself. Not surprisingly, many filmmakers who are recognized as significant artists are most easily identified by the distinctive style of their camera movement. This class will be devoted to a consideration of the nature, meaning, and styles of movement in film.

Recommended Preparation: (CIN101H5 or CIN202H5) or (VCC101H5 or VCC201H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN308H5 • East and Southeast Asian Cinemas of Migration

Migration, voluntary and involuntary, has intensified in an unprecedented manner in recent history. More than ever, it is critical to examine forms of proximity, hospitality, and regionality. Including films by migrants, films about the migrant experience, and the migratory routes of cinema itself, this course addresses the ethics, politics, and praxis of mobility and displacement. How, through East and Southeast Asian cinemas, could we envision counter-bodies and counter-strategies with which we may collectively imagine and inhabit the world?

Recommended Preparation: CIN101H5 or at least 1.0 credit in courses that count towards Cinema Studies programs.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN309H5 • Colour and the Moving image

Considering philosophical, scientific, and historical discourses about colour, this course explores a variety of ways of analyzing colour style in film and video art. As we begin to come to terms with the perceptual instability of colour as a positive phenomenon, we will consider how and why dominant histories of film style have been written, especially as the taming of colour has been central to an ongoing categorical distinction between narrative cinema and the avant-garde, morality and hedonism.

Exclusions: CIN401H5 (Winter 2021)
Recommended Preparation: CIN101H5 and at least 1.0 credit in courses that count towards Cinema Studies programs.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN310H5 • Melodrama

Film and Televisual melodramas regularly enact a conflict between personal desire and social expectation. This course will cover a range of films and television melodramas and consider the social contexts in which these works emerge, and often as critiques of the very cultures to which they belong or reject. 24L, 36P

Exclusions: CIN301H5 Topics course Melodrama.
Recommended Preparation: CIN101H5 and at least 1.0 credit in courses that count towards Cinema Studies programs.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN315H5 • From Script to Screen

This is a screenwriting course where students will be introduced to key narrative tools, scriptwriting conventions and components so they can develop an understanding and appreciation of the process from script to screen. From a comparative analysis of screenplays and completed short and feature films with varying budgets in the global cinema landscape, students will learn to use freely available specialized software to craft their own short film materials, including logline, synopsis, treatment, and screenplay.

Recommended Preparation: CIN101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN317H5 • Production: Independent Cinema

What can the title cards and credits of a film tell us about its journey to the screen? Outside of the studio system model adopted in various countries, there are established pathways and structures for the development, financing, production, sales, distribution and exhibition of independent cinema. This class asks how, from idea to completion, an independent film is able to find funding and reach an international audience. Focusing on the transnational ecosystems that sustain the passage of independent cinema around the world, we will examine case studies of films from Asia, Europe and North America.

Recommended Preparation: CIN101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN399Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

This course provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their third year or beyond to work on the research project of a professor in Cinema Studies in return for 399Y course credit. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, enhance their research skills, and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Participating faculty members post their project descriptions for the following summer and fall/winter session on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN400H5 • Topics in Cinema Studies

The course may have a historical, genre, theoretical, auteur, or other focus. Students should contact the Department for the current topic.  Topic-specific pre-requisites, co-requisites, and exclusions may apply to this course, depending on the topic. Please see the UTM Timetable prior to course registration.

Prerequisites: CIN101H5 or at least 2.0 credits in courses that count towards Cinema Studies programs.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36P/24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN401H5 • Topics in Cinema Studies

The course may have a historical, genre, theoretical, auteur, or other focus. Students should contact the Department for the current topic.

Prerequisites: CIN101H5 or at least 2.0 credits in courses that count towards Cinema Studies programs.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36P/24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN402H5 • Avant-Garde Film and Video

This course will look at alternative forms of filmmaking and television production. If there is a defining feature of avant-garde film and video, it is a general resistance to the thematic and stylistic norms of mainstream production and popular culture as way of seeing for all. Thus, in this course, we will be looking at both highly personal and sometimes autobiographical works of art.

Prerequisites: (CIN101H5 or CIN202H5) and 1.0 credits at the 300 level in CIN or permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36P/24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN403H5 • Queerscapes, Screenscapes, Escapes: Gender and Sexuality Across East and Southeast Asian Cinemas

"Queerness is not yet here." José Esteban Muñoz begins Cruising Utopia with the provocation that queerness is a mode of desire that allows for an escape from the conditions of the present. How does queer studies contribute to the building of and the continued hope for a more just world? Through cinema, theory, and philosophy, this course makes the claim that investigating queerness in the world marks a critical move away from restrictive modes of identification and holds open life's horizons of possibility. Course texts emphasize queer cinemas of Asia and their transnational connections.

Prerequisites: CIN101H5 or at least 2.0 credits in courses that count towards Cinema Studies programs.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36P/24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN404H5 • Film Noir and the Problem of Style

By way of an introduction to some of the key instances of film noir, this course is concerned with what we will call the paradox of style; namely, that style can indicate both what is specific and also what is general, what is unique and what is repeatable. We will look at the way in which this paradox is amplified by issues of gender, genre, fashion, and power that seem to concern so many films in this tradition.

Prerequisites: CIN101H5 or at least 2.0 credits in courses that count towards Cinema Studies programs.
Exclusions: CIN401H5 (Winter 2012, Winter 2015, Winter 2017, Winter 2018)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36P/24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN405H5 • Cinema and Emotion

This interdisciplinary course looks at such difficult emotions as shame, jealousy, forgiveness, and love, and how film complicates our understanding of them.

Prerequisites: CIN101H5 or at least 2.0 credits in courses that count towards Cinema Studies programs.
Exclusions: CIN401H5 (Winter 2013)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36P/24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN408H5 • Potential Cinema: Theories, Visions, and Practices of Decoloniality from East and Southeast Asia

Inspired by Ariella Aïsha Azoulay's Potential History: Unlearning Imperialism, this course investigates films from East and Southeast Asia and considers the ways in which we might recognize theories, visions, and practices that might constitute "cinemas of decoloniality." In this course, we will look to filmmakers' aesthetic engagement with archival and imagined time and the collision of pasts, presents, and futures in order to consider how contentious histories of memory and forgetting can have effects on the politics of the present. How, through and with cinema, could there be space not only to retell and reframe histories of coloniality and decolonization but also to experience and practice the potential decolonization of ways of being, seeing, and thinking?

Prerequisites: CIN101H5 or a minimum 2.0 credits in courses that count towards Cinema Studies programs.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36P/24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN410H5 • Creating Mobile Cinemas

This class will introduce students to low-budget aesthetic approaches to cinema across fiction and documentary genres. The class will involve a hybrid of cinema research and creation. During the first half of the semester, we will study a selection of feature-length works and shorts. The second half of the semester will be dedicated towards students creating 10-15 minute pieces of their own inspired by what they have studied.

Prerequisites: CIN101H5 and 1.0 at the 300/400-level in CIN

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36P/24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CIN430H5 • Making a Short Film

This is a production course that introduces students to the four stages of filmmaking: development, production, post production, and release. Through learning the practical aspects of filmmaking such as scriptwriting, budgeting, key crew positions, basic technical proficiency of equipment, and understanding the film festival circuit and online platform, students will make a 5-10 minute fiction short film. Equipment and funds will not be provided but students will be able to complete the assignments on a smartphone with recommendation of free video editing software.

Prerequisites: CIN101H5 and 1.0 credit at the 300/400-level in CIN

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36P/24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA101H5 • Introduction to Classical Civilization

An introduction to ancient Greco-Roman civilization that highlights some of the most salient artistic, cultural, historical, and social achievements of these two societies.

Exclusions: CLA160H1 or CLAA04H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA201H5 • Latin and Greek in Scientific Terminology

The study of technical and scientific terms derived from Latin and Greek: word elements, formation, analysis. The course is designed to give students in any field of specialization a better grasp of the derivation and basic meaning of English words formed from Latin and Greek elements.

Exclusions: CLA201H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

CLA204H5 • Introduction to Classical Mythology

A survey of the myths and legends of the ancient Greek and Roman Mediterranean world in ancient art and literature. Consideration may also be given to their reception in modern art and literature and some modern theories of myth.

Exclusions: CLA204H1 or CLAB05H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

CLA207H5 • Introduction to Greek and Roman Literature

This course provides an introduction to Greek and Roman literature. Detailed interpretations of key works from a variety of genres are complemented by discussions of more general issues like literacy levels, orality, literary rhetoric, performance contexts and intertextuality.

Recommended Preparation: CLA101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA220H5 • Introduction to Greek and Roman Archaeology

This course introduces students to archaeology in the ancient Mediterranean, covering key archaeological methods and material from the Greek Bronze Age through the Roman Empire. Students develop essential skills to recognize and analyze ancient material culture.

Exclusions: CLA210H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA230H5 • Introduction to Greek History

An introduction to the diverse history of the Greek world, tracing mainly political but also social developments from the Bronze Age of the mid-second millennium BCE to the first century CE.

Exclusions: CLA230H1 or CLAB05H3
Recommended Preparation: CLA101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA231H5 • Introduction to Roman History

An introduction to the history of Rome, focusing mainly on its political and military history but also tracing the most salient social and cultural developments, from its inconspicuous beginnings in the eighth century BCE to Rome's Mediterranean Empire in the imperial period and its dissolution in the sixth century CE.

Exclusions: CLA231H1 or CLAB06H3
Recommended Preparation: CLA101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA233H5 • Introduction to Roman Culture & Society

An introduction to the cultural and social history of ancient Rome and those living in the Roman world. Topics may vary from year to year but include daily life and demography, the Roman family, gender and sexuality, the Roman political system and the army, religion, Roman entertainments (the circus, gladiatorial games, the theatre), and Latin literature.

Exclusions: CLA233H1 or CLAB06H3
Recommended Preparation: CLA101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA234H5 • Ancient Science and Technology

A general introduction to early technology, its achievements and limitations, the origins and development of ancient science, including ancient medicine, and their interaction with philosophy.

Exclusions: CLA203H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

CLA237H5 • Introduction to Greek Culture & Society

An introduction to the society and culture of the ancient Greek world and those who were in contact with it. Topics may vary from year to year but include daily life and demography, social customs, gender and sexuality, literature, art, as well as religion and religious festivals (such as processions, theatrical performances and athletic competitions such as the Olympic Games).

Exclusions: CLA232H1 or CLAB05H3
Recommended Preparation: CLA101H5 or CLA204H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA299Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

This course provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their second year to work in the research project of a professor in return for 299Y course credit. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Participating faculty members post their project descriptions for the following summer and fall/winter sessions in early February and students are invited to apply in early February. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

This course may be substituted for 1.0 credits at the 300+ level.

Prerequisites: Completion of at least 4.0 and not more than 9.0 credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA300H5 • Greek Tragedy and Comedy

Greek drama from the origins of tragedy in the sixth century B.C. to New Comedy, with close study of selected plays of Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, and Menander, and attention to Aristotle's Poetics.

Exclusions: CLA382H1 or CLA383H1 or CLAC01H3
Recommended Preparation: CLA204H5 or CLA237H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA301H5 • Greek Epic

The Iliad and the Odyssey, with comparative study of related texts.

Prerequisites: CLA204H5 or CLA230H5 or CLA237H5
Exclusions: CLA236H1 or CLAC11H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA302H5 • Roman Epic

The Aeneid of Virgil and/or other Roman epics with comparative study of related texts.

Prerequisites: CLA204H5 or CLA231H5 or CLA233H5
Exclusions: CLA236H1 or CLAC11H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA303H5 • The Ancient Novel

The human and social climate in which prose fiction arose; the Greek romances of love and adventure (Heliodorus, Longus, Chariton), and the more ironical and socially conscious works of the Roman writers (Petronius, The Satyricon, and Apuleius, The Golden Ass).

Prerequisites: CLA204H5 or CLA230H5 or CLA231H5 or CLA233H5 or CLA237H5
Exclusions: CLA303H1 or CLAC12H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA307H5 • Greek and Roman Lyric Poetry

This course discusses Greek and Roman lyric poetry in its wider literary, cultural and political contexts. Poets who will be discussed include, among others, Sappho, Theocritus, Catullus and Horace. Some of the poems featured in this course belong to the best and most beautiful literature written in Graeco-Roman antiquity.

Prerequisites: CLA207H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA308H5 • Religion in the Ancient Greek World

A study of the religious cults and forms of worship current in the ancient Greek world. The course will consider religion in the ancient Greek city-states, but attention will also be paid to the so-called 'mystery religions', Greek beliefs about the afterlife, and intellectual reflection on religion in Greek literature.

Prerequisites: Prerequisite for CLA students: (CLA204H5 or CLA230H5 or CLA237H5) and for RLG students: any pertinent RLG course at the 200+ level.
Exclusions: CLA308H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA310H5 • Religion in the Roman Empire

A close study of the religious cults and forms of worship current in the Roman Empire during the first four centuries C.E. The course will concentrate on the so-called 'pagan' cults, but their interaction with Jews and the early Christians, as well as the rise of Christianity, will also be considered. Attention will also be paid to the imperial cult ("emperor worship"); the so-called 'mystery religions' and 'oriental religions'; the diversity of local religion across the empire; oracles, private religiosity and intellectual reflection on religion in the ancient Greek and Roman writers.

Prerequisites: Prerequisite for CLA students: (CLA231H5 or CLA233H5) and for RLG students: any pertinent RLG course at the 200+ level.
Exclusions: CLA310H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA319H5 • Women and Gender in Antiquity

A study of gender in the ancient Mediterranean, with a focus on female and male sexuality and socialization; their economic, religious, and political roles; and aspects of daily life.

Prerequisites: CLA204H5 or CLA230H5 or CLA231H5 or CLA233H5 or CLA237H5
Exclusions: CLA219H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA320H5 • The Etruscans

A close study of the history, culture, society, religion, art and archaeology of the Etruscans (1000–100 BCE) and of their contacts with Greek and Roman society and culture.

Prerequisites: CLA230H5 or CLA231H5 or CLA233H5 or CLA237H5
Exclusions: CLA391H5 (Fall 2022)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA337H5 • Pompeii and Herculaneum: Everyday Life and Death in Roman Cities

Focusing on Roman Pompeii and Herculaneum, this course studies the experiences of townspeople: the freeborn (male and female), freed persons, and slaves; the demography of a Roman town and its public infrastructure; the interior design of Roman houses; local politics; leisure activities; economy; and religious beliefs and funerary practices.

Prerequisites: CLA231H5 or CLA233H5
Exclusions: CLA391H5 (Winter 2019)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA350H5 • The Trojan War: Archaeology and Myth

This course studies the unique place Troy and the Trojan War hold in Greek and Roman literary and historical imagination, archaeology, mythology, and art. The course also considers the afterlife of the Trojan War in post-Classical European culture, and its reception in modern film and fiction.

Prerequisites: CLA220H5 or CLA230H5 or CLA237H5
Exclusions: CLA390H5 (Fall 2022);  CLA404H5 (Winter 2021)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA355H5 • Greek Sanctuaries: Archaeology and Ritual

This course explores the development and function of Greek sanctuaries, paying special attention to the archaeological evidence and the roles of sanctuaries in society. It studies major sanctuaries and their festivals and rituals (Delphi, Olympia, Athenian Acropolis, Eleusis, Samos, Ephesos), but also considers smaller sites in the Greek world.

Prerequisites: CLA204H5 or CLA220H5 or CLA230H5 or CLA237H5
Exclusions: CLA390H5 (Fall 2021)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

CLA359H5 • The Persian Empire: 559-331 BCE

This course offers an examination of the history and culture of the first multicultural superstate of the ancient world, the Achaemenid Empire. Through a close analysis of ancient sources, this course not only investigates governmental structures but also the daily life in the Eastern Mediterranean from the sixth to the fourth centuries BCE.

Prerequisites: CLA230H5 or CLA231H5 or CLA233H5 or CLA237H5
Exclusions: NMC349H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA360H5 • Early Greece

This course offers an exploration into the early Greek world, tracing political, economical, and social developments from a world of local rulers in the second millennium BCE until the Persian Wars in the early fifth century BCE. An in-depth study of the many forms of available ancient sources will create a vivid picture of early Greek communities, of state organization, and society.

Prerequisites: CLA230H5 or CLA237H5
Exclusions: CLA362H1 or CLA363H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA361H5 • Classical Greece

A close study of the Greek Mediterranean world during the period, which already in antiquity, was described as 'Classical'. Through an in-depth study of ancient sources, this course explores the political, economic, social, religious and cultural developments of the Greek states in the time period from the Persian Wars in the early 5th century to the rise of Macedon in the second half of the fourth century BCE.

Prerequisites: CLA230H5 or CLA237H5
Exclusions: CLA335H5 or CLA363H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA362H5 • Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic World

This course offers an in-depth study of the Hellenistic World from the reign of Alexander the Great in the fourth century BCE to a Greek world under Roman dominance in the first century CE, spanning geographically from the Mediterranean basin via the Levant and Mesopotamia to modern-day Afghanistan. A close examination of different types of ancient sources will trace the political, cultural, economic and social developments of kings, regions and cities that shaped this period.

Prerequisites: CLA230H5 or CLA237H5
Exclusions: CLA347H5, CLA64H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA365H5 • Trade in the Ancient Mediterranean

This course explores questions of trade and exchange in the ancient Mediterranean. A close study of ancient primary material examines aspects of the ancient economy, trade goods, ships and shipwrecks, ports and harbours, and cross-cultural interaction.

Prerequisites: CLA230H5 or CLA231H5 or CLA233H5 or CLA237H5
Exclusions: CLA372H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA367H5 • The Roman Republic

A survey of the salient political, constitutional, social, economic, military, religious, and cultural developments in the Roman Republic, from the late sixth century to the final decades of the first century BC.

Prerequisites: CLA231H5 or CLA233H5
Exclusions: CLA367H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA368H5 • Augustus and the Julio-Claudians

A survey of the salient political, constitutional, social, economic, military, religious and cultural developments in the Roman Empire in the age of Augustus and during the reigns of the Julio-Claudian emperors (ca. 44 BCE- 68CE).

Prerequisites: CLA231H5 or CLA233H5
Exclusions: CLA368H1
Recommended Preparation: CLA367H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA369H5 • The High Roman Empire, 68-305 CE

A survey of the salient political, constitutional, social, economic, military, religious and cultural developments in the Roman Empire, from the 'year of the four emperors' (68 CE) to the fourth century CE.

Prerequisites: CLA231H5 or CLA233H5
Exclusions: CLA369H1
Recommended Preparation: CLA368H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA370H5 • Late Antiquity

A survey of the salient political, constitutional, social, economic, military, religious and cultural developments in the Roman Empire from the fourth century to the age of Justinian.

Prerequisites: CLA231H5 or CLA233H5
Exclusions: CLA378H1
Recommended Preparation: CLA369H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA390H5 • Topics in Greek History & Culture

A detailed study of a topic of Greek history, literature, or material culture. Topics will vary from year to year. See Department of Historical Studies web site at… for more details.

Prerequisites: CLA230H5 or CLA237H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA391H5 • Topics in Roman History & Culture

A detailed study of a topic of Roman history, literature, or material culture. Topics will vary from year to year. See Department of Historical Studies web site at… for more details.

Prerequisites: CLA231H5 or CLA233H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA395H5 • Topics in Classics

An in-depth examination of historical issues. Content in any given year depends on instructor. See Department of Historical Studies web site at… for more details.

Prerequisites: At least 0.5 200 level credits in Classical Civilization.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA396H5 • The Ancient Mediterranean in Context

An in-depth examination of the historical issues and their relationships with specific regions in the ancient world and their monuments. Content in any given year depends on instructor. As part of this course, students will have the option of participating in an international learning experience that will have an additional cost and application process. See the Department of Historical Studies website at for more details.

Prerequisites: CLA230H5 or CLA231H5 or CLA233H5 or CLA237H5

International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA399Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

For senior undergraduate students who have developed some knowledge of a discipline and its research methods, this course offers an opportunity to work on the research project of a professor. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, develop their research skills and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Project descriptions for the following fall-winter session are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: Completion of at least 8.0, and not more than 10.0, credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA404H5 • Advanced Topics in Classics

A critical exploration of selected topics of Greek or Roman history, literature, philosophy, or material culture. Topics will vary from year to year.

Prerequisites: At least 2.5 credits in Classics, including at least 1.5 credits at the 300 level.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA497Y5 • Independent Reading

Student-initiated project of reading and research, supervised by a member of the Department. Primarily intended for students in a Major program. After obtaining a supervisor, a student must apply to the Department of Historical Studies. A maximum of 1.0 credit in a reading course is permitted.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA499H5 • Independent Reading

Student-initiated project of reading and research, supervised by a member of the Department. Primarily intended for Majors. After obtaining a supervisor, a student must apply to the Department of Historical Studies. A maximum of two reading courses, amounting to 1.0 credit, is permitted.

Prerequisites: At least 2.5 credits in Classics, including at least 1.5 credits at the 300 level.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

CLA499Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

For senior undergraduate students who have developed some knowledge of a discipline and its research methods, this course offers an opportunity to work on the research project of a professor. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, develop their research skills and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Project descriptions for the following fall-winter session are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: Completion of at least 8.0, and not more than 10.0 credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE121H5 • Traditions of Theatre and Drama

An introductory survey of the forms and history of world drama from the classical period to the nineteenth century in its performance context. May include later works influenced by historical forms and one or more plays in the Theatre Erindale schedule of production. May include a research performance component. This course is also listed as ENG121H5.

Exclusions: DRM100Y1 or ENG125Y1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE122H5 • Modern and Contemporary Theatre and Drama

An introductory survey of the forms and history of world drama from the late nineteenth century to the present in its performance context. May include film adaptations and one or more plays in the Theatre Erindale schedule of productions. May include a research performance component. This course is also listed as ENG122H5.

Exclusions: DRM100Y1 or ENG125Y1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE200H5 • Canadian Theatre History

A survey of the history of theatre in Canada, with particular emphasis on developments since the mid-twentieth century.

Prerequisites: DRE/ENG121H5 and ENG122H5, or permission of the U of T Mississauga program director.
Exclusions: DRM268H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE201H5 • Acting

A practical introduction to the art and craft of performance, intended for students with little or no previous experience or training. The course uses a range of acting exercises to teach critical thinking, active listening, specificity of action, intention of thought, and team building. Students will engage in text analysis, collective creation, storytelling, physical and vocal exercises, and character development, in the process cultivating skills transferable to their chosen career path. This course is ideally suited for any student seeking to enhance their interpersonal and presentation skills.

Exclusions: DRS121H5 or DRS122H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 12L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE202H5 • Intermediate Acting

In this course, students with some experience of acting (as acquired in DRE201H5) will learn to deepen their empathetic engagement with the world around them, using theatre as a catalyst. Students will develop essential skills such as critical thinking, active listening, specificity of action and intention of thought through scene study and will practice more advanced techniques of script analysis, character development, and monologue work. The course is designed to hone transferrable skills and is ideally suited for any student seeking to enhance their interpersonal and presentation skills. Not open to students in the Theatre and Drama Studies specialist (TDS). Note: additional rehearsal hours may be required beyond scheduled course sessions.

Prerequisites: DRE201H5 or permission of the instructor.
Exclusions: DRS121H5 or DRS122H5

Enrolment Limits: Not open to students in the Theatre and Drama Studies specialist (TDS).
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 12L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE221Y5 • Shakespeare

A study of about twelve plays by Shakespeare, representing the different periods of his career and the different genres he worked in (comedy, history, tragedy). Such plays as: Romeo and Juliet; A Midsummer Night's Dream; Richard II; Henry IV, parts I and II; Henry V; Twelfth Night; Measure for Measure; Hamlet; King Lear; Antony and Cleopatra; The Tempest. The course provides an in-depth theatre-historical and practical introduction to Shakespeare's work and gives students the opportunity to engage with a wide range of approaches to the staging of his plays.

Prerequisites: DRE121H5 or ENG121H5, and DRE122H5 or ENG122H5 Students who do not meet the prerequisite may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.
Exclusions: ENG220Y5 or DRE224H5 or DRE226H5 or DRE370H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 48L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE222H5 • The Performance Text

An introduction to the techniques of dramaturgical analysis, through the study of a range of texts to which students might be exposed as theatre practitioners and audience members. Focus will be on the relationship between the performance event and its associated written text. Examples will emphasize modern and contemporary drama, as well as a range of styles, and will include one or more Theatre Erindale productions, and other appropriate productions, as well as a practical workshop component.

Prerequisites: (DRE121H5 or ENG121H5) and (DRE122H5 or ENG122H5) or permission of U of T Mississauga program director
Exclusions: DRE240H5 or DRE242H5 or DRE244H5 or DRE246H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE223H5 • Shakespeare in the Theatre

This course introduces students to Shakespeare’s plays as works of theatre. We will study the spaces and performance practices for which these texts were originally written and explore how subsequent generations of theatre makers approached, adapted, and repurposed them for different performance venues and styles, and from different aesthetic, cultural, and political perspectives, from the seventeenth century to our own time, in Britain, North America, and beyond the English-speaking world. The course will include screenings of select landmark productions.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed (DRE121H5 or ENG121H5) and (DRE122H5 or ENG122H5).
Exclusions: DRE221Y5 or DRE226H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE224H5 • Introduction to Shakespeare

This course introduces students to Shakespeare. Lectures equip them with historical knowledge about literature, politics, and the theatre in Shakespeare's time. Tutorials help them to grapple with Shakespeare's language, versification, and stagecraft. By the end of the course students will have a new framework within which to understand - and interrogate - the enduring power of Shakespeare's work.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.
Exclusions: ENG220Y5 or DRE221Y5 or ENG223H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE299Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

This course provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their second year to work in the research project of a professor. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Project descriptions for the following fall-winter session are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: 4.0 credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE300H5 • Puppetry and Object Performance

Why are we so attracted to (and often unnerved by) objects that come to life? This course introduces students to puppetry and object performance through a combination of practice (construction and operation), history, and analysis. Though they are staples of children’s entertainment, puppets have long appeared in rituals, popular and avant-garde theatre, political protest, and, more recently, on television, in movies, and on Broadway. This course offers an exploration of puppetry forms, materials, and techniques across centuries and continents, as well as an examination of how puppetry relates to and differs from other lifelike technology (e.g., robots, avatars, chatbots).

There will be a small fee for construction materials.

Prerequisites: 4.0 full credits, including DRE121H5 or ENG121H5 and DRE122H5 or ENG122H5 or permission of the instructor.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE305H5 • Studies in Indigenous Performance

Topic for this course vary from year to year, depending on faculty research interests. The course may cover such matters as interdisciplinary approaches to Indigenous storytelling in experimental film, new media, digital arts and performance, including community collaboration, public spaces, archival or historical content, participatory performance, and decentralized theatre. It may include a practical workshop component and attending a rehearsal for an Indigenous lead production in Toronto.

Prerequisites: 4.0 full credits, including (DRE121H5 or ENG121H5) and (DRE122H5 or ENG122H5) or permission of the UTM program director
Recommended Preparation: DRE200H5 and DRE222H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE342H5 • Studies in Twentieth Century Performance Styles

A seminar on a topic chosen by the instructor, having a particular focus on twentieth century theories of performance. Includes optional practical workshop component.

Prerequisites: 4.0 full credits, including DRE/ENG121H5 and DRE/ENG122H5; or permission of the UTM program director.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE344H5 • Studies in Theatre and Drama 1

Topic varies from year to year, depending on faculty research interests.

Prerequisites: 4.0 full credits, including DRE/ENG121H5 and DRE/ENG122H5; or permission of the UTM program director.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE346H5 • Studies in Theatre and Drama 2

Topic varies from year to year, depending on faculty research interests.

Prerequisites: 4.0 full credits, including DRE/ENG121H5 and DRE/ENG122H5; or permission of the UTM program director.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE347H5 • Studies in Theatre and Drama 3

Topic varies from year to year, depending on faculty research interests.

Prerequisites: 4.0 full credits, including DRE/ENG121H5 and DRE/ENG122H5; or permission of the UTM program director.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE348H5 • Production Dramaturgy

Plays from the Western theatrical tradition in contemporary productions.

Prerequisites: (DRE121H5 or ENG121H5) and (DRE122H5 or ENG122H5) and (DRE200H5 or DRE220H5) and DRE222H5 or permission of the U of T Mississauga program director.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE352H5 • Stage to Screen

A theoretical and historical study of the relationship between live and recorded media, with special consideration of the translation/adaption from theatrical production to film and television production. Discussion will focus on case studies. Includes optional practical workshop component.

Prerequisites: 4.0 full credits, including DRE/ENG121H5 and DRE/ENG122H5; or permission of the UTM program director.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24P/24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE356H5 • Theory of Drama

A study of theories of drama, theatre and performance, with a special emphasis on semiotics. Topics will include the relationship between theatre and other modes of social interaction (the fashion show, the political convention), theatre and other performing arts, and theatre/drama as a literary genre. May include one or more Theatre Erindale and other productions in the syllabus.

Prerequisites: 4.0 full credits, including DRE/ENG121H5 and DRE/ENG122H5; or permission of the UTM program director.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE358H5 • The Audience and the Theatre

A theoretical and historical examination of the theatrical performance with a focus on the role of the audience. Topics will include the shifting relationship with performers, both collaborative and manipulative, a reflection on what makes theatre audiences different from other audiences, and what precisely happens at various stages of the playgoing experience. The second part of the semester will be devoted to a series of historical case studies, ranging from ancient Greece through Shakespearian England to 17th-century Spain and 20th-century Germany.

Prerequisites: 4.0 full credits, including DRE/ENG121H5 and DRE/ENG122H5; or permission of the UTM program director.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE360H5 • Developmental Dramaturgy

A theoretical, historical, and practical study of the process of developmental dramaturgy. The course will include a survey and analysis of historical and contemporary interpretations of the role of dramaturgy in the creation of new work. Students will also participate in the practical application of dramaturgical strategies and techniques.

Prerequisites: (DRE121H5 or ENG121H5) and (DRE122H5 or ENG122H5) and (DRE200H5 or DRE220H5) and DRE222H5

Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE362H5 • Playwriting

An introduction to the art and craft of writing for the stage. Through a variety of practical exercises, students will be encouraged to explore the unique properties of the theatrical environment. Topics for investigation will include general issues (such as language, plot structure, characterization, metaphor, and symbolism, etc.) as well as issues specific to the theatrical context (such as theatrical time and space, movement, engagement with an audience, relationship to other theatre practitioners, etc.). The class will involve writing in and out of class, as well as exercises in effective and constructive critique of one another's work.

Prerequisites: [4.0 full credits, including (DRE121H5 or ENG121H5) and (DRE122H5 or ENG122H5)] or permission of instructor. In some years, a portfolio submission will be required. Contact the undergraduate advisor for details.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE363H5 • Workshop in Playwriting

This course is a continued exploration in writing for the stage for students who have already written one act or solo plays. Participant playwrights will complete a full-length play, incorporate complex structures and anti-structure, and advance their voices and skills as playwrights. The class will workshop scenes and prepare staged readings of participant work. A major focus of this course will be processes of development and revision while working with directors, actors, dramaturgs, and other collaborators.

Prerequisites: A minimum of 4.0 credits, including (DRE121H5 or ENG121H5) and (DRE122H5  or ENG122H5) and DRE362H5 and permission of instructor. A portfolio submission may be required at the instructor’s discretion, contact the undergraduate advisor for portfolio requirements and submission deadlines.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE366H5 • Women in Theatre

Topics in the history of women in English-language theatre. Topics will vary from year to year, depending on available faculty. May include a practical workshop component.

Prerequisites: 4.0 full credits, including DRE/ENG121H5 and DRE/ENG122H5; or permission of the UTM program director.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE370H5 • Exploring Shakespeare in Performance

In this course, students will be introduced to contemporary theatrical approaches to the most canonical of dramatists. Through selected theoretical readings, interviews, practical exercises, and screenings of recent productions, we will explore tensions between reverential and radical treatments of the Shakespearean text, including topics such as the politics of casting, the role of the director, and the authority of the actor. The course will ask what it means to stage Shakespeare now and will equip students to develop their own and conceptual and theatrical responses to that question.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits, including (DRE121H5 or ENG121H5) and (DRE122H5 or ENG122H5) and DRE226H5.
Exclusions: DRE221Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE380H5 • Repertory Theatre in Practice: The Shaw Festival

A study of the role of repertory theatre in the historical and current development of dramatic literature and performance practices, held-on-site at the Shaw Festival in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario. Students will attend productions and lectures, interview actors, directors, designers, and administrators, and collaborate on a staged reading with the assistance of company members. Topics may include the performance history of plays by George Bernard Shaw, Anton Chekhov, Henrik Ibsen, Oscar Wilde, and other playwrights within the Festival's mandate, the analysis of production elements from the perspectives of directors, actors, and designers, and the relevance of "classical" drama for the modern world. There is a nonrefundable fee associated with this course beyond tuition, for which the accepted students are responsible.

Departmental approval is required to enroll in the course; please contact the Undergraduate Advisor for details.

Prerequisites: 6.0 credits, including DRE121H5 and DRE122H5 and DRE200H5 and DRE222H5 or approved equivalent courses.
Recommended Preparation: Any DRE course on the 300- or 400-level and ENG340H5 and ENG341H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE392H5 • Independent Study 1

An independent project in theatre and drama studies, chosen by the student and supervised by a member of the faculty. The form of the project will be determined in consultation with the supervisor. A written proposal, signed by the supervisor, must be submitted for approval to the Program Director by May 15 if an "F" course, by November 1 if an "S" course. Proposal forms are available from the Undergraduate Advisor. Independent Study courses may not be taken simultaneously.

Prerequisites: Permission of the U of T Mississauga program director, and completion of three DRM/DRE/DRS credits.
Exclusions: DRM390Y5 or DRE390Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE394H5 • Independent Study 2

An independent project in theatre and drama studies, chosen by the student and supervised by a member of the faculty. The form of the project will be determined in consultation with the supervisor. A written proposal, signed by the supervisor, must be submitted for approval to the Program Director by May 15 if an "F" course, by November 1 if an "S" course. Proposal forms are available from the Undergraduate Advisor. Independent Study courses may not be taken simultaneously.

Prerequisites: Permission of the U of T Mississauga program director, and completion of three DRM/DRE/DRS credits.
Exclusions: DRM390Y5 or DRE390Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE399Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

For senior undergraduate students who have developed some knowledge of a discipline and its research methods, this course offers an opportunity to work on the research project of a professor. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, develop their research skills and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Project descriptions for the following fall-winter session are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE405H5 • Topics in Indigenous Performance

This senior research and creation seminar will explore topics in contemporary Indigenous performance. These topics will vary with faculty research interests; course may cover such matters as intergenerational cross-cultural collaboration, Anishinaabe star and land knowledge, working with culturally-codified objects, contextualizing projects in non-institutional spaces, international inter-indigenous productions, community outreach, and Indigenous feminisms and futurisms. The course may include a practical workshop component or a capstone research or performance project.

Prerequisites: 9 credits including (DRE121H5 or ENG121H5) and (DRE122H5 or ENG122H5) and either (DRE200H5 or DRE222H5). Students who do not meet the prerequisite may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE420H5 • Senior Seminar 1

A senior research seminar in Theatre and Performance. Topic will vary with instructor.

Prerequisites: 9 credits, including (DRE121H5 or ENG121H5) and (DRE122H5 or ENG122H5) and (DRE200H5 or DRE222H5) or permission of the U of T Mississauga program director

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE422H5 • Senior Seminar II

A senior research seminar in Theatre and Performance. Topic will vary with instructor.

Prerequisites: 9 credits, including (DRE121H5 or ENG121H5) and (DRE122H5 or ENG122H5) and (DRE200H5 or DRE222H5); or permission of the U of T Mississauga program director

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRE463H5 • Senior Seminar III

A senior research seminar in performance and popular culture. Topic will vary with instructor.

Prerequisites: 9 credits, including (DRE121H5 or ENG121H5) and (DRE122H5 or ENG122H5) and (DRE200H5 or DRE222H5); or permission of the U of T Mississauga program director

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRS121H5 • Acting 1

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) This course will introduce the elements of practical Vocal, Physical, Textual, and Improvisational training for the novice actor, together with an Introduction to Theatre Organization, with an emphasis on releasing the natural impulse. In addition, the student will spend a minimum of 3 hours per week (averaged) in Stagecraft Labs gaining basic backstage and front-of-house skills, and in production-related duties. Typical production tasks are concentrated in 3- to 9-week periods and may include evenings and/or Saturdays.

Corequisites: DRE121H5 or ENG121H5

Enrolment Limits: Studio courses are limited by audition to those in the Theatre and Drama Studies Program.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 108P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRS122H5 • Acting 2

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) The continuation of Acting 1. Stagecraft Labs are replaced, outside class hours, by a minimum of 3 hours per week (average) of production-related duties over the term.

Prerequisites: DRS121H5 and (DRE121H5 or ENG121H5)
Corequisites: DRE122H5 or ENG122H5

Enrolment Limits: Studio courses are limited by audition to those in the Theatre and Drama Studies Program.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 108P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRS221H5 • Acting 3

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Half of this course will continue and build upon the work begun in first year in Voice, Text, and Movement. The other half will be an Introduction to Scene Study, including character analysis for the actor, with realistic material from the Canadian and International repertoire. The student will be assigned a minimum of 75 hours of production-related duties outside class time over the year; typical tasks are concentrated in 3- to 9-week periods and may include evenings and/or Saturdays.

Prerequisites: At least 4.0 credits including DRS121H5 and DRS122H5 and (DRE121H5 or ENG121H5) and (DRE122H5 or ENG122H5)
Corequisites: At least one of DRE200H5 or DRE220H5 or DRE222H5 or DRE240H5 or DRE242H5 or DRE244H5 or DRE246H5

Enrolment Limits: Studio courses are limited by audition to those in the Theatre and Drama Studies Program.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 108P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRS222H5 • Acting 4

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) The continuation of DRS221H5 Acting 3.

Prerequisites: DRS221H5

Enrolment Limits: Studio courses are limited by audition to those in the Theatre and Drama Studies Program.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 108P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRS321H5 • Acting 5

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Vocal, Physical, and Interpretive Techniques for the developing actor now become more specialized. Unarmed Combat, Period Movement, Contact Improvisation, Ensemble Singing, Intermediate Voice, Professional Practice, and various classical and contemporary styles are included (components may vary with the availability of Guest Instructors). In addition, each student will be scheduled regularly for a half-hour Tutorial to work on acting problems in a one-on-one situation.

Prerequisites: DRS222H5 and (DRE200H5 or DRE220H5) and DRE222H5
Corequisites: DRS325H5

Enrolment Limits: Studio courses are limited by audition to those in the Theatre and Drama Studies Program.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 108P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRS322H5 • Acting 6

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) The continuation of DRS321H5, Acting 5. Tutorials culminate in the major solo performance and dramaturgy exercise called the Junior Project.

Prerequisites: DRS321H5
Corequisites: DRS326H5

Enrolment Limits: Studio courses are limited by audition to those in the Theatre and Drama Studies Program.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 108P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRS325H5 • Production 1

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) The student will be cast in a public production, involving 12-33 hours of rehearsal and performance evenings and Saturdays for up to 9 weeks of the term. (Note that, at this level, evening classes in other departments are not possible.)

Prerequisites: DRS222H5 and (DRE200H5 or DRS220H5) and DRE222H5
Corequisites: DRS321H5

Enrolment Limits: Studio courses are limited by audition to those in the Theatre and Drama Studies Program.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRS326H5 • Production 2

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) The student will be cast in a second public production, involving 12-33 hours of rehearsal and performance evenings and Saturdays for up to 10 weeks of the term. (Note that, at this level, evening classes in other departments are not possible.)

Prerequisites: DRS325H5
Corequisites: DRS322H5

Enrolment Limits: Studio courses are limited by audition to those in the Theatre and Drama Studies Program.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRS421H5 • Acting 7

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Work on Voice, Text, and Movement continues at an advanced level. Solo Singing, Senior Voice, Character Mask, Dance for Actors, and an Introduction to Sword are included (components may vary with the availability of Guest Instructors). Regular half-hour Tutorials continue, with emphasis on the development of individual audition material. Professional Practice classes include cold reading, mock auditions, and the realities of acting as a business. Styles include Acting for the Camera and other Media Workshops, as well as classes that could range from the Greeks to the Absurdists.

Prerequisites: DRS322H5 and DRS326H5 and 1.0 DRE credit at 300 level
Corequisites: DRS425H5

Enrolment Limits: Studio courses are limited by audition to those in the Theatre and Drama Studies Program.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 108P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRS422H5 • Acting 8

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) The continuation of DRS421H5, Acting 7.

Prerequisites: DRS421H5
Corequisites: DRS426H5

Enrolment Limits: Studio courses are limited by audition to those in the Theatre and Drama Studies Program.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 108P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRS425H5 • Production 3

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) The student will be cast in a third public production, involving 12-33 hours of rehearsal and performance evenings and Saturdays for up to 9 weeks of the term. (Note that, at this level, evening classes in other departments are not possible.)

Prerequisites: DRS326H5 and 1.0 DRE credit at 300 level.
Corequisites: DRS421H5

Enrolment Limits: Studio courses are limited by audition to those in the Theatre and Drama Studies Program.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 156P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DRS426H5 • Production 4

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) The student will be cast in a fourth public production, involving 12-33 hours of rehearsal and performance evenings and Saturdays for up to 10 weeks of the term. (Note that, at this level, evening classes in other departments are not possible.)

Prerequisites: DRS425H5
Corequisites: DRS422H5

Enrolment Limits: Studio courses are limited by audition to those in the Theatre and Drama Studies Program.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 156P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DTS201H5 • Introduction to Diaspora and Transnational Studies I

An interdisciplinary introduction to the study of diaspora, with particular attention to questions of history, globalization, cultural production and the creative imagination. Material will be drawn from Toronto as well as from diasporic communities in other times and places.

Exclusions: DTS201H1 or DTSB01H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities, Social Science
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DTS202H5 • Introduction to Diaspora and Transnational Studies II

A continuation of DTS201H5. An interdisciplinary introduction to the study of diaspora, with particular attention to questions of history, globalization, cultural production and the creative imagination. Material will be drawn from Toronto as well as from diasporic communities in other times and places.

Exclusions: DTS200Y1 and DTS202H1 and DTSB02H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DTS301H5 • Topics in Diaspora and Transnational Studies

An examination of issues on Diaspora and Transnational Studies. Content in any given year depends on instructor. See Department of Historical Studies website at for details.

Recommended Preparation: DTS201H5 or DTS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

DTS401H5 • Advanced Topics in Diaspora and Transnational Studies

An in-depth examination of issues on Diaspora and Transnational Studies. Content in any given year depends on instructor. See Department of Historical Studies website at for details.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

EDS100H5 • Introduction to Education Studies

This course explores broad social and cultural issues in education. It will address questions about how we advance knowledge, who controls how and what we learn and what role education has in how societies are shaped, changed and reproduced. Students will evaluate the influence education can have on who we are, how we wish to live and what we aspire to as citizens in a global and digital community. This investigation will also consider how language, race, gender, class and culture intersect with teaching and learning.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

EDS101H5 • Health and Education

This course serves as an introduction to theory and research in the related fields of health and education.  Students will learn to identify, address, and manage health-related risk in school environments by deepening their knowledge of holistic and brain-based theory. The course will explore health and wellness as a fundamental human right by addressing proactive approaches through the Determinants of Health and Developmental Assets Framework. Active research will include investigation of school-based policies and practices (e.g, the critique of a new fitness technology, examination of a school food and nutrition program, assessment of a school health campaign). 

As this is an introductory course to the topic, students are encouraged to take this course in their first or second year as preparation for EDS220H5 Equity and Diversity Studies and EDS388H5 – Internship in the Community. 

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

EDS200H5 • Learning Through the Lifespan

This course focuses on the physical skills, cognitive abilities, and socioemotional experiences that shape an individual’s capacity to learn throughout the lifespan (i.e., infancy to late adulthood). It will address how learning is a lifelong process and how we are continually educating ourselves in different ways by incorporating strategies that best suit our lifespan stage. Critical research and theorists will be discussed to enhance the topics presented. Students are required to complete an 8-hour field experience, and obtain a valid vulnerable sector police check in advance of placement.

Exclusions: CTE100H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

EDS210H5 • Communication and Conflict Resolution

This course focuses on principles and practices of conflict management and resolution, emphasizing interpersonal communication, including cross-cultural perspectives and communicating across different identities and worldviews, with emphasis on the relevance of these skills, principles and processes to teaching and learning.

Exclusions: CTE250H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

EDS220H5 • Equity and Diversity in Education

This course focuses on raising awareness and sensitivity to equity and diversity issues facing teachers and students in diverse schools and cultural communities. It includes a field experience which entails observation of, and participation in, equity and diversity efforts in a community organization.

Exclusions: CTE200H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

EDS250H5 • Indigenous Education

This course is open to all students from any discipline. Designed to increase opportunities to learn about education through a First Nation, Métis and Inuit perspective, the course will increase knowledge and awareness about pedagogies, learning approaches and educational experiences related to indigenous people living in Canada. In line with indigenous ways of knowing, this course will be structured with learning that involves reflecting on personal actions by looking at ways that indigenous models of education support social and community well-being.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

EDS275H5 • Mass Media and Debunking the Myths of Education

This course explores prevailing myths about education. It invites students to critically examine consensus and controversy in the media while unpacking some of the research underpinning commonly held beliefs about curriculum, students, teachers, and education systems. The ability to interpret and assess the merits of news, fake news, research, and social media content is an increasingly important skill in a data rich world. This course will have a strong emphasis on critical reading, analysis and evaluation.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

EDS285H5 • The Future of Ed Tech: Active Learning Classrooms and Artificial Intelligence

This course will explore research on emerging digital models, learning pods, platforms, apps and policies that seek to further customize, enhance and bring greater equity to education through technology. From the initiation of open courseware, to the inception of virtual reality, artificial intelligence, ALC classrooms, makerspaces and the “shared economy”, this course will foster a culture of digital innovation to investigate, accelerate, test and study new possibilities and advancements in the field of educational technology.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

EDS291H5 • Black Education

This course investigates first-hand experiences and contributions of black students and teachers in the Canadian education system. Historical, systemic barriers to access will be studied along with current policy, practice and teaching pedagogies that aim to produce systems of education without oppression. By looking specifically at research focused on black schooling in Ontario, students will engage in policy analysis and assess current Afrocentric schooling models to assess effectiveness in eliminating educational inequality. Drawing on principles of equity and diversity, Afrofuturist scholarship will be emphasized and provide the framework that seeks to understand and investigate the past to better inform education’s future.

Recommended Preparation: EDS220H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

EDS300H5 • Learning Design

This course provides an opportunity to study and practice the fundamental skills involved in designing learning opportunities, in schools and a variety of other settings. The skills required to organize and deliver engaging educational experiences, i.e., lesson and unit planning, will be practiced through a range of pedagogical and practical applications. A case studies approach will be taken, incorporating a field experience where students will apply their learning.

Exclusions: EDU310H5
Recommended Preparation: EDS200H5 (minimum 70%) and EDS210H5 (minimum 70%) and EDS220H5 (minimum 70%)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

EDS310H5 • Education in a Global Context

This course invites students to explore, analyze and compare educational themes and topics within a global context. Using leading frameworks of transformative change, students develop knowledge, apply critical thinking, practice cultural proficiency and empathy as they conduct a comparative analysis of teaching and learning models in both an international and local setting.

Exclusions: EDU320H5
Recommended Preparation: EDS300H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

EDS325H5 • Supplemental Instruction in Higher Education: Peer-Facilitated Study Groups

Looking for an opportunity to become a facilitator of small group learning in a subject discipline in which you have expertise? This course will introduce students to the theory and practice of Supplemental Instruction (SI) in higher education. Particular focus will be on the history and evolution of SI and the rationale for its use in different university contexts. EDS325H5 course participants will complete a mandatory internship that involves developing and delivering 8-10 peer led study sessions through the Facilitated Study Group (FSG) Program run by the Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre. Class work will embed relevant pedagogical tools, resources and research to support the development, delivery and success of FSG sessions. Current research investigating the impact of Supplemental Instruction on student success will also be explored. This is a closed course open only to those students who have successfully secured an FSG leader position with the Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre.

Exclusions: Previous Peer Facilitated Study Group experience in courses like FRE491H5 or FRE492H5 or LIN495Y5
Recommended Preparation: Open to all students, but the completion of EDS100H5 or other EDS courses or experience that has directly supported an understanding of teaching and learning are recommended but not required.

Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

EDS345H5 • Design Thinking Incubator: From Problem to Prototype

This course is open to all students on campus and provides an intellectual toolset for finding innovative solutions to complex problems. Students will learn to apply education theory to design thinking models in order to identify and solve real-world challenges facing their chosen discipline, whether in business, education, healthcare, etc. An iterative approach for testing, refining, and improving their idea will be used to create a working prototype of their proposed solution. This will demonstrate the idea's sustainability, scalability and viability, while taking into account ethical and legal implications.

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class, Online (Summer only)

EDS377H5 • Why the First Year of University Matters: The Impact of Peer Mentoring

This course explores contemporary issues in higher education with a focus on experiences, issues and challenges commonly encountered by undergraduate students during their first year of university. Interdisciplinary in its focus, topics of exploration include an examination of adult and student development theories, models of student engagement and an investigation into mindset, levels of persistence, habits of mind and personality characteristics that impact student success. An internship component is required. Students taking the course will assume a peer-mentoring role to apply and contextualize theories and skills learned in the course. This is a closed course open only to those students who have successfully secured a peer-mentoring position with the First Year Peer Mentoring program

Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities, Social Science
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

EDS388H5 • Experiential Learning Opportunity within the Community

This internship is a minimum 100-hour experiential learning opportunity. The internship connects the student's subject specialization to aspects of the teaching/training development profession. It will integrate, extend, and deepen the learning experience as students begin to identify particular academic or professional insights. Prior to enrollment, internship proposals must be approved by the program coordinator. As part of this course, students may have the option of participating in an international learning experience that will have an additional cost and application process.

Exclusions: CTE388H5 or CTE388Y5
Recommended Preparation: EDS200H5 and EDS210H5 and EDS220H5 and EDS300H5 (may be taken as a co-requisite).

Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

EDS399H5 • Research Opportunity Program

This ROP provides the opportunity for students to join a research team and assist on projects currently underway in Education Studies. The work will include preparing an impact study, conducting interviews and using a data-informed approach to investigate the impact of a range of programs and educational interventions. The work will involve conducting pre and post surveys, leading qualitative observational data collection, and producing an analysis. Project descriptions for participating faculty members for the following summer and fall/winter sessions are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG100H5 • Effective Writing

This course provides practical tools for writing in university and beyond. Students will gain experience in generating ideas, clarifying insights, structuring arguments, composing paragraphs and sentences, critiquing and revising their writing, and communicating effectively to diverse audiences. This course does not count toward any English program.

100-level courses are designed to increase students’ skills in close reading, interpretation, and effective writing; emphasize the development of analytical and essay-writing skills; and build acquaintance with major literary forms and conventions that students need in more advanced courses. They are open to all students who have completed no more than 1.5 ENG credits.

Exclusions: 1.5 ENG credits or greater

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class, Hybrid

ENG101H5 • How to Read Critically

This foundational course serves as an introduction to a wide range and variety of methods for literary and textual analysis, giving students a set of interpretive tools they can use to analyze texts in English classes and beyond. Emphasis will be on developing close, attentive reading skills as ways of thinking not just about, but through texts, and on deploying these skills effectively in essays and discussions. The class will draw on literary works from a variety of countries, centuries, genres, and media. We recommend that students considering a Specialist, Major, or Minor in English take this course.

100-level courses are designed to increase students’ skills in close reading, interpretation, and effective writing; emphasize the development of analytical and essay-writing skills; and build acquaintance with major literary forms and conventions that students need in more advanced courses. They are open to all students who have completed no more than 1.5 ENG credits.

Exclusions: 1.5 ENG credits or greater

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG102H5 • How to Research Literature

This foundational course serves as an introduction to conducting research for English courses at the university level. Skills taught will be: reading and engaging with arguments about literature; incorporating the arguments of others into your own; locating and evaluating secondary sources; and conducting primary research. The class will draw on literary works from a variety of countries, centuries, genres, and media. The class will normally culminate in a longer research paper, developed over the course of the semester. We recommend that students considering a Specialist, Major, or a Minor in English take this course.

Enrolment Limits: 100-level courses are designed to increase students’ skills in close reading, interpretation, and effective writing; emphasize the development of analytical and essay-writing skills; and build acquaintance with major literary forms and conventions that students need in more advanced courses. They are open to all students who have standing in no more than one full course in English.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG103H5 • Literature and Medicine

It has never been more essential to learn from the history of disease: how we have perceived it and how we have written it. This course introduces students to the important narratives about health, epidemics, and medicine from both non-Western and Western traditions and provides conceptual foundations for ethical thinking about justice, health, and disability in both science and the arts. The survey will cover prose narrative, film, media, non-fiction, and poetry, and will encourage students to think between the past and the present in their analyses and creative projects. Lectures and discussions will emphasize the interlocking relationships between medicine, language, race, empire, and power.

100-level courses are designed to increase students’ skills in close reading, interpretation, and effective writing; emphasize the development of analytical and essay-writing skills; and build acquaintance with major literary forms and conventions that students need in more advanced courses. They are open to all students who have completed no more than 1.5 ENG credits.

Exclusions: 1.5 ENG credits or greater

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG104H5 • Literature and Social Change

How can narratives inspire social justice and contribute to positive social change? This course introduces students to foundational narratives, texts, and ideas about literature and social change from around the world, providing conceptual foundations for understanding how narratives shape societal and environmental transformation across contexts and disciplines. Through nonfiction, fiction, poetry, film, and digital multimedia, the course investigates how narratives contribute to social, environmental, and human rights movements.

100-level courses are designed to increase students’ skills in close reading, interpretation, and effective writing; emphasize the development of analytical and essay-writing skills; and build acquaintance with major literary forms and conventions that students need in more advanced courses. They are open to all students who have completed no more than 1.5 ENG credits.

Exclusions: 1.5 ENG credits or greater

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class, Hybrid

ENG105H5 • Introduction to World Literatures

Students will learn about contemporary creative writing in English from around the world. The course will cover the work of some famous writers, such as Toni Morrison or J.M. Coetzee, and also new and emerging authors, from Canada to New Zealand to Nigeria.

100-level courses are designed to increase students’ skills in close reading, interpretation, and effective writing; emphasize the development of analytical and essay-writing skills; and build acquaintance with major literary forms and conventions that students need in more advanced courses. They are open to all students who have completed no more than 1.5 ENG credits.

Exclusions: ENG140Y5 or 1.5 ENG credits or greater.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG107H5 • Literature and AI

Artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) technologies pose a unique set of opportunities and challenges for society. While these technologies require highly specialized knowledge to understand and create, their social impact demands broad, collective consideration. This course will introduce students to important literary, philosophical, and scientific texts that reflect on AI’s use in the human world. What are the ethics of AI? How have literary and artistic imaginings of AI shaped its development and questioned its future? Advances in AI have the power to alter cultural understandings of what it means to be human. Lectures and discussion in this course will provide students with a space to think through the vast implications of these new technologies. This course will empower students to consider what responsible, social implementation of AI entails. The literature of AI shows how technologies emerge not only as material facts but also as process—as stories being written.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG110H5 • Narrative

This course gives students skills for analyzing the stories that shape our world: traditional literary narratives such as ballads, romances, and novels, and also the kinds of stories we encounter in non-literary contexts such as journalism, movies, myths, jokes, legal judgments, travel writing, histories, songs, diaries, and biographies.

100-level courses are designed to increase students’ skills in close reading, interpretation, and effective writing; emphasize the development of analytical and essay-writing skills; and build acquaintance with major literary forms and conventions that students need in more advanced courses. They are open to all students who have completed no more than 1.5 ENG credits.

Exclusions: ENG110Y5 or 1.5 ENG credits or greater

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG121H5 • Traditions of Theatre and Drama

An introductory survey of the forms and history of world drama in its performance context from the classical period to the nineteenth century. May include later works influenced by historical forms and one or more plays in the Theatre Erindale schedule of production. May include a research performance component. This course is also listed as DRE121H5.

100-level courses are designed to increase students’ skills in close reading, interpretation, and effective writing; emphasize the development of analytical and essay-writing skills; and build acquaintance with major literary forms and conventions that students need in more advanced courses. They are open to all students who have completed no more than 1.5 ENG credits.

Exclusions: DRE121H5 or ENG125Y1 or 1.5 ENG credits or greater

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG122H5 • Modern and Contemporary Theatre and Drama

An introductory survey of the forms and history of world drama from the late nineteenth century to the present in its performance context. May include film adaptations and one or more plays in the Theatre Erindale schedule of productions. May include a research performance component. This course is also listed as DRE122H5.

100-level courses are designed to increase students’ skills in close reading, interpretation, and effective writing; emphasize the development of analytical and essay-writing skills; and build acquaintance with major literary forms and conventions that students need in more advanced courses. They are open to all students who have completed no more than 1.5 ENG credits.

Exclusions: DRE122H5 or ENG125Y1 or 1.5 ENG credits or greater.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG140Y5 • Contemporary World Literatures

An exploration of how late twentieth and twenty-first century literature in English responds to our world. Includes poetry, prose, and drama by major writers, such as Toni Morrison, Alice Munro, J.M. Coetzee, Salman Rushdie, and emerging writers.

Exclusions: ENG105H5

Enrolment Limits: 100-level courses are designed to increase students’ skills in close reading, interpretation, and effective writing; emphasize the development of analytical and essay-writing skills; and build acquaintance with major literary forms and conventions that students need in more advanced courses. They are open to all students who have standing in no more than one full course in English.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 48L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG201Y5 • Reading Poetry

An introduction to poetry, through a close reading of texts, focusing on its traditional forms, themes, techniques, and uses of language; its historical and geographical range; and its twentieth-century diversity.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.
Exclusions: ENG204H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG202H5 • British Literature in the World I: Medieval to Eighteenth-Century

This course serves as an introduction to influential texts that have shaped British literary history from Beowulf and Geoffrey Chaucer to William Shakespeare, from John Milton and Aphra Behn to Frances Burney. Students will focus on questions such as the range and evolution of poetic forms, the development of the theatre and the novel, and the emergence of women writers. The course will encourage students to think about the study of English literatures in relationship to history, including the history of world literatures.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.
Exclusions: ENG202Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class, Online (Summer only)

ENG203H5 • British Literature in the World II: Romantic to Contemporary

An introduction to influential texts that have shaped British literary history from the Romantic period to the present, covering developments in poetry, drama, and prose, from William Wordsworth to Zadie Smith and beyond. The course will address topics such as revolution and war; the increasing diversity of poetic forms; the cultural dominance of the novel; romanticism, Victorianism, modernism, and postmodernism; feminism; colonialism and decolonization; the ethnic and cultural diversity of Anglophone literature in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries; literature and sexual identity; the AIDS epidemic; and technology and the digital age. The course will encourage students to think about the study of English literatures in relationship to history, including the history of world literatures.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.
Exclusions: ENG203Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class, Online (Summer only)

ENG204H5 • How to Read Poetry

This course gives students the tools they need to appreciate and understand poetry's traditional and experimental forms, specialized techniques, and diverse ways of using language. The course asks a fundamental question for literary studies: why is poetry is such an important mode of expression in so many different time periods, locations, and cultures?

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.
Exclusions: ENG201Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG205H5 • Rhetoric

An introduction to the rhetorical tradition from classical times to the present with a focus on prose as strategic persuasion. Besides rhetorical terminology, topics may include the discovery and arrangement of arguments, validity in argumentation, elements of style, and rhetorical criticism and theory.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.
Exclusions: WRI305H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG206H5 • Rhetorical Criticism

This course will use the tools and perspectives of rhetoric, from the Sophists to the postmodern, to analyze and critique the texts and other cultural artifacts that surround us. Much of what we encounter in the cultural realm is an argument; the task in this course will be to understand and engage with those arguments. Students will analyze the rhetoric of poetry, fiction, and drama, as well as of news stories, speeches, video, images, and more.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG210Y5 • The Novel

An introduction to the novel through a reading of ten to twelve texts, representing a range of periods, techniques, regions, and themes.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG211H5 • Introduction to the Novel

This course gives students a foundational understanding of the novel in English. It introduces them to the history of the novel, from medieval sagas and adventure stories to modern experiments with fragmentary narratives. The course covers novels from a range of geographical places; students will be asked to consider why the novel has been so successful in the past, and what its futures might be. Students will read at least one complete novel during the course and extracts from others.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.
Exclusions: ENG210Y

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG213H5 • The Short Story

This course explores shorter works of nineteenth, twentieth and twenty first-century writers. Special attention will be paid to formal and rhetorical concepts for the study of fiction as well as to issues such as narrative voice, allegory, irony, and the representation of temporality.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG214H5 • The Short Story Cycle

This course explores collections of short stories. It examines individual stories, the relationships among and between stories, the dynamics of the collection as a whole, and the literary history of this genre, along with its narrative techniques and thematic concerns.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG215H5 • The Canadian Short Story

An introduction to the Canadian short story, this course emphasizes its rich variety of settings, subjects, and styles.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG217H5 • Writing about the Visual Arts

This course introduces students to various literary traditions of writing about the visual arts, from the close analysis of images in novels, poems, and essays to verbal forms (such as ekphrasis and calligrammes) that make poetry and fiction out of paintings, photographs, and sculptures. While the puzzle of translating between space-based and time-based arts will be at the centre of our inquiry, the course will also consider texts and books as visual objects; how writers create visual experiences and mental images; and how literary writing is inspired by museums and exhibitions. Students will have opportunities to practice writing about the arts in collaboration with the Blackwood Gallery at UTM and its featured artists, and, when possible, with other Peel Region and Greater Toronto Area artists and galleries.

Prerequisites: 4.0 credits Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG218H5 • Interactive Storytelling and Worldmaking

This course examines the deep history and extraordinary diversity of interactive storytelling, with a focus on narrative art in digital games, transmedia/cross-platform projects, alternate reality and pervasive games, theme parks, and immersive performances, as well as literary texts and films. We will consider forms (e.g., riddles, parables, metafiction, branching narratives) that require participatory agency, choice-based and emergent storytelling, as well as genres (e.g., creation myths, planetary romances, travelogues, adventure fiction, Expressionist cinema) that discover or assemble a narrative by traversing a world. We will also explore the contexts and theoretical grounds of reader- and player-centric approaches.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed a minimum of 4.0 credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG223H5 • Introduction to Shakespeare

This course introduces students to Shakespeare. Lectures equip them with historical knowledge about literature, politics, and the theatre in Shakespeare's time. Tutorials help them to grapple with Shakespeare's language, versification, and stagecraft. By the end of the course students will have a new framework within which to understand - and interrogate - the enduring power of Shakespeare's work.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.
Exclusions: ENG220Y5 or DRE221Y5 or DRE224H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG234H5 • Children's Literature

A critical and historical introduction to works written and created for or appropriated by children, from early didactic forms through the “Golden Era” to 20th-century fiction and contemporary works that centre non-white identities and experiences. The course may include fiction, poetry, drama, non-fiction, and visual media, and may cover works by authors such as John Bunyan, Robert Louis Stevenson, Lewis Carroll, Mark Twain, Lucy Maud Montgomery, A.A. Milne, Louise Fitzhugh, Salman Rushdie, Cherie Dimaline, Aviaq Johnston, Katherina Vermette, Audrey Thomas, Jason Reynolds, Hanna Alkaf, Namina Forna.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed a minimum of 4.0 credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG235H5 • Comics and the Graphic Novel

An introduction to the writing and sequential art of comics and graphic novels, this course includes fictional and nonfictional comics by artists such as Will Eisner, Art Spiegelman, Frank Miller, Alan Moore, Chris Ware, Daniel Clowes, Julie Doucet, Marjane Satrapi, Chester Brown and Seth.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG236H5 • Detective Fiction

At least 12 works by such authors as Edgar Allen Poe, Charles Dickens, Wilkie Collins, Arthur Conan Doyle, G.K. Chesterton, Agatha Christie, Dorothy L. Sayers, S.S. Van Dine, Dashiell Hammett, Rayond Chandler, William Faulkner, P.D. James, Ruth Rendell. 

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG237H5 • Science Fiction

This course explores speculative fiction that invents or extrapolates an inner or outer cosmology from the physical, life, social, and human sciences. Typical subjects include AI, alternative histories, cyberpunk, evolution, future and dying worlds, genetics, space/time travel, strange species, theories of everything, utopias, and dystopias.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG238H5 • Fantasy Literature

This course focuses on fantasy literature, film, and television, and draws on a wide range of critical, cultural, and theoretical approaches. As it explores the magical and supernatural, it may consider such genres as alternative histories, animal fantasy, epic, fairy tales, magic realism, and swords and sorcery. Authors and texts covered will survey the history of fantasy across American, British, and Canadian literature, and may include Beowulf, Octavia Butler, Lewis Carroll, Neil Gaiman, Ursela K. Le Guin, C.S. Lewis, George R. R. Martin, Ovid, J.K. Rowling, Shakespeare, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Jonathan Swift, and J. R. R. Tolkien. 

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG239H5 • Horror Literature

A critical and historical critical introduction to gothic literature, film, and television covering such authors as Angela Carter, Stephen King, H.P. Lovecraft, Richard Matheson, Edgar Allen Poe, Anne Rice, Mary Shelley, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Bram Stoker. The course draws on diverse critical and theoretical approaches as it examines a wide range of national and cultural contexts. It focuses on the gothic in broad terms and such concepts and issues as fear, horror, terror, the monstrous, the mythological, and the supernatural.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG250Y5 • American Literature

An introductory survey of major works in American literature, this course explores works in a variety of genres, including poetry, fiction, essays, and slave narratives.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.
Exclusions: ENG251H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG251H5 • Introduction to American Literature

This course introduces students to major works in American literature in a variety of genres, from poetry and fiction to essays and slave narratives.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.
Exclusions: ENG250Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG252Y5 • Canadian Literature

An introductory survey of major Canadian works in poetry, prose, and drama from early to recent times.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.
Exclusions: ENG255H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG255H5 • Introduction to Canadian Literature

This course introduces students to Canadian literatures, from the oral narratives of Canada's early Indigenous communities to new writing in a digital age.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100 level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.
Exclusions: ENG252Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG259H5 • Imagining Nature: Literature and the Environment

This course examines the relationship between writing and the environment. Students will examine the role of the written word in defining, thinking about, and acting in the interest of the planet and its climate, while considering literary genres, theoretical frameworks, and contemporary and multidisciplinary debates. Readings will vary but may include William Wordsworth, Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Rachel Carson, Edouard Glissant, Octavia Butler, Jamaica Kincaid, and Amitav Ghosh.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG261H5 • Music and Literature

This course introduces students to the intersection of music and literature. We will study how melody, rhythm and texture interact with language, story and performance using examples from folk ballads and blues, art-songs, popular songs, musical theatre, jazz and hiphop, as well as poems inspired by musical styles and performers. Works to be covered may include folksongs collected by Francis Child and Alan Lomax, Thomas Moore’s Irish Melodies, popular songs by Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen and Joni Mitchell, theatrical works by Bertolt Brecht, Stephen Sondheim and Lin-Manuel Miranda, performances by The Last Poets, hiphop lyrics by Public Enemy, and poems by William Blake, William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Langston Hughes and Don McKay.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG263H5 • Play and Games

Why do we play? Game designers, philosophers, sociologists, and performance theorists have long argued that play can tell us about our development as children and adults, our search for freedom, our relationship to animals, and the values and problems of our societies. This course introduces students to Play Studies and Game Studies in the humanities by considering the reasons we play in relationship to the objects we play with, including things that are more normally thought of as games—card and board games, sports, toys, video games—as well as other sites of playful thought and action, like paintings, films, and short stories. Students in this course will encounter major scholars of play and games and key terms and concepts in the analysis of play and games. We will play and design story-rich games and we will discuss effective narrative design primarily in digital games. Students will also consider problems in play and games like cheating, addiction, and gamification.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed a minimum of 4.0 credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG269H5 • Queer Writing

Introducing a lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer tradition in literature and theory, this course may explore texts from a variety of historical periods, from the classical to the contemporary. It will focus on a variety of genres, potentially including poetry, drama, fiction, criticism, and popular culture.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.
Exclusions: ENG273Y1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG271H5 • Toronto's Multicultural Literatures

Toronto is one of the world's most diverse and multicultural cities. This course is a study of literature by writers with strong connections to Toronto who explore issues such as diasporas, identity, nationality, place, origin, and the multicultural experience. Writers may include: Judy Fong Bates, Dionne Brand, Austin Clarke, Pier Giorgio Di Cicco, Rohinton Mistry, Michael Ondaatje, M. Nourbese Philip, Shyam Selvadurai, M. G. Vassanji.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG273H5 • Literatures of Immigration and Exile

In this course we will study literary and non-literary texts in English from the nineteenth century to the present day that come from colonial and postcolonial contexts and that speak to the experience of those affected by colonization, immigration, exile, war, and globalization. Students will be introduced to postcolonial theory and questions about race, ethnicity, religious difference, and diasporas in Anglophone literary studies. They may study texts by Joseph Conrad, Henry James, Samuel Beckett, James Joyce, Jean Rhys, Ezra Pound, Eugene Ionesco, Vladimir Nabokov, Arthur Koestler, Joseph Brodsky, V.S. Naipaul, Chinua Achebe, Milan Kundera, Josef Skvorecky, Salman Rushdie, Mavis Gallant, W.G. Sebald, Michael Ondaatje, Edwich Danticat, and Azar Nafisi.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.
Exclusions: ENG253Y5 or ENG270Y1 or ENG270Y5 or ENG272H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG274H5 • Indigenous Literature and Storytelling

An introduction to Indigenous literature and storytelling with emphasis on First Nations, Métis, and Inuit authors in Canada and Native American authors in the United States of America. In this course, students will review academic citation practices, apply Indigenous theory to storytelling, and engage with audio recordings, poetry, drama, novels, short stories, and non-fiction by writers such as Jeannette Armstrong, Billy-Ray Belcourt, Natalie Diaz, Michael Dorris, Tomson Highway, Basil Johnston, Daniel Heath Justice, Lee Maracle, Eden Robinson, Leslie Marmon Silko, and Tommy Orange.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG275H5 • Feminist Approaches to Literature

This course will consider the implications, for literary studies and for literary writing, of modern traditions of feminist and gender theory. Students will encounter the work of major feminist thinkers - e.g., Mary Wollstonecraft, Simone de Beauvoir, Alice Walker, Julie Kristeva, and Judith Butler - and texts by major women writers. The course will explore feminist approaches to literature, including those that borrow from post-structural, psychoanalytic, and contemporary gender, race, and queer theories.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG276H5 • Fanfiction

This course investigates fanfiction from a variety of theoretical standpoints, including gender and sexuality studies, critical race studies, and affect theory. It considers the literary history of fanfiction- amateur, unauthorized stories about characters invented by canonical writers (e.g., Jane Austen and Arthur Conan Doyle); a wide selection of fanfiction stories; and the commercialization of the products of the modern fanfiction industry.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG277H5 • Bad Romance

This course covers romances of the eighteenth to the twenty-first century, ranging from the amatory (stories about love, longing, and desire) to the fantastic (the supernatural and fantasy). Students will consider issues of canonization, popularity, the text-author-reader relationship, definitions of high and low art, ideas about good and bad writing, and eroticism and desire. Texts may include Harlequin romances, paranormal romance, and works by Jane Austen, the Brontes, Daphne du Maurier, Stephenie Meyer, Nicholas Sparks, Sarah Waters, and E. L. James.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG279H5 • History of Video Games

This course introduces students to the history of video games from early arcade cabinets and personal computers to home video game consoles and mobile devices in everyday life. It considers the role of culture, technology, and marketing in the formation of interactive texts, genres, and play experiences. Students will be exposed to unique primary sources in the Syd Bolton Collection of video games and the Electric Playground Media Archive of historical game industry footage through course content, lectures, and assignments.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG280H5 • Critical Approaches to Literature

An introduction to literary theory and its central questions, such as the notion of literature itself, the relation between literature and reality, the nature of literary language, the making of literary canons, and the roles of the author and the reader.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.
Exclusions: ENG267H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class, Online (Summer only)

ENG289H5 • Creative Writing

Students will engage in a variety of creative exercises, conducted across a range of different genres of literary writing.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class, Hybrid

ENG291H5 • Reading for Creative Writing

This course will help students to see connections between their reading and their work as creative writers. They will read texts in a variety of literary and non-literary genres and consider the way that writers learn their craft from other writers. Practical assignments will encourage students to find creative ways to critique, imitate, speak to, and borrow responsibly from the work they read.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG299H5 • Research Opportunity Program

This course provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their second year to work on the research project of a professor. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods, and share in the excitement and discovery of creating new knowledge. Professors' project descriptions for the following fall-winter session are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.
Exclusions: ENG299Y5

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG299Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

This course provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their second year to work on the research project of a professor. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods, and share in the excitement and discovery of creating new knowledge. Professors' project descriptions for the following fall-winter session are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: Open to students who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits. Students who do not meet the prerequisite but are enrolled in any 100-level ENG or DRE course (except ENG100H5) may petition the department in writing for approval to take the course. See the guidelines for written petitions on the department website.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG300Y5 • Chaucer

The foundation of English literature: in their uncensored richness and range, Chaucer's works have delighted wide audiences for over 600 years. Includes The Canterbury Tales, with its variety of narrative genres from the humorous and bawdy to the religious and philosophical, and Troilus and Criseyde, a profound erotic masterpiece.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG301H5 • Making Love in the Sixteenth Century

In this course, students will follow the changing constructions of love and love poetry in the sixteenth century, starting with Wyatt and Surrey, passing through Richard Tottel, to the Elizabethan court, and ending with the erotic love poetry that served as a backlash against the Petrarchanism of the early sixteenth century.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG302H5 • Magical Realism

Magical realism is a visual and literary style that seamlessly incorporates fantastical or magical elements into realist fiction. In this way, magical realism challenges our usual expectations about reality and its representation. This course will explore the origins of magical realism in visual arts and its exciting revisions in diverse historical and cultural settings. Issues of individual and communal identity, social justice, revenge and haunting, traumatic past and collective memory, power struggles and political upheaval are all part of this literary style. We will look at paintings, read fiction and non-fiction, and consider film as productive contexts to examine the uneasy marriage between plausible reality and magical imagination.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits
Exclusions: ENG472H5 (Winter 2022) or ENG473H5 (Fall 2019)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class, Hybrid

ENG303H5 • Milton

Selections from Paradise Lost and other works.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG304H5 • Seventeenth-Century Poetry

An in-depth study of poetry written during the reign of the early Stuarts and the English Civil Wars. Includes genres such as love poetry, social and political satire, metaphysical poetry, utopic fiction, and political philosophy and poetry, and authors such as John Donne, Katherine Philips, Margaret Cavendish, George Herbert, Richard Crashaw, Henry Vaughan, Thomas Traherne, Ben Jonson, Aemilia Lanyer, Robert Herrick, and Andrew Marvell.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG304Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG305H5 • Eighteenth-Century Satire and Print Culture

This course surveys what has been referred to as the ‘golden age of satire’, a period that witnessed a flourishing of satirical poetry, prose, drama, and illustration as powerful modes of critique. In the process of analyzing works by Swift, Pope, Montagu, Gay, Hogarth, and others, this course will explore concerns such as the rise of print culture, the legitimacy of satire, the gendering of satire, the role of criticism, the limits of humour, censorship, and the threat of seditious libel.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG306Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG306Y5 • Restoration and 18th-Century Literature

Writers of this period grapple with questions of authority and individualism, tradition and innovation, in politics, religion, knowledge, society, and literature itself. Special attention to John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Jonathan Swift, Samuel Johnson, and at least six other authors. 

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG305H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG308Y5 • Romantic Poetry and Prose

This course provides a general survey of the poetry and prose of the British Romantic period (roughly from 1770 to 1830). Subjects to be explored may include political revolution, slavery and abolition, the expansion of the British empire, the flourishing of women writers and feminist thought, and experimentation with literary forms. Authors to be considered may include Anna Barbauld, William Cowper, William Blake, Olaudah Equiano, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Hannah More, Mary Wollstonecraft, Lord Byron, Percy Shelley, Mary Shelley, Jane Austen, Walter Scott, John Clare, Henry Louis Vivian Derozio, and John Keats.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit of ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG309H5 • Anishinaabe Storytelling and Oral Tradition

An introduction to the legends, beliefs, and values of the Anishinaabek Nation. Students will explore literary and non-literary texts, media, and/or performances, spanning traditional and innovative forms, genres, and mediums. Content may include contributions by Basil Johnston, Jane School Craft, George Copway, Richard Wagamese, Winona LaDuke, Margaret Noodin, Drew Hayden Taylor, Louise Erdrich, Waubgeshig Rice, Alan Corbiere, Isaac Murdoch, Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, Debajehmujig Theatre Group, and Aanmitaagzi.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG310H5 • Modern South Asian Literature in English

The English language belongs not just to the British colonizers, but to the artists and writers, the poets and politicians of the colonized world. From Rabindranath Tagore’s mystical poetry to Slumdog Millionaire, the styles and aesthetics of South Asian English are as vast as the peninsula itself, and the literature that has emerged from this diverse region has utterly reshaped contemporary global culture. Additionally, we will take up select contemporary criticism on subaltern studies, postcolonialism, and narratology. Authors will include Mulk Raj Anand, V.S. Naipaul, R.K. Narayan, Z.A. Suleri, Salman Rushdie, Anuradha Roy, Jjumpa Lahiri, as well as select works of poetry, film, and visual art.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG311H5 • Medieval Literature

This course explores a selection of writings in from medieval Britain, excluding the works of Chaucer.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG312H5 • Special Topic in Medieval Literature

A concentrated study of one aspect of medieval literature or literary culture, such as a particular genre or author, a specific theme, or the application of a particular critical approach. Topics may vary from year to year.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG313H5 • Special Topic in Early Modern British Literature

A concentrated study of one aspect of early modern British literature or literary culture, such as a particular subgenre or author, specific theme, or the application of a particular critical approach. Topics may vary from year to year.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG314H5 • Special Topic in Eighteenth-Century British Literature

A concentrated study of one aspect of eighteenth-century British literature or literary culture, such as a particular subgenre or author, specific theme, or the application of a particular critical approach. Topics may vary from year to year.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG315H5 • Special Topic in Nineteenth-Century British Literature

A concentrated study of one aspect of nineteenth-century British literature or literary culture, such as a particular subgenre or author, specific theme, or the application of a particular critical approach. Topics may vary from year to year.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG316H5 • Special Topic in Modern and Contemporary Literature

A concentrated study of one aspect of modern or contemporary literature or literary culture, such as a particular subgenre or author, specific theme, or the application of a particular critical approach. Topics may vary from year to year.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG317H5 • Drama of the Global South

This course compares works of selected playwrights of the Global South in an effort to understand their refashioning of postcolonial perspectives and subaltern histories. Ranging beyond the West and its theatrical traditions, the course will explore innovative theatrical performances that focus on South-South affiliations and link discourses, places, and people positioned between peripheries. Students will learn about traditions of orality, cultural pluralities, and indigenous mythic/folk styles that constitute the unique syncretism of South-South theatre cultures. Writers may include Manjula Padmanabhan, Shahid Nadeem, Meng Jinghui, Dalia Taha, Athol Fugard, Ama Ata Aidoo, Ngugi wa Thiong’o, Derek Walcott, José Triana, and Ariel Dorfman.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG318H5 • Eighteenth-Century Women Writers

A study of poems, novels, dramas, and prose works by British and American authors such as Mary Astell, Aphra Behn, Anna Laetitia Barbauld, Frances Burney, Maria Edgeworth, Eliza Haywood, Hannah More, Judith Sargent Murray, Mercy Otis Warren, Charlotte Smith, Phyllis Wheatley, and Mary Wollstonecraft. Topics may include professionalization and the literary marketplace; domestic labour; motherhood and children’s literature; class and education; personal agency and political engagement; colonialism, slavery, and abolition; Bluestocking culture; and early feminist thought.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG307H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG319H5 • Sexuality, Race, and Gender in Video Games and Gaming Culture

This course investigates representation and identity in and through digital games. Students will primarily consider gender, race, sexuality, and the non-human world in relation to the complex circuits of desire, projection, and disguise that exist among players, avatars, non-player characters, and other gamers. Students will interpret and critique both blockbuster AAA games with large development budgets and production teams as well as small-scale indie and experimental games and will learn about expressive, critical, and avant-garde design and play practices. The class will also discuss games as instruments of persuasion, protest, social change, and community formation.

Prerequisites: (1.0 credit of ENG, which must include 0.5 credit of 200-level ENG Game Studies and 3.0 additional credits) or permission from the department

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG320H5 • Transforming Literature in the Sixteenth Century

This course focuses on transformations of major literary forms during the sixteenth century, especially on how these transformations involve engagements with medieval and earlier materials. It covers such topics as Petrarchan poetry in translation by Wyatt and Surrey; John Fox's and John Bale's repackaging of Anne Askew's biography; and the work of Ovid and other classical authors in translation and adaptation, as in the Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in English and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG302Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG322Y5 • The Rise of the Novel in the Eighteenth Century

This course studies the emergence of prose fiction as a genre recognized in both a literary and a commercial sense. Authors may include Aphra Behn, Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding, Laurence Sterne, Walter Scott, and Jane Austen. 

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG323H5 • Austen and Her Contemporaries

A study of selected novels by Austen and of works by such contemporaries as Radcliffe, Godwin, Wollstonecraft, Wordsworth, Edgeworth, Scott, and Shelley, in the context of the complex literary, social, and political relationships of that time.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG324H5 • Special Topic in Game Studies

A concentrated study of one facet of Game Studies, such as a genre, mechanic, or era in gaming, an aspect of game design, production, or reception, or the application of a specific critical approach. Topics may vary from year to year.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits, which must include a 0.5 credit in a 200-level Game Studies course or permission from the director of Game Studies.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class, Hybrid

ENG325H5 • The Victorian Novel

This course surveys several major novels in order to understand the genre that came to dominate literary culture in the Victorian era. Topics may include realism, the marriage plot, the social-problem novel, feminism and sexual identity, novels of growing up, the city, and seriality. Authors may include Charles Dickens, William Makepeace Thackeray, Emily Brontë, Charlotte Brontë, Elizabeth Gaskell, Anthony Trollope, George Eliot, Wilkie Collins, Thomas Hardy, George Gissing, and Oscar Wilde, among others. 

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG324Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG326H5 • Premodern World Literatures

This course approaches the premodern period by examining early British literatures alongside literary works of the period c.500-1650 from the continents of Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. Texts may include Tang dynasty poetry, the Tale of Genji, the Persian epic Shahnameh, the Italian Decameron, 1001 Nights, Old Norse sagas, Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, and Harriot's Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia. Texts will be provided in translation where necessary.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG327H5 • Chaucer Today

Sometimes thought of as the foundation of English poetry, Geoffrey Chaucer’s life and work in the late 14th century may seem remote from the 21st. Yet, Chaucer continues to be read, retold, and reinterpreted today, both in the academy and in popular culture. This course will consider Chaucer’s work and its modern retellings to ask how and why he continues to matter. Alongside readings of Chaucer’s original poetry, we will consider modern adaptations and translations of his work into various media from film to hip-hop, Chaucer’s reappearance and uses in global contexts, and reinterpretations of his life and works amidst rapidly shifting political and cultural realities.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG328H5 • Writing for Games and Narrative Design

This course introduces students to the planning and implementation of writing for video games as well as the role of the narrative designer in game development. Students will practice multiple collaborative forms of game writing (e.g., flow charts, quest outlines, character descriptions, flavour text, non-player character dialogue, cut scenes, storyboard scripts), level design, and player experience creation. Students will learn to use design and editing tools as well as iterative processes of revising game writing to augment gameplay and game features. Students will also learn to analyze and critique diverse game narratives and will discuss careers in game writing.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credits in ENG and 3.0 additional credits, which must include a 0.5 credit in a 200-level Game Studies course or permission from the director of Game Studies

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class, Hybrid

ENG329H5 • Contemporary British Fiction

This course explores six or more works by at least four British contemporary writers of fiction.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG330H5 • Medieval Drama

Texts and performances preceding and underlying the plays of Shakespeare and his contemporaries, including creation-to-doomsday play cycles; plays performed in parishes, inns, great halls, outdoor arenas, and at court; religious and political propaganda plays; political pageants. Attention is given to social, political, and theatrical contexts.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG331H5 • Elizabethan Drama

This course explores English drama to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, with attention to such playwrights as John Lyly, Thomas Kyd, Christopher Marlowe, and William Shakespeare.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG332Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG332H5 • Restoration and Early 18th Century Literature

This course engages with British poetry, drama, and prose from the later seventeenth century through early eighteenth century—a period that saw the restoration of the monarchy, the Glorious Revolution, the Acts of Union, and the transition from Stuart to Hanoverian rule. Topics to be addressed may include religious and political dissent; colonialism and slavery; libertine culture; theatrical performance; female actors and women writers; the “birth” of the novel; and the establishment of the periodical press. Authors may include Aphra Behn, John Bunyan, Susanna Centlivre, Daniel Defoe, John Dryden, Anne Finch, Delarivier Manley, Samuel Pepys, and the Earl of Rochester.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits
Exclusions: ENG308Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG333H5 • The Modernist Novel

This course explores novels by such writers as Henry James, Joseph Conrad, Willa Cather, Edmund Forster, James Joyce, Virginia Woolf, David Lawrence, and William Faulkner. 

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG328Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG334H5 • Global Indigenous Literatures

This course studies Indigenous literatures from around the world. Regions may include the Americas, the Pacific Islands, New Zealand, Australia, Asia, Africa, Russia, and Scandinavia. Through these literatures, the course addresses topics such as: the specific and localized ways colonialism manifests and exerts power; UNDRIP (the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples); the distinct experiences, histories, storytelling traditions, and decolonization processes of Indigenous peoples from different regions; how and why decolonization processes shift from one part of the world to another; and movements and experiences that bring Indigenous peoples from various regions together in solidarity.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG335H5 • Jacobean Drama

This course explores English drama from the death of Queen Elizabeth I to the closing of the theatres, with attention to such playwrights as Ben Jonson, Thomas Middleton, William Shakespeare, and John Webster. As part of this course, students may have the option of participating in an international learning experience that will have an additional cost and application process.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG332Y5

International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG336H5 • Special Topic in Shakespeare

A concentrated study of one aspect of Shakespeare's work, such as his use of a particular genre, a particular period of his work, a recurring theme, or the application of a particular critical approach. Topics may vary from year to year.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG337H5 • Restoration and Eighteenth-Century Drama

A study of drama and theatrical performance from 1660-1800, featuring works by authors such as Aphra Behn, Susannah Centlivre, William Congreve, Hannah Cowley, John Gay, George Lillo, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Richard Steele, and William Wycherley. Students can expect to learn about the modes of drama practiced during this period and their intersection with sexuality and gender, class, economics, politics, colonialism, and national identity. Students will also learn about theatre history, including the advent of female performers, changing theatre construction, the Licensing Act and theatrical censorship, the rise of the celebrity actor, and the popularization of Shakespeare.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG338H5 • Eighteenth-Century British Literature

This course engages with British poetry, drama, and prose from the “Augustan Age” through the early Romantic period. Topics may include the flourishing of print culture; satirical and sentimental literature; the “rise” of the novel; art and aesthetics; science and technology; colonialism, slavery, and abolition; and women writers. Authors may include Frances Burney, Henry Fielding, Thomas Gray, Eliza Haywood, William Hogarth, Samuel Johnson, Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Alexander Pope, Samuel Richardson, Mary Robinson, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, and Jonathan Swift.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG308Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG339H5 • Early Modern Women Writers

A study of poems, plays, prose fiction, and polemical works by medieval and early modern writers such as Anne Askew, Mary Wroth, Queen Elizabeth I, Mary Sidney, Amelia Lanyer, Lucy Hutchinson, Hester Pulter, and Margaret Cavendish. Topics may include race, women and science, love poetry from a female perspective, gender and trans studies, renarrations of the story of Eve, sexuality, and editorial history and practice.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG307H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG340H5 • The Rise of Modern Drama

A study of plays in English by such dramatists as Oscar Wilde, William Butler Yeats, George Bernard Shaw, John Millington Synge, Susan Glaspell, Langston Hughes, and Eugene O'Neill, as well as plays in translation by such dramatists as Henrik Ibsen, Anton Chekhov, August Strindberg, and Luigi Pirandello. 

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG338Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG341H5 • Modern Drama: Late Twentieth-Century to Present Day

A study of plays by such dramatists as Samuel Beckett, Arthur Miller, Tennessee Williams, Harold Pinter, Wole Soyinka, and Caryl Churchill, with background readings from other dramatic literatures.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG338Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG342H5 • Contemporary Drama

A study of ten or more plays by at least six recent dramatists.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG339H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG343H5 • World Drama

Students will read/watch screenings of drama in English and in translation from around the world, including Africa, East Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, the Caribbean, Latin America, and South America. Topics may include traditional forms (Kathakali dance, Noh and Kabuki, Beijing Opera, Nigerian masquerades) adapted for the modern stage; agit-prop and political drama; object performance; the place of drama within a global media ecology; and drama as a site of intercultural and transcultural appropriation, negotiation, and exchange.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG344H5 • Spy Fiction

This course examines the rise and popularization of spy fiction in the twentieth century. It focuses on authors such as Graham Greene and John le Carré within the context of the Cold War and the nuclear stand-off between the Soviet Union and the West.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG345H5 • Victorian Poetry

This course surveys the poetry of the Victorian era in Britain, with a focus on experiments in poetic genre and form, and on the social and political commitments of poetry in a period of colonialism, industrialization, and changing ideas about gender and sexuality. Topics may include lyric and the dramatic monologue, the poetry of political protest, love and sexuality, feminism and queerness, aestheticism and decadence, empire and the emergence of global poetry in English, and pastoral and the poetry of urban life. Poets may include Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Alfred Tennyson, Robert Browning, Matthew Arnold, Christina Rossetti, D. G. Rossetti, Gerard Manley Hopkins, A. C. Swinburne, Toru Dutt, George Meredith, Augusta Webster, Amy Levy, Oscar Wilde, Michael Field, Thomas Hardy, Sarojini Naidu, and many others.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG347Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG346H5 • Indigenous First Story Toronto

This course explores the history of Toronto/Tkaronto as it is documented in contemporary Indigenous texts and oral narratives. In addition to engaging with these works to provide a fuller understanding of Indigenous histories, treaties, and laws, this course may draw from archives such as First Story Toronto at the Native Canadian Centre of Toronto to shed light on present-day lived experiences. The course asks students to reflect on what it means to be treaty people within this territory, the responsibilities of living in the Toronto area, and how to be more mindful as treaty partners to Indigenous residents within this space and place. Course content may include audio recordings, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, visual art, film, and drama. The course may also include land-based and autoethnographic components.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG347H5 • The Nineteenth-Century American Novel

This course will introduce students to historical and cultural concerns of nineteenth-century America through major subgenres of the novel, including the gothic, the sentimental, realism, and naturalism. Emphasis will be on shifts in the novel across the century as well as the relationship of the nineteenth-century novel to print culture, including serial publication in literary magazines and newspapers. We may also think about how non-fiction texts from this period draw on the conventions of fiction. Authors studied may include Charles Brockden Brown, Fanny Fern, George Lippard, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Charles Chesnutt, Mark Twain, Edith Wharton, and Pauline Hopkins.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG348H5 • Special Topic in Indigenous Storywork

Applying decolonial and Indigenous methodologies, students will explore Indigenous texts, media, and/or performances, spanning traditional and innovative forms, genres, and mediums engaged by Indigenous writers and makers. Topics may vary from year to year.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG349H5 • Contemporary Poetry

This course examines works by a variety of contemporary poets, focusing on how their writing participates in contemporary dialogues about art, society, and the larger world.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG350H5 • Poetry and Modernism

Special study of Hopkins, Yeats, Pound, Eliot, Stevens; selections from other poets.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG348Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG351H5 • Toni Morrison: Texts and Contexts

In this advanced introduction to the work of Toni Morrison, we will encounter masterpieces such as Sula, Song of Solomon, and Beloved and pay particular attention to questions of literary tradition and inheritance, form and narrative voice, and ethics in contexts of oppression. We will read most of Morrison’s novels, alongside major essays, in the chronological order in which they were published. Students will be introduced to major themes in African American literary criticism and theory through close engagement with Morrison’s oeuvre and its critical legacy.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG352H5 • Canadian Drama

Canadian plays, with emphasis on major playwrights and on developments since 1940, but with attention also to the history of the theatre in Canada.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG353Y5 • Canadian Prose Fiction

A study of twelve or more Canadian works of fiction, primarily novels.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG392H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG354Y5 • Canadian Poetry

A study of major Canadian poets, modern and contemporary.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG393H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG355H5 • Black British Literature

This course is an advanced introduction to the concept and key texts of ‘Black British literature.’ A term arising directly in response to empire and the postcolonial, Black British literature indicates texts written by both African- and South Asian- descended writers from the Caribbean, Africa, and the subcontinent. Focused primarily on the twentieth-century, we will contextualize this literary tradition within wider questions of Britain in the world and how the idea of literary influence is challenged and re-formed. Writers may include: Sam Selvon, Hanif Kureishi, Derek Walcott, Stuart Hall, Buchi Emecheta, Caryl Philips, Zadie Smith, Helen Oyeyemi, and Warsan Shire.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG356H5 • Caribbean Literature

A multi-lingual and multi-racial archipelago, the Caribbean has a rich literary and theoretical tradition: this course will introduce students to major figures in Caribbean Anglophone literature (including Jean Rhys, Kamau Brathwaite, George Lamming, Erna Brodber, V.S. Naipaul, Jamaica Kincaid, in addition to some texts read in English translation (including Aimé Cesaire, Alejo Carpentier, Maryse Condé, Marie Vieux Chauvet)

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG357H5 • New Writing in Canada

Close encounters with recent writing in Canada: new voices, new forms, and new responses to old forms. Texts may include or focus on poetry, fiction, drama, non-fiction, or new media.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG358H5 • Special Topic in Canadian Literature

A concentrated study of one aspect of Canadian literature or literary culture, such as a particular subgenre, author, period, or theme, or the application of a particular critical approach. Topics may vary from year to year.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG359H5 • Land Back: Indigenous Voices and Narratives

This course examines how stories by Indigenous Peoples assert the inherent right to Indigenous sovereignty, self-determination, and self-government, with emphasis on settler colonialism in Canada and in the United States of America. This course engages with Indigenous narratives to understand the relationship between concepts of land rights, Indigenous resurgence, reconciliation, decolonization, and the politics of recognition. Topics may include Indigenous futurisms, digital sovereignty, treaty-making, Indigenous feminisms, sovereign eroticism, Indigenous political movements, land-based organizing, and environmental and climate justice. Texts may include the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the UN Working Group on Indigenous Peoples, as well as film, music, literature, and non-literature from individuals such as Glen Coulthard, Winona Laduke, Alanis Obomsawin, Tracey Lindberg, Audra Simpson, Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, Joy Harjo, Leroy Little Bear, Snotty Nosed Rez Kids, and Taiaiake Alfred.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG360H5 • Early American Literature

This course explores writing in a variety of genres produced in the American colonies in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, such as narratives, poetry, autobiography, journals, essays, sermons, and court transcripts.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG361H5 • Canadian Literature, Beginnings to 1920

This course explores the origins of Canadian literature, with an emphasis upon the post-Confederation period. Students will examine work in a range of genres, which may include novels, short stories, life writing and poetry, and will consider how the nation is being created and debated in print. Topics may include settler colonialism, nationalism, and representation. Attention may also be paid to Canadian book history and print culture in the period.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG362H5 • Canadian Literature, 1920 to the Present

This course explores Canadian literature from the 1920s to the contemporary period. Students will examine the work of major authors in their cultural, social, and historical contexts. Topics may include the development of literary modernism in Canada, regional literary geographies, postmodern innovations, multiculturalism and hybridity, and Indigenous literary and cultural production in the part of Turtle Island that is called Canada.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG363Y5 • Nineteenth-Century American Literature

This course explores American writing in a variety of genres from the end of the Revolution to the beginning of the twentieth century.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG394H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG364Y5 • Twentieth-Century American Literature

This course explores twentieth-century American writing in a variety of genres.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG395H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG365H5 • Contemporary American Fiction

This course explores six or more works by at least four contemporary American writers of fiction.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class, Online (Summer only)

ENG366H5 • Special Topic in American Literature

A concentrated study of one aspect of American literature or literary culture, such as a particular subgenre, author, period, or theme, or the application of a particular critical approach. Topics may vary from year to year.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 other credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG367H5 • African American Literature

This class is an advanced introduction to the field of African American literary studies, tracing its origins and emergence through the slave trade to the present day, with particular focus on nineteenth- and twentieth-century writing, and the criticism and theory to which it gives rise. Authors studied may include: Harriet Jacobs, Charles Chesnutt, Pauline Hopkins, James Baldwin, Gayl Jones, Toni Morrison.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG368H5 • Black Feminist Poetics

This course considers the relationship between poetry written by Black women (particularly June Jordan, Audre Lorde, and Lucille Clifton) and Black feminist theory (bell hooks, Angela Davis, the Combahee River Collective). In addition to a grounding in this 20th-century moment, the course will also consider nineteenth-century example (including Sojourner Truth and Ida B. Wells) and the contemporary moment, consider a wide arc of how Black feminism produces and arises from Black poetics.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG369H5 • Black Women’s Writing

This course takes as its focus the intersection of race and gender as explored and expressed in diasporic Black women’s writing. With a focus on North America, we will ask about the relationships amongst self-expression and genre under conditions of disempowerment. This course introduces contemporary thinking about race and colonial encounters alongside fiction and life-writing by African American, Canadian, and Caribbean women from a range of historical periods. Authors may include: Mary Prince, Harriet Jacobs, Audre Lorde, Jamaica Kincaid, Edwige Danticat, Dionne Brand.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG370H5 • Global Literatures in English

This course involves in-depth study, within the framework of postcolonial and transnational studies, of literatures in English from around the world. It includes fictional and non-fictional texts and contemporary films and media representations.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG371H5 • Special Topic in World Literatures

A concentrated study of one aspect of postcolonial literature or literary culture, such as a particular genre, author, period, regional or national context, or theme, or the application of a particular critical approach. Topics may vary from year to year.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credits in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG372H5 • Special Topic in Literary Theory

A concentrated study of one aspect of literary or critical theory, such as a particular school of theory, an important author, or a contemporary theoretical debate. Topics may vary from year to year.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG373H5 • Creative Writing: Poetry

This course will involve a wide variety of experiments with poetic expression and poetic forms.

Prerequisites: ENG289H5 or ENG291H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG374H5 • Creative Writing: Prose

Students will experiment with fiction and non-fiction prose writing, including autobiography, biography, and narrative for new visual, digital, and interactive media.

Prerequisites: ENG289H5 or ENG291H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG375H5 • Editing Literary Texts

Students will learn the basics of literary editing for different readerships: the course will cover such topics as the selection of a base text; treatment of variants; creation of paratext; design and layout; proofs and proofchecking; and the differences between print and digital media.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits; or ENG289H5/ENG291H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG376H5 • Creative Writing: Nonfiction

Students will experiment in a workshop environment with a variety of short, non-fictional forms, e.g. memoir, auto/biography, true crime.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 other credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG377H5 • Special Topic in Creative Writing

A concentrated study of one aspect of creative writing practice, such as a particular genre or theme, or the application of a particular formal technique. Topics may vary from year to year.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG (including ENG289H5 or ENG291H5) and 3.0 other credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG378H5 • Special Topic in Writing for Performance

A concentrated study of one aspect of writing for performance such as a particular medium (e.g. digital), genre, or theme. Topics may vary from year to year.

Prerequisites: ENG289H5 or ENG291H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG379H5 • American Literature in Global Contexts

We often categorize literature by its nation of origin when we study and teach, though we also recognize the limitations involved in doing so. Over the past several decades, the study of U.S. literature, in particular, has been shaped by transnational and global approaches that emphasize the porous nature of any “national” literature. In this course, students will study approaches to American Literature in global contexts. These may include hemispheric approaches to U.S. literatures that emphasize U.S. interactions with Central America and the Caribbean, engagements with Africa in U.S. literatures, or U.S. literatures and the Pacific from the eighteenth century through the present.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG380H5 • History of Literary Theory

Literary theory from classical times to the nineteenth century. Topics include theories of the imagination, genre analysis, aesthetics, the relations between literature and reality and literature and society, and the evaluation and interpretation of literature.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG367Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG381H5 • Digital Texts

This course considers the ways in which digital technologies are transforming texts, reading, readerships, and the idea of the literary. Students will study a wide variety of digital texts, e.g., fanfiction, webcomics, viral Tumblr posts and tweets, and video games. They will also learn about the use of digital tools to read, study, and preserve texts. The course may include a practical project, e.g., the design of a narrative game using Twine; the curation of a digital exhibit using Omeka; or an argument about some text/s using visualization software.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG382Y5 • Contemporary Literary Theory

This course explores literary theory from the early twentieth century to the present. Schools or movements studied may include structuralism, formalism, phenomenology, Marxism, post-structuralism, reader-response theory, feminism, queer theory, new historicism, psychoanalysis, postcolonial theory, and cultural and race studies.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG366Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG383H5 • British Romanticism and Its Contexts

This course gives students a new perspective on the cultural contexts for British Romanticism: students will learn about literature's relationship to philosophy, politics, religion, science, and colonialism in the Romantic period, as they examine works by some major authors such as William Wordsworth, Walter Scott, and Mary Shelley.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG384H5 • Literature and Psychoanalysis

An introduction to psychoanalysis for students of literature, this course considers major psycholanalytic ideas through close readings of selected texts by Freud and related psychoanalytic thinkers. The course also explores critiques and applications of Freud's work and examines a selection of literary texts that engage psychoanalytic theory.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG384Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG385H5 • British Romanticism, 1770-1800

This course covers the early Romantic period in British Literature. Students may read novels such as Frances Burney's Evelina; plays such as Richard Brinsley Sheridan's School for Scandal; writing on the French and American Revolutions; William Blake's Songs of Innocence and of Experience; and ballads by William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Hannah More, and Mary Robinson.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG308Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG386H5 • British Romanticism, 1800-1830

This course covers the later Romantic period in British Literature. Authors studied may include Walter Scott, Mary Shelley, Percy Shelley, Jane Austen, Lord Byron, and John Keats.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG308Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG387H5 • Popular Novels in the Eighteenth Century

This course offers students a chance to read some early novels in English - from the scandalous to the sentimental to the Gothic. They will consider what made novels best-sellers in eighteenth-century Britain and why the popularization of novel reading was such a source of controversy at the time. Authors may include: Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding, Laurence Sterne, Frances Burney, and Ann Radcliffe.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG322Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG388H5 • Spaces of Fiction

Real or imagined geographical locations, landscapes, rooms and houses play an important role in literature. In addition to providing a narrative setting, fictional space might guide our interpretation of plot, serve as a metaphor for broader historical, sociological or psychological issues, or become a character in its own right. Ranging across a variety of literary periods and genres, this course will explore how works of fiction describe space and how these descriptions shape our responses. Authors and texts may range from the early English period to the present day, including Beowulf, Geoffrey Chaucer, William Shakespeare, Margaret Cavendish, Jane Austen, Edgar Alan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Henry James, Virginia Woolf, Daphne du Maurier, Shirley Jackson, Gloria Naylor, Toni Morrison, Arundhati Roy, Amitav Ghosh, V.S. Naipaul, and so on.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG390Y5 • Individual Studies

A scholarly project chosen by the student and supervised by a faculty member. The form of the project and the manner of its execution will be determined in consultation with the supervisor. All project proposals must be submitted to the Undergraduate Advisor, who can provide proposal forms.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credits in English and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG490Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG391Y5 • Individual Studies - Creative Writing

A project in creative writing chosen by the student and supervised by a faculty member. The form of the project and the manner of its execution will be determined in consultation with the supervisor. All project proposals must be submitted to the Undergraduate Advisor who can provide proposal forms.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credits in English and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG392H5 • Canadian Fiction

Students will read novels and/or short stories of importance for Canadian literary history: these may include, for example, L.M. Montgomery's Anne of Green Gables, Hugh MacLennan's Two Solitudes, Lawrence Hill's Book of Negroes, and Alice Munro's Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG353Y

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG393H5 • Canadian Poetry in Context

This course gives students a chance to think about the social, historical, and personal circumstances that have produced the work of some major Canadian authors, from the poets of Canadian Confederation to contemporary Black and Indigenous writers such as M. NourbeSe Philip and Rita Joe.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG354Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG394H5 • American Literature from the Revolution to 1900

Students will read a selection of American writings from the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries; these may include the stories of Edgar Allan Poe, the poetry of Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson, Harriet Beecher Stowe's novels, and slave narratives such as those of Frederick Douglass and Harriet Jacobs.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG363Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG395H5 • American Literature 1900 to the Present

Students will read a selection of works by American authors as diverse as Edith Wharton, Ernest Hemingway, T.S. Eliot, Sylvia Plath, Harper Lee, Thomas Pynchon, and Jhumpa Lahiri.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.
Exclusions: ENG364Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG396H5 • Literary Theory Now

This course will explore some of the most recent, provocative, and significant developments in literary theory, including work in such areas as eco-criticism, literary activism, critical race studies, Indigenous studies, queer and trans studies, and cognitive literary studies.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG397H5 • Individual Studies

A scholarly project chosen by the student and supervised by a faculty member. The form of the project and the manner of its execution will be determined in consultation with the supervisor. All project proposals must be submitted to the Undergraduate Advisor by May 15 who can provide the proposal form.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG398H5 • Research Opportunity Program

This course provides a richly rewarding opportunity for upper-level students to work on the research project of a professor. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods, and share in the excitement and discovery of creating new knowledge. Professors' project descriptions for the following fall-winter session are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credits in English and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG399Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

For senior undergraduate students who have developed some knowledge of a discipline and its research methods, this course offers an opportunity to work on the research project of a professor. Students enrolled will become involved in original research, develop their research skills, and share in the excitement and discovery of creating new knowledge. Professors' project descriptions for the following fall-winter session are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit in ENG and 3.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG400H5 • Capstone Seminar: Writing a Research Project

This course offers specialists and advanced majors an opportunity to do sustained and intensive research on a topic developed in consultation with the instructor. Course instruction will consist of training in various research methodologies, advice and help in putting together reading and research lists, and guided workshops where students can practice drafting, editing, and peer editing as well as comparing notes and research materials.

Prerequisites: Completion of 14.5 credits.

Enrolment Limits: English Specialists have priority for registration, followed by English Majors.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG410H5 • Seminar: Critical Game Studies

Advanced study of a topic in critical game studies that addresses urgent and evolving questions in critical approaches to games, e.g., defining games, play and players, game production, violence in games, and the social and pedagogical benefits of games.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credits in ENG and 3.0 additional credits, which must include 1.5 credits in Game Studies courses or permission from the director of Game Studies

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class, Hybrid

ENG414H5 • Seminar: Literary Theory / Methods

See department for description.

Prerequisites: 5.0 credits in ENG and 4.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG415H5 • Seminar: Literary Theory / Methods

See department for description.

Prerequisites: 5.0 credits in ENG and 4.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG416H5 • Seminar: Literary Theory / Methods

See department for description.

Prerequisites: 5.0 credits in ENG and 4.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG424H5 • Seminar: Canadian Literature

See department for description.

Prerequisites: 5.0 credits in ENG and 4.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG425H5 • Seminar: Canadian Literature

See department for description.

Prerequisites: 5.0 credits in ENG and 4.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG426H5 • Seminar: Race, Ethnicity, Diaspora, Indigeneity

See department for description.

Prerequisites: 5.0 credits in ENG and 4.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG434H5 • Seminar: Race, Ethnicity, Diaspora, Indigeneity

See department for description.

Prerequisites: 5.0 credits in ENG and 4.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG435H5 • Seminar: American Literature

See department for description.

Prerequisites: 5.0 credits in ENG and 4.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG436H5 • Seminar: American Literature

See department for description.

Prerequisites: 5.0 credits in ENG and 4.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG460H5 • Seminar: Literature Pre-1700

See department for description.

Prerequisites: 5.0 credits in ENG and 4.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG461H5 • Seminar: Literature Pre-1700

See department for description.

Prerequisites: 5.0 credits in ENG and 4.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG462H5 • Seminar: Literature Pre-1700

See department for description.

Prerequisites: 5.0 credits in ENG and 4.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG463H5 • Seminar: Literature 1700-1900

See department for description.

Prerequisites: 5.0 credits in ENG and 4.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG464H5 • Research Seminar: The Story of the Book

This course will introduce students to the history of the book and other technologies of human record. Focusing on the pre- and early modern periods, the course asks the question--what material substances and objects do people use to share imaginative stories? And, what difference can knowing about these make to the history of literature, including literatures in English? The course is partly experiential and collaborative in design. We will learn from one or more present-day book makers: e.g. an Ojibwe maker of birch bark scrolls; or a modern parchment maker or bookbinder. We will visit the Fisher Rare Book Library to see, among others books, one made in 1474 by William Caxton, England’s first printer. And we will collaborate with students working in Forensic Science and Chemistry to use scientific techniques--from advanced microscopy to x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy--to develop and answer humanistic questions about books: e.g. Where did book makers obtain their materials? How have book making technologies--and with them literary texts and traditions--travelled around the globe? What evidence have readers of old books left behind? Underpinning the course is a critical approach to the so-called “Toronto School”--that is, “the theory of the primacy of communication in the structuring of human cultures and the structuring of the human mind.” Is the work of e.g. Harold Innis and Marshall McLuhan relevant to the 21st study of literature? What messages are still readable in the media used by the literary communities of the past?

Prerequisites: 5.0 credits in ENG and 4.0 additional credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 12P/24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG470H5 • Seminar: Literature 1700-1900

See department for description.

Prerequisites: 5.0 credits in ENG and 4.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG471H5 • Seminar: Literature 1700-1900

See department for description.

Prerequisites: 5.0 credits in ENG and 4.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG472H5 • Seminar: Modern and Contemporary Literature

See department for description.

Prerequisites: 5.0 credits in ENG and 4.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG473H5 • Seminar: Modern and Contemporary Literature

See department for description.

Prerequisites: 5.0 credits in ENG and 4.0 additional credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ENG489Y5 • Creative Writing Workshop

The course allows students to workshop their own creative project/s with the instructor and their peers. Restricted to students who in the opinion of the Department show special aptitude. Detail requirements will be posted in advance of this date. Students should contact the instructor or the Undergraduate Advisor for more information.

Prerequisites: Permission of instructor and portfolio must be submitted by 30 June and contact Undergraduate Advisor for more information.
Exclusions: ENG389Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 48S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH101H5 • Introduction to Art History

An overview of the art and architecture of the past and present, as well as an introduction to the discipline of art history and its methodologies. Emphasis on representative monuments and key approaches to interpretation.

Exclusions: FAH101H1 or FAH102H1 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5 or VPHA46

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH205H5 • Art in Antiquity

This course offers a survey of the arts of antiquity. Emphasis is placed on major works of sculpture, painting, and architecture. Decorative arts are also treated.

Exclusions: FAH207H1 or VPHB52
Recommended Preparation: FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH215H5 • Early Medieval Art and Architecture

An overview of major monuments and themes in the art and architecture of Western Europe and the Mediterranean World from the third until the eleventh century.

Exclusions: (FAH102Y5 or FAH261H1 or FAH267H5 or FAH271H5) or VPHB53
Recommended Preparation: FAH101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH216H5 • Later Medieval Art and Architecture

An overview of major monuments and themes in the art and architecture of Western Europe and the Mediterranean World from the eleventh through the fifteenth century.

Exclusions: FAH102Y5 or FAH261H1 or FAH267H5 or FAH271H5 or VPHB53
Recommended Preparation: FAH101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH274H5 • Renaissance Art and Architecture

A selective survey of the major art centres, types of artistic production, personalities, and trends in Italy and the North, from the early fifteenth century to the mid-sixteenth. The creation and diffusion of art are addressed through an understanding of historical techniques (media), cultural determinants such as patronage, and significant works of art.

Exclusions: FAH230H1 or VPHB74H3
Recommended Preparation: FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

FAH275H5 • Introduction to Indigenous Art in Canada

This survey course will introduce students to the advanced technological and innovative material contributions of Indigenous cultural knowledge towards the reshaping of Canadian Culture, Identity and Art today; beginning with the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nations. Specificity of place, nation, geographical territory, the intervention of colonial government policy, and social movements will be reviewed as they relate to the creation and collection of Indigenous art and established art markets. Object and image making, new technologies, performance art, ceremony, land, hunting, activism, social engagement, and community arts will be covered, as will fashion, dance, song, and storytelling.

Recommended Preparation: FAH101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH279H5 • Baroque Art and Architecture

An introduction to art and society in Europe, ca. 1600 to ca. 1800 CE. Tensions between the Catholic Church and Protestantism; the rise of powerful, competing courts; the growth of increasingly complex urban centres; and the entry of the "wider public" into the art market all create new roles for representation in Europe. Developments in painting, prints, sculpture, architecture, urban planning, and festivals are considered.

Exclusions: FAH231H1 or VPHB64
Recommended Preparation: FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH281H5 • An Introduction to Islamic Art and Architecture

This course surveys art and architecture of the Islamic worlds, beginning with the emergence of Islam in the seventh century. It examines works of art ranging from the monumental (palaces, mosques, shrines) to the portable (textiles, jewelry, books), spanning the Islamic world from Spain to Central and East Asia. A range of materials and artistic techniques will be considered, as will several religious and secular contexts and different patterns in patronage and workshop production.

Recommended Preparation: FAH101H5 or FAH202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH282H5 • Gardens, Homes, and Palaces in the Muslim World

How did Muslims live in the pre-modern world, and, how did they interact with their surrounding environment? This course introduces examples of homes, palaces, and gardens dating from the 8th to the 18th centuries. The course includes examples from the Arab world, Turkey, Iran, and South Asia.

Recommended Preparation: FAH101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH285H5 • Art and Religion

An introduction to the art of the major world religions (examples will mostly be taken from Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam but may also extend to Judaism, Buddhism, and religions of indigenous peoples), examining debates within these traditions around the status of the image as well as the relationship of religious images with the secular notion of 'art.'

Recommended Preparation: FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH287H5 • European Art of the Nineteenth Century

Surveys major developments in European art and architecture from the late eighteenth through the end of the nineteenth century, including Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Orientalism, Realism, the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, Impressionism, Post-Impressionism, and Symbolism. Artistic responses to political change, urbanisation, capitalism, colonialism, the Academy, and the Salon will be explored as well as changing constructions of gender, race, class, and national identities through visual media.

As part of this course, students may have the option of participating in an international learning experience that will have an additional cost and application process.

Exclusions: FAH208H1 or FAH282H1 or FAH245H1
Recommended Preparation: FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5

International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH288H5 • European and North American Art of the Earlier Twentieth Century

Surveys principal developments in modern art and architecture from the late 19th century through 1945. Topics covered include key movements, such as Fauvism, Expressionism, Cubism, Futurism, Constructivism, Suprematism, de Stijl, Dada, and Surrealism, and key concepts, such as the avant-garde, abstraction, the readymade, the unconscious, and the primitive. Readings include manifestos and other writings by artists as well as art historical texts.

Exclusions: FAH246H1 or VPHB58
Recommended Preparation: FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH289H5 • Art Since 1945

Examines many divergent international art movements and controversies in painting, sculpture, video, installation art, performance, and other new forms, from 1945 to the present.

Exclusions: FAH246H1 or VPHB58
Recommended Preparation: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and FAH288H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH290H5 • Topics in Modern Art and Architecture

An examination of a topic in modern art and or architecture. Topics vary from year to year; the content in any given year depends upon the instructor.

Recommended Preparation: FAH101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH291H5 • History of Photography

Examines the history of photography in Euro-American visual culture and explores how this medium of mass communication has transformed our perceptions and conceptions of art, society, and culture over the past two centuries. Reviews key imagemakers and areas of production concluding with the impact of digital imaging.

Exclusions: FAH252H5 or FAH391H5
Recommended Preparation: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (VCC101H5 or VCC201H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH292H5 • Canadian Art

This course examines the history of art produced in Canada, from the pre-contact period to today. Diverse visual traditions and their intersections will be studied, as will the changing roles of art in Canadian society.

Exclusions: FAH248H5: Canadian Painting 1665-1960 (formerly FAH286H1) or VPHB60H3: Canadian Visual Art
Recommended Preparation: FAH101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH295H5 • Topics in Art History

An examination of a topic in art history. Topics vary from year to year; the content in any given year depends upon the instructor.

Recommended Preparation: FAH101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH299Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

This course provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their second year to work on the research project of a professor in return for 299Y course credit.Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods, and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge.Participating faculty members post their project descriptions for the following summer and fall/winter sessions in early February and students are invited to apply in early March. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH301H5 • History and Practices of Visual Resource Collecting

This course investigates the theoretical and philosophical bases and practical realities of digitizing the visual arts in the context of scholarly research, collection development, publishing, information studies and education in the global environment. Students will examine the historical development and impact of digitization on image collecting as well as current practices and issues facing professionals. A practical, hands-on approach will be an essential part of the course.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (VCC101H5 or VCC201H5) and 1.0 credits in FAH/VCC at the 200 level or permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH310H5 • Curating Matters: Contexts and Issues in Contemporary Curatorial Practice

This course will introduce students to the major critical texts, theories, and debates circulating in the burgeoning international field of contemporary curatorial studies. The course will include lectures, case studies, practice-related assignments, encounters with artists and art professionals, and student presentations that are intended to raise issues and engage debate about contemporary exhibition practices and account for theoretical perspectives and historical context. One objective of this course is to trouble preconceptions of the role of the curator in order to observe the complexity of curatorial models across and beyond art institutions. The class will address the implications of shifting cultural, social, and political contexts for artistic and curatorial practice and their sites.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and FAH289H5 and 0.5 additional credit in FAH/VCC
Exclusions: VPSB73 or VIS320H1
Recommended Preparation: FAH288H5 and FAH289H5 and FAH388H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH315H5 • Photomontage: History, Theory, and Practice

This course investigates the history, theory, and practice of photomontage from its roots in combination printing in the mid-19th century to its key role in the modernist "isms of art"
in Europe and North America including Dada, Surrealism, Constructivism, and the Bauhaus to the rise of digital photomontage in the current Photoshop era. It explores a range of practices and applications of photomontage in avant-garde art, commercial advertising, mass media, humorous satire, propaganda, and political activism.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or VCC101H5) and FAH291H5.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH317H5 • Spirit Photography

From the haunted images of William Mumler in the 1860’s to contemporary manifestations of digital ghost hunting, the search for elusive and invisible spirits by means of the camera lens has been an ongoing preoccupation in the history of photography for over 150 years. Starting with the emergence of phantasmagoric visual entertainments (ca. 1800), this course reviews this rich and fascinating history in Europe and North America but also with a few non-Western cultural examples (e.g., Japan, Philippines) focusing on key case studies in spirit photographic practice. The course considers various reasons why people have wanted to believe in the veracity of these phenomena (e.g., followers of the religious movement of Spiritualism) as well as why others have wanted to debunk spirit photography as a hoax or fraud (e.g., Harry Houdini and P.T. Barnum). Exploring theories derived from deconstruction and psychoanalysis, we seek to understand the philosophical and psychological significance of spirit photography introducing constructs such as hauntology, spectrality, the uncanny, and the work of mourning. The course also reviews how contemporary artists (e.g., Oursler, Beloff) have incorporated motifs and themes related to spirit photography in their works.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or VCC101H5) and FAH291H5
Exclusions: FAH492H5 (Fall 2017)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH329H5 • Early Christian Art and Architecture

Examines art and architecture during the emergence of Christianity in the West until ca. 600, focusing primarily on Italy. Assesses the connections between polytheistic, imperial Roman art and new Christian traditions in a variety of media, including mosaics, metalwork, wall painting, and sculpture. Also considers the role of primary texts in the interpretation of Early Christian art.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH215H5 or FAH216H5) or permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH332H5 • Studies in Baroque Painting

Thematically organized treatment of major figures (Caravaggio, Carracci, Poussin) in the context of art theory and viewer response.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH274H5 or FAH279H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH337H5 • Court Art and Patronage in the Middle Ages

Art and architecture of royal and imperial families from ca. 800 to 1400 in western Europe, including Norman, Capetian, Plantagenet, and Hohenstaufen dynasties. Topics include the role of courts in the development and diffusion of new styles, and monuments as expressions of piety, chivalry, and political propaganda. May be taken for credit for the Specialist/Major programs in Architecture (St. George).

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH216H5 or FAH217H5)
Exclusions: FAH316H1 or FAH327H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH338H5 • Multicultural Middle Ages

This course examines medieval works of art and architecture that challenge long-held ideas about the European Middle Ages as monocultural and exclusively Christian. It considers the mobility of people, objects, and ideas through migration, trade, diplomacy, conquest, and pilgrimage, and focuses on particular places where multiculturalism flourished, including Spain, Sicily, and Venice. It also evaluates multiculturalism from different eras, from the Middle Ages to the contemporary world, to better understand its different meanings and manifestations, as well as its impact on art history.

Prerequisites: FAH101H5 and (FAH215H5 or FAH216H5)
Recommended Preparation: At least 1.0 credits at the 200 level in FAH

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH343H5 • Pilgrimage

Examines the experience of pilgrimage from an interdisciplinary perspective, with focus on major Christian and Islamic shrines in the Middle Ages. Considers monuments associated with sites such as Santiago, Jerusalem, and Mecca, as well as objects collected by pilgrims. May be taken for credit for the Specialist/Major programs in Religion (U of T Mississauga), Christianity & Culture (St. George), and Architecture (St. George).

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and FAH216H5
Exclusions: FAH316H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH351H5 • Gothic Architecture

Study of origins, architecture and decoration of the Gothic Cathedral in the Ile-de-France, treating function and symbolism, intellectual and social contexts, and initial diffusion of the style to other countries. Considers post-medieval Gothic as well.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH216H5 or FAH217H5)
Exclusions: FAH328H1 or VPHC42

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH353H5 • The sculptor-architect GianLorenzo Bernini

Topics in the sculpture, architecture, methods and biographical legacy of the principal 17th-century artist of the Roman baroque, GianLorenzo Bernini. Focus of the course changes from year to year. May be taken for credit for the Specialist/Major programs in Religion (U of T Mississauga), Christianity & Culture (St. George), and Architecture (St. George).

Prerequisites: FAH101H5 and (FAH274H5 or FAH279H5).
Exclusions: FAH352H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH356H5 • Colonial Latin American Art and Architecture

This lecture course will examine processes of cultural transfer and transformation in the planning of cities, churches, and viceregal palaces from the early days of contact through the Baroque in the Viceroyalties of Mexico and Peru and in Brasil. The persistence of indigenous beliefs and forms will be tracked in painting, sculpture, and architecture alongside the emergence of unique genres (i.e., castas, feather paintings), building types, and forms based on the particular makeup of a colonial society.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) or permission of instructor
Recommended Preparation: FAH274H5 and FAH279H5 and HIS290H5 and LAS200Y1 and HIS291Y1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH360H5 • Art and Visual Culture of the Eighteenth Century

This course examines European painting, sculpture, architecture, landscape architecture, print culture, decorative arts, exhibition strategies, and art criticism of the eighteenth century. Key artists and writers to be studied from the age of enlightenment and revolution include Blake, Burke, David, Diderot, Fragonard, Girodet, Goya, Hogarth, Reynolds, Vigée-Lebrun, Watteau, Winckelmann, Boullée, Ledoux and Wright of Derby.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and at least 1.5 credits in FAH at the 200-level
Recommended Preparation: FAH279H5 and FAH287H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH362H5 • Modern Craft

This course examines ideas, practices, and politics of craft that have emerged in the modern period in response to the industrial and digital revolutions, and other significant social and political changes. Topics covered include the place of craft in modern and contemporary art; gendered, classed, and raced understandings of craft; craft’s relationship to the environment; and Indigenous perspectives and practices.

Prerequisites: FAH101H5 and (FAH287H5 or FAH288H5)
Exclusions: FAH392H5 (Craft - 20209)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH375H5 • All Our Relations: Indigenous Land Stewardship and Art

This class embraces land- and earth-based skills as tools in the production and maintenance of revitalization efforts in Indigenous culture and knowledge. Throughout the course students will lead the development, production and maintenance of a Community Medicine Garden initiative to be located in the heart of the UTM campus. Topics include environmental liberation, food sovereignty, kinship, gardening as resistance, matriarchy, land stewardship, landscaping with regional indigenous plants, Indigenous feminisms, place-based knowledge and knowledge sharing. Activities will include: film screenings, community feasts, public readings, drumming circles, and guests speakers with Traditional Indigenous knowledge carriers, artists, environmental activists, and local grassroots community-based partners.

Prerequisites: FAH101H5 and FAH275H5

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH380H5 • New Genres in Contemporary Art

A study of artistic genres in contemporary art, including: video, performance, installation, site-specificity and digital media. Such new genres will be studied as alternative modes of artistic practice collaborative, ephemeral, institutionally critical, and discursive, and as a means to address questions and issues such as public space, community, networks of information, and global capitalism and activism.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH288H5 or FAH289H5)
Recommended Preparation: FAH289H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH382H5 • Artists and Craftsmen from the Muslim World

What do we know about the pre-modern artists of the Muslim world? This course explores the lives or artist from the Muslim world and what we know about their education, status, styles, techniques and influences. The course includes examples of a calligrapher, a painter, a metalworker, a ceramicist, and an architect.

Prerequisites: FAH101H5 and FAH281H5 or FAH282H5
Exclusions: FAH395H5 - Topics course: Artists and Craftsmen from the Muslim World

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH383H5 • Cities in the Early modern Muslim World: Istanbul, Isfahan, and Delhi

This course explores the three major cities of the pre-modern Muslim empires: Istanbul under the Ottomans, Isfahan under the Safavids, and Delhi under the Mughals. The course addresses the urban formation, architectural style, and visual symbolism of these cities.

Prerequisites: FAH101H5 and (FAH281H5 or FAH282H5)
Exclusions: FAH395H5 Topics course: Cities in the Early modern Muslim World: Istanbul, Isfahan, and Delhi

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH385H5 • Modern and Contemporary Art of India

This course traces a chronology of South Asian art from its genealogies in late colonial image-making traditions from the 1850s to the present, situating modernist 'high' art in terms of its conversation with the broader field of cultural practice in modern India: cinema, vernacular bazaar prints, rural and tribal craft traditions, practices of popular devotion, and 'classical' artistic traditions. It investigates the theoretical and political concerns animating South Asian cultural practices and their criticism (nationalism, Marxism, secularism, anti-fundamentalism, Islam, feminism, postcolonialism, issues of diaspora and globalization), and addresses the key question of how to approach practices of modernism and postmodernism in the postcolony.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and VCC201H5 and (FAH288H5 or FAH289H5) or permission of instructor
Exclusions: FAH364H1 or FAH365H1 or FAH392H5 - Topic: Contemporary South Asian Art
Recommended Preparation: VCC302H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH388H5 • Theory in Art History

Investigates the historical development of the Western discipline of art history through the theories that have shaped it; topics covered include formalism, semiotics, psychoanalysis, the social history of art, feminism, post-colonialism, queer studies and deconstruction.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and at least 1.0 credits in FAH/VCC
Exclusions: FAH351H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH390H5 • Topics in Modern Art and Architecture

An examination of a topic in modern art and or architecture. Topics vary from year to year; the content in any given year depends upon the instructor. This will be a lecture course for approximately 30 students.

Prerequisites: FAH101H5 and FAH287H5 or (FAH288H5 or FAH289H5) or permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH392H5 • Topics in Modern Art/Architecture

An examination of a topic in modern art and or architecture. Topics vary from year to year; the content in any given year depends upon the instructor. This will be a lecture course for approximately 30 students.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH287 or FAH288H5 or FAH289H5) or permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

FAH393H5 • Topics in Ancient Greco-Roman Art

An examination of a topic in the art and architecture of classical antiquity. Topics vary from year to year; the area of study and content in any given year depends upon the instructor. This will be a lecture course for approximately 30 students.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH203H5 or FAH204H5 or FAH205H5) or permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH394H5 • Topics in Early Modern Art and Architecture

An in-depth examination of a topic in early modern (Renaissance and/or Baroque) art and/or architecture. Topics vary from year to year, and the content in any given year depends upon the instructor. A seminar course limited to approx. 30 students.

Prerequisites: FAH101H5 and (FAH287 or FAH288H5 or FAH289H5) or permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH395H5 • Topics in Islamic Art and Architecture

An examination of a topic in Islamic art and or architecture. Topics vary from year to year; the content in any given year depends upon the instructor. This will be a lecture course for approximately 30 students.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH287 or FAH288H5 or FAH289H5) or permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH396H5 • Topics in Medieval Art and Architecture

An examination of a topic in medieval art and or architecture. Topics vary from year to year; the content in any given year depends upon the instructor. This will be a lecture course for approximately 30 students.

Prerequisites: FAH101H5 and (FAH215H5 or FAH216H5) or permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH399Y5 • Research Opportunity Program (ROP)

This course provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their third year or beyond to work on the research project of a professor in art history/theory in return for 399Y course credit. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, enhance their research skills, and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Participating faculty members post their project descriptions for the following summer and fall/winter session on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Exclusions: FAH299Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH415H5 • Theory and Criticism of Photography

Introduces a variety of approaches for interpreting, criticizing, evaluating, and theorizing photographs and photography in general. Examines how the thinking of photography is revisioned via major theoretical models.

Prerequisites: FAH101H5 and (FAH291H5 or FAH391H5) and a minimum of 0.5 at the 300/400 level in FAH

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH423H5 • Topics in the Art of the Medieval Mediterranean

Examines the art and architecture of the Mediterranean basin, including Western Christian, Byzantine, Islamic, and Jewish art, from the first century through the fifteenth. Considers their points of convergence as well as their distinct differences and priorities. Organized around key works of scholarship that have defined the emerging field of Mediterranean studies, along with primary sources. Considers works in all media, from monumental arts to textiles, metalwork, manuscripts, and ceramics. Also makes use of local museum holdings.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and FAH216H5 and at least 1.0 credit in FAH/VCC at the 300/400 level.
Recommended Preparation: FAH105H5 and FAH267H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH424H5 • Medieval Collecting and Display

This course examines collections of medieval art assembled during the Middle Ages and today. It considers the formation of collections within religious and secular institutions of the Middle Ages (treasuries), and the ways in which objects entered such collections through diplomacy, war, dowries, wills, and new commissions. It examines how the collections expressed historical memory, family ties, religious ideas, and political ideologies, and how the objects were displayed. The course also examines collections of medieval art in the GTA, including those at the Aga Khan Museum, Art Gallery of Ontario, Royal Ontario Museum, and University of Toronto Art Centre. A variety of methodologies will be explored, including Digital Humanities.

Prerequisites: FAH215H5 or FAH216H5 and at least 1.0 credit in FAH/VCC at the 300/400 level.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH434H5 • Art and Architecture of Medieval Rome

This seminar examines the art and architecture of Rome from the first century CE through the fourteenth. It focuses on the city's art and image in the wake of Christianization and its often ambivalent attitudes toward its classical past. Works in all media, from large-scale churches, wall paintings, and icons will be considered, along with liturgical arts and manuscripts. Medieval texts will figure prominently as well.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH216H5 or FAH217H5 or FAH205H5) and 0.5 at the 300/400 level in Medieval Art or permission of instructor
Recommended Preparation: FAH267H5 or FAH343H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH435H5 • Women and Art in the Middle Ages

An interdisciplinary study, including feminist analysis, of the roles of women in the Middle Ages, their representation in medieval art, and their impact on varying aspects of the art as subject, object, patron or artist.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH216H5 or FAH217H5) and at least 0.5 FAH at the 300/400 level.
Exclusions: FAH425H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH451H5 • Curating Now: Turning Concepts into Curatorial Projects

Students will research and develop a curatorial project proposal in the form of an exhibition, a public installation, a public event, a performance, a website, etc., as the culminating assignment for the course. The emphasis of the course will be on the application of knowledge gained in FAH310H5 and consideration of the multi-level preparatory stages entailed in the mounting of a curatorial project, placing particular emphasis on conceptualization and methodology, and on the premise that curatorial practice is an intellectual endeavour that manifests its ideas in form. Students will learn how to turn a concept into a project proposal and become equipped to develop innovative solutions to future challenges in curatorial practice.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and FAH310H5
Exclusions: FAH480H5 or VIS320H5

Enrolment Limits: Intended for advanced students with high standing in the Art History or Art & Art History Program.
Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH453H5 • The Archive and the Formless

This course is a study of twentieth-century and contemporary art history that draws upon philosophies of the archive (as the formalization of knowledge in terms of origins and ends) and the formless (as a deconstructive force of these very same knowledge formations). Through close readings of key texts by Georges Bataille, Sigmund Freud, Walter Benjamin, Jacques Derrida, and Giorgio Agamben, an understanding of the complex interrelations between the archive and the formless, and their bearing upon twentieth-century and contemporary art history is developed.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH288H5 or FAH289H5) and 1.0 credit in FAH/VCC at the 300-400 level or permission of instructor
Recommended Preparation: FAH388H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH454H5 • Contemporary Jewish Art

This course examines the significance of the visual arts for the study of contemporary Jewish culture, for the construction of Jewish identities, and as an example of Jewish secularization. It does so through a survey of contemporary Jewish artistic production and visual expression with numerous and comparative examples drawn from producers in North America, Europe, and Israel. In addition, the course is attuned to the social and political dimensions and implications of contemporary Jewish art making. It will be organized thematically and cover a range of topics from the challenges faced by visual artists grappling with the Second Commandment and its prohibition of images to the continuing impact of the idea of diaspora on contemporary Jewish artists. The course will also situate its subject matter in relation to larger debates about the emergence of postmodern subjectivities and the place (or displacement) of religion and religious themes in contemporary art in general.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and FAH288H5 and FAH289H5, and at least 1.0 credit in FAH or VCC at the 300/400 level.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH455H5 • Photography and Humour

What makes a photograph funny? What are the ways in which photography as a visual and narrative medium induces laughter and provides amusement? This course explores such questions by focusing on major photographic genres and humorists (e.g., Weegee, Parr, Heartfield, Fontcuberta) and by analyzing key historical and contemporary images that mock conventional assumptions about the nature of photography and its claims to truth, identity, and reference. The course will be structured as a seminar featuring directed discussion and class presentations.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or VCC101H5) and (FAH291H5 or FAH391H5) and 1.0 credit in FAH or VCC at the 300/400 level or permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH457H5 • Exile and Modern Art

Investigates the role of exile, expatriation, and alienation in art of the late 19th and 20th centuries. Considering the idea of psychological and/or physical displacement as key to the condition of modernity and the formation of artistic modernisms, the course analyzes artistic strategies of representing, coping with, and/or enacting displacement and alienation (of the artist, the viewer, the object) in the work of Gauguin, Dada artists, Pollock, Morimura, Hatoum, Wodiczko, Whiteread, and others.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH287H5 or FAH288H5) and 0.5 credit in FAH/VCC at the 300-level or permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH458H5 • Materials of Modern Art

This course examines materials that have played a role in the making of the modern world as well as modern art. Some are of comparatively recent invention; others are ancient but acquired new significance in the global circuits of economic modernity and the changing aesthetic concerns of modern artists. Ranging across vegetable, animal, and mineral matter(s), we will consider materials’ role in racial capitalism as well as art history; their technical properties and attendant conservation issues; their poetics; and their agencies and animacies.

Prerequisites: FAH101H5 and (FAH287H5 or FAH288H5 or FAH289H5)
Exclusions: FAH492H5 (Winter 2023)
Recommended Preparation: At least 1.0 credit in FAH or VCC at the 300 or 400-level.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH460H5 • Art and Animacy

This seminar examines the age-old dream of creating animate art, from lifelike paintings and moving statues to automata and androids. In addition to tracing historical shifts in the way Western culture has imagined its artificial counterparts through works of literature, fine arts, and film, a major focus of the course will be the effect these creations have on conceptions of the human. Readings include Castle, Dick, Freud, Hawthorne, Hoffman, Shelley, Stafford, Ovid, and Villiers de I'lsle-Adam.

Prerequisites: Must be a third- or fourth-year student currently enrolled in one of the following programs: Art History, Art & Art History, Visual Culture and Communication, or literature studies (English, French, Italian, German). Preference will be given to students in Art History, Art & Art History, and Visual Culture and Communication.
Recommended Preparation: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH287H5 or FAH288H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH462H5 • Islamic Art and the Museum

This course explores how museum displays construct cultural narratives for the consumption of the viewer. It focuses on Islamic art. By examining recent (21st-century) Islamic art museums and gallery installations in North America and Europe, the course addresses the topics of art collecting, orientalism, the colonial gaze, Islamophobia, and the current visual narratives of Islam and Muslims through the arts. In the first part of the course students are introduced to Islamic art through the collections of some of the main international museums including the British Museum (BM) in the UK, the Louvre in France, the Royal Ontario Museum (ROM) in Canada, and the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MET) in New York. Students will explore the ways in which Islamic art galleries and exhibitions have evolved to reflect academic approaches including post-colonial and object studies. Students will then use the skills acquired in the course and on-line museum collections to develop and propose an Islamic art exhibition thus experiencing the process of developing an object-based narrative, writing it, presenting it, as well as responding to peer review.

Prerequisites: [FAH101H5 and (FAH281H5 or FAH282H5) and at least 1.0 credit in FAH/VCC at the 300/400 level] or permission of instructor.
Exclusions: FAH486H1 (20201) or FAH495H5 (20189) or FAH495H5 (20201) or FAH495H5 (20211).

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH465H5 • Icon, Artwork, Fetish

This seminar explores the conceptual categories of icon, artwork and fetish in order to think about the frames of value, desire and power within which images circulate, and the ongoing relationships between art, religion, and commerce. Readings drawn from critical theory, art history, anthropology, religious studies, film studies and psychoanalysis will prepare students to research case studies on the transcultural and transdisciplinary careers of particular objects/images of their choosing.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH288H5 or FAH289H5) and 1.0 credit in FAH or VCC at the 300/400 level or permission of instructor
Recommended Preparation: (VCC302H5 or VCC304H5) and FAH388H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH470H5 • The History of Art History

An introduction for advanced students in art history to the historiography and institutional history of the discipline of art history. This reading-intensive course will focus on major figures and key texts from the 19th century to the present, including Burckhardt, Wölfflin, Riegl, Warburg, Panofsky, Hauser, Baxandall, Schapiro, Alpers, Clarke, Nochlin, and others.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and 1.5 in FAH at the 200-level and at least 1.0 in FAH/VCC at the 300 level or permission of instructor
Recommended Preparation: FAH388H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH472H5 • Early Modern Mobile Objects

This course concerns the global circulation of objects or things in the early modern world (ca. 1500-1700) when new trade routes brought about an unprecedented mobilization of artifacts of visual culture, foodstuffs and other goods. We will be concerned with the manifold appearances of uprooted objects, new arrangements, and the invisible layers of skill, materials, and manufacture that resulted from heightened exchange. Objects of study will range broadly: porcelain, tableware and foodstuffs, screens and silver, naturalia and their elaborate mounts, miniatures, prints and books, paintings (Dutch Still Life, Las Meninas) which put the world of things on display.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 and FAH274H5) or FAH279H5 and 1.0 credit in FAH/VCC at the 300/400 level or permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH473H5 • The Nature of Landscape

This seminar takes a historical and comparative view of"landscape" as the representation of land, situating it within European ideas about "nature" and its relationship to ideas about who we are as humans. It compares Western landscape painting traditions with visual forms from other traditions that could be seen as "landscapes," but might be based on very different ideas. These include Indigenous art from Canada, as well as East and South Asian forms.Understanding these multiple traditions equips students fora more globally oriented, historically informed, and critical approach to modern and contemporary art concerned with the environment and our existence in the geological age lately dubbed the Anthropocene. The seminar readings provide the basis for final research papers pertaining to the broad theme of landscape or eco-aesthetics in modern or contemporary art, as well as in other image practices across a range of global traditions.

Prerequisites: FAH101H5 and (FAH287H5 or FAH288H5)and 1.0 credit in FAH/VCC at the 300/400 level.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH474H5 • The Technical Study of Art

This 4th-year seminar explores collaborations between art historians, conservators and material scientists in the technical study of works of art, especially of the early modern period. With ever more portable and effective means (like X-Radiography and 3D Scanning) that allow us to study the material composition and the inner structures and layers of works of art, the technical study of art has become an important new direction in art history. This course will situate technical art history (also known as technical studies) in the discipline, tracing its rise in the early 20th century as a new scientifically-based discipline that was distinguished from the traditional and intuitive practice of connoisseurship.

Prerequisites: [FAH101H5 and (FAH274H5 or FAH279H5) and 1.0 credit in FAH or VCC at the 300 or 400 level] or permission of instructor. Students with a background in Chemistry are encouraged to contact the professor.
Exclusions: FAH493H5 (Fall 2021 and Fall 2023)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH475H5 • Topics in Contemporary Indigenous Art

A senior research and creation seminar exploring topics that advance conversations in Contemporary Indigenous art. This course will look at a selection of influential Canadian and International Indigenous Art projects by living artists as case studies. Topic will vary with faculty research interests; the course may cover such matters as environmental justice, accountability in accomplice-building between Indigenous and non-indigenous artists, and the influence of social movements in shaping local and international conversations on Indigenous Art and culture from Alcatraz and Idle No More to Standing Rock. May include a practical workshop component. May include a research, curatorial or art project.

Prerequisites: FAH101H5 and FAH275H5 and FAH375H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH479H5 • Studies in Curatorial Practice

Students who have demonstrated unusual ability in earlier years will be encouraged to undertake, under the supervision of one or more staff members, special research projects culminating in a major research paper. Not more than two half-courses in Independent Studies may be taken in a single year. Students must have written consent of their faculty supervisor(s) and the undergraduate counsellor before registering.

Prerequisites: Six FAH credits including FAH310H and permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH480H5 • Studies in Ancient Art

Students who have demonstrated unusual ability in earlier years will be encouraged to undertake, under the supervision of one or more staff members, special research projects culminating in a major research paper. Students must have written consent of their faculty supervisor(s) and the undergraduate counsellor before registering.

Not more than two half-credit courses in Independent Studies may be taken in a single year.

Prerequisites: (FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and 3.0 credits of FAH including 0.5 credit at the 300+ level and permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH481H5 • Studies in Ancient Art

Students who have demonstrated unusual ability in earlier years will be encouraged to undertake, under the supervision of one or more staff members, special research projects culminating in a major research paper. Students must have written consent of their faculty supervisor(s) and the undergraduate counsellor before registering.

Not more than two half-credit courses in Independent Studies may be taken in a single year.

Prerequisites: 3.0 credits in FAH including 0.5 credit at the 300 or 400-level and permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH482H5 • Studies in Medieval Art

Students who have demonstrated unusual ability in earlier years will be encouraged to undertake, under the supervision of one or more staff members, special research projects culminating in a major research paper. Not more than two half-courses in Independent Studies may be taken in a single year. Students must have written consent of their faculty supervisor(s) and the undergraduate counsellor before registering.

Prerequisites: Six FAH courses including a 300+ level half course and permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH483H5 • Studies in Medieval Art

Students who have demonstrated unusual ability in earlier years will be encouraged to undertake, under the supervision of one or more staff members, special research projects culminating in a major research paper. Not more than two half-courses in Independent Studies may be taken in a single year. Students must have written consent of their faculty supervisor(s) and the undergraduate counsellor before registering.

Prerequisites: 3.0 credits in FAH including 0.5 at the 300 or 400-level and permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH484H5 • Studies in Renaissance Art

Students who have demonstrated unusual ability in earlier years will be encouraged to undertake, under the supervision of one or more staff members, special research projects culminating in a major research paper. Not more than two half-courses in Independent Studies may be taken in a single year. Students must have written consent of their faculty supervisor(s) and the undergraduate counsellor before registering.

Prerequisites: Six FAH courses including a 300+ level half course and permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH485H5 • Studies in Renaissance Art

Students who have demonstrated unusual ability in earlier years will be encouraged to undertake, under the supervision of one or more staff members, special research projects culminating in a major research paper. Students must have written consent of their faculty supervisor(s) and the undergraduate counsellor before registering.

Not more than two half-credit courses in Independent Studies may be taken in a single year.

Prerequisites: 3.0 credits in FAH including 0.5 at the 300 or 400-level and permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH486H5 • Studies in Baroque Art

Students who have demonstrated unusual ability in earlier years will be encouraged to undertake, under the supervision of one or more staff members, special research projects culminating in a major research paper. Students must have written consent of their faculty supervisor(s) and the undergraduate counsellor before registering.

Not more than two half-credit courses in Independent Studies may be taken in a single year.

Prerequisites: 3.0 credits in FAH including 0.5 credit at the 300 or 400-level and permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH487H5 • Studies in Baroque Art

Students who have demonstrated unusual ability in earlier years will be encouraged to undertake, under the supervision of one or more staff members, special research projects culminating in a major research paper. Not more than two half-courses in Independent Studies may be taken in a single year. Students must have written consent of their faculty supervisor(s) and the undergraduate counsellor before registering.

Prerequisites: Six FAH courses including a 300+ level half course and permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH488H5 • Studies in Modern Art

Students who have demonstrated unusual ability in earlier years will be encouraged to undertake, under the supervision of one or more staff members, special research projects culminating in a major research paper. Students must have written consent of their faculty supervisor(s) and the undergraduate counsellor before registering.

Not more than two half-credit courses in Independent Studies may be taken in a single year.

Prerequisites: 3.0 credits in FAH including 0.5 credit at the 300 or 400-level and permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH489H5 • Studies in Modern Art

Students who have demonstrated unusual ability in earlier years will be encouraged to undertake, under the supervision of one or more staff members, special research projects culminating in a major research paper. Not more than two half-courses in Independent Studies may be taken in a single year. Students must have written consent of their faculty supervisor(s) and the undergraduate counsellor before registering.

Prerequisites: Six FAH courses including a 300+ level half course and permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH490H5 • Topics in Ancient Art and Architecture

An in-depth examination of a topic in ancient art and/or architecture. Topics vary from year to year, and the content in any given year depends upon the instructor. A seminar course limited to 20 students.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH203H5 or FAH204H5 or FAH205H5) and 1.0 credits in FAH/VCC at the 300/400 level

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH491H5 • Topics in Medieval Art and Architecture

An in-depth examination of a topic in Medieval art and or architecture. Topics vary from year to year, and the content in any given year depends upon the instructor. A seminar course limited to 20 students.

Prerequisites: FAH101H5 and (FAH215H5 or FAH216H5) and 1.0 credit in FAH or VCC at the 300 or 400 level

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH492H5 • Topics in Modern Art and Architecture

An in-depth examination of a topic in modern art and/or architecture. Topics vary from year to year, and the content in any given year depends upon the instructor. A seminar course limited to 20 students.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH287H5 or FAH288H5) and at least 1.0 in FAH/VCC at the 300/400 level, or permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH493H5 • Topics in Early Modern Art and Architecture

An in-depth examination of a topic in early modern (Renaissance and/or Baroque) art and/or architecture. Topics vary from year to year, and the content in any given year depends upon the instructor. A seminar course limited to 20 students.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH274H5 or FAH279H5) and 1.0 credits in FAH/VCC at the 300/400 level

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH494H5 • Topics in Contemporary Art and Theory

An in-depth examination of a topic in contemporary art and/or theory. Topics vary from year to year, and the content in any given year depends upon the instructor. A seminar course limited to 20 students.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH288H5 or FAH289H5) and 1.0 credits in FAH or VCC at the 300/400 level
Recommended Preparation: FAH288H5 and FAH289H5 and FAH388H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH495H5 • Topics in Islamic Art and Architecture

An examination of a topic in Islamic art and or architecture. Topics vary from year to year; the content in any given year depends upon the instructor. This will be a lecture course for approximately 20 students.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH287H5 or FAH288H5) and at least 1.0 in FAH/VCC at the 300/400 level, or permission of instructor
Exclusions: FAH486H1 Case Studies at the Royal Ontario Museum: Exhibiting Islamic Art and Material Culture

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH496H5 • Topics in Modern Art and Architecture

An in-depth examination of a topic in modern art and/or architecture. Topics vary from year to year, and the content in any given year depends upon the instructor. A seminar course limited to 20 students.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and (FAH287H5 or FAH288H5) and at least 1.0 in FAH/VCC at the 300/400 level, or permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAH498H5 • Topics in Curatorial Studies

An in-depth examination of a topic in Curatorial Studies. Topics vary from year to year, and the content in any given year depends upon the instructor. A seminar course limited to 20 students. FAH498H5 may be counted toward the Curatorial Studies Certificate.

Prerequisites: (FAH101H5 or FAH105H5 or FAH202H5) and FAH289H5 and FAH310H5 and 0.5 additional credit in FAH/VCC
Recommended Preparation: FAH288H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS143H5 • Drawing I

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students explore the use of drawing to investigate contemporary approaches to the production of artwork. Students experiment with a variety of traditional and unconventional materials to investigate figurative drawing, observational drawing, conceptual drawing, and methods of rendering illusionistic space.

Exclusions: VIS205H1 or VPSA70H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72P
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class, Hybrid

FAS145H5 • Painting I

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students explore techniques and subject matter of 20th-century painting in relation to contemporary painting practices. Students apply both observational and conceptual approaches through experimentation with painting's formal elements, traditional and non-traditional painting materials, collage, and abstraction.

Exclusions: FAS230Y1 or VIS201H1 or VPSA61H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72P
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class, Hybrid

FAS147H5 • Photography I

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students build skills using a manual-operation camera, processing B&W film, creating silver-based photographic prints in the darkroom, and in acquiring basic digital processing and printing techniques in colour photography. Students apply their use of photography as a tool for artistic expression and as a medium for communication through discussion, analysis and interpretation.

Exclusions: VIS217H1 or VIS218H1 or VPSB67H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72P
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class, Hybrid

FAS232H5 • Print Media I

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students learn relief and intaglio processes by exploring and experimenting with the materials and techniques demonstrated in class, and integrating them with formal and contextual concerns.

Exclusions: VIS203H1 or VIS303H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72P
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class, Hybrid

FAS234H5 • Print Media II

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students explore the basics of screen printing using hand-drawn and cut stencil imagery. Students are encouraged to link ideas with screen printing methods most suited to their goals. Students integrate digital and photo-based imagery using software, digital photos, and scans. Focus is placed upon individual development through exploration and production.

Corequisites: FAS232H5 or permission of instructor
Exclusions: VIS206H1 or VIS207H1 or VIS309H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS236H5 • Design I

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students develop an awareness of applied design thinking and theories. Students use design techniques and tools to address a range of design issues through a variety of approaches and media. Students broaden their conception of design and its application in other design and art-related disciplines through creative experimentation. The fundamental principles of design and concept development are explored by students through projects involving typography, images, colour, layout and design software for print and the Web.

Exclusions: FAS146H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72P
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class, Hybrid

FAS243H5 • Drawing II

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students explore the use of drawing to investigate contemporary approaches to the production of artwork. Students experiment with a variety of traditional and experimental materials to investigate figurative drawing, zines, and independent studio research.

Prerequisites: FAS143H5 or permission of instructor
Exclusions: VIS205H1 or VIS211H1 or VIS305H1 or VPSB74

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS245H5 • Painting II

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students complete problem-based paintings, each over a three-week period, in response to illustrated discussion/lectures on Canadian and international contemporary painting practices. Students write visiting artist reviews and are introduced to in-depth peer critiques, a range of painting media and techniques, and portfolio documentation.

Prerequisites: FAS145H5 or permission of instructor
Exclusions: FAS230Y1 or VIS201H1 or VIS301H1 or VPSB62

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS246H5 • Design II

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students continue to develop their investigation of design thinking, theories, techniques and tools. Students study different design strategies and problem solving with practical assignments. Diverse assignments encourage students to articulate a critical awareness of the values associated with their choice of imagery, formal elements and methods of construction.

Prerequisites: FAS146H5 or FAS236H5 or permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS247H5 • Photography II

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students explore historical and contemporary uses of the medium that emphasize technical, aesthetic and conceptual considerations. Students utilize a variety of printing methods, including fibre-based printing, sequencing and other techniques that further develop the creative aspects of the medium. Use of the video camera and basic video editing are also introduced.

Prerequisites: FAS147H5 or permission of instructor
Exclusions: VIS318H1 or VPSB75

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS248H5 • Sculpture I

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students delve into basic sculptural processes such as casting, mold-making and construction in both traditional and non-traditional materials. Students explore formal and conceptual concerns relative to contemporary sculpture practices that include considerations of representation, abstraction, form and space, scale and installation.

Exclusions: VIS204H1 or VIS306H1 or VPSA71H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72P
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class, Hybrid

FAS258H5 • Sculpture II

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students create a strong individualized methodology for developing ideas from initial research, sketches and models, through material and process exploration to a final artwork. Students begin by building an armature and modelling from life with clay in order to develop their powers of observation and hand-skills. Using mold making and woodworking techniques, students apply the sculptural aspects of space and time at the scale of the human body.

Prerequisites: FAS248H5
Exclusions: VIS204H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS330Y5 • Experimentation in Past and Present Techniques

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) This course is a practical investigation of techniques in art that have both historical precedents and contemporary applications. Media covered may include some of the following: mosaic, bas-relief in wood, encaustic, metalpoint drawing, and fresco. Students collaborate to create a mural for a public site.

Prerequisites: Any FAS200 level course and 1.5 credits in FAH/VCC and permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS334Y5 • Print Media III

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students use lithography, digital printing, screen printing, relief printing and etching to establish a personalized approach to print media. Students conduct independent research and technical explorations leading to sophisticated and resolved work. Students present a biographical overview of contemporary and historical print makers to further contextualize their own work, and to become aware of how the medium of print is evolving.

Prerequisites: FAS234H5 and 1.5 credits in FAH/VCC and permission of instructor
Exclusions: VIS309H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS343Y5 • Drawing III

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students explore the use of drawing to investigate contemporary approaches to the production of artwork. Students work with a variety of traditional and unconventional drawing materials and processes to develop a portfolio of artworks.

Prerequisites: FAS243H5 and 1.5 credits in FAH/VCC and permission of instructor
Exclusions: VIS305H1 or VPSC55

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS345Y5 • Painting III

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students develop independent research habits to support self-directed projects in painting that are discussed in a peer critique setting. Students compose an artist statement of their intentions and procedures, write gallery and visiting artist reviews, prepare a contemporary Canadian or international artist presentation, and document their artwork.

Prerequisites: FAS245H5 and 1.5 credits in FAH/VCC and permission of instructor
Exclusions: VIS305H1 or VPSC54

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS346Y5 • Design III

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students develop the skills necessary to create real-world art and design-related projects. Students create full or partial design mockups, work in teams, and submit proposals to design competitions within or outside the school. Students explore contemporary art and design via simulated workplace assignments, visual presentation, field trips, guest critics, discussion and critique.

Prerequisites: FAS246H5 and 1.5 credits in FAH/VCC and permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS347Y5 • Photography III

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students develop a critically informed photography practice by integrating the history and theory of photography with their production of original work in either an analogue or digital format. Students work with digital imaging technologies, production of digital prints, video, as well as the use of strobe lighting.

Prerequisites: FAS247H5 and 1.5 credits in FAH/VCC and permission of instructor
Exclusions: VIS318H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS348Y5 • Sculpture III

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students develop independent research habits to support self-directed projects in sculpture that are discussed in a peer critique setting. Students compose an artist statement of their intentions and procedures, write visiting artist reviews and responses to assigned readings, prepare a contemporary Canadian or international artist presentation, and document their artwork.

Prerequisites: FAS258H5 and 1.5 credits in FAH/VCC and permission of instructor
Exclusions: VIS306H or VPSB63

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS349Y5 • Video, Sound and Performance

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) This studio-based course investigates issues of identity, gender, activism, and the body within public and private space. Fieldwork will be emphasized: the locus of the classroom becomes part of a critical inquiry of everyday life or specific public events. Assignments take into consideration the temporal nature of performance, video, sound, and interactivity. Students are exposed to a range of interdisciplinary and trans-media approaches such as digital video production and projection, multi-track sound editing, installations and interventions, and online interactivity. Through readings, presentations, discussions, workshops, topical assignments, and critiques, students develop a body of work that investigates experimental time-based processes.

Prerequisites: FAS143H5 and FAS145H5 and FAS147H5 and FAS232H5 and FAS236H5 and FAS248H5, and 1.5 credits in FAH/VCC/VST and permission of instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS359Y5 • Video and Sound

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students explore the use of sound and video to investigate contemporary approaches to the production of time-based artwork. Students work with analogue and digital editing processes, live sound performance, site-specific soundworks, single-channel video, video installation, and will develop a professional portfolio website.

Prerequisites: FAS143H5 and FAS145H5 and FAS147H5 and FAS232H5 and FAS236H5 and FAS248H5, and an additional 0.5 credit in FAS at the 200-level and 1.5 credits in FAH/VCC/VST and permission of instructor
Exclusions: VIS302H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS369Y5 • Performance-Based Art

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students integrate history, theory and production to develop critically informed performance practices with documentation in video and still photography.

Prerequisites: FAS143H5 and FAS145H5 and FAS147H5 and FAS232H5 and FAS236H5 and FAS248H5, and an additional 0.5 credit in FAS at the 200-level, and 1.5 credits in FAH/VCC/VST and permission of instructor
Exclusions: VIS303H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS434Y5 • Individual Investigations in Print Media

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students conduct independent research and develop a body of work using print medium(s) of their choice. Students present information on their educational and professional goals after graduation, write an artist's statement about their work, review and discuss articles and videos, and mount a group exhibition of their work.

Prerequisites: FAS334Y5 and 1.5 credits in FAH/VCC and permission of instructor
Exclusions: VIS311H1 or VIS401H1 or VIS402H1 or VIS403H1 or VIS404H1

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS443Y5 • Individual Investigations in Drawing

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students explore the use of drawing to investigate contemporary approaches to the production of artwork. Students work with a variety of traditional and unconventional drawing materials and processes to develop a professional website portfolio. Students participate in peer critiques, and write reflective essays and artist statements.

Prerequisites: (FAS343Y5 or FAS349Y5 or FAS359Y5 or FAS369Y5) and 1.5 credits in FAH/VCC and permission of instructor
Exclusions: VIS305H1

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS445Y5 • Individual Investigations in Painting

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students develop independent research habits to support self-directed projects in painting that are discussed in a peer critique setting. Students write an artist statement of their intentions and procedures, prepare a Canadian and international MFA program presentation, and document their artwork.

Prerequisites: FAS345Y5 and 1.5 credits in FAH/VCC and permission of instructor
Exclusions: VIS401H1 or VIS402H1 or VIS403H1 or VIS404H1

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS446Y5 • Individual Investigations in Design

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students learn to integrate professional art and design strategies, and to research, coordinate and fully realize their own long-term projects. Students work collaboratively on large projects as well as work on mandatory and optional assignments from a range of possible assignments.

Prerequisites: FAS346Y5 and 1.5 credits in FAH/VCC and permission of instructor

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS447Y5 • Individual Investigations in Photography

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students develop a critically informed photography practice by integrating the history and theory of photography with their production of original work in either an analogue or digital format. Students prepare a presentation comparing two Canadian and/or international MFA programs, in addition to preparing responses to readings and technical assignments.

Prerequisites: (FAS347Y5 or FAS349Y5 or FAS359Y5 or FAS369Y5) and 1.5 credits in FAH/VCC and permission of instructor
Exclusions: VIS401H1 or VIS402H1 or VIS403H1 or VIS404H1

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS448Y5 • Individual Investigations in Sculpture

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students produce a coherent body of self-directed artwork based on independent research and written proposals. In-progress and completed artworks are discussed in a peer critique setting. Students write an artist statement of their intentions and procedures, prepare a Canadian and international MFA program presentation, and document their artwork.

Prerequisites: FAS348Y5 or FAS349Y5 or FAS359Y5 or FAS369Y5 and 1.5 credits in FAH/VCC and permission of instructor
Exclusions: VIS401H1 or VIS402H1 or VIS403H1 or VIS404H1

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS450Y5 • Advanced Project

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) In this directed study, students undertake two semesters of independent research under the mentorship of a full-time Art and Art History studio faculty member. Students develop and present a body of artwork and a written and illustrated thesis for discussion, evaluation and critique. Advanced Project students must have a B+ standing in a completed fourth-year studio. A written proposal must be submitted to, and approved by, the department before registration.

Prerequisites: 1.0 FAS 400-level course and FAS451H5 and FAS452H5 and 1.5 credits in FAH/VCC and permission of the Department.
Exclusions: VIS311H1 or VIS401H1 or VIS402H1 or VIS403H1 or VIS404H1

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 144P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS451H5 • Advanced Project

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) In this directed study, students undertake a semester-long period of independent research under the mentorship of a full-time Art and Art History studio faculty member. Students develop and present a body of artwork and a written and illustrated thesis for discussion, evaluation and critique. Advanced Project students must have a B+ standing in a completed fourth-year studio. A written proposal must be submitted to, and approved by, the department before registration.

Corequisites: 1.0 FAS 400-level credits and Permission of the Department
Exclusions: VIS311H1 or VIS401H1 or VIS402H1 or VIS403H1 or VIS404H1

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS452H5 • Advanced Project

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) In this directed study, students undertake a semester-long period of independent research under the mentorship of a full-time Art and Art History studio faculty member. Students develop and present a body of artwork and a written and illustrated thesis for discussion, evaluation and critique. Advanced Project students must have a B+ standing in a completed fourth-year studio. A written proposal must be submitted to, and approved by, the department before registration.

Corequisites: 1.0 FAS 400-level credits and Permission of the Department
Exclusions: VIS311H1 or VIS401H1 or VIS402H1 or VIS403H1 or VIS404H1

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS453H5 • Art Education Practice

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students investigate the principles of educational theory and practice for teaching the visual arts to learners including children, adolescents and adults, within a variety of educational settings.

Prerequisites: For Art and Art History majors/specialists: 4.0 FAS credits and 1.5 FAH/VCC credits, Permission of the Department. For Art History majors/specialists: 1.0 credits in FAH at the 300/400 level and Permission of the Department.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 12P/24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS454H5 • Professional Practice

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) Students explore the requirements of establishing a career as a practicing visual artist. Topics covered include portfolio development, finding and securing artist residency and exhibition opportunities, ways to support yourself as an artist, grant writing, photo documentation, peer group support, marketing and bookkeeping.

Prerequisites: For Art and Art History Majors/Specialists: 4.0 FAS credits and 1.5 FAH/VCC credits and permission of the department. For Art History Majors/Specialists: 1.0 credits in FAH at the 300/400 level and permission of the department.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 12P/24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FAS455H5 • Teaching Art in the School and Community

Campus: Sheridan
(Offered at Sheridan College) In this practicum course, students gain hands-on teaching experience in a setting of their choice and interact with administrators, teachers, and community leaders.

Prerequisites: For Art and Art History majors/specialists: 4.0 FAS credits, 1.5 FAH/VCC credits and Permission of the Department. For Art History majors/specialists: 1.0 credits in FAH at the 300/400 level and Permission of the Department.
Recommended Preparation: FAS453H5

Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24P/15S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE180H5 • French Language Skills and Learning Strategies for University Study

This course provides students with a solid grounding in the French language skills and language learning strategies required for successful completion of a French Major or Specialist program. Students will discover vocabulary and grammatical structures in a variety of authentic written and spoken texts, connect form to meaning, participate in spoken and written interactions, and complete tasks on topics centered on student life in Montreal. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.

Prerequisites: FSL206H5 or as determined by the department's French Placement Test. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.
Exclusions: FSL305Y5 or FSL305H5 or FSL306H5 or FSL221Y1 or FSL220H1 or FSL222H1. Not open to native speakers of French and high school graduates of Extended French or French Immersion programs.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE181H5 • Introduction to French Studies

This course provides an introduction to French studies with a focus on expanding students’ French language proficiency. It also introduces basic notions in French linguistics, literary & cultural studies, and language teaching & learning. Students will practice processing authentic texts in a variety of written and spoken formats through the guided discovery of new vocabulary and through the consolidation of grammatical structures. They will learn to connect form to meaning and to develop their spoken and written skills via an investigation of global French-speaking cultures. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.

Prerequisites: FRE180H5 or the equivalent as determined by the department's French Placement Test. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.
Exclusions: FSL305Y5 or FSL306H5 or FSL221Y1 or FSL222H1. Not open to native speakers of French and high school graduates of Extended French or French Immersion programs.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE227H5 • Teaching and Learning a Second/Foreign Language

This course provides an introduction to second language pedagogy with a particular focus on French. Students will learn key concepts in pedagogy and compare the teaching and learning processes and experiences of first and second language learners as well as the roles of classroom teachers and learners via the creation of linguistic portraits and pedagogical materials.

Prerequisites: FRE181H5 or FSL305Y5 or FSL306H5
Exclusions: FRE225Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE240H5 • Interpreting French Narratives

This course provides an introduction to French & Francophone literary and cultural studies, providing students with a set of interpretive tools that they can use to analyze narrative texts and movies in French classes and beyond. Particular emphasis will be placed on developing attentive and critical reading skills about and through narrative texts and movies, and on deploying these skills accurately in written and oral productions and discussions.

Prerequisites: FRE181H5 or FSL306H5
Exclusions: FRE240Y5 or FRE246H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE272H5 • A Linguistic Introduction to the French Language

This course provides a linguistic introduction to the French language and French-language phenomena. Students will learn to analyze meaning, word, sound, and sentence structure; describe linguistic phenomena including first and second language acquisition, bilingualism, and creoles; and identify the linguistic variation observed among French speakers and speech communities.

Prerequisites: FRE181H5 or FSL306H5
Exclusions: FRE272Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE280Y5 • Language Practice: Written

This course develops writing skills at an intermediate level in the areas of vocabulary, grammar and style. Emphasis will be put on practice and error correction. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.

Prerequisites: FRE181H5 or equivalent as determined by the department's French Placement Test. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.
Exclusions: FSL321Y1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 48L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE282H5 • Intermediate Language Practice: Written French

This course develops writing skills at an intermediate level in the areas of vocabulary, grammar, and style. Students will acquire practical tools for understanding and producing French written texts for their university studies and beyond. Emphasis will be placed on developing descriptive, narrative, and argumentative writing skills. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.

Prerequisites: FRE181H5 or FSL305Y5 or FSL306H5 or as determined by the department's French Placement Test. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.
Exclusions: FRE280Y5 or FSL321Y1 or FSL320H1 or FSL322H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE283H5 • Intermediate Language Practice: Spoken French

This course provides students with intensive practice in listening and spoken French at the intermediate level. Students will acquire the skills and vocabulary necessary for daily conversations and understanding of Francophone culture through exposure to various media and authentic documents such as songs, storytelling, videos, games, and interviews and other media. Particular attention is paid to spontaneous speech, formal and informal interactions, as well as presentation skills. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.

Prerequisites: FRE181H5 or FSL305Y5 or FSL306H5 or the equivalent as determined by the department's French Placement Test (
Exclusions: FSL320H1 or FSL322H1. Not open to native or near native speakers of French.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE299Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

This courses provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their second year to work in the research project of a professor in return for 299Y course credit. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Participating faculty members post their project descriptions for the following summer and fall/winter sessions in early February and students are invited to apply in early March. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE312H5 • Modernity, Tradition, and Resistance in Quebec Literature

This course explores the tension between modernity and tradition in a range of fiction and non-fiction written in Quebec from the 19th century to the present day. Students will apply previous knowledge in literature, and their oral and written competences in French to the study of multiple literary genres including the novel, short story, essay and journalistic texts. Particular emphasis will be placed on extending attentive reading skills as ways of reflecting on texts and their relationship to gender, freedom, identity, space and history.

Prerequisites: (FRE240H5 and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5
Exclusions: FRE310Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE316H5 • Comedy and Tragedy in Quebec Theatre

This course explores topics in Quebec theatre, from the 19th century to the present day. Students will apply previous knowledge in literature, and their oral and written competences in French to the study of a variety of plays. Particular emphasis will be placed on extending attentive reading skills as ways of reflecting on dramatic texts and their relationship to space, language, and society.

Prerequisites: (FRE240H5 and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE325H5 • Talking like a child: language acquisition of French

We might not remember how we learned our first language(s) but we know it/them so well… Or do we? We take the child’s perspective in language learning, focusing on the following topics: the acquisition of grammar, the development of communicative skills, the development of a language in a multilingual environment (as a majority language versus a heritage language), the differences and similarities between simultaneous and successive language acquisition.

Prerequisites: ((FRE272H5 or FRE272Y5) and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE342H5 • History of Quebec and French Canada

This course examines the history of French Canada, focusing in particular on the period from the 1830s to the present. It explores questions of culture, political community, language, and geography, looking to these aspects of historical experience to situate Quebec and French Canada with respect to North America's English-speaking majority as well as to the French-speaking nations of Europe, Africa, and elsewhere in the Americas. The course is taught in English but students will work with French-language material and will be required to write all tests and assignments in French. This course is taught in conjunction with HIS342H5.

Prerequisites: FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5
Exclusions: HIS342H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE343H5 • Indigenous Literatures in Quebec and Francophone Canada

The course explores Indigenous literatures in Francophone Canada including Indigenous texts and authors from Quebec. The works discussed engage with issues of sovereignty, anti-racism, Native identity and gender, and span multiple genres including fiction, theatre, poetry and essay.

Prerequisites: [FRE240Y5 or (FRE240H5 and FRE241H5)] and (FRE280Y5 or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE352H5 • Teaching French Grammar

This course examines practical and theoretical issues surrounding grammar in the language curriculum such as various approaches to the implementation of grammar in language curricula, such as in grammar-translation or task-based learning; the role and limitations of descriptive grammar, including pedagogical grammar; form focus versus meaning focus; interference and error analysis; feedback on errors. Students will be asked to critique and create teaching materials.

Prerequisites: (FRE227H5 and (FRE272H5 or FRE272Y5) and [FRE280Y or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE354H5 • Teaching French in a Plurilingual Context

This course allows students to explore innovative pedagogical approaches such as the Action Oriented and Plurilingual & Pluricultural Approaches, building on knowledge and skills acquired in FRE227H5 Teaching and Learning a Second/Foreign Language. This is accomplished through the examination of the linguistic and cultural diversity observed in French Language classes today, and the discovery of innovative and current teaching approaches followed by the creation of pedagogical materials. Particular emphasis is placed on students’ abilities to transfer knowledge into practice.

Prerequisites: FRE227H5 or FRE272Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE355H5 • Psycholinguistics: multilingual learners in action

This course provides an introduction to real-time language interaction in multilingual comprehension and production. A primary focus will be on language development, spoken and written language processing, the organisation of multilingual memory, and the main experimental methods in psycholinguistics.

Prerequisites: ((FRE272H5 or FRE272Y5) and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE356H5 • Versailles and the Classical Age

This course explores topics in 17th century French culture and Versailles as the expression of the major cultural achievements of this period. Students will apply their oral and written competences in French to the study of a variety of texts, art forms, and media. Particular emphasis will be placed on extending attentive interpretive skills as ways to reflect on the development of 17th century classical taste and its relationship to its political, social, and artistic context.

Prerequisites: (FRE240H5 and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE363H5 • Love and Pain in French Literature

This course explores the tension between love and pain in a range of French literary works from 1800 to the contemporary era. Students will apply their previous knowledge in literature, and oral and written competences in French, to the study of multiple autobiographical and literary genres. Particular emphasis will be placed on extending attentive reading skills as ways of reflecting on first- and third-person writing and its relationship to love, social context and expectations, and gender.

Prerequisites: (FRE240H5 and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE364H5 • Society through the French Novel

This course explores the representation of social issues in French literature, from the 19th century to the contemporary era. Students will apply previous knowledge in literature, and their oral and written competences in French to the study of social exclusion and marginality, class consciousness, and social identities as literary themes. Particular emphasis will be on extending attentive reading skills as ways of thinking about storytelling and its relationship to character, the interplay between documentary and fictional genres, and commitment through authorship.

Prerequisites: (FRE240H5 and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5
Exclusions: FRE364Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE367H5 • French Fiction of the 20th Century

This course allows students to explore French fiction of the 20th Century. Students apply previous knowledge in literature and cultural studies, and their oral and written competences in French to the study of works. Particular emphasis will be placed on extending attentive reading skills as ways of reflecting on memory and the telling of war experiences, the lives of women, and crime and guilt in the French context.

Prerequisites: (FRE240H5 and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5
Exclusions: FRE467H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE369H5 • The French Novel Today

This course explores contemporary French literature. Students will apply previous knowledge in literature, and their oral and written competences in French to the study of key trends in contemporary fiction and autobiography. Particular emphasis will be placed on extending attentive reading skills as ways of reflecting on storytelling and its relationship to critical social commentary, the creative power of language, and testimony.

Prerequisites: (FRE240H5 and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE370H5 • Voices from No-Man's Land: Diaspora Writings in the 21st Century Francophone Literature

Contemporary literature written in the French language offers a rich and fertile ground for writers of various origins, cultures and languages who are united by several common factors: exile, immigration, transculturation, identity and alterity, and relationship with French, among others. This course explores these topics while relating them to literary and cultural contexts as well as students' real life through extensive reading and analysis of ultra contemporary novels and short stories by authors such as Dany Laferrière, Ying Chen, Aki Shimazaki, Kim Thúy, Marco Micone, Abla Farhoud, Sergio Kokis, Agota Kristof, Dai Sijie, or Nancy Huston.

Prerequisites: (FRE240H5 and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE376H5 • French Phonology and Phonetics

A study of the phonological system of modern French based on actual samples of speech taken from different regional varieties and socio-economic groups.

Prerequisites: ((FRE272H5 or FRE272Y5) and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5
Exclusions: FRE376H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE377H5 • Phonetics & Phonology of French Foreign Accent

This course explores the phonetic and phonological properties of second language French learners' speech. Particular emphasis is placed on students' ability to summarize typical characteristics and phenomena of second language speech learning, identify segmental and prosodic features of non-native French including inter-learner variability, and conduct acoustic analyses of real learner speech.

Prerequisites: ((FRE272H5 or FRE272Y5) and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE378H5 • French syntax and the multilingual speaker

This course explores the sentential structure of French through the lens of language learners. The focus is first and foremost on the learning of French grammar including relative clauses, negation, pronominals and the agreement system.

Prerequisites: ((FRE272H5 or FRE272Y5) and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5
Exclusions: FRE378H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE380H5 • Plurilingual Theatre : Developing Writing and Oral Skills in French

The use of drama or theatre-based activities is a proven way to motivate and support learners in a foreign language classroom. Through observation, active participation, and reflection on the processes involved when learning French language and culture, students will use their knowledge of French, and other languages, to enhance communicative skills through drama (ranging from improvisation to full-length plays).

Prerequisites: (FRE240H5 and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 12L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE382H5 • Advanced Language Practice: Written French

This course develops writing skills at an advanced level in the areas of vocabulary, grammar and style. Emphasis will be put on practice and error correction. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.

Prerequisites: FRE282H5 or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5 or the equivalent as determined by the department's French Language Placement Test (
Exclusions: FSL420H1 or FSL422H1. Not normally open to francophones and/or holders of the French baccalaureat but contingent on the results of the French Language Placement Test (

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 12L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE383H5 • Advanced Language Practice: Spoken French

This course provides students with intensive practice in listening and spoken French at the advanced level. Students will acquire competences and vocabulary necessary for authentic academic and professional settings. Formal and informal interactions, projects and tasks are designed to enhance various types of oral communication skills. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.

Prerequisites: FRE283H5 or FSL406H5
Exclusions: FSL420H1 or FSL422H1. Not open to native speakers of French and holders of the French baccalaureat.

International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE384H5 • Second Language Acquisition of French

This course examines the lexical, phonetico-phonological, (morpho)syntactic, and sociolinguistic competence of second language learners of French. Students will come to understand the acquisition of these competences with respect to major themes including input and output quantity & quality, crosslinguistic influences, developmental sequences, individual differences, and the effects of training and classroom instruction. Particular emphasis is placed on students’ ability to analyze learner data.

Prerequisites: [FRE225Y or FRE227H or FRE272H5 or FRE272Y5] and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5].

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE385H5 • Decoding French Language Games

This course explores the phonological properties of French language games such as Verlan and Loucherbem. Adopting a comparative approach with standard French, particular emphasis will be placed on students' ability to identify and model phonological patterns of segmental and syllable structure modification using both descriptive and theoretical phonological tools.

Prerequisites: (FRE272H5 or FRE272Y5) and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5]

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE386H5 • French Semantics

Various approaches to the notion of meaning; its functioning at all levels of representation.

Prerequisites: [(FRE272H5 or FRE272Y5) and (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)] or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5 or equivalent.
Exclusions: FRE386H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 12L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE387H5 • French Morphology

A study of the morphological system of modern French, its relationship to syntax and phonology; theoretical notions derived from the analysis of specific data. Special attention will be given to the methods of analysis and classification, as well as selected morphological categories (verbs, nouns, etc.).

Prerequisites: [(FRE272H5 or FRE272Y5) and (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)] or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5 or equivalent.
Exclusions: FRE387H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE389H5 • Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition

This course examines the effects of cognitive (e.g., aptitude, working memory) and affective differences (e.g., motivation, L2 anxiety) on second language acquisition. Students will come to understand the nature of these differences via empirical studies on learners of French and the use of assessment instruments including questionnaires and on-line tests. Particular emphasis is placed on students' ability to discuss between-learner differences in comprehension and production, identify relevant individual differences capable of explaining such variability, and conduct their own individual differences research.

Prerequisites: (FRE225Y5/FRE227H5 or FRE272H5/FRE272Y5) and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5]

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE391H5 • Women and LGBTQ+ Writers and Filmmakers of the Francophone World

This course invites students to explore women and LGBTQ+ writers and filmmakers from France and the Francophone world. Students will apply their previous knowledge in literature and cultural studies, and their oral and written competences in French to the study of works by French, Quebecois, Caribbean and African authors and directors. Particular emphasis will be placed on extending attentive reading skills as ways of thinking about gender representation, feminism, and identity in fiction, non-fiction, and films.

Prerequisites: (FRE240H5 and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE393H5 • French Society through Film

This course explores the representation of social issues in French cinema, from the Sixties to the contemporary era. Students will develop knowledge in cultural studies, and their oral and written competences in French, through the study of social exclusion and marginality, class conflict, and social identities as cinematographic themes. Particular emphasis will be placed on extending attentive interpretive skills as ways of reflecting on storytelling and its relationship to the cinematic medium, the interplay between documentary and fictional genres, and authorship.

Prerequisites: (FRE240H5 and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE395H5 • Francophone Media and Global Culture

This course explores media and culture in the Francophone world through textual, graphic, musical and cinematographic content. Students will apply previously acquired knowledge in cultural studies, and their oral and written competences in French to the study of multiple cultural and mediatic forms including movies, graphic novels and songs. Particular emphasis will be placed on extending attentive reading skills as ways of thinking about texts, images and music, and on deploying these skills to better understand the relationship between different Francophone cultures within our contemporary world.

Prerequisites: (FRE240H5 and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE397H5 • Francophone African and Caribbean Cinema

This course provides an introduction to Francophone African and Caribbean cinema studies, tracing its origins and emergence to the present day. Students will apply previous knowledge in cultural studies, and their oral and written competences in French to the study of works by North-African, Sub-Saharan African, and Caribbean male and female directors. Particular emphasis will be placed on extending attentive reading skills as ways of thinking about colonialism, gender, space, and identity in narrative movies and documentaries.

Prerequisites: (FRE240H5 and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE398H5 • The Culture of Paris

This course explores the city of Paris as it developed into a cultural beacon of excellence in French culture throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. Students will expand and apply previous knowledge in cultural studies, and their oral and written competences in French, to the study of the events that have shaped the Paris of today. Particular emphasis will be placed on extending attentive interpretive skills to the impact of historical events, city planning and promotion, and artistic celebration, and on deploying these skills to think critically about heritage in the French context. As part of this course, students have the option of participating in an international learning experience that will have an additional cost and application process.

Prerequisites: (FRE240H5 and [FRE280Y5 or (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5)]) or a minimum grade of 77% in FSL406H5

International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE399H5 • Research Opportunity Program

This course provides senior undergraduate students who have developed some knowledge of research methods used in the discipline of French studies to work in the research project of a U of T Mississauga professor for course credit. Enrolled students have the opportunity to become involved in original research, develop their research skills, and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Project descriptions for participating faculty members for the following summer and fall/winter sessions are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: [FRE227H5 or FRE240H5 or FRE272H5] and FRE282H5 and FRE283H5

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE399Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

This course provides senior undergraduate students who have developed some knowledge of research methods used in the discipline of French studies to work in the research project of a U of T Mississauga professor for course credit. Enrolled students have the opportunity to become involved in original research, develop their research skills, and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Project descriptions for participating faculty members for the following summer and fall/winter sessions are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: FRE227H5 and (FRE240H5 or FRE272H5)

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE400H5 • French Studies Internship

Students enrolled in a French Studies program of study will have the opportunity, through work placement, to apply the knowledge and expertise gained throughout their studies in French. The work placement will take place in corporations, local media or community organizations. Application deadline is February 28th. Students will be required to include a letter of interest highlighting their qualifications as suitable candidates for an internship opportunity. Applicants who meet minimum criteria (must be in 4th year of studies, number of courses completed in FRE and CGPA) will be selected for an interview. Final decisions will be based on a combination of academic qualifications, experience, and the interview.

Prerequisites: FRE382H5 and FRE383H5 and an additional 1.0 credit at the 300 level in FRE

Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE440H5 • Francophone Periodical Studies

This advanced research course provides students a theoretical and practical background in periodical studies, exploring the interaction of literature and journalism from the beginning of the 19th century to the present day in France and Quebec. Students work under the supervision of the instructor to prepare, collect, and analyze data from periodicals, newspapers and magazines, and to present findings in the form of a research report.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit from among 300-level French and Francophone Literary & Cultural studies courses category.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE442H5 • Advanced Language Practice IV: Written

Consolidation of writing skills in the areas of vocabulary, grammar and style. This writing intensive course focuses on improving persuasiveness in writing, in part by reading and analyzing a variety of texts to learn to recognize strategies that work in written communications. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.

Prerequisites: FRE382H5 or permission of the instructor. Also open to francophones and/or holders of the French or international baccalauéat but contingent on the results of the Online French language placement test (
Exclusions: FRE442H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 12L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE445H5 • Special Topics in French & Francophone Literary and Cultural Studies I

A study of fiction, non-fiction or theoretical approaches in French and Francophone literature and culture.

Prerequisites: (0.5 credit at the 300-level from the French & Francophone Literary and Cultural Studies category) and (0.5 credit of FRE at the 300-level, determined annually contingent on course content)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE446H5 • Special Topics in Literature II

A study of fiction, non-fiction or theoretical approaches in French & Francophone literature and culture.

Prerequisites: (0.5 credit from the 300-level French and Francophone Literary & Cultural Studies category) and (0.5 credit of FRE at the 300-level, determined annually contingent on course content)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE453H5 • Teaching French Culture

This advanced research course deepens students’ theoretical and practical background in language pedagogy, exploring research questions related to issues surrounding the integration of culture in the language curriculum including the relationship between authentic language and culture, and the role of linguistic and cultural diversity in education. Students will learn to critique and create teaching materials and undertake an independent research project.

Prerequisites: FRE354H5 and 0.5 credit at the 300-level from among the FRE Language Teaching and Learning courses.
Exclusions: FRE353H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE482H5 • Creative Writing

This course allows students to develop their French writing skills with a variety of short imaginative and first-person genres. Students will extend their knowledge of language creativity and written competences in French to the production of a range of creative texts based on examples and using generative techniques. Particular emphasis will be placed on developing precision and a diversity of expressive skills, especially varied vocabulary and standard idiomatic turns. 

Prerequisites: FRE382H5
Exclusions: FSL482H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 12L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE487H5 • Advanced Topics in Experimental French Linguistics

An advanced study (or in-depth examination) of a specific topic in experimental French linguistics. Content in any given year depends on the instructor. Contact the department for details.

Prerequisites: 0.5 credit from the French Linguistics category plus 0.5 FRE 300-level credit determined annually contingent on course content.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE488H5 • Advanced Topics in Theoretical French Linguistics

An advanced study (or in-depth examination) of a specific topic in theoretical French linguistics. Content in any given year depends on the instructor. Contact the department for details.

Prerequisites: 0.5 credit from the French Linguistics category plus 0.5 FRE 300-level credit determined annually contingent on course content.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE489H5 • The Structure of the Syllable in Romance Languages

A comparative approach to the study of various phonological processes of contemporary Romance languages. Current issues on the representation of syllable structure and problems of syllabification in reference to phenomena such as liaison, elision, definite and indefinite article selection et cetera.

Prerequisites: FRE376H5 and FRE377H5 and (FRE385H5 or LIN229H5) and any 0.5 credit of FRE Linguistics or LIN at the 300-level

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE490Y5 • Senior Essay

An independent research paper on either a literary or linguistic topic to be proposed by the student and supervised by an instructor, culminating in a major research paper. For Specialists who wish to fulfill the requirements for their fourth year Literature courses. A maximum of 1.0 credit can be taken in both Senior Essay (FRE490Y5) and Independent Study (FRE491H5, FRE492H5)

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit of FRE at the 300-level relevant to the topic of study

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE491H5 • Independent Study

A scholarly project supervised by a Faculty member on a literary or linguistic topic of common interest, including readings, discussions and papers.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit of FRE at the 300-level relevant to the topic of study

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FRE492H5 • Independent Study

A scholarly project supervised by a Faculty member on a literary or linguistic topic of common interest, including readings, discussions and papers.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit of FRE at the 300-level relevant to the topic of study

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FSL105H5 • Functional French-Novice

The objective of this course, which serves as a starting point in our series of FSL courses, is to introduce students to the phonetic system of the French language, to teach basic vocabulary and to develop awareness of the functions of language in different situations and contexts. An awareness of various francophone cultures and communities will be developed. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.

Prerequisites: All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.
Exclusions: FSL100H1. Not open to students who have previously studied French and not open to native speakers of French.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FSL106H5 • Functional French-Advanced Beginner

Through the use of teaching materials adapted to their level, students will continue to develop their linguistics abilities and to use them in specific situations. For instance, students will learn how to ask for information, how to refuse or accept an offer. On completion of this course, a linguistic system of basic but useful structures will have been assimilated. An awareness of various francophone cultures and communities will be developed. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.

Prerequisites: FSL105H5 or the equivalent as determined by the department's Placement Test. Before enrolling in a French language course for the first time all students MUST complete the Placement Test (
Exclusions: FSL102H1. Grade 11 and Grade 12 Core French and all grade levels in French Immersion, Extended French, and French Secondary Schools.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FSL205H5 • Functional French – Low Intermediate I

This course focuses on developing communication skills as well as furthering students’ fluency through the production and understanding of authentic messages, working on engaging tasks while using more diverse lexical forms and expressions. Students will participate in interpersonal interactions where they learn to express emotion and opinion using culturally appropriate expressions and greater vocabulary breadth. An awareness of various francophone cultures and communities will be developed. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.

Prerequisites: FSL106H5 or the equivalent as determined by the department's French Placement Test (
Exclusions: FSL205Y5 or FSL121Y1 or FSL120H1 or FSL122H1 or higher level FSL course. Grade 12 Core French, and all high school grade levels in French Immersion, Extended French, and French Secondary Schools.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FSL206H5 • Functional French - Low Intermediate II

This course focuses on nuancing acquired written and oral communication skills and on further developing students’ fluency and accuracy through the production and understanding of complex sentences, refined forms and idiomatic expressions, and the further development of discourse-oriented abilities to create meaning.

Prerequisites: FSL205H5 or the equivalent as determined by the department's French Placement Test.
Exclusions: FSL205Y5 or FSL121Y1 or FSL122H1 or higher level FSL course. Grade 12 Core French, and all high school grade levels in French Immersion, Extended French, and French Secondary Schools.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FSL305H5 • Functional French - High Intermediate I

This course focuses on understanding information, comparing and reformulating types of discourse, developing more refined fluency and spontaneity in proficiently discussing current and cultural affairs and contentious topics, using different registers and tone in a broad range of situations and texts & media encountered in their academic experiences. Understanding various francophone cultures and communities will be part of the course discussion. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.

Prerequisites: FSL206H5 or the equivalent as determined by the department’s French Placement Test (
Exclusions: FRE180H5 or FRE181H5 or FSL305Y5 or FSL220H1 or FSL222H1 or FSL22Y1 or higher level FSL course, all high school grade levels in French Immersion, Extended French, and French Secondary Schools.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FSL306H5 • Functional French – High Intermediate II

This course focuses on analyzing and synthesizing information, comparing and evaluating diverse types of discourse, developing advanced fluency and spontaneity, accuracy and complexity in proficiently discussing and writing about current and cultural topics, using different registers and tone in a broad range of situations, texts & media. Understanding various francophone cultures and communities will be integrated in the course content and student learning experience. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.

Prerequisites: FSL305H5 or the equivalent as determined by the department's French Placement Test (
Exclusions: FRE180H5 or FRE181H5 or FSL305Y5 or FSL221Y1 or FSL222H1 or higher level FSL course, all high school grade levels in French Immersion, Extended French, and French Secondary Schools.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FSL405H5 • Functional French-Advanced I

Course will focus on developing both oral and written skills in the production and understanding of complex discourse (including organization, cohesion, nuanced lexical forms and expressions) in order to participate in varied, sustained and unscripted situations. An awareness of various francophone cultures and communities will be developed. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.

Prerequisites: FSL306H5 or as determined by the department's Placement Test. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.
Exclusions: FRE280Y5 or FRE282H5 or FRE283H5 or FRE382H5 or FRE383H5 or FSL321Y1 or FSL320H1 or FSL322H1. Not open to francophones and/or holders of the French baccalauréat but contingent on the results of the French Placement Test.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FSL406H5 • Functional French-Advanced II

Students will focus on developing both oral and written skills in the production and understanding of complex discourse (including organization, cohesion, nuanced lexical forms and expressions) in order to initiate and sustain varied and unscripted exchanges. An awareness of various francophone cultures and communities will be developed. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.

Prerequisites: FSL405H5 or the equivalent as determined by the department's French Placement Test. All students are REQUIRED to complete the French Placement Test ( before enrolling in ANY FSL or FRE language course for the FIRST time.
Exclusions: FRE280Y5 or FRE282H5 or FRE283H5 or FRE382H5 or FRE383H5 or FSL321Y1 or FSL322H. Not open to francophones or holders of the French baccalaureat but contingent on the results of the Placement Test.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

FSL466H5 • French for Business Communication

This project-based course advances practical uses of written and spoken French in business contexts. Activities and assignments are scaffolded to privilege deeper level of learning and simulate an authentic job search process in order to improve and strengthen reading comprehension, communication, writing and presentation skills that students can directly apply in the workplaces.

Corequisites: FRE282H5 or FRE283H5 or FSL406H5
Exclusions: FSL366H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER100Y5 • Introductory German

An intensive language course for students with no previous knowledge of German. Practice in listening, reading, writing and speaking while cultivating an awareness of German culture. This is an interactive course with an emphasis on communicative expression and authentic materials. The Department reserves the right to place students in the appropriate course in the series (GER100Y5, GER200Y5, GER300Y5).

Exclusions: Exclusions: GER101H1 or equivalent

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER200Y5 • Intermediate German

Taught in German. This language course is a continuation of work done in GER100Y5. Expansion of grammar and vocabulary, practice in listening, reading, composition, and conversation while cultivating an introductory awareness of German culture. This is an interactive course with an emphasis on communicative expression and authentic materials. The Department reserves the right to place students in the appropriate course in the series (GER100Y5, GER200Y5, GER300Y5).

Prerequisites: GER100Y5 or GER101H1 or permission of department.
Exclusions: GER200H1 or GER201H1

Enrolment Limits: This course is not open to fluent speakers of German.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 96L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER204H5 • Masterpieces in German Literature in Translation

Taught in English and open to all students. Readings offered in both English and, as a comparative option, German. A survey of selected themes and topics on masterpieces of German literature. Students should check with the department and/or instructor regarding the course focus in the term it is being offered.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER205H5 • Introduction to German Literature

Taught in German. An introduction to the study of German literature and literary concepts using original German texts.

Prerequisites: GER100Y5 or GER101H1 or permission of department.
Exclusions: GER204H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER250H5 • Introduction to German Culture

Taught in English and open to all students. How can we define "Germany" both historically and in its modern and increasingly multicultural context? How did Germany become the political and economic powerhouse of the European Union? How can we reflect on the Holocaust using identity, nationality and memory? These and other broad questions are examined in their cultural, social and intellectual context from the Middle Ages to the present. As part of this course, students may have the option of participating in an international learning experience that will have an additional cost and application process.

Exclusions: GER150H5

International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER299Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

This courses provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their second year to work in the research project of a professor in return for 299Y course credit. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Participating faculty members post their project descriptions for the following summer and fall/winter sessions in early February and students are invited to apply in early March. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER300Y5 • Advanced German

Taught in German. Building on materials introduced in GER100Y5 and GER200Y5, this language course provides students with a deeper understanding of German by developing communicative proficiency in all four language skills, emphasizing effective oral and written expression, aural and reading comprehension, and in-depth reviews and expansion of grammatical structures. The Department reserves the right to place students in the appropriate course in the series (GER100Y5, GER200Y5, GER300Y5).

Prerequisites: GER200Y5 or GER201H1
Exclusions: GER301H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER303H5 • German Current Events Through Print and Online News Media

The study of important political, social, and cultural issues in contemporary Germany on the basis of print and online sources is studied. Topics are typically selected by the instructor with the input of students. The course provides further refinement of writing style, reading strategies, vocabulary, and conversation skills.

Prerequisites: GER300Y5
Corequisites: GER300Y5 with permission of department

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER305H5 • German Literature: From the 18th to the 21st century

Taught in German. Building on the work of GER205H5, this course explores texts from the 18th to the 21st century.

Prerequisites: GER100Y5 or GER205H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER320H5 • Topics in German Literature

Topic, genre, period, and author studies. This course may be repeated for credit with different content.

Prerequisites: GER205H5, GER305H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER330H5 • Topics in German Cultural Studies

This course covers various topics in the culture of German-speaking countries. Such topics may include Berlin, Weimar culture, unification and the politics of memory in postwar Germany. This course may be repeated for credit with new content.

Prerequisites: GER204H5, GER205H5
Recommended Preparation: GER150H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER335H5 • Post-War German Culture and Literature: Memory and the Holocaust

Taught in English and open to all students. Examines representations of the Holocaust in post-WWII German culture and literature across multiple generations and perspectives using a variety of media, including literature, film, architecture, photography and memoir.

Recommended Preparation: GER250H5 and 0.5 of 300/400 level literature or culture course.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER353H5 • German National Cinemas

An introductory survey of the history of German cinemas from the silent period to the present. Counts toward the Minor in Cinema Studies. Knowledge of German is not required.

Exclusions: GER351H5, GER352H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER354H5 • Topics in German Cinema Studies

This course will cover various topics that may include genre studies, a period focus (Weimar, New German Cinema, Nazi Cinema, GDR Cinema), directors (Fritz Lang, Wim Wenders), or themes (transnational cinema, cinema and the city, film and history, film and literature, etc.). This course may be repeated for credit with different content. It counts toward the Minor in Cinema Studies. Knowledge of German is not required.

Exclusions: GER351H5,GER352H5
Recommended Preparation: GER353H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER355H5 • The Theatre of Bertolt Brecht

This course will study selected plays by Brecht and investigate his dramatic theories and stage techniques. All readings will be in German.

Prerequisites: GER205H5 and GER305H5.
Exclusions: GER355Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER370H5 • German for a Global Context: Business and International Relations I

Taught in German. An introduction to the use of German in a global and professional context, focusing on German for business and international relations. Emphasis on oral and written communication.

Prerequisites: GER200Y5 or GER201H1 or permission of the department.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER371H5 • German for a Global Context: Business and International Relations II

Taught in German. An introduction to the use of German in a global and professional context, focusing on German for business and international relations. Emphasis on oral and written communication.

Prerequisites: GER370H5 or permission of the department

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER450H5 • Advanced Seminar in German Literature

Topic, genre, period, and author studies. This course may be repeated for credit with different content.

Prerequisites: GER204H5 and GER205H5, and 0.5 of 300/400 level literature or culture course

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER475H5 • Advanced Seminar in German Cultural Studies

This course is an in-depth study of different topics in the cultures of German-speaking countries. It may be repeated for credit with different content.

Prerequisites: GER205H5 and GER305H5, and 0.5 of 300/400 level literature or culture course.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GER490H5 • Independent Study

An independent research paper or scholarly project supervised by a member of staff on a literary or cultural topic. Students must submit a written proposal that includes a provisional project or paper title, plan of study and preliminary bibliography. Open only to students in their fourth year of study.

Prerequisites: Written permission of the instructor and of the Department to be obtained by May 1st for the Fall Session; by November 1st for the Winter Session.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GLB201H5 • Global Leadership: Past, Present, Futures

The evolution and exercise of leadership is examined in the context of globalization. Terminology, case studies, and practical examples are used to consider questions such as: Why did globalization become a dominant frame? How have narratives of globalization changed over time? How does late 20th century globalization differ from earlier processes of colonization? What are expectations going forward? The assumed scale of globalization and how it manifests differently in various geographies, societies, and contexts is assessed. Students reflect on the uneven experiences of globalization in their own lives, communities, and worlds they observe and pass through. Students challenge ideas of how good leadership is conceived, the dynamics that are assumed (e.g., leaders and followers), and who/what might be left out (e.g., gender, race, class), today and in the future.

This course may include one required in-person meeting for all students. This will occur outside of the normal schedule at the beginning of the course.

Prerequisites: Completion of 4.0 credits.

Enrolment Limits: Priority is given to students enrolled in the tri-campus Global Leadership Minor program.
Distribution Requirement: Social Science, Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 14L/24T
Mode of Delivery: Online, Hybrid

GRK101H5 • Introductory Ancient Greek I

An introduction to Ancient Greek for students who have no knowledge of the language. This course also serves as a preparation for Intermediate Greek courses.

Exclusions: GRK211H5 or GRK100Y1 or GRK101H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GRK102H5 • Introductory Ancient Greek II

An introduction to Ancient Greek for students who have no knowledge of the language. This course also serves as a preparation for Intermediate Greek courses.

Prerequisites: GRK101H5 or GRK211H5 or GRK101H1
Exclusions: GRK212H5 or GRK100Y1 or GRK102H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GRK213H5 • Introductory Ancient Greek III

The final course of the introduction to Ancient Greek for students who have some training in the language. This course also serves as a preparation for Intermediate Greek courses.

Prerequisites: GRK102H5 or GRK212H5 or GRK102H1
Exclusions: GRK200Y1 or GRK201H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

GRK221H5 • Intermediate Ancient Greek

Reading of selections of Ancient Greek prose and verse with a systematic study of the Greek Language.

Prerequisites: GRK213H5 or GRK201H1
Exclusions: GRK200H1 or GRK202H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIN211H5 • Introductory Hindi I

This course is for students with no prior knowledge of the Hindi language. Students will learn to read and write Hindi in Devanagari script with basic rules of Hindi grammar. Introduction to phonology, grammar, syntax of modern Hindi; emphasis on basic writing and reading.

Prerequisites: All students who are enrolling in an HIN language course for the first time are required to complete the Hindi Language Assessment Questionnaire. Students who have not completed an assessment cannot be approved for course enrolment. Please visit
Exclusions: HIN212Y5 or LGGA70H3 or LGGA71H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIN212H5 • Introductory Hindi II

This course focuses on further developing grammatical structures from HIN211H5 and continues to the next level of Hindi grammar. Students will be introduced to vocabulary of next level to advance their speaking and writing skills by writing compositions and short essay.

Prerequisites: HIN211H5 or appropriate language level as indicated by the Hindi Language Assessment Questionnaire (
Exclusions: HIN212Y5 or LGGA70H3 or LGGA71H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIN311H5 • Readings in Hindi

This course is designed for students who have a fair knowledge of Hindi. In this course children's stories from Indian classical writings Panchtantra, Jataka and other folk stories will be discussed.

Prerequisites: HIN212Y5 or the permission of the instructor.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIN312H5 • Intermediate Hindi I

This course focuses on the further development of grammatical structures from Introduction to Hindi and continues to the next level of Hindi grammar and communicative skills. Students will be introduced to the vocabulary of intermediate level to advanced. Their speaking and writing skills will be developed by writing compositions and short essays.

Prerequisites: HIN212H5 or as indicated by results from the Hindi Language Assessment Questionnaire (
Exclusions: HIN312Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIN313H5 • Intermediate Hindi II

As a continuation of Intermediate Hindi I (HIN312H5), this course aims at developing student’s language to the next level, focusing on specific problems of grammar and essay writing. It also includes simple Hindi readings that introduce Hindi literature. Samples of modern Hindi writings will be discussed.

Prerequisites: HIN312H5
Exclusions: HIN312Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIN411H5 • Hindi Culture and Media

The course is designed for students who have completed intermediate Hindi. The course enhances all four language skills through a focus on culture delivered via various forms of the media. The teaching material for the course will largely include segments from Hindi films, soap operas, Music TV, cine magazines or related items from newspapers in Hindi. Students who take this course for Language Citation (in Hindi) notation must complete written course work in Hindi.

Prerequisites: HIN313H5 or permission of instructor.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIN412Y5 • Advanced Hindi

This course is designed for students who already have a good knowledge of Hindi; it offers them an opportunity to effectively use the knowledge attained in previous years to read and understand advanced texts in sociocultural and literary studies, and engage in discussing issues pertaining to modern Indian society.

Prerequisites: HIN312Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS101H5 • Topics in History

This writing-intensive course introduces students to a historical topic as well as to the research and writing skills that are part of the historian's craft. Content in any given year depends on instructor.

Exclusions: HIS102H5 and HIS103H5 and HIS104H5 and HIS105H5 and HIS106H5 and HIS107H5 and HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS102H5 • A History of Discoveries and Inventions in the Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern World.

This course challenges us to reconsider what we think we know about discoveries and inventions, and to reassess how they have shaped our world. It outlines debates around theories of progress, significance, continuity and change, and cause and consequence; guides students through the interpretation of primary and secondary sources; and introduces the discipline of history while helping students develop the research and writing skills that are part of the historian’s craft.

Exclusions: HIS101H5 and HIS103H5 and HIS104H5 and HIS105H5 and HIS106H5 and HIS107H5 and HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class, Hybrid, Online (Summer only)

HIS103H5 • Revolutions in History

Revolutions are sudden, violent, and capable of changing the structure of societies and nations. They are some of the most dramatic events in history because they raise all kinds of questions about how society should be structured, maintained, and organized. Over the course of the term, students will learn about the principle theories of revolution, their impact, and they will reflect on the ways in which our own assumptions and ideologies have been influenced by them.

Exclusions: HIS101H5 and HIS102H5 and HIS104H5 and HIS105H5 and HIS106H5 and HIS107H5 and HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS104H5 • A History of Here

This writing-intensive course introduces students to the histories of Mississauga, the Region of Peel, and the University of Toronto as well as to the research and writing skills that are part of the historian’s craft. We focus on Indigenous peoples, colonialism, immigration, and institution-building, questioning and complicating the celebratory narratives promoted by the University, the city, and the region.

Exclusions: HIS101H5 and HIS102H5 and HIS103H5 and HIS105H5 and HIS106H5 and HIS107H5 and HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS105H5 • A Brief History of Capitalism

This course offers a history of capitalism. In twelve weeks, we study nearly six hundred years of human history, examining how the profit motive has reshaped lives, landscapes, and values. We consider how the drive to accumulate capital has given rise to distinctive legal, racial, and religious regimes.

Exclusions: HIS101H5 and HIS102H5 and HIS103H5 and HIS104H5 and HIS106H5 and HIS107H5 and HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS106H5 • A History of Sex

This course examines the history of sex, the history of the body, and the history of sexuality from the past to the present. Topics include the construction of sexual identities (including non-normative sexualities); desire and its regulation; and the porous boundaries between sex and gender, especially in relationship to trans history.

Exclusions: HIS101H5 and HIS102H5 and HIS103H5 and HIS104H5 and HIS105H5 and HIS107H5 and HIS108H5.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS107H5 • Critical Historiography

This writing-intensive course introduces students to critical historical thinking and writing in the humanities and social sciences and explores the emergence of History as a field of academic inquiry. By learning to reason and to write historically, students in this course will acquire the foundational skills that are essential for their educational success in higher level courses.

Exclusions: HIS101H5 and HIS102H5 and HIS103H5 and HIS104H5 and HIS105H5 and HIS106H5 and HIS108H5.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS108H5 • Encounters Across the Atlantic

The movement of people, goods, and ideas across the Atlantic Ocean changed the world and shaped the modern age. This course considers how contact among Indigenous Americans, Africans, and Europeans between 1000 and 1800 contributed to ideologies of conquest and colonization; the development of a global economy; forced and voluntary migration on an unprecedented scale; and new forms of resistance.

Exclusions: HIS101H5 and HIS102H5 and HIS103H5 and HIS104H5 and HIS105H5 and HIS106H5 and HIS107H5.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS200H5 • Topics in History

An in-depth examination of historical issues. Content in any given year depends on instructor. See Department of Historical Studies web site at… for details.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS201H5 • Introduction to Middle Eastern History

An introduction to the history of Islamic culture from its beginnings to modern times.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

HIS203H5 • The Making of the Atlantic World (1000-1800)

An introduction to African, European, and American peoples around and across the Atlantic Ocean between 1000 and 1800. Themes include ideologies and practices of exploration, conquest, and colonization; perceptions and misunderstandings; forced and voluntary migration; effects of disease; resistance and revolt; and the "Atlantic World" as a field of study.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS204H5 • History of the Ottoman Empire, 1299-1923

This course provides an overview of the history of the Ottoman Empire, the longest lasting Muslim superpower and a major player in world history, from its inception in 1299 until its dissolution after World War I. Among current members of the United Nations, close to 40 member states were, for periods ranging from 50 to 600 years, integral parts of the Ottoman state. Present-day conflicts in political hot-spots, such as the Middle East, Bosnia, Kosovo, Cyprus and the Caucasus can only be understood through exploring their origin in the Ottoman past. At the same time in many cases the Ottoman Empire was an example of tolerance and accommodation of various ethnic and religious groups.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS210H5 • Introduction to Digital Humanities

What is Digital Humanities? We explore the field's debates, platforms, tools, projects, and critical perspectives, as well as its current core practices: digital exhibits, digital mapping, text analysis, information visualization, and network analysis. We discuss the relationship between technology and knowledge production in historical and critical perspective.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS211H5 • Screening History

This course explores the relationship of media - film, television and new visual technologies - to history: as historical representations, as sources of history, and as history itself. The course examines the impact of popular representations of history on screen and the controversies that emerge over these constructions of the past.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS212H5 • The History of Capitalism

This course historicizes capitalism and all of the subcategories that derive from this mode of production: labour, management, the commodity chain, marketing, advertising, finance, exchange value, and the multinational corporation, to name but a few. Students will be introduced to classic texts as well as to more recent work that uses historical methods to study the social, cultural, environmental, gendered, and ethical aspects of economic life under capitalism. The course takes a global perspective, and the focus will range from examining the historical development of capitalism in Canada, the United States, Latin America, Asia, Africa, and Europe.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS213H5 • A History of the Present

This course takes as its starting point current world events of global significance. We focus on 3-4 flashpoints/crises/events shaping contemporary global politics and culture, and move back in time to understand how current events have been shaped by longer histories of power, inequality, conflict and contestation.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS214H5 • Comparative Genocide

What are the historical circumstances through which mass killings emerge? An introduction to the history of genocide in comparative perspective, with an emphasis on the 20th century case studies. Course themes include denial and forgetting; justice and truth; and public memory.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS221H5 • Themes in Medieval History

This course is a brief survey of European history from the late Roman Empire to the fifteenth century emphasizing select themes that created the shape of medieval civilization and influenced developments in subsequent centuries.

Exclusions: May not be taken with or after HIS220Y5.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

HIS230H5 • Introduction to European History 1300-1815

European history from the late Middle Ages to the end of the Napoleonic Wars, emphasing the major political, cultural, economic and social changes that created early modern Europe.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS236H5 • Introduction to British History

An introduction to some of the major themes in British history. Depending on the year, these might include examples from prehistoric, Roman, medieval, early modern, modern, and contemporary periods. Both developments within Britain itself, and connections between Britain and the wider world, are considered.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS241H5 • Revolution and Social Conflict in Europe: 1789-1890

Nineteenth-Century Europe is arguably the most revolutionary century in human history. Around 1800, Europe was a relative backwater characterized by agricultural economies and monarchial government. By 1900 a new decidedly modern world emerged, shaped by the priorities of industry, capitalism, and democracy. What caused these dramatic changes?

Exclusions: HIS241H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS242H5 • Nations, Ideologies, and Conflict in Contemporary European History

Nations, Ideologies, and Conflict offers a sweeping overview of European history from the eve of WWI to the present with attention to the key ideas--Liberalism, Communism, Fascism, Nazism, Populism, and Globalization--that drive social, political and cultural change.

Exclusions: HIS242H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS250H5 • Introduction to Russian History

An introductory survey that examines the political, social, and cultural developments that shaped the Russian empire from the settlement of Kiev in the 9th century to the collapse of the Romanov dynasty in 1917.

Exclusions: HIS250Y1
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

HIS255H5 • Introduction to Histories of Extraction and the Environment

An introduction to the historical and ongoing disruptions of colonial extraction in Canada and their treatment within the historical record. From natural resources to Indigenous lands and knowledges, this course will deepen students’ understandings of the processes, industries and technologies responsible for settler colonial extraction in Canada.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities, Social Science
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS261H5 • Introduction to Canadian History

A survey of the political, social, and economic history of Canada, topically treated from the beginning to the present. This course is intended for students from disciplines outside of History looking for a broad-ranging approach to Canadian history.

Exclusions: HIS263Y1 and may not be taken with or after HIS263Y5.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS262H5 • What is Canada?

A broad survey of the history of Canada from the beginning to the present focused on changing notions of the country,its territory, and peoples. We will question widely held beliefs about Canada, both in the past and the present,through deep engagement with primary sources and historiography.

Exclusions: HIS263H5 and HIS263Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS271H5 • US History, Colonial Era to 1877

A survey of the main developments and themes of U.S. history from the colonial period to the end of Reconstruction.

Exclusions: HIS271Y1 or HIS272Y5
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS272H5 • US History, 1877-present

How did the US move from the Civil War to a world power? What have been the tensions between national ideals of "liberty for all" and US market expansion? Topics covered include: Jim Crow South; immigration and urbanization; Populism and the Progressivism; consumerism; many wars; post-45 social movements; Reaganism and after.

Exclusions: HIS272Y5 and HIS271Y1
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS282H5 • Introduction to South Asian History

A critical introduction to the main themes and questions defining South Asian history from its beginnings to the present. Emphasis will be placed particularly on the period after the 1750s, which saw the emergence of British imperialism, anti-colonial struggles, and the formation of new nation states after 1947.

Exclusions: HIS282Y1 and HISB57H3
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS284H5 • Introduction to East Asian History

A survey of East Asian civilization and history from antiquity to modernity. It particularly explores the interrelations of Chinese, Japanese, and Korean cultural and political development.

Exclusions: HIS107Y1
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS285H5 • War and Memory in Modern East Asia

This course examines how Japan, China, Taiwan, Korea and the US try to remember the Asian Pacific War. It focuses particularly on the bitterly contested representations of war atrocities such as the Nanjing Massacre, the comfort women system, and the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Exclusions: HIS381H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS290H5 • Introduction to Latin American History

An introduction to the history of Latin America from pre-conquest indigenous empires to the end of the 20th century. Lectures, films, readings, and tutorials explore a set of themes in historical context: nationalism, authoritarianism, religion, racism, patriarchy, and Latin America's multiple interactions with the outside world.

Exclusions: HIS291H1 and HIS292H1
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS295H5 • Introduction to African History

A survey of African civilization and history from antiquity to modernity. The course also examines the transformation of Africa from colonial domination to postcolonial states, social movements, and ideologies.

Exclusions: HIS295Y1
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS299Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

This courses provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their second year to work in the research project of a professor in return for 299Y course credit. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Participating faculty members post their project descriptions for the following summer and fall/winter sessions in early February and students are invited to apply in early March. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: Completion of at least 4.0 and not more than 9.0 credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS301H5 • North Africa and Western Asia Before World War I

A cultural history of North Africa and Western Asia from the 1870s to World War I. This late Ottoman period, known in Europe as the fin de siècle, was marked by imperialisms, nationalisms, and revolutions, as well as anxiety and alienation, environmental degradation, famine, and genocide.

Prerequisites: HIS201H5
Exclusions: HIS392H5 (Winter 2019 and Fall 2020)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS305H5 • 1898: Empires and Conflict in Global History

The Klondike Gold Rush, imperial conflict in North Africa, and the Spanish American War: 1898 is a pivotal year in global history. This course investigates the circuits of empire, capitalism, and environmental extraction in a rapidly industrializing and increasingly interconnected world.

Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS306H5 • The Cold War

This course will review the alliance systems and conflicts that dominated international relations in the period 1945-1991. It will examine specific incidents such as the Berlin Blockade and Airlift of 1948-49, the Hungarian uprising of 1956, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Vietnam War, and the Prague Spring, as well as the broader strategies and tactics that followed by the two superpowers and their allies. Particular attention will be given to the documentary evidence that has been declassified in the past two decades, and the light it sheds on earlier developments.

Exclusions: HIS401H1 and HIS401Y1
Recommended Preparation: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and (HIS242H5 or HIS250H5).

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS307H5 • The Russian Revolutions of 1917

The fall of the Romanovs and the coming to power of the Bolsheviks have been controversial. This course examines interpretations of the 1917 events using original sources from 1917 in English.

Prerequisites: A course in modern European history.
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS308H5 • Themes in the History of Women Before 1800

This course focuses on the history of women before the 19th century emphasizing select themes in ancient, medieval, and early modern history.

Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS310H5 • The History of Women Since 1800

This course is a brief survey of the history of women in since 1800 emphasizing select themes in modern history.

Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS315H5 • Indigenous Peoples and Immigrants in Canada

This course examines the intertwined social, cultural, economic, and political histories of Indigenous peoples and immigrants in Canada. It explores the influence on lived experience of a wide variety of phenomena and ideas including community, place, indigeneity, ethnicity, gender, colonialism, empire, and mobility from the distant to the present.

Recommended Preparation: HIS262H5 or HIS263Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS318H5 • Canadian Environmental History: Contact to Conservation

This course focuses on the interaction of people and the environment. Themes include environmental change as a result of: European exploration and settlement; the transfer of animals, plants and diseases; the impact of contact and the "Columbian exchange" on indigenous peoples; the fur trade; the lumber industry; the destruction of the bison, the reserves system, and immigrant settlers in the West; the emergence of the conservation movement in Canada.

Prerequisites: 8.0 credits
Recommended Preparation: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and (HIS261H5 or HIS262H5 or HIS263Y5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS319H5 • Canadian Environmental History: Conservation to the Modern Environmental Movement

This course focuses on the interaction of people and the environment in the 20th Century. Themes include the environmental impact of industrialization, urbanization, and the revolution in transportation, and of resource development in the mining, oil, and gas industries; the destruction and preservation of wildlife; parks and the wilderness idea; the modern environmental movement; the contested world of modern agriculture and the food industry; the collapse of the fisheries; Canadian public policy, environmental law, and Canada's international role concerning the environment.

Prerequisites: 8.0 credits
Recommended Preparation: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and (HIS261H5 or HIS262H5 or HIS263Y5 or HIS318H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS321H5 • Medieval and Early Modern Scotland

This course examines the political, social, cultural, and religious history of Scotland during the medieval and early modern periods. Topics include the Anglo-Norman impact, the Wars of Independence, Stewart monarchy, the growth of towns and trade, Highlands and Lowlands, the medieval Church, the Protestant Reformation, and Union with England.

Prerequisites: 0.5 HIS credit
Exclusions: HIS413H5
Recommended Preparation: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and (HIS220Y5 or HIS221H5 or HIS230H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS323H5 • The Rwandan Genocide: History, Violence, and Identity

This course examines the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, situated within larger historical frameworks of the nature of precolonial polities, the impact of colonialism, and the crises of postcolonial state building. Through a close examination of primary sources and historical arguments, this course will explore history and memory, violence and trauma, identity and belonging, justice and reconciliation.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS324H5 • Settler Colonialism, Violence, and Revolution: The Mau Mau Rebellion in Kenya

This course examines colonial violence and revolution through the case of the Mau Mau Rebellion in Kenya. Through an examination of primary sources and historical arguments, this course explores settler colonialism; local moral economies and land; gender and generational conflict; propaganda and revolutionary thought; and decolonization, memory, and contemporary legacies of Mau Mau.

Exclusions: HIS395H5 (Fall 2021)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS325H5 • Modern African History

Looking at the last one hundred years of modern African history, this course will examine the consolidation of colonial societies; transformations in gender, sexuality and identity politics; the roots of ethnic patriotisms, racial ideologies and African nationalisms; the role of violence in colonial and postcolonial governance; and the contemporary in historical perspective.

Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS326H5 • History of Women in Canada

A course on the experiences of women in what is now Canada, from the deep past through the twentieth century. It addresses questions related to the many roles women occupied in Indigenous and settler societies and how these have changed over time. The course explores political, social, and cultural movements alongside personal relationships and lives.

Exclusions: HIS326Y5
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS327H5 • The Early Medieval World

Disorder, destruction, the dissolution of old and the creation of new societies, and a cultural revival that continues to influence intellectual and literary traditions: these are the big themes examined in this history of the early medieval world.

Prerequisites: CLA231H5 or CLA370H5 or HIS221H5.
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS330H5 • Politics and Political Change in Latin America

Examines major movements and cultures in Latin American politics from independence to present day. Topics include: nineteenth-century militarism; revolutionary socialism in Cuba and Nicaragua; military dictatorships in Argentina, Brazil and Chile; and recent grassroots and transnational political movements. Emphasizes the integral roles of gender, race and the United States in the region's political processes.

Recommended Preparation: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and HIS290H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS336H5 • The Imperial Victorian World

This course investigates the development of British politics and the emergence of its global empire from the early nineteenth century to 1900. It engages with key historical issues such as the development of representative government, imperialism, colonial relationships, the industrial revolution, and new political ideologies (i.e. conservativism, liberalism, socialism).

Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS337H5 • History of Information and Media

In (mis)information age, it seems that the more we know, the less we understand. This course examines how data, fact, and information all have their own history, and that their production and circulation are shaped by politics, emotion, capital, as well as mediated by technology.

Exclusions: HIS392H5 (Fall 2019 and Fall 2020)
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS338H5 • The Holocaust in Nazi Germany and Occupied Europe

This course provides an expansive survey of the Nazi extermination of European Jews, including the ideological underpinnings of the genocide; the policies leading up to the "Final Solution" in Germany and the rest of Europe, a broad overview of the varied reactions and policies of many countries throughout Europe, the role of the Vatican and the response of the Jews themselves as well as the international community; the motivation of the perpetrators; and the complexities of survival in the ghettoes and concentration camps.

Exclusions: HIS361H1 or HIS338H1
Recommended Preparation: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and a course in modern European history.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/10T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS339H5 • Postwar Germany, 1945-present

This course will explore the history of Germany beginning in 1945. We will examine the evolution of Germany from a dictatorship to a divided state by looking at Allied Policies in the 1940s, the economic wonder of the 1950s, and the tensions between East and West Germany until the fall of the Berlin wall in 1989. This course will look at both East and West Germany's very different confrontations with the Nazi past, the student movement of the 1960s, domestic terrorism in the 1970s, the breakdown of communism in the 1980s, and the growing pains of reunification that exist to the present day. All of these developments will be seen through legal, political, cultural, and media trends.

Recommended Preparation: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and (HIS242H5 or HIS338H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS340H5 • The Reformation in Europe

The focus of this course will be the religious movements of sixteenth century that are described collectively as the Reformation: Lutheranism, Calvinism, the Radical Reformation and the Counter-Reformation.

Exclusions: RLG346H5 and HIS309H1
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS341H5 • England in the Age of Reformation and Revolution

Tudor and Stuart England (1485-1714) is a transformative period in English history. From the reign of Henry VIII, the Reformation, and the Scientific Revolution, to the execution of Charles I and the Glorious Revolution, this course charts out England’s dramatic development from peripheral backwater to emerging world superpower.

Exclusions: HIS395H5 (Fall 2019)
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS342H5 • History of Quebec and French Canada

This course examines the history of French Canada, focusing in particular on the period from the 1830s to the present. It explores questions of culture, political community, language, and geography, looking to these aspects of historical experience to situate Quebec and French Canada with respect to North America’s English-speaking majority as well as to the French-speaking nations of Europe, Africa, and elsewhere in the Americas. Proficiency in French is not required for students enrolled in HIS342H5, though those with French-language skills will be given the opportunity to work with French-language material. This course is taught in conjunction with FRE342H5.

Exclusions: FRE342H5
Recommended Preparation: HIS262H5 or HIS263Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS355H5 • Histories of Extraction and the Future of the Environment

This course uses Indigenous, transnational and feminist frameworks to examine colonialism’s impact on the environment. From Turtle Island (Canada/U.S.) to Aotearoa (New Zealand), this course dismantles colonial histories, extractive industries and the state apparatuses that govern our relationship to the environment to form alternative understandings of environmental histories and futures.

Recommended Preparation: HIS255H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities, Social Science
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS357H5 • The Renaissance

A cultural history of the 15th and 16th centuries set against the socio-economic background. The course will concentrate upon the development of the Renaissance in Italy and will deal with its manifestations in Northern Europe.

Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS358H5 • Canada Since World War Two

This course examines Canadian developments in the post-war period. It explores the tremendous economic expansion in that period. It surveys trends in immigration and urban development. The course also examines social movements and social change, as well as the growth of nationalism in Canada and Quebec.

Exclusions: HISB41H3
Recommended Preparation: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and (HIS262H5 or HIS263Y5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS366H5 • Diasporic Histories & Cultures

This course explores a number of significant historic diasporas - and sites of diaspora - from Constantinople to Al-Andalus to Shanghai, to the United States and the United Kingdom, and to Tel Aviv and the West Bank, through historical record, fiction, memoir and film.

Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS367H5 • Diasporic Canada

This course explores the history of Canada as a recipient of diasporic communities, arriving from many parts of the world and bringing a great variety of cultures and experiences.

Exclusions: HIS266H5
Recommended Preparation: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and (HIS262H5 or HIS263Y5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS369H5 • Great Lakes Aboriginal History

Algonkian and Iroquoian history from the eve of European contact to the present in the Great Lakes region of today's Canada and the United States. Algonkian and Iroquoian societies in the 16th century, change over time, material culture, and inter-cultural relations among natives and between natives and Euroamericans.

Exclusions: HIS366H1
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS371H5 • The Americas: Interaction and Inequality

An introduction to the history of Americas (the present-day territories of the Caribbean, Canada, Latin America and the United States) from pre-conquest indigenous societies to the end of the 20th century. This course will explore the Americas as a zone of connection and interaction between people of distinct environments, cultures and experiences. It surveys the historical continuities and transformations within the region and its linkages to increasingly globalized networks of culture, communication and commerce.

Exclusions: HIS391Y1, HISC70H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS372H5 • The United States in the 20th Century

Major developments in the economic, social, political, and cultural life of the United States during the past century as it grew from a burgeoning industrial nation to the leading Superpower.

Exclusions: HIS372H1 and HISD36H3
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS374H5 • Gender and Sexuality in the US, 1945-present

This class historicizes the intersectional analysis of gendered and sexed bodies after 1945. We explore topics such as normative gender expectations; reproductive freedom; masculinities; second-wave feminism; race, class and poverty; conservative backlash; media and gender/sexuality; LGBTQ social movements; trans histories. In terms of methods, I look forward to introducing students to experiments in digital history.

Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5 or HIS272H5 or HIS272Y5 or WGS101H5 or any course in U.S. History

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS378H5 • East Asian Cities

An examination of the historical transformation of East Asian cities from the imperial to modern times. The course focuses especially on how cities have been planned, depicted, experienced.

Recommended Preparation: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 and or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and HIS284H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS382H5 • Nations, Borders and Citizenship in South Asia

This course examines the emergence of the connected histories of nation-states, space and border-making in modern South Asia. It is especially interested in engaging the changing political languages, practices and contested visions of citizenship that have animated and shaped languages of space, place and belonging in South Asia.

Prerequisites: HIS282H5
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS384H5 • International Relations in the Middle East - Regional Perspectives on the 20th Century

The discovery of oil, the establishment of the state of Israel and subsequent wars for Palestine, Pan-Arabism and Political Islam were the over-riding factors in the regional balance of power. This course examines international relations as they were shaped by state- and non-state actors in 20th Century Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Israel/Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Syria.

Prerequisites: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and (HIS201H5 or HIS236H5 or HIS282H5 or HIS290H5 or HIS295H5 or HIS306H5)
Exclusions: HIS307H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS385H5 • Orientalism and Occidentalism

This course reflects on Edward W. Said's seminal Study Orientalism. The first part focuses on the debates around academic representations of the Orient before and after Said's intervention: his critics, alternative perspectives and methodological elaborations. The second part dissects the ways in which Orientalism inhabits political forms of belonging such as romantic nationalism or Islamic fundamentalism, as well as colonial constructions of liberalism, race, gender and sexuality. The third part examines the ramifications of Orientalist knowledge production in the media and in visual culture. The course also raises questions of strategic reversals of Orientalism, and to what extent Occidentalism can be considered the non-Western equivalent to Western constructions of Otherness.

Prerequisites: HIS201H5
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS386H5 • Gender and History in South Asia

This course seeks to understand the manifold ways in which gender has shaped South Asian history, with a particular emphasis on the period from the colonial era to contemporary times. The themes will include the relationship between gender, kinship, society and politics on the one hand and race, imperialism, nationalism, popular movements and religion on the other.

Prerequisites: HIS282H5
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS388H5 • Histories of Modern Hinduism in South Asia

This course examines the social, cultural and political history of Hinduism since 1800. Themes include Hindu socio-reform and political movements, public and popular engagements with Hinduism, and the role of religious institutions, sites, beliefs and rituals in crafting contestatory Hindu 'publics' and ideologies. It emphasizes the nexus between gender, class, caste, region and the language of religion in shaping national and transnational political and cultural identities.

Prerequisites: HIS282H5 or RLG205H5
Recommended Preparation: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and RLG308H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS389H5 • Localities, Regions and Nations in South Asia

This course foregrounds and examines the role of localities and regions in forging social, cultural and political identities and cartographies in South Asian history before and after colonial rule. The course examines the shifting relationship between localities, regions and empires from 1200-1800, and thereafter in the era of colonialism, nationalism and post colonial nation-states. The course is especially interested in how social groups from the margins shaped, or alternatively contested political and spatial articulations of region, locality and nations.

Prerequisites: HIS282H5
Exclusions: HIS382H5
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS390H5 • Revolutions and Nations in Latin America

Examines social revolutions in Guatemala, Bolivia, Cuba and Nicaragua. It emphasizes the historical linkages between these revolutions and national identity, and stresses the roles of gender, race and the United States in revolutionary processes. This course considers as well the counterrevolutionary politics of the 1970s and 1980s in Central America and the Southern cone.

Recommended Preparation: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and a course in Latin-American history or politics.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS391H5 • Mexico from Aztec to Zapatista

This course examines the origins and evolution of Mexican society, from its prehispanic empires to the Mexican Revolution (1910-1940). Drawing on primary sources, literature, films and secondary texts, the course will track a set of historical themes, including ethnic identity, Catholicism, economic development and migration.

Prerequisites: HIS290H5
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS392H5 • Topics in Global History

An examination of global historical issues. Content in any given year depends on instructor. See Department of Historical Studies web site at for details.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS393H5 • Slavery and the American South

An examination of the role of slavery in the development of the American South from the early colonial period through the Civil War. Among the topics to be dealt with are: the origins of slavery, the emergence of a plantation economy, the rise of a slaveholding elite, the structure of the slave community, and the origins of the war.

Prerequisites: HIS271H5 or HIS272H5 or HIS272Y5
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS395H5 • Topics in History

An in-depth examination of historical issues. Content in any given year depends on instructor. See Department of Historical Studies web site at for details.

Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

HIS396H5 • Modernity and Islam

The aim of this course is to engage students in the ongoing historiographical debates on modernity and Islam. Students will critically explore recent public discussions concerning "Islamic Fundamentalism," "Islamic Feminism," and "What Went Wrong" in the Islamic world.

Prerequisites: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and HIS201H5
Recommended Preparation: HIS282H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS397H5 • Iran's Islamic Revolution

This course explores the making of the Iranian Revolution of 1978-79 and the subsequent establishment of the Islamic Republic. Framed in a comparative perspective, it explains the cultural and political peculiarities that shaped the Islamist outcome of the Revolution. It examines the staging of the hostage crisis, the Iran-Iraq War, and the secularization of private lives.

Prerequisites: HIS201H5
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS398H5 • South Asia in Motion: Circulation, Mobility, Histories

This course examines how the movement of peoples, goods and ideas across land and sea has shaped South Asia’s history. In particular it analyses how far-reaching networks based on trade, pilgrimage, patronage, politics and labour that passed through the Indian Ocean, Bay of Bengal, and the Himalayas connected South Asia to Southeast Asia, and East Asia, amongst other spaces. It also foregrounds how these histories of mobility changed under colonial rule and its aftermath. The course focuses on the period from 1200 until the present.

Prerequisites: HIS282H5
Recommended Preparation: HIS382H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS399Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

For senior undergraduate students who have developed some knowledge of a discipline and its research methods, this course offers an opportunity to work on the research project of a professor. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, develop their research skills and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Project descriptions for the following fall-winter session are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: Completion of a minimum of 8.0 to 10.0 credits. (Amended)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS401H5 • Missionaries and Colonization in New France

The relationship between missionaries and colonization in New France was complicated and contested. This course will explore the links between missionary activities and colonial designs through late medieval and early modern European ideas of religion and expansion; early encounters between Indigenous peoples and Europeans; French attempts at settlement; cooperation and conflict between missionaries and the Crown; similarities and differences among different missionary groups; and Indigenous responses to missionary efforts.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5 and HIS230H5 or HIS261H5 or HIS262H5 or HIS263Y5.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS402H5 • Topics in the History of French Canada

An in-depth examination of historical issues in French Canadian history. Content in any given year depends on the instructor. Details of each year's offering will be on the Department web site.

Prerequisites: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and (HIS261H5 or HIS262H5 or HIS263Y5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS405H5 • Microhistory

Microhistory focuses on a small part of the past to address big questions. By encouraging us to examine evidence up close, it provides a powerful way to investigate the rich texture of earlier societies and think about connections with our own time. This course considers classic microhistorical studies as well as more recent works, balancing theories with examples of the approach.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5
Exclusions: HIS420H5 (Fall 2020)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS407H5 • Imperial Germany 1871-1918

This course will explore Germany's history beginning with its unification and trace the events that led to the First World War and the end of the Imperial era. We will examine the Imperial period through various different focal points including unification and the legacy of Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm II, the Sonderweg debate, gender, nationalism, German Jews and the birth of modern antisemitism, German's brief colonial era, the path to war and the revolution of 1918. By reading historical texts, articles, and novels, and by addressing numerous historiographical debates, we will attempt to understand Germany's foundational period in the context of this country's troubled history.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5
Recommended Preparation: A course in modern European history

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS409H5 • The Life Cycle in Medieval and Early Modern Europe

This course examines the daily lives of medieval and early modern Europeans as they moved through birth, infancy, childhood, adolescence, marriage, adulthood, old age and death. Special attention is given to the ways in which gender, social status and local custom shaped thoughts and experiences throughout the life cycle.

Prerequisites: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and 0.5 credit in medieval or early modern Europe.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS410H5 • Doing Digital History

How have Web 2.0 technologies changed the practice of history? Students learn by doing in this course: researching and writing for the digital medium; learning about the theory and practice of digital history; experimenting with new technologies; and creating a digital history project.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5
Recommended Preparation: HIS210H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS420H5 • Topics in Medieval History

Critical evaluation of selected legal, literary and narrative sources. Thematic content will vary from year to year, but there will be an emphasis on social history.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS431H5 • Global China

A critical examination of the making and remaking of China from the eighteenth century to the present. Emphasis will be given to historical literature on colonialism, nationalism, revolution, and global connections.

Prerequisites: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and HIS284H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS435H5 • The Viking Age

A seminar on the history of Europe from the eighth to the eleventh centuries with emphasis upon the Scandinavians and their relations with western European civilization. Readings will be in both primary and secondary sources.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS438H5 • Remembering Atrocity: The Holocaust and Historical Memory in Europe and North America

This course will examine how Europe and North America confronts the Holocaust through the law, literature, left wing agitation, film, memorials and museums, and political debates. Among the focal points: the Nuremberg and postwar West German trials of Nazis, the fascination with Anne Frank, anti-fascist terror in 1970s Germany, The Berlin Memorial and the US Holocaust Museum, and films such as The Pianist and Schindler's List.

Prerequisites: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and (HIS242H5 or HIS338H5 or HIS339H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS448H5 • Memory, History and South Asia's Contested Pasts

This course focuses on the relationship between memory and the "traditions" of historical writing and remembering in the sub continent from 1200 to the present. It also focuses on the role of politics in mediating the region's multiple, often contesting histories in our period of study.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5
Recommended Preparation: HIS382H5 or HIS386H5 or HIS394H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS453H5 • The Klondike Gold Rush

This course investigates the Klondike Gold Rush (Alaska-Yukon, 1896-1900) through the lenses of North American borderlands, environmental, and indigenous history. By viewing the gold rush in the context of growing national and imperial expansion, we will see it was an essential component of a much larger historical process centering on settlement, development, and dispossession.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5
Recommended Preparation: HIS262H5 or HIS263Y5 or HIS272H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS454H5 • Race, Gender and Nation in Modern Latin America

This seminar examines the interconnected histories of race, gender and nation in Latin America. It studies the significance of race/racism and gender/patriarchy in the construction of national societies in Latin America during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Subtopics include: slavery and Indian servitude; acculturation and eugenics; immigration and urbanization; machismo and marianismo; and current Indian and women's movements.

Prerequisites: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and HIS290H5
Exclusions: HIS441H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS462H5 • Indigenous North America

This reading and research-based course focuses on the history of Indigenous peoples in Canada and the United States, while also considering Mexico and the Caribbean. It explores a wide variety of methodologies and topics, examining Indigenous social structures, cultures, and economies alongside the influence of colonialism, capitalism, and nation states.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5
Recommended Preparation: HIS262H5 or HIS263Y5 or HIS271H5 or HIS272H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS463H5 • Memory and Memorialization in South African History

This course examines the histories of South Africa through the lens of memory and memorialization. Major themes include gender and sexuality, race and nationalisms, youth and resistance, violence and trauma, the intersections and disconnections between different forms of memory (historical, collective, social) and their relationship to historical methodology and practice.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5
Recommended Preparation: HIS295H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS464H5 • Decolonizing Africa

This research-intensive seminar looks at alternative histories of decolonization in Africa, including revolutionary nationalisms, secessionist movements, and pan-Africanism– as well as ongoing debates over boundaries, citizenship, and sovereignty in postcolonial Africa.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5
Exclusions: HIS493H5 (Winter 2020)
Recommended Preparation: HIS295H5 or HIS325H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS475H5 • The French Revolution

A topical survey of the French Revolution dealing with the uprising in France and its repercussions elsewhere by examining such subjects as its causes, its effect on nations, classes and gender, and its relation to nationalism, socialism and democracy.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5
Recommended Preparation: A course in European history

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS479H5 • Cold War America

An examination of significant political, economic, social and intellectual developments, including Cold War Foreign policies, economic and social reforms, McCarthyism, the Civil Rights movement, women's liberation, the "counter-culture,"and the Indochina Wars.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS480H5 • Partition and its Aftermath in South Asia

This course examines the everyday effects of the partition of 1947, and its aftermath, when British India gained independence and was also crafted into new nation states. Amongst other issues, it engages with sexual violence, nation-making, territoriality, rehabilitation, citizenship, and spatiality. More broadly it connects these issues to space, place and historical memory.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5 and HIS282H5.
Recommended Preparation: HIS382H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS483H5 • Colonialism in East Asia

This course examines the ideologies and practices of colonialisms, both internal and external, in modern East Asia.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5
Recommended Preparation: HIS284H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS484H5 • Religion and Public Culture in South Asian History

The course examines the role played by religion in shaping public culture and everyday practice in South Asian history. It studies key themes on the subject against a longue-duree perspective.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 and HIS282H5
Recommended Preparation: HIS382H5 or HIS386H5 or HIS394H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS489Y5 • History Honours Thesis

Working closely with a faculty member, students choose a topic, develop a research question, conduct original and independent research using both primary and secondary sources, and write a thesis of approximately 60 pages.

Prerequisites: Students must obtain a mark of 77% in each of 4.0 History credits and permission of the instructor.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS490H5 • Religion and Society in Latin America

An interdisciplinary seminar that examines religion and its historical role in shaping culture, society, and politics in Latin America. It considers both the formal institutional practice of religion as well as informal and popular religiosities. A framing theme of the course is the complex relationship between Church and State - and more broadly, between religion and politics - in the region.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5
Recommended Preparation: HIS290H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS493H5 • Advanced Topics in Global History

An in-depth examination of historical issues. Content in any given year depends on instructor. See Department of Historical Studies website at for details.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS494H5 • Advanced Topics in the History of the Americas

An in-depth examination of historical issues. Content in any given year depends on instructor. See Department of Historical Studies website at for details.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS495H5 • Advanced Topics in European History

An in-depth examination of historical issues. Content in any given year depends on instructor. See Department of Historical Studies website at for details.

Prerequisites: HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS497Y5 • Independent Reading

Student-initiated project of reading and research, supervised by a member of the Department. Primarily intended for students in Specialist or Major programs. After obtaining a supervisor, a student must apply to the Department of Historical Studies. A maximum of 1.0 credit in a reading course is permitted.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS498Y5 • Internship in History

Through a part-time, unpaid work placement, a limited number of advanced history students may enrol for field experience relating to expertise they have gained in the program. Placements are made at local libraries, historic sites and foundations, media outlets, public and private institutions. Five previous history courses and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 are required. For application to admission contact the Department of Historical Studies before June 1.

Prerequisites: (HIS101H5 or HIS102H5 or HIS103H5 or HIS104H5 or HIS105H5 or HIS106H5 or HIS107H5 or HIS108H5) and 5.0 additional HIS credits and a CGPA of 3.0.

Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS499H5 • Independent Reading

Student-initiated project of reading and research, supervised by a member of the Department. Primarily intended for students in History Specialist, Joint Specialist or Major programs. After obtaining a supervisor, a student must apply to the Department of Historical Studies. A maximum of 2 reading courses, amounting to 1.0 credit, is permitted.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

HIS499Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

For senior undergraduate students who have developed some knowledge of a discipline and its research methods, this course offers an opportunity to work on the research project of a professor. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, develop their research skills and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Project descriptions for the following fall-winter session are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: Completion of a minimum of 8.0 to 10.0 credits. (Amended)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ISP200H5 • Writing and Researching across the University

This course builds on instruction offered in ISP100H5 in its focus on writing and researching processes. Students will expand their understanding of advanced theories and techniques of genre and discourse analysis, deepen their understanding of writing studies scholarship, and refine their own writing processes.

Prerequisites: 4.0 credits, including ISP100H5

Distribution Requirement: Social Science, Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ISP251H5 • Special Topics in University Pedagogy

This course covers a special topic in University Pedagogy. Content relates to instructor's area of interest, thus the course varies in focus from year to year. This course may satisfy either the Humanities, Sciences, or Social Sciences distribution requirement, depending on the topic offered. The contact hours for this course may vary in terms of contact type (L,S,T,P) from year to year, but will be between 24-36 contact hours in total. See the UTM Timetable.

Prerequisites: ISP100H5

Distribution Requirement: Social Science, Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ISP351H5 • Special Topics in University Pedagogy

This course covers a special topic in University Pedagogy. Content relates to instructor's area of interest, thus the course varies in focus from year to year. This course may satisfy either the Humanities, Sciences, or Social Sciences distribution requirement, depending on the topic offered. The contact hours for this course may vary in terms of contact type (L,S,T,P) from year to year, but will be between 24-36 contact hours in total. See the UTM Timetable.

Prerequisites: ISP100H5

Distribution Requirement: Social Science, Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ISP451H5 • Special Topics in University Pedagogy

This course covers a special topic in University Pedagogy. Content relates to instructor's area of interest, thus the course varies in focus from year to year. This course may satisfy either the Humanities, Sciences, or Social Sciences distribution requirement, depending on the topic offered. The contact hours for this course may vary in terms of contact type (L,S,T,P) from year to year, but will be between 24-36 contact hours in total. See the UTM Timetable.

Prerequisites: ISP100H5

Distribution Requirement: Social Science, Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA100Y5 • Beginner Italian

An introduction to the language for those with no prior knowledge of Italian. Students learn and practice basic rules of grammar and theme-based vocabulary, and they engage with various aspects of Italian culture.

Exclusions: ITA101Y1 or Grade 12 Italian or higher.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 48L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA102H5 • Italian for Musicians

(Offered in Sulmona, Italy; Faculty of Music’s Centre for Opera Studies in Italy program) An introduction to the Italian language for students whose primary area of study is Music. Beginner language proficiency (grammar practice, oral communication, pronunciation, cultural fluency, etc.) are acquired through close readings of select librettos, depending on the pieces pre-selected for performance. In this course, students have the option of participating in co- and extra-curricular learning experiences. When those are offered, additional costs and application processes may apply.

Exclusions: Prior knowledge of Italian.

International Component: International - Required
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 12L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA200Y5 • Beginner - Intermediate Italian

A beginner to intermediate-level language course. The course provides a thorough review of grammatical structures designed to improve the students’ self-expressiveness in Italian. Selections from contemporary authors and passages dealing with present-day issues are also introduced as a basis for discussion in Italian.

Prerequisites: ITA00Y5 or Grade 12 Italian
Exclusions: ITA201Y5.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 48L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA201Y5 • Beginner - Intermediate Italian (Offered in Florence, Italy)

(Offered in Florence) A beginner to intermediate-level language course. The course provides a thorough review of grammatical structures designed to improve the students’ self-expressiveness in Italian. Selections from contemporary authors and passages dealing with present-day issues are also introduced as a basis for discussion in Italian. In this course students will be participating in an international learning experience that will have an additional cost and application process. Students have the option of participating in co- and extra-curricular learning experiences. When those are offered, additional costs and application processes may apply.

Prerequisites: ITA100Y5 or permission of the department.
Exclusions: ITA200Y5 or ITA251Y1 or higher.

International Component: International - Required
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 48L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA218H5 • Writings on Love and Sex (Medieval to Early Italian Renaissance)

(Offered in English) An exploration of literary representations of love and sex in Medieval and Renaissance Italy. Writers studied include Dante Alighieri, Francesco Petrarca, Giovanni Boccaccio. Texts will be available in Italian and English.

Prerequisites: Open to all students. If enrolled in an Italian Minor, Major or Specialist program, ITA100Y5 or permission of the department.
Exclusions: ITA219Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA221H5 • Italian Authors (20th Century Italy)

(Offered in English) An introduction to 20th-century Italian literature. Writers studied include Italo Calvino, Dacia Maraini, Elsa Morante, and Alberto Moravia. Texts will be available in Italian and English.

Prerequisites: Open to all students. If enrolled in an Italian Minor, Major or Specialist program: ITA100Y5 or permission of department
Exclusions: ITA221Y5 or ITA220Y5.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA222H5 • Italian Authors (Late 20th to 21st Century Italy)

(Taught bilingually: English and Italian) A study of late 20th- to 21st-century Italian literature. Writers studied include Niccolò Ammaniti, Andrea Camilleri, Elena Ferrante, and Margaret Mazzantini.

Prerequisites: ITA100Y5 or permission of department.
Exclusions: ITA220Y5 and ITA221Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA227H5 • Teaching and Learning a Second/Foreign Language

(Offered in English) This course provides an introduction to second language pedagogy with a particular focus on Italian. Students will learn key concepts in pedagogy and compare the teaching and learning processes and experiences of first and second language learners as well as the roles of classroom teachers and learners via the creation of linguistic portraits and pedagogical materials.

Exclusions: FRE225Y5 or FRE227H5 or LTL227H5
Recommended Preparation: ITA100Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA231H5 • Italian Authors (Medieval to Renaissance Italy)

(Offered in English) A survey of foundational authors, such as Dante, Petrarca, Boccaccio, Machiavelli, Tasso, Ariosto, Guicciardini, and their works, from the Medieval Period to the Renaissance. Texts will be available in Italian and English.

Prerequisites: ITA100Y5 or permission of department.
Exclusions: ITA229Y5 or ITA230Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA232H5 • Italian Authors (Baroque to Present Italy)

(Offered in English) A survey of foundation authors, such as Manzoni, Marino, Goldoni, Alfieri, Eco, Ginzburg, Levi, Ferrante, and their works, from the Baroque to present times. Texts will be available in Italian and English.

Prerequisites: ITA100Y5 or permission of department
Exclusions: ITA229Y5 or ITA230Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA233H5 • Italian Culture through Fashion

(Offered in English) An exploration of Italian fashion throughout the centuries, its presence in Italian literature (e.g. Dante, Castiglione, Leopardi), politics (e.g. Medici dynasty, fascism), movies (e.g. Roman Holiday, La dolce vita), television, and the influence of the “Made in Italy” brand globally. In this course, students have the option of participating in co- and extra-curricular learning experiences. When those are offered, additional costs and application processes may apply.

Prerequisites: Open to all students.

International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA235H5 • Italian Culture through Food

(Offered in English) History through an examination of influential work in Italian literature (e.g. Artusi, Guerrini), art (e.g. Bellini, Caravaggio), and cinema (movements such as Neorealism, Comedy, Italian-Style). The course explores the relationship between the representation of food and questions of identity and diaspora and ponders a redefinition of authenticity. Students explore their own culinary patterns to discover links between history, food, culture, and identity. Students have the option of participating in local and international field trips (to restaurants, factories, farms). When travel experiences are offered, additional costs and application processes apply.

Enrolment Limits: Open to all students.
International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: Online

ITA237H5 • Italy, from 1815 to 1960

(Offered in English) This course addresses key aspects of contemporary Italy by exploring the foundational events that shaped it, such as Unification, World War I, World War II, and the Economic Boom of the 1950s-60s. Investigative sources include short stories, novels, sociological and historical documents, and popular articles. In this course, students have the option of participating in co- and extra-curricular learning experiences. When those are offered, additional costs and application processes may apply. Texts will be available in Italian and English.

Prerequisites: Open to all students. If enrolled in an Italian Minor, Major or Specialist program: ITA100Y5 or permission of department.
Exclusions: ITA234Y5 or ITA235Y5 or ITA236H5

International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA238H5 • Italian Civilization (1960 to Present)

(Offered in English and Italian) An overview of key events in Italian civilization, from 1960 to present times, through a selection of various written materials and media. Topics include economy, the arts, media, and others. In this course, students have the option of participating in co- and extra-curricular learning experiences. When those are offered, additional costs and application processes may apply.

Prerequisites: None; ITA100Y5 or ITA101Y5 required for students enrolled in an ITA Major or Specialist program only, as some written work will be submitted in Italian.
Exclusions: ITA234Y5 or ITA235Y5 or ITA239H5

International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA242H5 • Italian Award-Winners, Box-Office Hits

(Offered in English) A study of the most critically acclaimed and/or financially successful Italian films. Students also consider the differences and similarities in audience reception, depending on where (in Italy or abroad) films are released. Films analyzed include Bicycle Thieves, The Great Beauty, Life Is Beautiful, The Postman. In this course, students have the option of participating in co- and extra-curricular learning experiences. When those are offered, additional costs and application processes may apply.

Prerequisites: None; ITA100Y5 or ITA101Y5 required for students enrolled in an ITA Major or Specialist program only, as some written work will be submitted in Italian.
Exclusions: ITA241H5 or ITA242Y5 or ITA243Y5 or ITA240Y1 or ITA340H1 or ITA341H1 or ITA342H1 or ITA345H1 or ITA347H1 or ITA441H1

International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: Online

ITA247H5 • Contemporary Italian Cinema

(Offered in English) A study of Italian cinema and key themes that have emerged from the silver screen since the 1980s (e.g. family matters, celebrity culture, the crisis of cinema and the cinema of the crisis, identity and immigration, religion, crime, politics). Films analyzed include Il divo, Habemus Papam, Mediterranea, Nuovo cinema paradiso, Reality, The Son’s Room, Suburra, Videocracy.

Prerequisites: Open to all students, however, if enrolled in an Italian Minor, Major or Specialist program, ITA100Y5 is required.
Exclusions: ITA248H5 or ITA246Y5 or ITA247Y5 or ITA240Y1 or ITA340H1 or ITA341H1 or ITA342H1 or ITA345H1 or ITA347H1 or ITA441H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA255H5 • Italian-Canadian Studies: Historical and Socio-Linguistic Perspectives

(Offered in English) A portrait of Italian immigration through Diaspora Studies, history, and sociolinguistics. Students will also explore the journeys of their own communities. Texts will be available in Italian and English.

Prerequisites: Open to all students. If enrolled in an Italian Minor, Major or Specialist program: ITA100Y5 or permission of department.
Exclusions: ITA233H1 or ITA255Y5 or ITA445H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA256H5 • Italian-Canadian Studies: Literature, Theatre, Cinema

(Offered in English) A portrait of Italian immigration through artistic expression in the works of, for example, De Cicco, De Michele, Patriarca, Ricci, and others, to highlight the voices that helped to establish/shape Italian-Canadian Studies. Students will have the opportunity to interact with writers, directors, and artists from the Italian-Canadian community.

Prerequisites: Open to all students. If enrolled in an Italian Minor, Major or Specialist program: ITA100Y5.
Exclusions: ITA255Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA272H5 • Italian Linguistics

(Offered in English) An introduction to Italian Linguistics through a study of modern Italian phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Comparisons are also made between current trends in Italian linguistics and other languages with which students are familiar. Texts will be available in Italian and English.

Prerequisites: Open to all students. If enrolled in an Italian Minor, Major or Specialist program: ITA100Y5.
Corequisites: Corequisite only for students enrolled in an Italian Major or Specialist program: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5.
Exclusions: ITA360H1 or ITA363H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA299Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

An opportunity to conduct in-depth original research with a supervising professor. Students learn research methods and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Students are invited to visit Research Opportunity Program for a list of participating faculty projects and for application details.

Prerequisites: ITA100Y5

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA307H5 • Italian Novels on the Big Screen

(Offered in English) A study of various onscreen adaptations of modern Italian novels, short stories, and plays. Authors and film directors studied include Giorgio Bassani, Bernardo Bertolucci, Eduardo De Filippo, Vittorio De Sica, Alberto Moravia, Ettore Scola, Giovanni Verga, Luchino Visconti.

Prerequisites: None; ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5 required for students enrolled in an ITA Major or Specialist program only, as some of their written work will be submitted in Italian.
Exclusions: ITA306H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA309H5 • Mafia Movies

(Offered in English) A study of organized crime and crime bosses and their representation onscreen, in American gangster films and in Italian movies about the mafia. Films analyzed include Donnie Brasco, The Godfather Trilogy, Gomorrah, Goodfellas, The Mafia Only Kills in Summer, Placido Rizzotto.

Prerequisites: None; ITA100Y5 or ITA101Y5 will be required for students enrolled in an ITA Major or Specialist program only, as some of their written work will be submitted in Italian.
Exclusions: ITA310H5
Recommended Preparation: Minimum 0.5 credits in any ITA cinema course.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: Online

ITA311H5 • Italian Cinema: Comedies and Comedians

(Offered in English) This course examines an integral part of Italian cinema - Commedia all'italiana (Comedy, Italian Style) of the 1950s, and the ways in which it continues to influence film comedies today. As the subgenre is deeply rooted in the external contexts that surround a film’s release, discussions will attempt to answer whether laughter can indeed be the best medicine. Films analyzed include Divorce Italian-Style, The Easy Life, Life Is Beautiful, Marriage Italian-Style, Quo vado?.

Prerequisites: Open to all students. If enrolled in an Italian Minor, Major or Specialist program: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5 or permission of department.
Exclusions: ITA312H5
Recommended Preparation: Minimum 0.5 credits in any ITA cinema course.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA313H5 • Italian Cinema: The Effect of Spaghetti Westerns on the Films of Quentin Tarantino

(Offered in English) This course explores the influence that Spaghetti Westerns and, in particular, the works of Sergio Leone had on the Italian-American auteur, Quentin Tarantino. Works, from both Leone and Tarantino, are analyzed through a variety of lenses (cinematographic, cultural, theoretical). Films include A Fistful of Dollars, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The Hateful Eight, Kill Bill, Once Upon a Time in America, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Pulp Fiction. 

Prerequisites: Open to all students. If enrolled in an Italian Minor, Major or Specialist program: ITA200Y5 or permission of department. 
Exclusions: ITA240Y1 or ITA340H1 or ITA341H1 or ITA342H1 or ITA345H1 or ITA347H1 or ITA441H1.
Recommended Preparation: Minimum 0.5 credits in any ITA cinema course.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA315Y5 • Italian Theatre (19th to 21st Century)

(Offered in English, performances in Italian) A study of 19th- to 21st-century Italian plays and playwrights, culminating in the staging of a play from one of those eras. Students may take on acting and/or stage production roles.

Prerequisites: Open to all students. If enrolled in an Italian Minor, Major or Specialist program: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5 or permission of

Exclusions: ITA314Y5

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/48T/48P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA339Y5 • Exploring Italian Culture

(Offered in English) A study of key aspects of Italy’s past and present, contextualized within historical, political, and artistic frameworks. Topics of study include World Wars, Economic Booms and Crises, Organized Crime, and Gastronomy. In this course, students have the option of participating in co- and extra-curricular learning experiences. When those are offered, additional costs and application processes may apply. Please note that when this course is offered in Siena (Woodsworth - Study Abroad), the international learning experience will have an additional cost and application process.

Prerequisites: Open to all students.
Exclusions: ITA245Y1 and (ITA247H1 or ITA248Y1) and ITA358Y0 and ITA359Y0

International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA342H5 • Italian Cinema: Neorealism

(Offered in English) A study of the Golden Age of Italian cinema, Neorealism, and its relation to the political and social climate of post-war Italy. Consideration is also given to how these films were received in the 1940s versus how they are screened and felt by today’s viewer. Films analyzed include Bicycle Thieves, The Children Are Watching Us, Rome Open City, Shoeshine.

Prerequisites: Open to all students. If enrolled in an Italian Minor, Major or Specialist program: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5 or permission of department.
Exclusions: ITA342Y5 or ITA343Y5 or ITA341H5.
Recommended Preparation: Minimum 0.5 credit in any ITA cinema course.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA343H5 • Italian Cinema: The Neorealist Effect

(Offered in English) An examination of the evolution and influence of Italian neorealism on films released in the 1950s and 1960s. Films analyzed include Miracle in Milan, La Strada, Two Women, Umberto D.

Prerequisites: Open to all students. If enrolled in an Italian Minor, Major or Specialist program: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5 or permission of department.
Exclusions: ITA342Y5 or ITA343Y5 or ITA344H5
Recommended Preparation: ITA342H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA350H5 • Intermediate - Advanced Italian

(Offered in Italian) An intermediate to advanced-level language course. Students enrich their proficiency in Italian through practical experiences (e.g., interviewing guest speakers, writing articles for online media outlets).

Prerequisites: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA351H5 • Creative Writing in Italian Studies

(Offered in Italian) A course designed to familiarize students with Italian literary traditions through practical applications which encourage them to explore creative reading, writing, and editing processes, and, ultimately, help students to discover and hone their talents. Students investigate different forms of creative writing by, engaging in studio seminars and workshops with invited guest speakers, such as locally- and internationally-based award-winning authors.

Prerequisites: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5 or permission of the department.
Exclusions: ITA354Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA352H5 • Italian Media and Social Media Production

(Offered in Italian) An intermediate-advanced-level language course designed to enhance students’ Italian skills through media production (subtitles, dubbing, etc.), digital analyses of primary texts, and comparisons between human-generated and computer-generated translations. Students collaborate with industry leaders in film, publishing and editing, and reference collection.

Prerequisites: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5 or permission of department.
Exclusions: ITA371Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA370H5 • Machiavelli’s The Prince

(Offered in English) An in-depth analysis of Machiavelli’s The Prince, from historical, social, and political perspectives.

Prerequisites: Open to all students. If enrolled in an Italian Minor, Major or Specialist program: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5 or permission of department.
Exclusions: ITA370Y5 and ITA400H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA371H5 • Writings on Politics, Power, and Success (Italian Renaissance)

(Offered in Italian) An in-depth analysis of Renaissance writings on politics, power, and success. Writers studied include Pietro Aretino, Michelangelo Buonarroti, Baldassare Castiglione, Lorenzo de’ Medici.

Prerequisites: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5 or permission of the department.
Exclusions: ITA370Y5 and ITA370H1 and ITA400H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA373H5 • Italian Sociolinguistics

(Offered in Italian) A study of Italian dialects, regional variants, and the effect that immigration and emigration have had on the language as we read, hear, and speak it today.

Prerequisites: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5 or permission of the department.
Exclusions: ITA363H5 or ITA360H1
Recommended Preparation: LIN101H5 or LIN102H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA374H5 • Language Teaching Methodology I

(Offered in Italian) A theoretical-practical approach to language teaching and learning. Based on relevant scholarship, students evaluate existing materials and create their own original exercises which they have the opportunity to implement in another Italian language course.

Corequisites: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5 or permission of the department.
Exclusions: ITA375Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA375H5 • Language Teaching Methodology II

(Offered in Italian) A theoretical-practical approach to language teaching and learning. Based on relevant scholarship, students evaluate existing materials and create their own original exercises which they have the opportunity to implement in another Italian language course.

Prerequisites: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5 or permission of department.
Exclusions: ITA375Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA388H5 • Education Internship in Italian Studies

(Taught bilingually: English and Italian) An internship opportunity (minimum 100-hours) for students interested in gaining experience in a branch of Education such as teaching, curriculum, administration, etc. Placements, determined in consultation with the student, may include elementary, secondary, or college/university classes, units, and departments. To request an internship placement, write to the program coordinator of Italian prior to course enrolment.

Prerequisites: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5 or permission of department.
Exclusions: CTE388H5 or CTE388Y5 or EDS388H5

Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA390H5 • Writings on Self, Gender, Society (19th Century Italy)

(Offered in Italian) An examination of the notions of self, gender and society amidst the emergence of new social consciences and technologies in the 19th century. Writers studied include Giacomo Leopardi, Alessandro Manzoni, Giovanni Verga, and the works of the first Italian woman recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Grazia Deledda.

Prerequisites: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5
Exclusions: ITA395H5 or ITA397Y5 or ITA398Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA391H5 • Writings on Anxiety and Identity in Italian Literature

(Offered in English) An analysis of the masterpieces of Italian fiction (in English translation), examined against the backdrop of modern-day Italy and centred on issues of national and individual identity. Writers studied include Sibilla Aleramo, Alberto Moravia, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Cesare Pavese, Umberto Saba, Italo Svevo, and Elio Vittorini. Texts will be available in Italian and English.

Prerequisites: Open to all students. If enrolled in an Italian Minor, Major or Specialist program: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5 or permission of department.
Exclusions: ITA390Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA392H5 • Queer Italy: Literature and Cinema

(Offered in English) An exploration of expressions of gender diversity in Italian culture through time. Particular attention will be paid to issues of persecution, social struggle and activism, censorship, and marginalization of LGBTQ+ individuals and works. Texts will be available in Italian and English.

Prerequisites: Open to all students. If enrolled in an Italian Minor, Major or Specialist program: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5 or permission of department.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA395H5 • Topics in Italian Studies

(Offered in English) Students will develop a deeper and more nuanced understanding of key theories and practices as they relate to the central topics investigated in the course. The course may have a historic, literary, cinematic, cultural, or other focus. Students should contact the Department for the topic when course is offered. Texts will be available in Italian and English.

Prerequisites: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5 or permission from the department.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA399Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

An opportunity to conduct in-depth original research, with a supervising professor. Students learn research methods and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Students are invited to visit Research Opportunity Program for a list of participating faculty projects and for application details.

Prerequisites: ITA200Y5 or ITA201Y5

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA400Y5 • Internship in Italian Studies (Private or Public Sector)

An internship opportunity for students interested in gaining work-place experience, in private or public sectors. Placements, determined in consultation with the student, may include corporations, local media, non-profit community organizations. To request an internship placement, write to the undergraduate coordinator of Italian prior to course enrolment.

Prerequisites: (1.0 credit from ITA350H5 or ITA351H5 or ITA352H5) or permission from the undergraduate coordinator of Italian.

Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA415Y5 • Italian Theatre (15th to 18th Century Italy)

(Offered in English, performances in Italian) A study of 15th- to 18th-century Italian plays and playwrights, culminating in the staging of a play from one of those eras. Students may take on acting and/or stage-production roles.

Prerequisites: Open to all students. If enrolled in an Italian Minor, Major or Specialist program: ITA350H5 or ITA351H5 or ITA352H5 or permission of department.
Exclusions: ITA413Y5 or ITA412Y5.

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/48T/48P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA420H5 • Dante's Inferno

(Offered in English). An in-depth study of the Inferno, in Dante’s Divine Comedy. Texts will be available in Italian and English.

Prerequisites: ITA350H5 or ITA351H5 or ITA352H5
Exclusions: ITA420Y5 and ITA320H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA421H5 • Dante’s Purgatory and Paradise

(Offered in English) An in-depth study of Purgatory and Paradise, in Dante’s Divine Comedy. Texts will be available in Italian and English.

Prerequisites: ITA350H5 or ITA351H5 or ITA352H5
Exclusions: ITA321H1 and ITA420Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA436Y5 • The 18th Century in Italy

An investigation of the intellectual trends and literary forms in Italy from the pre-enlightenment to Romanticism. Readings from the works of Vico, Muratori, Gravina, Metastasio, Rolli, Parini, Verri, Beccaria, Goldoni, Alfieri and others.

Prerequisites: ITA200Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 48L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA437H5 • History of the Italian Language (Medieval Period to the 1700s)

(Offered in Italian) A study of the foundations of the Italian language. Topics/key figures in focus include the transition from Latin to Italian, Dante Alighieri, the “Questione della lingua,” during the Renaissance. Students will explore those and other topics through pertinent readings and linguistic analyses of representative texts.

Prerequisites: ITA350H5 or ITA351H5 or ITA352H5
Exclusions: ITA437Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA438H5 • History of the Italian Language (19th Century to Present)

(Offered in Italian) A study of the Italian language, from the 19th century to the present, with a focus on contemporary varieties as spoken and written within and outside of national borders. Changes in the language will be analyzed through syntactic, lexical, and morphological perspectives as well as by looking at factors which affect those adjustments (contact with other languages, media, etc.).

Prerequisites: ITA350H5 or ITA351H5 or ITA352H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA450H5 • Advanced Italian

(Offered in Italian) An advanced-level language course. Emphasis is given to enhancing oral proficiency, including pronunciation, and acquiring and practicing nuances and subtleties of the language.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit from ITA350H5 or ITA351H5 or ITA352H5
Exclusions: ITA450H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA491H5 • Senior Project

A directed-research project, facilitated by a supervising faculty member in the Italian Studies program. Research may be in cinema, culture, linguistics, literature, or theatre.

Prerequisites: (1.0 credit from ITA350H5 or ITA351H5 or ITA352H5) or permission from the program coordinator of Italian.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA491Y5 • Independent Studies in Italian

A project supervised by an Italian Studies faculty member on a topic in Italian language, literature or linguistics.

Prerequisites: ITA350H5 (or equivalent) and written permission of the program coordinator of Italian.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA492H5 • Senior Project

A directed-research project, facilitated by a supervising faculty member in the Italian Studies program. Research may be in cinema, culture, linguistics, literature, or theatre.

Prerequisites: (1.0 credit from ITA350H5 or ITA351H5 or ITA352H5) or permission from the program coordinator of Italian.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA493H5 • Senior Project: Teaching and Learning Language

A close, practical study in which students observe, actively participate in, and reflect on the teaching and learning processes in an Italian language course, under the supervision of a member of the Italian Studies program. Students develop and implement strategies for the successful delivery of lesson plans and grammatical and communicative activities.

Prerequisites: (1.0 credit from ITA350H5 or ITA351H5 or ITA352H5) or permission from the program coordinator of Italian.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA494H5 • Senior Project: Teaching and Learning Cinema, Literature, or Theatre

A close, practical study in which students observe, actively participate in, and reflect on the teaching and learning processes in an Italian cinema, literature, or theatre course, under the supervision of a member of the Italian Studies program. Students develop and implement strategies for the successful delivery of lesson plans and discussion-based activities.

Prerequisites: (1.0 credit from ITA350H5 or ITA351H5 or ITA352H5) or permission from the program coordinator of Italian.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA498H5 • Senior Project (Florence Program)

(Offered in Italian) A directed-research project for students registered in the UTM Florence Program. Projects are facilitated by a supervising faculty member in the Italian Studies program.

Prerequisites: (1.0 credit from ITA350H5 or ITA351H5 or ITA352H5) or permission from the program coordinator of Italian.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

ITA499H5 • Research Opportunity Program

An opportunity to conduct in-depth original research, with a supervising professor. Students learn research methods and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Students are invited to visit Research Opportunity Program for a list of participating faculty projects and for application details.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit from ITA350H5 or ITA351H5 or ITA352H5 or ITA450H5

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

JBH471H5 • Worlds Colliding: The History and Ecology of Exploration, Contact, and Exchange

An examination of contact in world history through both an ecological and a historical lens. Precise topics will depend on the year, but the focus will be on the creation of global systems and ecological challenges that continue to shape our world. In some years, students may have the option of participating in an international learning experience during Reading Week that will have an additional cost and application process. Students interested in this course will need to be approved for enrollment by the department and course instructors.

Prerequisites: 2.0 HIS credits or 1.0 BIO credit at the 300 level and permission of instructor.
Exclusions: UTM290H5 Winter 2018 or Winter 2019

International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities, Science
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

JFL369H5 • Romance Linguistics

Have you ever wondered how a single "mother" language can give rise to many different "daughter" languages? How do closely related languages come to be so different? What unique mix of historical events, social relationships, and language acquisition processes produces each variety? This course takes the Romance language family as a case study in language change within a well-documented language family, examining the major linguistic changes that occurred within the last 2500 years from every-day spoken Latin to the Modern Romance languages. We also consider micro-variations among both well-known and understudied Romance varieties with the aim of finding explanations involving both internal and external forces of change. No prior knowledge of Latin or a Romance language is necessary. For students in either a French Specialist or Major Programs wishing to count this course toward program requirements, must complete written work in French.

Prerequisites: (LIN229H5 or FRE376H5 or FRE377H5) and (LIN232H5 or FRE378H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

JFL388H5 • Bilingualism and Multiple Language Acquisition

This course examines simultaneous and successive second (and multiple) language acquisition. We will look at topics such as the bilingual brain, the nature of the input, age constraints on language acquisition, language separation and cross-linguistic influences, the status of the heritage language, schooling in a second language (for example French immersion programs), and various methods used in the study of bilingualism in individuals. Bilingual/multilingual corpora will be examined. The language of instruction will be English. Students will have the option to write assignments in either English or French. Written work to be completed in French for credit towards a Specialist (French) or Major (French).

Prerequisites: [(LIN102H5 or FRE227H5 or FRE225Y5 or FRE272H5 or FRE272Y5) and 0.5 credit from LIN288H5 or LIN231H5 or LIN232H5 or LIN233H5] or 0.5 credit of FRE linguistic at the 300-level.
Exclusions: LIN358H5 or LIN388H5 or FRE388H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

JFL389H5 • Second Language Assessment

This course provides an introduction to the principles and frameworks of second language assessment as well as to the practices of standardized testing and classroom assessment. We begin by discussing models of linguistic competence and frameworks for second language assessment as well as test design including language benchmarking. In the second part of the course, the focus turns to best practices in the assessment of vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, production, and socio-pragmatic competence.

Prerequisites: FRE272H5 and (FRE282H5 or FRE283H5)] or [LIN101H5 and (LIN102H5 or LIN205H5)]

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

JFL454H5 • Teaching and Learning Varieties of Canadian French

(Offered in English) This course offers students the opportunity to become familiar with the primary research methods used in sociolinguistic studies, with how sociolinguistics helps to understand the properties of Canadian French, and with the pedagogical implications arising from sociolinguistic research on Canadian French. This course will contain a research-based component. Written work to be completed in French for credit towards a Specialist (French) or Major (French).

Prerequisites: [(1.0 credit of FRE Linguistics at the 300-level or LIN256H5) and 0.5 credit of LIN at the 300-level and reading ability in French] or permission of instructor.
Exclusions: FRE454H5 or FRE474H5 or LIN454H5 or LIN474H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LAT101H5 • Introductory Latin I

An introduction to Latin for students who have no knowledge of the language. This course also serves as a preparation for Intermediate Language courses.

Exclusions: LAT211H5 or LAT100Y5 or LAT101H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LAT102H5 • Introductory Latin II

A continuation of the introduction to Latin for students who have some training in the language, but have not completed a whole credit course at university or a final-year (Grade 12) course in secondary school. This course also serves as a preparation for Intermediate Language courses.

Prerequisites: LAT101H5 or LAT211H5 or LAT101H1
Exclusions: LAT100Y5 or LAT212H5 or LAT102H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LAT213H5 • Introductory Latin III

The final course of the introduction to Latin for students who have some training in the language. This course also serves as a preparation for Intermediate Latin courses.

Prerequisites: LAT102H5 or LAT212H5 or LAT102H1
Exclusions: LAT200Y5 or LAT201H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LAT221H5 • Intermediate Latin

Reading of selections of Latin prose and verse with a systematic study of the Latin Language.

Prerequisites: LAT213H5 or LAT201H1 or Grade 12 Latin (with permission of instructor)
Exclusions: LAT202H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN101H5 • Introduction to General Linguistics: The Sounds of Language

Lectures on fundamental principles of phonetics, phonology, and morpho-phonology with illustrations from English and a broad spectrum of other languages. Practice in elementary analytic techniques and applications from acquisition, historical linguistics, psycholinguistics, and sociolinguistics. REQUIRED COURSE FOR ANY PROGRAM IN LINGUISTICS.

Prerequisites: This course has no prerequisites. It can be taken independently, before, or after LIN102H5.
Exclusions: LIN100Y5 or LIN100Y1 or LIN101H1 or LINA01H3 or LINA02H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN102H5 • Introduction to General Linguistics: Words, Sentences, their Structure and Meaning

Lectures on fundamental principles of morpho-syntax, syntax, and semantics with illustrations from English and a broad spectrum of other languages. Practice in elementary analytic techniques and applications from acquisition, historical linguistics, psycholinguistics, and sociolinguistics. REQUIRED COURSE FOR ANY PROGRAM IN LINGUISTICS.

Prerequisites: This course has no prerequisite. It can be taken independently, before, or after LIN101H5.
Exclusions: LIN100Y5 or LIN100Y1 or LIN102H1 or LINA01H3 or LINA02H3.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN204H5 • English Grammar I

Students will learn about fundamental grammatical concepts, focusing on the major grammatical categories in English and how they interact at the phrase level. They will be introduced to the main constituents of English sentences and learn about the basic relationship between tense, aspect, and modality. Students will learn to apply this knowledge as a tool to think analytically about English, evaluating various registers and styles, and gaining an awareness of their own style of speaking and writing. Depending on the instructor, this course may be delivered fully or partially online. This course counts towards only the English Language Linguistics Minor (ERMIN1200); it does NOT count towards the Linguistic Studies Minor (ERMIN0506) nor the Linguistic Studies Major (ERMAJ1850).

Exclusions: LIN204H1 or LINB18H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class, Hybrid, Online (Summer only)

LIN205H5 • English Grammar II

This course examines complex methods of sentence construction that will enable a critical analysis of English sentence structure, word and sentence meanings, and language function in communicative contexts. This course is particularly suitable for students who wish to improve their academic writing skills or who wish to teach English. This course counts towards only the English Language Linguistics Minor (ERMIN1200); it does NOT count towards the Linguistic Studies Minor (ERMIN0506) nor the Linguistic Studies Major (ERMAJ1850).

Prerequisites: LIN204H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN208H5 • English Sounds

A description of the phonetic and phonological systems of varieties of English, as well as discussion of topics including dialectal variation, socio-phonetics, historical developments, and/or prosody. This course counts towards only the English Language Linguistics Minor (ERMIN1200); it does NOT count towards the Linguistic Studies Minor (ERMIN0506) nor the Linguistic Studies Major (ERMAJ1850).

Prerequisites: LIN101H5
Exclusions: LIN228H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN228H5 • Phonetics

Investigation of the sounds most commonly used in languages from an articulatory and acoustic point of view, with practice in transcription and analysis.

Prerequisites: LIN101H5
Exclusions: LIN228H1 or LINB09H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN229H5 • Phonological Patterns in Language

This course explores the nature and organization of phonological systems (ie. the sound structure of languages) with practical work in analysis.

Prerequisites: LIN101H5 and LIN228H5
Exclusions: LIN229H1 or LINB04H3.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN231H5 • Morphological Patterns in Languages

This course explores the nature and organization of morphological systems (word formation rules, organization of paradigms, etc.) with practical work in analysis.

Prerequisites: LIN101H5 and LIN102H5
Exclusions: LIN231H1 or LINB10H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN232H5 • Syntactic Patterns in Language

This course is an introduction to generative syntax focusing on the Government and Binding framework. Problem sets will be used for practicing argumentation and analytical skills.

Prerequisites: LIN102H5
Exclusions: LIN232H1 or LINB06H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN233H5 • English Words through Space and Time

An analysis of English words, the history of their development and the variation in their use across the English-speaking world. Topics include the history and structure of words, the relation between sound and spelling, dialect variation and the development of dictionaries. This course does not count towards the Linguistic Studies minor or major program. Formerly LIN203H5.

Corequisites: LIN101H5
Exclusions: LGGB18H3 or LIN203H1 or LIN203H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN237H5 • Semantics

This course offers an introduction to Semantics, the subfield of linguistics that considers the different ways meaning is encoded in human language and the context within which language is used. The aim of the course is to introduce students to some of the basic concepts and central issues and scholars in the field. The course examines possible ways of describing and formalizing meaning at the level of the word, phrase, and sentence. The course naturally incorporates students’ understanding of syntax and morphology thereby fostering a more holistic understanding of linguistic analysis. It also provides the foundation for more specialised studies in Semantics and Pragmatics. Topics include: sense and reference, compositionality, lexical relations, entailment, presupposition, event types, thematic roles, deixis, implicature, predicate logic, and quantification.

Prerequisites: LIN102H5
Exclusions: LIN247H5 or LIN241H1 or LINC12H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN240H5 • Computer Programming for Linguists

We live in a world of language technology – who can imagine life without search engines, translation software and automated captioning? At the same time, more and more linguists use computational methods in their research. For example, this methodology can allow us to find all the ways the adverb actually is actually used, or to generate all monosyllabic six-character words for a psycholinguistic experiment. At the heart of this is computer programming: giving precise instructions for your computer to carry out – repeatedly and accurately. This course introduces the basic components of computer programming in Python for linguists.

Prerequisites: LIN101H5 or LIN102H5
Exclusions: CSC108H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 12L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN271Y5 • Introduction to Sanskrit

This course introduces students to the basic grammar of classical Sanskrit. Students will engage with its phonology (including pronunciation, sandhi, and metrics) and morphology (including word formation, nominal declension and verbal conjugation, and dissolving compounds). Students will apply their grammatical knowledge and analytic skills to the reading of basic Sanskrit texts. By the end of the course, students will be able to read simple, narrative Sanskrit. This course is cross-listed with SAN291Y5 and can be used to count toward the Major Program’s Language Requirement.

Exclusions: SAN291Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN299H5 • Research Opportunity Program

This course provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their second year to work in the research project of a professor in return for 299H course credit. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Participating faculty members post their project descriptions for the following summer and fall/winter sessions in early February and students are invited to apply in early March. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN299Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

This courses provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their second year to work in the research project of a professor in return for 299Y course credit. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Participating faculty members post their project descriptions for the following summer and fall/winter sessions in early February and students are invited to apply in early March. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN310H5 • Contrastive Linguistics

An introductory survey of the theory and practice of contrastive analysis. How are languages compared with respect to their phonological, morphological, syntactic and semantic structure? How are lexicons compared? Focusing on contrastive procedures, students will examine a number of case studies and will then apply this knowledge to produce their own analysis. Some consideration will be given to the usefulness of contrastive analysis to foreign language teaching.

Prerequisites: LIN101H5 and (LIN102H5 or LIN205H5) and 1.0 credit in LIN at the 200-level (excluding LIN204H5).

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN311H5 • Linguistics and Poetics

Developments in linguistic theory sprouted diverse approaches to linguistic analysis of literature, from early formalism and structuralism to cognitive linguistics and functional linguistics. Survey of major trends and issues in linguistic poetics includes essential readings, such as works of R. Jakobson, M.A.K. Halliday, R. Barthes, and practice in linguistic analysis of literary texts.

Prerequisites: LIN101H5 and LIN102H5 and (LIN228H5 or LIN229H5)
Exclusions: LIN211H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN318H5 • Talking Numbers: Interpretation and Presentation of Quantitative Linguistic Data

Do numbers and statistics make your vision go blurry? Do you avoid making eye contact with charts and tables? From measuring vowel formants to gradient grammaticality judgments to frequencies and patterns in natural language corpora, research in linguistics is becoming increasingly dependent on quantitative data and argumentation... but fear not! In this course, students with no prior background in statistics will learn the fundamentals of quantitative reasoning through hands-on experience with contemporary statistical tools and will be equipped with the basic numeracy skills necessary to critically evaluate quantitative arguments in a range of subfields of linguistics.

Prerequisites: [LIN256H5 or JLP285H5 (formerly LIN288H5)] and [LIN229H5 or LIN231H5 or LIN232H5 or LIN237H5].
Exclusions: LIN305H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN325H5 • Topics in the Phonetics and Phonology of English

This course examines current issues in phonetics and/or phonology specific to English. Depending on the instructor, the focus of the course may be oriented towards topics such as socio-phonetics; acquisition; dialectal variation; historical developments. This course counts towards only the English Language Linguistics Minor (ERMIN1200); it does NOT count towards the Linguistic Studies Minor (ERMIN0506) nor the Linguistic Studies Major (ERMAJ1850).

Prerequisites: LIN208H5 or LIN228H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN328H5 • Acoustic Phonetics

This course provides an overview of the fundamentals of acoustics, as well as the acoustic properties of vowels and consonants. Students will gain hands-on experience with primary acoustic data analysis through laboratory work, and will be exposed to classic and current research in the field. Additional topics that may be addressed include speech perception, second-language phonetics, and clinical applications.

Prerequisites: LIN228H5 and 0.5 credit from (JLP384H5 or LIN229H5 or LIN318H5 or PSY270H5 or PSY274H5).
Exclusions: LIN323H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 12L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN329H5 • Phonological Theory

Basic issues in current phonological theory. Problems focusing on analysis and theory. (Students who want to pursue graduate studies in linguistics are strongly advised to include this course in their program.)

Prerequisites: LIN229H5
Exclusions: LIN322H5 or LIN322H1 or LINC02H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN332H5 • Syntactic Theory

An introduction to the foundations and formal framework of current generative grammar, concentrating on Chomsky's Minimalist theory. (Students who want to pursue graduate studies in linguistics are strongly advised to include this course in their program.) Formerly LIN331H5

Prerequisites: LIN232H5
Exclusions: LIN331H5 or LIN331H1 or LINC11H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN337H5 • Lexical Semantics: What is (or is not) in a Word?

25,000 is a modest estimate of the number of verbs with distinct meanings in English, but there are more likely upwards of 75,000 verbs. The number of nouns is three to four times this number. But how do we know what they all mean and how to use them appropriately? What is the nature of this knowledge? The meaning of words has been central to the study of language since the Ancient Greek and Sanskrit grammarians and philosophers, and it remains central to contemporary approaches to natural language. In this course, students will investigate basic issues and concepts in the linguistic study of word meaning, with a special focus on the relation between the semantics of words and their syntactic behaviour. Depending on the instructor, topics discussed in the course may include componential analysis; Lexical Conceptual Semantics; Cognitive Semantics; lexicalization patterns and differences cross-linguistically; categorization; compositionality; child language acquisition; computational applications.

Prerequisites: LIN237H5 and LIN232H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN338H5 • Pragmatics

This course examines the sub-field of linguistics known as pragmatics, an area concerned not only with what is said but, more importantly, with what is meant. Depending on the instructor, topics in this course may include implicature, reference, presupposition, speech acts, information structure, inferential relations, and static versus dynamic approaches to meaning. The course objectives are to i) explore in depth the concepts necessary to understand the theory of pragmatics, ii) define key terms used by linguists carrying out research in this area, and iii) connect theoretical and methodological concepts to every-day experiences of language in use.

Prerequisites: LIN237H5 and (LIN256H5 or LIN232H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN340H5 • Computing with Natural Language

How is a search engine able to answer so many of your questions? Why does your phone know which word you're about to type next in your message? Such technologies rely on computational linguistics, the intersection of Linguistics and the Computing Sciences. In this course, students with a background in either discipline will be introduced to this field. The course has a practical focus: how to get computers to analyze and process natural language? Through lectures and scaffolded programming assignments, students will be introduced to the tools and resources of Computational Linguistics (and their limitations). We will look at techniques used by computational linguists to process large amounts of text to answer practical and theoretical research questions. Topics may include part of speech tagging, parsing, machine translation, sentiment analysis, visualization, and corpus linguistics. While no programming skills are required at the outset, students should expect to develop them through the practicums of the course.

Prerequisites: [LIN101H5 and LIN102H5 and LIN240H5] or [CSC108H5 and CSC148H5 and 0.5 credit in 200-level CSC course]
Exclusions: CSC401H1 or CSC485H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 12L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN341H5 • Linguistics and Computation

How can you get a computer to tell grammatical and ungrammatical sentences apart? How does it know whether 'cricket' refers to the game or the insect in a sentence like "The cricket jumped over the fence"? This course is designed to introduce students with either a background in Linguistics or in the Computing Sciences to the intersection of linguistics and computing, with a focus on the question of how computational algorithms and data structures can be used as a formal model of language. Topics may include finite-state automata for phonology and morphology, context-free grammars, semantic parsing, vector space semantics, computational cognitive modelling, and computational sociolinguistics. No programming skills are required to take the course.

Prerequisites: [(LIN101H5 and LIN102H5) and any 200-level LIN course] or [(CSC108H5 and CSC148H5) and any 200-level CSC course]
Exclusions: CSC485H1 or CSC401H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN352H5 • English Language Linguistics in the Public Sphere

This course prepares students to engage with English language linguistics in public settings. Students will critically analyze what role the English language has in society, and learn how linguists can help answer the public’s questions about the English language. Topics may include: what common misconceptions the general public has about language; the disconnect between what linguistics is and what the public wants to know about language, and how to bridge between this gap; dismantling English-supremacist attittudes and linguistic prejudices around the world; designing research to assess public attitudes about language.

Prerequisites: LIN204H5 and LIN205H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN353H5 • Discourse Analysis

This course introduces students to the nature and uses of discourse analysis, notably the types of data on which it draws and its descriptive and critical goals. Topics addressed include discourse structures, participants in discourse, links across texts, the role of medium, and the importance of intention and interpretation.

Prerequisites: LIN256H5 or JAL253H5 or ANT206H5 or LIN237H5
Exclusions: JAL353H5 or JAL353H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN357H5 • English Worldwide

The best estimate of linguists suggests that English is spoken (natively and non-natively) by around one billion people today. This makes it the most widely spoken language in the world. Within this language exists a high degree of global dialect diversity. In this course, we will examine the structure and history of Englishes around the world including British, North American, Antipodean, Caribbean, African, and Asian varieties. Students will also consider structural and sociolinguistic issues associated with English as a global language including creolization, post-creolization, the diffusion of innovation, language policy, and the linguistic effects of colonialism. 

Prerequisites: LIN101H5 and (LIN102H5 or LIN205H5) and (LIN256H5 or JAL253H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN360H5 • Historical Linguistics

The grammars of living languages are constantly changing, never so obviously than when we compare different stages of a language over a long period of time: words change form and are sometimes repurposed; new words enter and others are lost; morphology rises and falls; syntactic possibilities can change dramatically. How do such changes arise, and what does it mean for a language to change? The aim of this course is to introduce students to the field of diachronic linguistics: its relationship to general linguistics, its primary research methods, and its major achievements. Students will gain practical experience solving classic language change problems, performing their own analyses, and reading contemporary literature in the field.

Prerequisites: LIN229H5 and (one of LIN231H5 or LIN232H5 or LIN237H5)
Exclusions: LIN362H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN366H5 • Contact Languages: Pidgins, Creoles and Mixed Languages

This course examines languages recently created by means of contact between languages of different socio-economical status. Analysis of these new languages is of particular interest to linguistic theory since it offers insight on the construction of linguistic systems, language evolution and on how language is acquired in such a context. Emphasis is given to the description and analysis of French-based pidgins and Creoles spoken in the Caribbean and Indian Ocean region.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit from any of the following: LIN228H5 or LIN229H5 or LIN231H5 or LIN232H5 or LIN237H5 or (LIN256H5 or JAL253H5) or JLP285H5 (formerly LIN288H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN372H5 • The Great Debates: Critical Reading and Writing in Linguistics

Students develop critical reading and writing skills through the analysis of influential articles that broach broad and controversial topics in linguistics. One goal of the course is to develop skill in understanding how a text “works”, to form a reasoned evaluation of it, and to appreciate its place in a larger debate. Another goal is to develop skill in communicating complex ideas through a variety of means relevant to the academic community.

Prerequisites: LIN101H5 and LIN102H5 and 1.0 credit of LIN at the 200-level

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN374H5 • African Linguistics

This course explores the linguistic features and characteristics of African languages. Attention will be given to the phonetic, phonological, morphological, and syntactic components of the languages to be studied, with emphasis on examining under-represented and under-studied languages. No prior knowledge of an African language is necessary.

Prerequisites: LIN229H5 and (LIN231H5 or LIN232H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN375H5 • Chinese Linguistics

This course offers a linguistic introduction to the features and characteristics of the Chinese languages. Attention will be given to the phonological, morphological and syntactic patterns of the language family, set against the backdrop of its linguistic and sociolinguistic history. The course not only examines the characteristics of Mandarin but also various other varieties of Chinese. No prior knowledge of a Chinese language is necessary.

Prerequisites: LIN229H5 and LIN232H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN376H5 • Linguistic Phenomena in the World’s Languages

Have you ever wondered why some languages have no word for the? What happens when a language has no tense? Why some languages have tone and others don’t? And what on earth does eh? mean, eh? If so, this course is for you! In this course, we will consider linguistic phenomena that you might not find in your intro textbooks, but which are important typologically and commonly found across the world’s languages. And we will study them in-depth, in a scientifically informed way: building on your foundation in modern linguistics, you will be introduced to key concepts and theoretical tools that linguists use to analyze these phenomena. In short, the goal is to show you how your foundational theoretical toolbox can be extended to systematically understand a broader set of linguistic properties. Topics will vary from year to year but may include: nouns and classifiers, verbs and event structure, tonogenesis, speech acts and speech act-level phenomena. Year to year, instructors may focus on phenomena common to a particular region of the world.

Prerequisites: LIN229H5 and LIN232H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN380H5 • Theoretical Issues in Second Language Teaching and Learning

This course examines theoretical research on adult second language learning and the resultant implications for second language teaching. Topics include learning styles and strategies, age, affect, communicative competence, and sociolinguistics. Links are drawn to teaching practices, including error correction, materials selection, and order and method of presentation.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit of any of the following: LIN228H5 or LIN229H5 or LIN231H5 or LIN232H5 or LIN237H5 or (LIN256H5 or JAL253H5) or JLP285H5 (formerly LIN288H5).
Exclusions: LTL380H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN385H5 • The Acquisition of Grammar in Different Contexts

This course examines language acquisition by different populations: first language acquisition by normal, deaf and impaired children; first language re-acquisition by aphasic patients; second language acquisition by children and adults. The question that we will ask is the following: what are the similarities and differences across acquisition contexts? Comparative theoretical approaches will be examined in order to gain an insight into the following topics: evidence for innate linguistic endowment, the stages in the development of grammar, the role of input. An important component will be the analysis of both spontaneous corpora and experimental work.

Prerequisites: LIN101H5 and LIN102H5 and [0.5 credit from JLP285H5 (formerly LIN288H5) or LIN229H5 or LIN231H5 or LIN232H5 or LIN237H5 or LIN256H5 or 300-level PSY course].
Exclusions: LIN356H5
Recommended Preparation: JLP285H5 (formerly LIN288H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN387H5 • Theoretical Issues in Teaching and Learning Second Language Vocabulary

This course provides an overview of second language vocabulary acquisition research and the resultant implications for second language teaching. Topics include dimensions of vocabulary knowledge, incidental and intentional vocabulary learning, textbook analysis, learning strategies, and teacher beliefs about vocabulary teaching and learning. Implications are drawn for pedagogical practices, including best vocabulary teaching practices, materials selection, and measuring vocabulary knowledge.

Prerequisites: 1.0 credit from LIN228H5 or LIN229H5 or LIN231H5 or LIN232H5 or LIN237H5 or (LIN256H5 or JAL253H5) or JLP285H5 (formerly LIN288H5).
Exclusions: LTL387H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN399H5 • Research Opportunity Program

This course provides senior undergraduate students who have developed some knowledge of research methods used in the discipline of Linguistics to work in the research project of a U of T Mississauga professor for course credit. Enrolled students have the opportunity to become involved in original research, develop their research skills, and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Project descriptions for participating faculty members for the following summer and fall/winter sessions are posted on the ROP website in mid-February; students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: LIN101H5 and LIN102H5 and [1.0 credit from JAL253H5 or LIN228H5 or LIN229H5 or LIN231H5 or LIN232H5 or LIN237H5 or LIN256H5 or JLP285H5 (formerly LIN288H5)]

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN399Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

This course provides senior undergraduate students who have developed some knowledge of research methods used in the discipline of Linguistics to work in the research project of a U of T Mississauga professor for course credit. Enrolled students have the opportunity to become involved in original research, develop their research skills, and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Project descriptions for participating faculty members for the following summer and fall/winter sessions are posted on the ROP website in mid-February; students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: LIN101H5 and LIN102H5 and [1.0 credit from JAL253H5 or JLP285H5 (formerly LIN288H5) or LIN228H5 or LIN229H5 or LIN231H5 or LIN232H5 or LIN237H5 or LIN256H5]

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN411H5 • Introduction to Analysis and Argumentation in Linguistics

This course examines topics which have created controversy in linguistics, topics about which scholars have expressed opposing views through published articles. By reading and discussing these debates, students will galvanize their knowledge base in linguistics and develop skills in identifying the authors' assumptions, assessing their argumentation and recognizing how linguists build arguments to present an opposing view. The topics may range from big picture questions like the validity of Universal Grammar to more specific questions about a linguistic phenomenon. By the end of the course, students will have developed more acute reading skills, thereby also improving their academic writing skills. The title of the course might sound scary, but the course itself is not at all!

Prerequisites: LIN229H5 and LIN232H5 and 0.5 credit from [JLP285H5 (formerly LIN288H5) or JLP288H5 or LIN231H5 or LIN237H5 or LIN256H5 or LIN258H5] and 0.5 credit from [LIN310H5 or LIN327H5 or LIN328H5 or LIN329H5 or LIN332H5 or LIN337H5 or LIN338H5 or LIN360H5 or LIN366H5 or LIN369H5 or LIN374H5 or LIN375H5 or LIN376H5 or LIN419H5 or LIN476H5 or LIN479H5].
Exclusions: LIN481H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN418H5 • Research Methods in Linguistics

Introduction to the main methods, tools and techniques used in the analysis, interpretation and presentation of linguistic data. Topics may include research in the areas of general linguistics, language acquisition, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and dialectology. This course involves a practical component where students will apply skills learned in order to carry out their own study. Note that a background in statistics is NOT required for this course.

Prerequisites: [LIN256H5 or JLP285H5 (formerly LIN288H5)] and 0.5 credit in a 300-level LIN course
Recommended Preparation: LIN318H5 or LIN368H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN419H5 • Field Methods: A Language Unlocked

This course provides experience in language analysis based on elicited data from a native speaker of an understudied language. It emphasizes procedures and techniques and provides an opportunity for first-hand appreciation of linguistic unity and diversity.

Prerequisites: LIN229H5 and LIN232H5 and [0.5 credit from (JLP384H5 or LIN328H5 or LIN329H5 or LIN332H5 or LIN337H5 or LIN338H5 or LIN360H5 or LIN366H5 or LIN369H5 or LIN374H5 or LIN375H5 or LIN376H5 or LIN411H5 or LIN418H5 or LIN476H5 or LIN479H5) or permission of the instructor].

Exclusions: JAL401H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN421H5 • Speaking and Hearing with an Accent

Much of linguistic theory assumes the existence of an “ideal speaker/hearer” of a given language. However, in the real world, particularly in linguistically diverse communities such as the GTA, there is an enormous amount of variability driven by differences in language background, regional affiliation, and social factors. This course examines the many factors contributing to accentedness, and how listeners adapt their perception when confronted with different accents. It also explores how models of language development, processing, and production account for accent-related variability.

Prerequisites: JLP384H5 or LIN328H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN441H5 • Computing Meaning

How can we get a computer system to carry out meaningful tasks, such as determining if a restaurant review is positive ? How can computational experiments help linguists understand meaning and its use better ? This course will introduce students to computational linguistic concepts and techniques pertaining to meaning, such as vector space semantics and sentiment analysis. The course combines a theoretical perspective on meaning and computation with hands-on lab work.

Prerequisites: LIN237H5 and LIN340H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 12L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN447H5 • Topics in Computational Linguistics

In this course, students will develop a computational understanding of text and language. This course is cross-disciplinary, tools and project based; it teams Linguistics and Computer Science students in projects exploring novel applications of Natural Language Processing. Example topics include text summarization, bias detection, and sentiment analysis using Python and text processing and machine learning libraries. Topics and applications will vary by instructor.

Prerequisites: For LIN program students: (LIN340H5 or LIN341H5) plus 1.0 additional credit at the 300 level. For CS program students: CSC207H5 and STA256H5 and/or permission from the instructor.
Exclusions: LIN477H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN452H5 • Communicating English Language Linguistics

This course teaches students advanced skills for engaging with English language linguistics in public settings. Topics may include: how to talk to a general audience about linguistics; navigating common public myths about language; presentation skills to make complex topics accessible; incorporating linguistics in language courses; public outreach and interview skills in linguistics; designing research to answer public questions about English. In this capstone course, students will output innovative projects for educating the public about English language linguistics. This course includes an experiential learning component where students will get hands-on experience talking to various audiences about linguistics.

Prerequisites: LIN352H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN456H5 • Sociolinguistics and Second Language Teaching and Learning

This course considers the impact on variant use by second language learners exerted by linguistic and extra-linguistic factors, such as the surrounding linguistic context, age, sex, style, and curricular and extra-curricular exposure. Implications are drawn for second language teaching, including deciding what registers and variants to teach and what activities to employ.

Prerequisites: LIN256H5 (or permission from instructor), plus 0.5 credit in a 300-level LIN course.
Exclusions: (FGI456H5 or LTL456H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN458H5 • Analyzing Sociolinguistic Variation

All languages, in all linguistic domains, exhibit variation - more than one way of saying the same thing. This variation is not random but dependent on various linguistic, social, and cognitive conditioning factors. This course explores the theory and practice of analyzing such sociolinguistic variation. Students will receive hands-on instruction in fieldwork methods for collecting natural speech data and quantitative methods for analyzing patterns in that data.

Prerequisites: LIN256H5, plus 0.5 credit in a 300-level LIN course
Exclusions: LIN456H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 12L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN460H5 • Special Topics in Language Change

This course examines current issues of theoretical and/or empirical relevance in linguistics with special reference to phenomena involving language change. Depending on the instructor, the focus of the course may be more oriented towards phonology, morpho-syntax, semantics, or the lexicon. The contact hours for this course may vary in terms of contact type (L, S, T, P) from year to year, but will be between 24-36 contact hours in total. See the UTM Timetable.

Prerequisites: LIN229H5 and LIN232H5 and LIN256H5 and 0.5 credit from (JFL454H5 or JLP384H5 or LIN310H5 or LIN318H5 or LIN328H5 or LIN329H5 or LIN332H5 or LIN337H5 or LIN338H5 or LIN357H5 or LIN360H5 or LIN366H5 or LIN369H5 or LIN374H5 or LIN375H5 LIN376H5 or LIN411H5 or LIN419H5 or LIN458H5 or LIN476H5 or LIN479H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN466H5 • Topics in Creole Linguistics

An advanced seminar on current issues of theoretical relevance in linguistics with special reference to Creole languages, in particular their emergence and their linguistic properties compared to those of the contributing languages. Depending on the instructor, the course may emphasize on French-based, English-based or Portuguese-based Creoles.

Prerequisites: LIN229H5 and (LIN231H5 or LIN232H5 or LIN366H5), plus 0.5 credit in a 300-level LIN course.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN469H5 • Topics in Romance Linguistics

We examine current issues of theoretical and/or empirical relevance in linguistics with special reference to the Romance family, including both well-known and understudied varieties. In this course, student can engage deeply with specific properties of the Romance family from the point of view of micro-comparative analysis, sociolinguistic variation, and/or diachronic change depending on student interests and the expertise of the instructor. The contact hours for this course may vary in terms of contact type (L, S, T, P) from year to year, but will be between 24-36 contact hours in total. See the UTM Timetable.

Prerequisites: LIN229H5 and LIN232H5 and LIN256H5 and 0.5 credit from (JFL454H5 or JLP384H5 or LIN310H5 or LIN318H5 or LIN328H5 or LIN329H5 or LIN332H5 or LIN337H5 or LIN338H5 or LIN357H5 or LIN360H5 or LIN366H5 or LIN369H5 or LIN375H5 or LIN411H5 or LIN419H5 or LIN458H5 or LIN476H5 or LIN479H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN475H5 • Topics in Chinese Linguistics

An advanced seminar that explores topics and issues concerning the Chinese languages. Depending on the instructor, focus of the course may be oriented toward structural properties, language and society, bilingualism, the languages of China, or historical issues.

Prerequisites: LIN375H5 or permission of the instructor.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN476H5 • Language Diversity and Language Universals

This course examines cross-linguistic typological features found in the languages of the world. Special attention is given to investigating the remarkable range of phonological, morphological and syntactic diversity found in the world’s languages. One of the primary goals of the course is to examine the notion of language universals in light of such diversity.

Prerequisites: LIN232H5 and LIN231H5 and 0.5 credit from (JLP384H5 or LIN310H5 or LIN328H5 or LIN329H5 or LIN332H5 or LIN337H5 or LIN338H5 or LIN360H5 or LIN366H5 or LIN369H5 or LIN374H5 or LIN375H5 or LIN376H5 or LIN411H5 or LIN419H5 or LIN479H5)
Exclusions: LIN402H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN479H5 • The Structure of a Specific Language

An introduction to the structure of a featured language other than English. Topics of analysis may include the phonological, morphological, syntactic, or semantic systems; the writing system; historical aspects; variation. Students will use the tools of linguistic analysis learned in prior courses to examine the structural properties of this language. No prior knowledge of the language is necessary.

Prerequisites: LIN228H5 and LIN229H5 and LIN232H5, plus 0.5 credit in a 300-level LIN course.
Exclusions: LIN409H1 or LINC61H3 if the same language was analyzed.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN486H5 • Teaching and Learning Cross-cultural Communication

This course examines cross-cultural language use by second language learners from both a theoretical and pedagogical perspective. Topics addressed include the role of pragmatic transfer between native and target languages, individual differences, learning context, and instruction in the development of second language pragmatic competence.

Prerequisites: JAL253H5 or JLP285H5 (formerly LIN288H5) or LIN256H5 or LIN258H5
Exclusions: LTL486H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN487H5 • Second Language Pedagogy

This course offers a comprehensive survey and analysis of fundamental concepts and issues related to second, bilingual, and foreign language instruction by developing students' knowledge of second language acquisition, approaches to language teaching, computer-assisted teaching, and pedagogical design and implementation in the language classroom.

Prerequisites: LIN101H5 and LIN102H5 and 0.5 credit at the 300-level in a LIN course.
Exclusions: LIN417H5 or LTL417H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN495Y5 • Individual Project

A research or reading project undertaken by the student under the supervision of a staff member. Open only when a faculty member is willing and available to supervise.

Prerequisites: One half course at the 300 level in LIN.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN496H5 • Individual Project

A research or reading project undertaken by the student under the supervision of a staff member.

Prerequisites: One half course at the 300 level in LIN.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LIN498H5 • Individual Project

A research or reading project undertaken by the student under the supervision of a staff member.

Prerequisites: One half course at the 300 level in LIN.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LTL100H5 • Introduction to Language Teaching, Learning and Assessment

This course provides students with foundational knowledge and skills for the study of second language teaching, learning, and assessment. Students will learn to describe language structure and use including among learners, identify major phenomena of non-native language learning, and discuss principles and best practices in second language teaching and assessment.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LTL227H5 • Teaching and Learning a Second/Foreign Language

This course provides an introduction to second language pedagogy. Students will learn key concepts in pedagogy and compare the teaching and learning processes and experiences of first and second language learners as well as the roles of classroom teachers and learners via the creation of linguistic portraits and pedagogical materials.

Prerequisites: LTL100H5
Exclusions: FRE225Y5 or FRE227H5 or ITA227H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LTL380H5 • Theoretical Issues In Second Language Teaching and Learning

This course examines theoretical research on adult second language learning and the resultant implications for second language teaching. Topics include age, affect, communicative competence, and sociolinguistics. Links are drawn to pedagogical practices, including error correction, materials selection, and order and method of presentation. This course is taught in English and is open to students from other disciplines. Written work to be completed in French/Italian for credit towards a Specialist (French or Italian) or Major (French/Italian).

Prerequisites: FRE227H5 and (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5) or (ITA200Y5 and an additional 0.5 credit in ITA at the 200-level or higher).
Exclusions: LIN380H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LTL381H5 • Methodologies for Teaching English as a Second Language

This course provides an overview of classroom teaching methods, techniques and strategies for English as a second language, as well as ways of creating and adapting materials to particular teaching contexts such as English-as-a-second-language (ESL) in Canada, English for Academic Purposes (EAP), English for Specific Purposes (ESP), English-as-a-Foreign-Language (EFL) abroad, and blended teaching. Theoretical issues and classroom implications for teaching and learning with technology will be discussed. Classroom management techniques will also be examined, along with ways to access and work with classroom management and technology-related resources.

Prerequisites: (LIN101H5 and LIN102H5 and a minimum of 0.5 credit in LIN or LTL at the 200-level or higher) or [(FRE282H5 and FRE283H5) and FRE227H5] or (ITA200Y5 and an additional 0.5 credit in ITA at the 200-level or higher)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LTL382H5 • Teaching Second Language Speaking and Listening

This course examines theories and practices related to the teaching and learning of speaking and listening in a second language, particularly with reference to English. The course will focus on the theoretical and research-based underpinnings of second language speaking and listening on the ways in which instruction can facilitate the development of these skills. The relationship of pronunciation to listening and listening skills will be explored, and an overview of teaching pronunciation to second language learners will be provided (particularly with reference to English).

Prerequisites: (LIN101H5 and LIN102H5 and a minimum of 0.5 credit in LIN or LTL at the 200-level or higher) or [(FRE282H5 and FRE283H5) and FRE227H5) or (ITA200Y5 and an additional 0.5 credit in ITA at the 200-level or higher)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LTL383H5 • Teaching Second Language Reading and Writing

This course examines theories and practices related to the teaching and learning of reading and writing in a second language, particularly with reference to English. The course will focus on the theoretical and research-based underpinnings of second language reading and writing and on the ways in which instruction can facilitate the development of these skills. The relationship of vocabulary to second language reading and writing will be examined (particularly with reference to English).

Prerequisites: (LIN101H5 and LIN102H5 and a minimum of 0.5 credit in LIN or LTL at the 200-level or higher) or [(FRE282H5 and FRE283H5) and FRE227H5] or (ITA200Y5 and an additional 0.5 credit in ITA at the 200-level or higher)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LTL387H5 • Theoretical Issues in Teaching and Learning Second Language Vocabulary

This course provides an overview of second language vocabulary acquisition research and the resultant implications for second language teaching. Topics include dimensions of vocabulary knowledge, incidental and intentional vocabulary learning, textbook analysis, learning strategies, and teacher beliefs about vocabulary teaching and learning. Implications are drawn for pedagogical practices, including best vocabulary teaching practices, materials selection, and measuring vocabulary knowledge. This course is taught in English and is open to students from other disciplines. Written work to be completed in French/Italian for credit towards a Specialist (French or French & Italian) or Major (French/Italian).

Prerequisites: (FRE282H5 and FRE283H5 and FRE227H5) or (ITA200Y5 and an additional 0.5 credit in ITA at the 200-level or higher)
Exclusions: LIN387H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LTL399H5 • Research Opportunity Program

This course provides senior undergraduate students who have developed some knowledge of research methods used in the discipline of Language Teaching and Learning to work in the research project of a U of T Mississauga professor for course credit. Enrolled students have the opportunity to become involved in original research, develop their research skills, and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Project descriptions for participating faculty members for the following summer, fall, or winter sessions are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details

Prerequisites: LTL100H5 and (LTL227H5 or EDS200H5 or EDS285H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LTL456H5 • Sociolinguistics and Second Language Teaching and Learning

This course considers the impact on variant use by second language learners exerted by linguistic and extra-linguistic factors, such as the surrounding linguistic context, age, sex, style, and curricular and extra-curricular exposure. Implications are drawn for second language teaching, including deciding what registers and variants to teach and what activities to employ. Written work to be completed in French/Italian for credit towards a Specialist (French or Italian) or Major (French/Italian).

Prerequisites: [FRE225Y5 or FRE227H5] and [FRE280Y5 or FRE282H5]
Exclusions: LIN456H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LTL486H5 • Teaching and Learning Cross-Cultural Communication

This course examines cross-cultural language use by second language learners from both a theoretical and pedagogical perspective. Topics addressed include the role of pragmatic transfer between native and target languages, individual differences, learning context, and instruction in the development of second language pragmatic competence. Written work to be completed in French/Italian for credit towards a Specialist (French or Italian) or Major (French/Italian).

Prerequisites: [FRE225Y5 or FRE227H5] and [FRE280Y5 or FRE282H5]
Exclusions: LIN486H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LTL487H5 • Second Language Pedagogy

This course offers a comprehensive survey and analysis of fundamental concepts and issues related to second, bilingual, and foreign language instruction by developing students' knowledge of second language acquisition, approaches to language teaching, computer-assisted teaching, and pedagogical design and implementation in the language classroom. Written work to be completed in French/Italian for credit towards a Specialist (French/Italian) or Major (French/Italian).

Prerequisites: [FRE225Y5 or FRE227H5] and [FRE280Y5 or FRE282H5]
Exclusions: LIN417H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LTL488H5 • Principles and Strategies for Online Second Language Course Design

This course will conduct a critical appraisal of online course materials, and formulate appropriate pedagogical strategies for their exploitation. This course is taught in English and is open to students from other disciplines. Written work to be completed in French/Italian for credit towards a Specialist (French/Italian) or Major (French/Italian).

Prerequisites: [FRE225Y5 or FRE227H5] and [FRE280Y5 or FRE282H5]

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LTL495Y5 • Individual Project

A research or reading project undertaken by the student under the supervision of a faculty member. Written work to be completed in French/Italian for credit towards an LTL program in French or Italian.

Prerequisites: 0.5 credit at the 300 or 400 level in LTL

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

LTL496H5 • Individual Project

A research or reading project undertaken by the student under the supervision of a faculty member. Written work to be completed in French/Italian for credit towards an LTL program in French or Italian.

Prerequisites: 0.5 credit at the 300- or 400-level in LTL

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL103H5 • Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and Reality

This introductory course takes up philosophical questions about knowledge, reality, language, and the mind. A variety of traditional and contemporary perspectives will be considered. Note: Students may take either or both PHL103H5 and PHL113H5, in any order or simultaneously. The two courses differ only in the philosophical topics they cover.

Exclusions: PHL105Y5 or PHL101H5 or PHL100Y1 or PHL101Y1 or PHL201H1 or PHLA10H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL105Y5 • Introduction to Philosophy

An introduction to philosophy, covering such topics as conceptions of human nature and the good life, the foundation of morality, the relation of the individual to the state, arguments for the existence of God, debates about the meaning and possibility of free will, the theory of knowledge and the nature of reality.

Exclusions: PHL100Y5 or PHL101Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 48L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL113H5 • Introduction to Philosophy: Persons and Value

This introductory course explores philosophical theories of human nature, morality, justice, the good life, freedom, and responsibility. A variety of traditional and contemporary perspectives will be considered. Note: Students may take either or both PHL113H5 and PHL103H5, in any order or simultaneously. The two courses differ only in the philosophical topics they cover.

Exclusions: PHL105Y5 or PHL102H5 or PHL100Y1 or PHL101Y1 or PHL201H1 or PHLA10H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL200H5 • Ancient Philosophy

Some core texts of ancient philosophy, concentrating on the work of Plato and Aristotle. Topics include the good life, the soul, knowledge, virtue and the nature of reality.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.
Exclusions: PHL200Y5 or PHL202H5 or PHLB31H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL204H5 • Philosophy in Everyday Life

This one-semester course covers philosophical topics that most people talk about, or at least think about, in their everyday lives,—e.g., during conversations with friends, or while watching the news, or when deciding how to vote in an election. Such topics include, for example, the difference between art and pornography, the possibility of life after death, the evolution vs. creationism debate, the ethics of abortion and doctor-assisted suicide, and the possibility of intelligent robots. Each topic will be introduced via relevant public media (e.g., articles from the New York Times series “The Stone” and similar pieces from The Guardian, CBC news, NPR) and other popular sources (e.g., Ted Talks, youtube videos)) and then pursued in several accessible readings from the philosophical literature. A shared “library” of readings for the course will be built up (e.g., on Blackboard) by the instructors and students and updated as new issues of popular interest arise. Note: PHL204H5 does not count for credit toward any minor, major, or specialist program in philosophy, but can be taken to fulfill the Humanities breadth/ distribution requirement.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL210Y5 • 17th and 18th Century Philosophy

17th and 18th century discussions of topics like causation, knowledge, mind-body dualism in philosophers like René Descartes, Baruch Spinoza, John Locke, Anne Conway, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Émilie du Chatelêt, David Hume, Immanuel Kant.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.
Exclusions: PHLB35H3
Recommended Preparation: PHL103H5 or PHL113H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 48L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL220H5 • Existentialism

Human perception and knowledge of reality; freedom and the meaning of human life; sexuality and the body. Authors include Heidegger, Buber, Marcel, Camus, Sartre, de Beauvoir, Merleau-Ponty.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.
Exclusions: PHLB30H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL221H5 • Philosophy at the Movies

This course considers fundamental philosophical themes - the meaning of life and death, the nature of responsibility, fate and agency, knowledge and illusion, personal identity, alienation and belonging, love and sex, politics, ethics, and morality, among others - through film. The course also considers some questions about film as a philosophical genre: of the medium of film as an alternative medium (an alternative to language and explicit argument) of philosophical expression; of whether and how film may convey philosophical insight otherwise unavailable; and of the role of interpretation in understanding film philosophically.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

PHL233H5 • Philosophy for Scientists

An introduction to philosophy tailored for students with backgrounds in mathematics and science. Topics include causation, explanation, the relation between scientific and mathematical theories and reality, the role of mathematics in scientific theories, the relevance of scientific and mathematical discoveries to ‘big’ traditional philosophical questions such as the nature of consciousness, whether we have free will, and the meaning of life.

Prerequisites: PHL103H5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL235H5 • Philosophy of Religion

A philosophical analysis of some basic theological questions; the nature of religious belief and experience, the relationship between religion and morality, or religion and science, the role of religion in a pluralistic society.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL237H5 • Introduction to East Asian Philosophy

An introduction to the main systems of East Asian philosophy, including Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Shintoism, and Neo-Confucianism; the challenge of Western thought; the development of modern East Asian Philosophy.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits
Exclusions: EAS241H1 and PHL237H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL238H5 • Introduction to South Asian Philosophy

An introduction to the main philosophical traditions of South Asia, focusing on their historical development and treatment of topics such as devotion, duty, ethics, consciousness, selfhood, suffering, meditation, enlightenment, knowledge, and reality. Readings may include the early Rig Veda, the Upanishads, early Buddhist thought, Jainism, Samkhya-Yoga Philosophy, and Classical Vedanta, among others.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits
Exclusions: PHL390H5 (Winter 2020) and PHL293H5 (Fall 2020)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL239H5 • Critical Reasoning

The course covers the area of informal logic--the logic of ordinary language. Topics include: criteria for the critical assessment of arguments as strong or merely persuasive; different types of argument and techniques of refutation; their use and abuse.

Exclusions: (PHL145H5 and PHL247H5) or TRN200Y1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL240H5 • Minds and Machines

Can machines think and feel? Are human beings simply very complicated organic machines? These questions are discussed in the light of recent work on the simulation of intelligence and purposive behaviour.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits. .
Exclusions: PHL342H5 or PHLB81H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL242H5 • Science Fiction and Philosophy

Science fiction is a rich resource for philosophical thinking. Are we in a matrix? Are there alternative realities? Is teleportation, or telepathy, or telekinesis, or time travel, possible? In addition, philosophical thought experiments often include elements of science fiction, like twin-earths, zombies, swamp people, inverted spectra, brain-splitting, eternal recurrences, and evil demons. This course considers these topics -- both some philosophy of science fiction and some science fiction in philosophy.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL243H5 • Philosophy of Human Sexuality

Philosophical issues about sex and sexual identity in the light of biological, psychological, and ethical theories of sex and gender. The concept of gender; male and female sex roles; theories of psycho-sexual development; sexual morality; "natural," "normal," and "perverse" sex; sexual liberation; love and sexuality.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.
Exclusions: PHLB12H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL244H5 • Human Nature

Theories of human nature, e.g., psychoanalysis, behaviourism, sociobiology. Current issues, e.g., egoism and altruism, instincts, I.Q., rationality, sanity and mental illness.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.
Exclusions: PHLB91H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL245H5 • Modern Symbolic Logic

An introduction to formal deductive logic. Semantics, symbolization, and techniques of natural deduction in sentential logic. Symbolization, natural deduction, and models in monadic predicate logic. Symbolization and natural deduction with polyadic predicates. Introduction to advanced concepts in first-order logic, such as operations, identity, and models.

Exclusions: PHL245H1 and PHLB50H3
Recommended Preparation: PHL103H5 or PHL113H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class, Hybrid, Online (Summer only)

PHL246H5 • Probability and Inductive Logic

The elements of axiomatic probability theory, and its main interpretations (frequency, logical, subjective). Reasoning with probabilities in decision making and science.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.
Recommended Preparation: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL113H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL245H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL255H5 • Philosophy of Science

The nature of science and its development. Topics may include: the contrast between science and religion, between science and pseudo-science; the nature of scientific reasoning; scientific reality; science and objectivity; scientific revolutions; and the interaction between science, society, and values.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.
Exclusions: PHL252H5 or PHL355H1 or PHLC72H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL258H5 • Puzzles and Paradoxes

Philosophy often begins with a puzzle or paradox. Zeno once convincingly argued that motion was impossible, but people continue to move. The "liar's paradox" seems to show that everything is both true and false, but that cannot be right. In this course, we will examine these and related issues.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.
Exclusions: PHLB55H3
Recommended Preparation: PHL245H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL265H5 • Social and Political Philosophy

A survey of the major political theorists/theories of the Western philosophical tradition. Questions to be addressed include: Why obey the law? What is justice? What is the best form of government?

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.
Exclusions: PHL277Y5 or PHLB16H3 or PHLB17H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL267H5 • Feminism

Main types of feminist theory: liberal, Marxist, Existential and "Radical." A number of ethical, political and psychological issues are considered.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.
Exclusions: PHL277Y5 or PHL367H1 or PHLB13H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL271H5 • Ethics and the Law

Moral issues in the law, such as civil liberties and police powers, censorship, civil disobedience, the death penalty, inequality, paternalism and the constitutional protection of human rights. Case studies from Canadian law.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.
Exclusions: PHLB11H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL272H5 • Philosophy of Education

The nature, aims, and content of education; learning theory; education and indoctrination; the teaching of morals and the morality of teaching; the role and justification of educational institutions, their relation to society and to individual goals; authority and freedom in the school.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.
Exclusions: PHLB15H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL273H5 • Environmental Ethics

Environmental ethics is a relatively new development in philosophical thinking which focuses on the ethical and value questions arising from our relation to nature. Focal question of the area asks: Is the non-human world of ethical significance only insofar as it is connected with human well-being, or is ethically significant in itself? This course investigates and evaluates anthropocentrim, ecofeminism and radical biocentric theories of the deep ecologists.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.
Exclusions: PHLB02H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL274H5 • Ethics and Society

The course explores ethical problems posed by social issues such as inequality, poverty, war, corporate responsibility, the treatment of animals, and social media, against the background of major ethical and political theories.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL275H5 • Ethics and Moral Philosophy

A survey of the major moral theorists/theories of the Western philosophical tradition. Questions to be addressed include: Why be moral? What makes certain actions right or wrong? Can we know what is morally right or wrong?

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.
Exclusions: PHL277Y5 or PHLA11H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL277Y5 • Moral, Social and Political Philosophy Through Its History

Classics in moral, social and political philosophy from Plato to the present. Likely readings include Plato on justice in the state and in the individual, Aristotle's ethics, Hume's moral psychology, Hobbes on the social contract, Kant on the fundamental principle of morality, Mill's utilitarianism, Locke on rights, Marx on Capitalism, Nietzsche on the origins of modern morality, and Rawls and Nozick on distributive justice.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.
Exclusions: PHL265H or PHL275 or PHLB17H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 48L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL282H5 • Ethics: Death and Dying

(Formerly PHL382H5) An intermediate-level study of moral and legal problems, including the philosophical significance of death, the high-tech prolongation of life, definition and determination of death, suicide, active and passive euthanasia, the withholding of treatment, palliative care and the control of pain, living wills; recent judicial decisions.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL113H5 or PHL105Y5 or 4.0 credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL283H5 • Bioethics

Moral implications of recent developments in medicine and the life sciences; related legal and social issues. Euthanasia, health care priorities, abortion, fertility control, against the background of some major ethical theories.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.
Exclusions: PHL281Y1 or PHL281H1 or PHLB09H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL284H5 • Ethics of Eating

What obligations do we have in light of the effects of our food choices? Do we have any obligations to non-human animals; are we obliged to spare them painful lives and deaths? Are we obligated to spare their lives altogether? What about our obligations to our fellow humans, and to the environment that future humans will live in? Are we obligated to choose foods that minimize harm to the environment and to other communities? We will explore these questions at both the individual and the social-policy levels. For example, should we as a society have laws that ban certain foods, or certain treatments of animals? Or do such laws trample the freedom of individual choice? Whatever laws we do have, are we as individuals obliged to take responsibility for what we eat? Or are the effects of our choices just an insignificant drop in the bucket, since they make no real difference given what everyone else is doing?

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL113H5 or PHL105Y5 or 4.0 credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL285H5 • Philosophy of Art

A study of some of the most important philosophical questions about art. For example, what exactly is a work of art? Can any object whatsoever be, or become, an artwork? Who or what determines whether something is art? Does each person decide for themselves, or does a certain community (the "art world") decide? Can one interpretation or evaluation of a work be better, or more justified, than another? If so, how do we tell which one is better?

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.
Exclusions: PHLB03H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL290H5 • Philosophical Issues in Psychoanalysis

An introduction to dream psychology, the psychology of errors, instinct theory, mechanisms of defence, the structure of personality. Philosophical topics include: freedom and determinism, consciousness, the nature of conscience, the status of psychoanalysis.

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL105Y5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits.
Exclusions: PHL319H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL293H5 • Special Topics in Philosophy

Topic to vary from year to year. The contact hours for this course may vary in terms of contact type (L,S,T,P) from year to year, but will be between 24-36 contact hours in total. See the UTM Timetable.

Prerequisites: PHL103H5 or PHL113H5 or 4.0 credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL295H5 • Philosophy of Business

Philosophical issues in ethics, social theory, and theories of human nature insofar as they bear on contemporary conduct of business. Issues include: Does business have moral responsibilities? Can social costs and benefits be calculated? Does modern business life determine human nature of the other way around? Do political ideas and institutions such as democracy have a role within business?

Prerequisites: PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 or PHL113H5 or PHL105Y5 or 4.0 credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL299Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

This course provides a rewarding opportunity for students in their second year to work in the research project of a professor in return for 299Y course credit. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Participating faculty members post their project descriptions for the following summer and fall/winter sessions in early February and students are invited to apply in early March. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: (PHL101H5 or PHL102H5 or PHL103H5 orPHL105Y5 or PHL113H5) (may be taken as a corequisite) or 4.0 credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL300H5 • Topics in Ancient Philosophy

A study of some topic or thinker in the ancient period.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL
Recommended Preparation: PHL200H5 or PHL202H5 or PHL210Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL301H5 • The Philosophy of Plato

This course explores major themes in Plato’s philosophy through a selective reading of his dialogues. Among the areas tackled are the human good, the nature of the soul, knowledge, and the ultimate constitution of reality. Readings may include, though will not necessarily be confined to, the Euthyphro, Protagoras, Euthydemus, Meno, Gorgias, Republic, Phaedo, Phaedrus and Theaetetus.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL
Recommended Preparation: PHL200H5 or PHL202H5 and PHL210Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL302H5 • The Philosophy of Aristotle

This course explores major themes in Aristotle’s philosophy belonging to the fields of natural philosophy, metaphysics, ethics and epistemology. Readings may include, though are not necessarily confined to the Ethics, Physics, Metaphysics, Categories, On the soul and Analytics.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL
Recommended Preparation: PHL200H5 or PHL202H5 and PHL210Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL307H5 • Topics in Mediaeval Philosophy

A study of some of the principal figures and intellectual problems in the period from the first century to the sixteenth. Figures such as Philo, Augustine, Abelard, Avicenna, Maimonides, Aquinas, Duns Scotus, Ockham and Suarez will be studied on topics in metaphysics, epistemology, ethics and philosophy of nature.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL
Exclusions: PHL309H1
Recommended Preparation: PHL200Y5 or PHL210Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL310H5 • Topics in 17th and 18th Century Philosophy

A study of a topic or thinker in the 17th or 18th century.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL
Exclusions: PHL309H5 or PHL310H1 or PHL311H1 or PHL313H5
Recommended Preparation: PHL210Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL311H5 • South Asian Philosophy

An intermediate-level course on one or more philosophical traditions from the South Asian world, including orthodox Indian schools (Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Mimamsa, and Vedanta) and non-orthodox schools such as Buddhism and Jainism, with a focus on their theories of religion, ethics, epistemology, or metaphysics.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL
Exclusions: PHL293H5 (Fall 2020) and PHL390H5 (Fall 2019) and PHL339H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL314H5 • Kant

A systematic study of The Critique of Pure Reason.

Prerequisites: PHL210Y5 and 1.5 additional credits in PHL
Exclusions: PHL312H5 or PHLC37H3
Recommended Preparation: PHL245H5 or PHL310H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL315H5 • Topics in Nineteenth Century Philosophy

A study of some topic or thinker in the 19th century.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL
Exclusions: PHL317H5
Recommended Preparation: PHL210Y5 or PHL310H5 or PHL312H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL324H5 • The Continental Tradition

A study of recent traditions of continental philosophy such as phenomenology, existentialism, hermeneutics, critical theory, structuralism and post-structuralism. Figures such as Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, the Frankfurt school, Lacan, Foucault, Deleuze and Derrida.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL
Exclusions: PHL320H1 or PHL321H1
Recommended Preparation: PHL210Y5 or PHL310H5 or PHL312H5 or PHL317H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL325H5 • Early Analytic Philosophy

An examination of some of the classic texts of early analytic philosophy, concentrating on the work of Frege, Russell and Wittgenstein. Central topics to be covered include: the development of logic and its relation to arithmetic; the nature of language and meaning; truth and objectivity; the distinction between sense and reference; logical analysis; the relation between language and thought; and the bounds of intelligibility.

Prerequisites: PHL245H5 and 1.5 additional credits in PHL
Exclusions: PHLC43H3
Recommended Preparation: PHL210Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL327H5 • Later Analytic Philosophy

An examination of the later analytic tradition from logical positivism to Kripke. The course will cover some of the following topics: meaning and verifiability; the relation between science and philosophy; ordinary language and philosophy; the nature and status of the analytic-synthetic distinction; meaning and theories of meaning; theories of truth; the nature of necessity; and reference and identity.

Prerequisites: PHL 245H5 and 1.5 additional credits in PHL
Recommended Preparation: PHL325H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL332H5 • Metaphysics

Typical topics: ontological categories; ontological commitment; the objectivity of space and time: causality and determinism; mind and body.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL
Exclusions: PHL330Y1 or PHL331H1 or PHLC60H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL333H5 • Epistemology

Typical topics: knowledge and belief, perception, the analytic-synthetic distinction, theories of truth, necessity and the a priori.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL
Exclusions: PHL330Y1 or PHL332H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL340H5 • Philosophy of Mind

Typical topics: the brain-mind identity theory; consciousness intentionality and the mental; personal identity; the nature of human action.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL341H5 • Practical Reason and Human Action

(Formerly: Freedom, Responsibility, and Human Action) The course will cover various topics in action theory and the nature of practical reason, such as the nature of intentional action and intentional explanations, the relation between morality and practical reason, the distinction between theoretical and practical reasoning, and the relation between motivation and evaluation.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL343H5 • Freedom and Determinism

This course will examine the question of whether determinism is true, and to which extent and whether, determinism is compatible with the possibility that our will is free as well as the relation between freedom and responsibility. In particular, we will look at the plausibility of views such as compatibilism, hard determinism and libertarianism.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL.
Exclusions: PHL241H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL345H5 • Intermediate Logic

A continuation of PHL245, requiring no other prior knowledge of philosophy or mathematics. Symbolization, natural deduction, and models in polyadic predicate logic with operations and identity. Symbolization, natural deduction, and models for theories of descriptions. Introduction to metatheory, such as soundness and completeness.

Prerequisites: PHL245H5 and 1.0 credits on PHL
Exclusions: PHL345H1 and PHLC51H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL346H5 • Choice and Chance

An intermediate level look at reasoning and decision making in the face of uncertainty. Topics may include: decision theory, game theory, social choice theory, confirmation theory, foundations of probability and statistics, puzzles of infinity and self-location, and the relationship between knowledge and uncertainty.

Prerequisites: 1.5 PHL credits
Recommended Preparation: PHL246H5 or any first course in probability/statistics/decision-making

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL347H5 • Modality in Logic and Philosophy

Study of the concepts of necessity and possibility using extensions of classical logic: modal sentential logic, modal quantification logic, possible-world semantics, the metaphysics of modality. Other possible topics include: counterfactuals, epistemic logic, temporal logic, deontic logic, many-valued logic, and supervaluations.

Prerequisites: PHL245H5 and 1.0 credit in PHL
Exclusions: PHL347H1
Recommended Preparation: PHL345H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL350H5 • Philosophy of Language

Topics may include: Different approaches to the study of language; the analysis of central theoretical notions in the descriptions of language; the relation between thought and language; the relation between philosophy of language and metaphysics.

Prerequisites: PHL245H5 and 1.5 additional credits in PHL
Exclusions: PHL351H1 or PHLC80H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL354H5 • Philosophy of Mathematics

Platonism versus nominalism, the relation between logic and mathematics, implications of Godel's and Church's theorems, formalism and intuitionism.

Prerequisites: PHL103H5 and PHL245H5 and (0.5 credit in PHL or CSC or MAT)
Exclusions: PHL344H5 and PHL354H1
Recommended Preparation: PHL255H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL355H5 • Issues in Philosophy of Science

Central problems and contemporary issues. Topics may include: scientific inference and method; explanation; under-determination; the pessimistic induction; constructive empiricism; entity realism; structural realism; laws of nature.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL
Exclusions: PHL355H1
Recommended Preparation: PHL245H5 or PHL255H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL357H5 • Philosophy of Biology

Conceptual issues in modern biology. Topics may include natural selection, biological kinds, the role of evolution in explaining human attributes such as rationality, cooperation, and communication, reductionism in molecular biology, and functional explanation in biology.

Prerequisites: PHL255H5 or PHL355H5 and 1.5 PHL credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL358H5 • Philosophical Issues in Cognitive Science

An examination of philosophical issues that arise in cognitive science, such as: the nature of consciousness, alternative models of computation in theories of cognition, the nature and function of perception and the emotions, the evolution of mind and language, and the relation among various fields of cognitive science such as psychology, linguistics, and neuroscience.

Prerequisites: (PHL340H5 or PHL345H5 or PHL350H5) and 1.5 additional credits in PHL
Exclusions: COG250Y1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL360H5 • Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence

This course examines contemporary artificial intelligence from a philosophical perspective. Topics include: the nature of intelligence, comparisons between biological and artificial learning, linguistic understanding and grounding in foundation models, moral guidance for AI systems, and the moral status of artificial agents.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL365H5 • Issues in Political Philosophy

A study of work by political philosophers, typically both historical and contemporary, on topics such as justice, rights, welfare, and political authority. 

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL
Exclusions: PHL366H1
Recommended Preparation: PHL265H5 or PHL277Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL366H5 • The Ethics of Borders and Immigration

In this class we will consider the moral standards that govern states rights (if any) to enforce restrictions on immigration, residency, and citizenship and peoples rights (if any) to immigrate and emigrate. Questions to be considered include: Do people have a right to move wherever they want? Do the citizens of a state have a right to choose who will be their co-nationals? Do they have a right to prefer people of particular religious, cultural, ethnic, or political persuasions? Do people have a right to leave the country in which they are born? Do countries have special obligations to refugees who are the victims of human rights violations? Are economic migrants due the same rights? Is it morally permissible to grant lesser rights to would-be migrants than native born citizens? Is it acceptable to sell the right to citizenship or permanent residency?

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL367H5 • Issues in Philosophy and Feminism

This course will examine selected philosophical topics in feminism, such as multiculturalism and women's rights, feminist epistemologies, ethics of care, the intersection between sexism and other forms of oppression, pornography.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL
Recommended Preparation: PHL267H5 or PHL274H5 or PHL277Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL370H5 • Issues in Philosophy of Law

A study of major issues in the philosophy of law such as the nature of law, responsibility and punishment, the obligation to obey the law, and the moral underpinnings of particular areas of law (e.g. criminal, tort, contract). 

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL
Recommended Preparation: PHL271H5 or PHL277Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL374H5 • Issues in Normative Ethics

Normative Ethics concerns general questions about what makes actions right or wrong. Topics include, among others, the plausibility of various ethical theories such as consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics, and questions about the moral significance of distinctions such as doing vs allowing and intending vs foreseeing.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL
Exclusions: PHL375H5 or PHL376H1 or PHLC05H3 or PHLC06H3
Recommended Preparation: PHL275H5 or PHL277Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL376H5 • Issues in Metaethics

Metaethics concerns the place of values in the world, and the status of ethics as a field of inquiry. Topics may include: the objectivity of morality; moral psychology; the possibility of ethical knowledge; and meanings of ethical concepts.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL
Exclusions: PHL375H5 or PHLC05H3 or PHLC06H3

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL390H5 • Special Topics in Philosophy

A course primarily for Specialists and Majors in Philosophy. Topic to vary from year to year. The contact hours for this course may vary in terms of contact type (L,S,T,P) from year to year, but will be between 24-36 contact hours in total. See the UTM Timetable.

Prerequisites: 1.5 credits in PHL
Exclusions: PHL395H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL400H5 • Seminar in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy

Advanced discussion of principal figures and themes in ancient or medieval philosophy.

Prerequisites: (PHL200H5 and 3.0 credits of PHL) or by permission of the Instructor or Department.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL410H5 • Seminar in 17th and 18th Century Philosophy

Advanced discussion of philosophers and themes in the 17th and 18th century.

Prerequisites: (PHL210Y5 and 2.5 credits of PHL) or by permission of the Instructor or Department.
Exclusions: PHL416H5 or PHL402H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL420H5 • Seminar in 19th and 20th Century Philosophy

Advanced discussion of principal figures and themes in 19th and 20th century philosophy.

Prerequisites: 3.5 credits of PHL or by permission of the Instructor or Department.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL432H5 • Seminar in Metaphysics

Advanced topics in metaphysics.

Prerequisites: 3.5 credits of PHL or by permission of the Instructor or Department.
Exclusions: PHL430H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL433H5 • Seminar in Epistemology

Advanced topics in epistemology.

Prerequisites: 3.5 credits of PHL or by permission of the Instructor or Department.
Exclusions: PHL430H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL440H5 • Seminar in the Philosophy of Mind

Advanced topics in Philosophy of Mind.

Prerequisites: 3.5 credits of PHL or by permission of the Instructor or Department.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL445H5 • Metalogic

A continuation of PHL345H5, this is a course in the mathematical study of logic, also known as meta-logic. We will investigate and prove theorems about logical systems. Topics covered will include: basic set theory and recursion theory, completeness, compactness, and the Loewenheim-Skolem theorems for first-order logic, and Gödel's incompleteness theorems.

Prerequisites: (PHL345H5 or MAT309H5) and 1.0 credit in PHL
Exclusions: PHL348H1 and PHL348H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL447H5 • Seminar in Philosophy of Logic

Study of advanced topics in logic or the philosophy of logic.

Prerequisites: (PHL345H5 and 3.0 credits of PHL) or by permission of the Instructor or Department.
Exclusions: PHL451H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL450H5 • Seminar in Philosophy of Language

Study of advanced topics in philosophy of language.

Prerequisites: (PHL245H5 and 3.0 credits of PHL) or by permission of the Instructor or Department.
Exclusions: PHL451H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL455H5 • Seminar in Philosophy of Science

Study of advanced topics in the philosophy of science.

Prerequisites: [(PHL355H5 or PHL357H5) and 3.0 credits of PHL] or by permission of the Instructor or Department.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL475H5 • Seminar in Moral and Political Philosophy

Advanced topics in moral, social, or political philosophy.

Prerequisites: 3.5 credits of PHL or by permission of the Instructor or Department.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL489Y5 • The Socrates Project

The Socrates Project (PHL489Y) is a full-year course with 3 components. First, you will serve as a TA for a section of PHL103H/PHL113H during the Fall and Winter terms. During the Fall semester, you will attend two 1-hour PHL103H/PHL113H lectures each week, and teach one tutorial of 20-25 students, meeting with them for 1 hour each week. You will grade their papers, hold office hours, and meet with the relevant professor as needed. You will be paid for approximately 100 hours of work each semester, for a total of 200 hours, at the current hourly wage for CUPE Unit 1. The second component of the course is a seminar that meets once per week for 3 hours each time, during the fall term. Most of the seminar will be devoted to more in-depth study of the topics taken up in the PHL103H/PHL113H; but you will also discuss the methods and challenges of teaching philosophy-grading papers, prompting and guiding discussion, and so forth. Third, during the winter term you will write a seminar paper, on a topic of your choosing, under the supervision of a UTM Philosophy faculty member working in the relevant area. You will also present your work orally at an undergraduate research conference held jointly with the Socrates students from the St. George campus. Admittance to the Socrates Project is by application only. Instructions and the application form are available on the web at:

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL495H5 • Special Seminar: Philosophical Problems

A seminar for advanced students in Specialist and Major Programs in Philosophy. Topic to vary from year to year.

Prerequisites: 3.5 credits of PHL or by permission of the Instructor or Department.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL496H5 • Individual Studies

Contact Undergraduate Advisor. Individual study courses are aimed at highly motivated students. They are not intended to duplicate course offerings already available. A student seeking to do an independent course must secure a faculty supervisor. Regular meetings between student and supervisor are required, and the workload should be the same as a fourth-year philosophy seminar.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL497H5 • Individual Studies

Contact Undergraduate Advisor. Individual study courses are aimed at highly motivated students. They are not intended to duplicate course offerings already available. A student seeking to do an independent course must secure a faculty supervisor. Regular meetings between student and supervisor are required, and the workload should be the same as a fourth-year philosophy seminar.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL498H5 • Individual Studies

Contact Undergraduate Advisor. Individual study courses are aimed at highly motivated students. They are not intended to duplicate course offerings already available. A student seeking to do an independent course must secure a faculty supervisor. Regular meetings between student and supervisor are required, and the workload should be the same as a fourth-year philosophy seminar.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PHL499Y5 • Individual Studies

Contact Undergraduate Advisor. Individual study courses are aimed at highly motivated students. They are not intended to duplicate course offerings already available. A student seeking to do an independent course must secure a faculty supervisor. Regular meetings between student and supervisor are required, and the workload should be the same as a fourth-year philosophy seminar.

Prerequisites: Permission of Instructor

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PRS210H5 • Introductory Persian I

This course is for students who have minimal or no prior knowledge of Persian. The course provides students with basic information about the Persian language with the special focus on literacy skills, i.e. reading and writing. Students start by learning how to write and pronounce the alphabet and how to connect letters to form new words. Then, they learn basic vocabulary in Persian in order to express basic ideas orally and in writing. By the end of the course, students should be able to write simple sentences to express basic information, and they should be able to conduct basic conversations in Persian.

Exclusions: PRS210Y5 or NML260Y1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PRS211H5 • Introductory Persian II

This course is for students who passed PRS210H or demonstrate commensurate Persian skills. As a continuation of introductory Persian I, this course continues to develop students' language comprehension, expand their vocabulary and grammar, and improve their skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation at an intermediate low level. 

Prerequisites: PRS210H5
Exclusions: PRS210Y5 or NML260Y1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PRS310H5 • Intermediate Persian I

This course is for students who passed PRS211H or demonstrate commensurate Persian skills. As a continuation of introductory Persian II, this course continues to develop students’ language comprehension, expand their vocabulary and grammar, and improve their skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation at an intermediate high level.

Prerequisites: PRS211H5 or permission of the instructor.
Exclusions: PRS310Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PRS311H5 • Intermediate Persian II

This course is for students who passed PRS310H5 or demonstrate commensurate Persian skills. As a continuation of intermediate Persian I, this course continues to develop students’ language comprehension, expand their vocabulary and grammar, and improve their skills in listening, speaking, reading, writing, and translation at an advance level.

Prerequisites: PRS310H5 or permission of the instructor.
Exclusions: PRS310Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

PUN212Y5 • Introductory Punjabi

An introduction to the Punjabi language and is designed for students with little or no prior knowledge of Punjabi. Basic grammatical structures and conversational skills will be introduced as well as the gurmukhi script in which Punjabi is most commonly written. Contextual background about the history of Punjabi and the various contexts in which it has been used will also be discussed in class.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG101H5 • Introduction to the Study of Religion

Theories about the variety and nature of religious experience, personal and collective. How religious life is expressed in such forms as myth, narrative and ritual, systems of belief and value, morality and social institutions. 

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

RLG201H5 • Introduction to Religion in the Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts

An examination of the interplay between religion and aesthetics, as expressed through the literary, visual, and performing arts. Structured thematically rather than by religious tradition, this course covers topics such as the creative word, visual representation of the divine through icons and iconography, sacred space and religious architecture, religion and the book arts, religious music, dance, and drama, visual narrativization, and religious ritual as performance.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG202H5 • Introduction to Judaism

This course studies Jewish religious thought and activity in both ancient and modern times through selected biblical, rabbinic, medieval, and modern Jewish writings. It explores the roots of Jewish religion, the variety of Jewish traditions, and how these traditions worldwide have been transformed throughout history.

Exclusions: RLG202Y1
Recommended Preparation: RLG101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG203H5 • Introduction to Christianity

An introduction to the diverse history of Christianity, ranging from the origins of the Jesus Movement in the Roman Empire to the development of the largest religious tradition in the world with over two billion adherents and thousands of denominations spread across the globe.

Exclusions: RLG203Y1
Recommended Preparation: RLG101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

RLG204H5 • Introduction to Islam

What does it mean to be Muslim? This course explores the cultural and historical development of Muslim life and religious expression. Topics and themes addressed in the course include the Prophet Muhammad, the Qur’an and hadith, law, arts and architecture, material devotion, Sufism, Shiʿism, ritual, and modern movements.

Exclusions: RLG204Y1
Recommended Preparation: RLG101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class, Hybrid

RLG205H5 • Key Themes in South Asian Religions

How do we approach the extraordinary diversity of South Asian religious history? Students will explore key terms cutting across religious traditions: sacrifice, worship, ritual, practice, duty, scripture, canon, and doctrine. This course is a general introduction and presupposes no prior knowledge about South Asia.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG206H5 • Introduction to Buddhism

Philosophy of peaceful meditation or ideology of late capitalism? Both or neither? In this course you will learn through texts, images, objects, voices, and events how Buddhists through history have expressed their aspirations and anxieties, their thoughts and devotion, to discover how this religion changed and grew over time, and how it is being practised and applied today.

Exclusions: RLG206Y1
Recommended Preparation: RLG101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG207H5 • Introduction to Sikhism

This course surveys the history of Sikhism from its beginnings as a devotional movement in late medieval Punjab to its transformation during the colonial period. Students will learn about the historical development of core Sikh doctrines, practices, and institutions.

Recommended Preparation: RLG101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG208H5 • Iran before Islam: Introduction to Zoroastrianism

This course studies the history of Zoroastrianism, a religion born in Iran over 3,000 years ago. It analyzes its main doctrines and practices, provides an overview of its sacred literature and arts, and explores its interactions with other religions of the eastern and of the western world through the millennia.

Recommended Preparation: RLG101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG209H5 • Introduction to Indigenous Traditions

Indigenous traditions constitute the majority of the world's religions. They encompass the whole earth, and are incredibly diverse. So: where to begin? This course will introduce students to the vast array of global Indigenous traditions in both historic and contemporary contexts by looking comparatively at selected beliefs and practices. Attention will also be paid to Indigenous responses to colonialism and to the ways in which many communities are reviving their traditions.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG210H5 • Introduction to Hinduism

Hinduism is today the world’s third largest religion, with over one billion practitioners. In this course, students will learn about Hindu philosophy, literature, music, art, architecture, and ritual practices. A special focus will be on interactions between Hinduism and other South Asian religious traditions.

Exclusions: RLG205H1
Recommended Preparation: RLG101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG211H5 • Introduction to Religion, Media, and Popular Culture

How does religion shape popular culture? How does popular culture shape religion? This course traces a history of these questions from the early modern period through the twenty-first century by looking at fairs and folk culture; mass broadcast media like radio, film, and television; and the rise of digital culture. Topics covered vary by semester, but could include religious comic books, televangelism, mass-mediated religious violence, online pilgrimage, digital occultism, etc.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG299Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

This courses provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their second year to work in the research project of a professor in return for 299Y course credit. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Participating faculty members post their project descriptions for the following summer and fall/winter sessions in early February and students are invited to apply in early March. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG300H5 • Religion at the Edge of Tomorrow

What will religion look like in 2100? This course asks how early twenty-first century society is using religion to imagine its future around such questions as climate change, neoliberalism, authoritarian capitalism, pandemics, artificial intelligence, etc. Readings pair history, anthropology, and critical theory with science fiction, news media, and visual culture.

Recommended Preparation: RLG101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG301H5 • Stranger Things: Religious Objects in Theory and Practice

This course surveys major theories of religious objects and icons from the 18th through the 21st century in order to problematize the categories of fetish, totem, and idol. It presents the study of material religion as integral to the broader study of religion, media, and culture.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG302H5 • Sufism

This course focuses on the history, institutions, and practices of Sufism, popularly referred to as Islam’s “mystical” dimension. This course will examine the origins of Sufism, the development of metaphysical and theoretical thought, poetry, the emergence of Sufi orders, and shrine-based practices from the Middle East, South Asia, Africa, China, and the West.

Recommended Preparation: RLG204H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG303H5 • Islam in South Asia

This course focuses on the history of Islam in South Asia from the 8th century to the present with an emphasis on religio-politics, the role of Sufism, Shi'ism, ritual, devotional and material practices, and questions of Islamic identity. Students will read primary sources in translation and examine art, architecture and material culture reflecting the historical depth and religious diversity of Muslims in South Asia.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG304H5 • Islamic Spiritual Traditions

An investigation of the spiritual traditions in Islam, covering the development of Sufism and other esoteric schools of Islamic thought. The historical evolution of devotional traditions, philosophical schools and scriptural hermeneutics are explored.

Recommended Preparation: RLG204H5 or permission of the instructor.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG305H5 • Islamic Aesthetic Traditions

This course explores aesthetic traditions in the Muslim world, including art, architecture, music and literature. Case studies may range from the majestic Taj Mahal to the sonorous voice of Umm Kulthum, from the enthralling worlds of the 1001 Arabian Nights to the lilting lyricism of poets like Hafiz and Rumi.

Recommended Preparation: RLG204H5 or permission of the instructor.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG306H5 • Shi'i Islam

An exploration of the history, thought and institutions of the Shi'i interpretation of Islam. The early Shi'i milieu, Zaidi, Ismaili and Twelver Shi'ism and the development of the Shi'i school of thought from early to modern times will be studied in this course.

Recommended Preparation: RLG204H5 or permission of the instructor.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class, Hybrid

RLG307H5 • Indian Scholasticism

A general introduction to Indian scholasticism through the organizing rubric of the human ends (purusarthas): pleasure, power, moral order, and liberation. Intellectual traditions covered may include the science of desire, aesthetics, the science of power, analysis of the socio-moral order, hermeneutics, and metaphysics.

Recommended Preparation: RLG205H5 or RLG210H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG308H5 • Monuments, Inscriptions, and Narratives in South Asia

How do we interpret traces from the past? In the study of South Asia, we have access to a range of material data, inscriptions, legendary accounts, and historiographic poetry. This course explores the use of these sources in different periods and regions.

Recommended Preparation: RLG205H5 or RLG210H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG309H5 • Muslim Lives, Ritual Practices

This course will introduce students to topics including aspects of how Islam shapes life-cycle rituals, pilgrimage practices, cycles of fasting and feasting, healing practices, foodways, and votive offerings. Using primary sources, including ethnographic studies, documentaries, images, and food, we will examine case studies drawn from Sunni, Shiʿi, and Sufi traditions in the Middle East, South Asia, North Africa, and beyond.

Prerequisites: RLG204H5
Exclusions: RLG205H5 and RLG303H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG310H5 • The Ramayana

A study of the Ramayana of Valmiki in translation. Themes include aesthetic, ethical, and socio-political issues in the text, as well as commentary and the rise of Rama worship.

Recommended Preparation: RLG205H5 or RLG210H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG311H5 • Religion and Ecology

This course explores how ecological concerns have influenced and challenged contemporary religious traditions and non-traditional forms of religious expression. We will also consider how religious traditions themselves have shaped or contributed to the environmental crisis.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG312H5 • How to Study Religion

What is religion? How should we study it? This course gives students the opportunity to ask the big, messy questions about religion, and to see how scholars know what they know about it. Students will learn key theoretical ideas and research methods, and then apply them in their own projects.

Prerequisites: RLG101H5 and 1.0 additional RLG credits
Exclusions: RLG312Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG313H5 • The Literature of Ancient Israel

The Hebrew Bible (i.e. the Old Testament) is not a single book, but an anthology selected from a larger body of ancient Jewish literature reflecting different authors, historical circumstances, literary genres, and religious agendas. This course familiarizes the student with critical study of the Hebrew Bible and related literature of ancient Jewish communities (Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, Dead Sea Scrolls). Among the topics to be examined are the basic forms of ancient Hebrew literature, the issues of textual development, the process of canonization, and the ancient Near Eastern cultural environment from which this literature emerged.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG314H5 • Religion and Gender

This course focuses on the interaction of gender and religion from a comparative and multidisciplinary perspective; topics include creation myths, authority and leadership, sainthood, expressions of the divine, and gendered ritual.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG315H5 • Biblical Wisdom and Poetry

Ancient Jewish sages understood wisdom as a "skill in living." Wisdom for them was an approach to life, a way of looking at the world, and a quest for meaning and purpose in the relationships with God and fellow human beings. Some of history's most enduring collections of ancient wisdom are included in the Hebrew Bible (i.e., Old Testament) books of Job, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes. Wisdom perspectives are also found in the Song of Songs and many of the Psalms. Sometimes joyful and exultant, at other times cynical and fatalistic, the ancient sages wrestled with the ups and downs of life, and grappled with them rationally from the perspective of experience and community wisdom. This course investigates the genre of wisdom literature - its style, language, and historical and theological backgrounds - and explores the pluriformity of the biblical heritage.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG316H5 • Religion and Violence

Is violence inherent in religion? Most religious traditions include teachings that profess a love of peace, and yet these same traditions have motivated some of the most atrocious acts of violence in human history. This course will explore this issue through a critical and comparative examination of theories of different forms of religious violence (e.g., terrorism, sacrifice, patriarchy, colonialism). This examination will in turn involve considering violence in various historical and contemporary religious texts, practices, beliefs, and events.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

RLG317H5 • Religion and Science

Are scientific and religious practices and ways of understanding unrelated? Contradictory? Complementary? What assumptions are made when we practice religion or science? And what do we assume when we attempt to interpret these practices? This course explores the relationships between religion, science, and academic interpretation in the contemporary world.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG318H5 • Jainism

This course offers students a historical glimpse at an ancient religion that has had a key influence on values that shape our world today: that not-harming should inform all our actions, that the truth consists in the awareness of contradictory views, or that the main quality of personality is self-improvement.

Recommended Preparation: RLG205H5 or RLG206H5 or RLG210H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG319H5 • Magic, Astrology, and Religion

This course studies the interplay between religion, magic, and astrology. It analyzes how magic and astrology have been viewed in history by different world religions, and how these religions have integrated, or excluded, magical practices and astrological beliefs in their mainstream practices and beliefs.

Recommended Preparation: RLG101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG323H5 • Jesus of Nazareth

Analytic and comparative study of the earliest accounts of the life of Jesus of Nazareth in the canonical and non-canonical Gospels with a supplementary focus on historical reconstructions of Jesus using broader textual, cultural, and archaeological data.

Exclusions: RLG323H1
Recommended Preparation: RLG203H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG324H5 • Paul and Earliest Christianity

An exploration of the literary form and theological content of Paul's letters in the New Testament, including analyses of the importance of Paul in the rise, spread, and development of what would become earliest Christianity.

Exclusions: RLG324H1
Recommended Preparation: RLG203H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG325H5 • Visions and Revelations

Apocalyptic literature, concerned with the expectation of imminent, radical and transforming intervention of the divine into human history, flourished between 200 BCE and 200 CE. This course provides an introduction to the study of the origin, form and function of ancient Jewish and related apocalyptic literature understood in its cultural and literary contexts.

Recommended Preparation: RLG202H5 or RLG203H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG326H5 • Early Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism

This course examines how Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity interacted in late antiquity. It explores the processes by which each community (in competition with the other and shaped by a wider social context) formed an identity for itself by establishing an "orthodox" set of beliefs, rituals, moral guidelines, and spiritual ideals.

Recommended Preparation: RLG202H5 or RLG203H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG330H5 • Topics in Judaism

A detailed study of selected aspects of Judaism.

Recommended Preparation: RLG202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG331H5 • Religion on Screen

How have screen-based media technologies (cinema, television, computers, smart phones, video games, etc.) shaped the practice and representation of religion from 1890s till today? What is the relationship between screen cultures and visual religion? Topics may include: magic shows and early cinema; religion in classical Hollywood; devotional websites or zombies.

Recommended Preparation: RLG211H5 or RLG332H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG332H5 • Reel Religion

This course uses theories and methods from the study of religion to understand narrative and visual aspects of films that are not explicitly religious. Genres of films may include comedy, horror, action, drama, and sci-fi. Approaches may include the tudy of rituals, symbols, myth, gender, politics, sacred figures, and psychology.

Exclusions: RLG232H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG333H5 • Biblical Themes in Modern Literature

This course examines the role and representation of various biblical traditions, teachings, and themes in a few selected works of fiction. Topics may include: covenant, freedom, evil, conquest, love, power, suffering, parables, education, and grace. No previous knowledge of the Bible is required.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG337H5 • Christmas: A History

A broad historical survey of Christmas ranging from the earliest accounts of Jesus’ birth in the New Testament up to contemporary debates about the place of Christmas and its celebration in the public sphere.

Recommended Preparation: RLG203H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG340H5 • Topics in Christianity

A detailed study of selected aspects of Christianity.

Recommended Preparation: RLG203H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG342H5 • Holy Heroes: The Lives and Legacies of Christian Martyrs

Though it promises eternal life, Christianity was forged in death. By considering narrative accounts of early Christian martyrdom, including the development of the cult of the saints, this course examines how persecution and death have shaped the culture of Christianity for two thousand years.

Recommended Preparation: RLG101H5 and (RLG300- or RLG400-level course in Christianity) or RLG203H5.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG346H5 • Early Modern Christianity

A study of the ways in which Protestant and Catholic Christians contributed to and reacted against the complex intellectual, political, and social changes in Europe from the sixteenth to the eighteenth century.

Exclusions: HIS340H5
Recommended Preparation: RLG203H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG347H5 • Zoroastrian Religious Writings

The course studies passages of Zoroastrian texts, principally from pre-Islamic times, in English translation. These passages are studied from the doctrinal point of view, and placed in the context of the history of Zoroastrianism. In addition, their points of contact with the texts of other religious literatures are analyzed.

Exclusions: RLG381H5
Recommended Preparation: RLG208H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG348H5 • Zoroastrian Customs and Ceremonies

The course analyzes the religious practices and the daily practices having a religious background, performed by the Zoroastrians in modern times. Their historical development is analyzed, considering, for the medieval and modern times, the influence of the environment of the countries where Zoroastrians lived, and where they represented a minority. Also highlighted is the significance of these practices in relationship to the Zoroastrian doctrinal system.

Recommended Preparation: RLG208H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG349H5 • Medieval Christianity

Spanning a millennium from the fall of Rome to the Protestant Reformation, this course explores the many ways in which the western branch of Christianity, based in Rome, shaped the religion, society, culture, and politics of emerging Europe.

Recommended Preparation: RLG203H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG350H5 • Topics in Islam

A detailed study of selected aspects of Islam.

Recommended Preparation: RLG204H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG351H5 • Major Themes in the Study of the Quran

An introduction to the Quran, the scripture of Islam. Surveys of the history of the text and the development of traditions of Quranic interpretation and commentary, including tafsir and ta'wil, from early to modern times.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG352H5 • Jews and Muslims: The Medieval Encounter

This course examines the encounter between Jews and Muslims during the Middle Ages, when a large majority of the Jewish people subsisted under Muslim rule: an overview of the religious, political, communal, material and intellectual settings of the Judaeo-Muslim experience.

Recommended Preparation: RLG202H5 or RLG204H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG356H5 • Persia and Beyond: Christianity in Asia to 1300

This course will examine the origins of Syriac-speaking Christianity on the eastern fringes of the Roman world, and chart its spread into Persia, Central Asia, China, and India. In contrast to the situation in Byzantium and in the Latin West, Christians in Asia lived (with few exceptions) as religious minorities under Zoroastrian, Muslim, Confucian, or Hindu rulers. We shall consider how these Christians adapted to regional cultures, engaged the political structures of the day, and developed their own unique theological and spiritual traditions.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG357H5 • Contemporary Global Christianity

An exploration of the changing face of Christianity in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries focusing on such topics as: Christianity in the Global South; new religious movements within Christianity; and intra- / inter-religious debates and conflicts in contemporary Christianity.

Recommended Preparation: RLG203H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG358H5 • Christianity in Late Antiquity: From Persecuted Sect to Imperial Religion

Beginning at the end of the Apostolic Age and continuing up to the seventh-century confrontation with early Islam, this course examines the evolution of Christianity from a persecuted sect to the predominant religion of the Roman and Byzantine Empires, with a particular focus on the Eastern Mediterranean and Mesopotamian contexts.

Recommended Preparation: RLG203H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG359H5 • The Orthodox Church of the Byzantine Empire

By the end of the fourth century, Constantinople was becoming the centre of a distinct branch of the Christian Church. This course will explore the formation and development of this "Eastern Orthodox" Christianity, including its theology, religious practices, social and cultural impact, and relationship to political power.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG360H5 • Topics in South Asian Religions

A detailed study of selected aspects of South Asian Religions.

Recommended Preparation: RLG101H5 or RLG205H5 or RLG210H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG361H5 • Encounters Between Indo-Islamic and Hindu Cultures

This course explores historical encounters between Indo-Islamic and Hindu cultures in pre-colonial South Asia, including narratives of conquest and resistance, iconoclasm and the reuse of images, patterns of courtly dress, translations of Sanskrit sources into Persian, indigenous Islamic practices, and sufi and bhakti poetry.

Recommended Preparation: RLG204H5 or RLG205H5 or RLG210H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG362H5 • Hindu and Muslim Worlds in Modern South Asia

Using primary texts as well as films, art, and architecture, this course explores the interbraided cultures of Islam and Hinduism in South Asia from the early modern period through the present day. It examines colonialism and nationalism’s effect on Hinduism and Islam and religion’s role in modern South Asian culture.

Recommended Preparation: RLG204H5 or RLG205H5 or RLG210H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG363H5 • Hinduism in Documentary Film

How does film capture religious experience? This course explores this question via nonfiction films about Hinduism in both South Asia and the diaspora, with attention to various nonfiction film genres and various modes of religious life (e.g., pilgrimage, Vedic ritual, asceticism, family-based devotion).

Recommended Preparation: RLG205H5 or RLG211H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG365H5 • From Murti to Meme: The Image in South Asian Religions

Since antiquity, icons and images have been a key mode of religious life in South Asia. How has the rise of mass media reshaped image-based religion? How has religion shaped mass-mediated visual culture in South Asia and beyond? This course pursues these questions through a series of case studies on topics like poster art, comic books, film, monumental statues, WhatsApp, TikTok, and other media.

Recommended Preparation: RLG205H5 or RLG211H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG366H5 • Icon and Iconoclasm in South Asia

This course focuses on the history of the image in Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, Sikhism, and Islam in South Asia. What is an icon, an image, a representation, and what is the ritual function of each form? When is the destruction of an icon and act of “iconoclasm”? In this course we consider acts of political plunder, reuse and rebuilding (spolia), and the power of the visual in shaping South Asian religious lives.

Recommended Preparation: RLG205H5 or RLG206H5 or RLG207H5 or RLG210H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG370H5 • Topics in Buddhism

A detailed study of selected aspects of Buddhism.

Recommended Preparation: RLG206H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG371H5 • Buddhist Thought

The course deals with the historical development of doctrines and controversies pertaining to the most important schools of Buddhist thought up to the end of the first millennium CE. It discusses the relationship of reason, belief and practice while giving a closer look at Buddhist positions on specific philosophical questions.

Exclusions: RLG371H1
Recommended Preparation: RLG206H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG373H5 • Buddhist Practices and Institutions

A study of Buddhist institutions and practices, this course varies in focus. Topics may include devotion, alms-giving, meditation practices, literature, hagiography, monastic codes, artistic and material histories, and/or the political and economic features of Buddhist institutions in particular times and places.

Recommended Preparation: RLG206H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG374H5 • Buddhist Literatures

The course looks at popular Buddhist educational storytelling, courtly dramas, Buddhist poetry or the life-histories of the buddhas, bodhisattvas and Buddhist holy men and women. It reflects on how popular motifs, aesthetic styles and literary media have helped transport Buddhist doctrines across various times, regions and languages.

Recommended Preparation: RLG206H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG378H5 • Museums and Material Religion

Museums have long collected and curated religious objects for public audiences, with missionaries as a primary collections source. Multiple visits to the Royal Ontario Museum and other museums will enable students to think critically about how museums received and presented these objects, while engaging with the challenges of museum curation.

Exclusions: RLG307H1
Recommended Preparation: RLG101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG380H5 • Topics in Comparative Religions

An in-depth study of the main teachings, practices and institutions of the major, and several of the minor, religious traditions: namely, Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism and Zoroastrianism.

Recommended Preparation: 1.0 credit from (RLG202H5 or RLG203H5 or RLG204H5 or RLG205H5 or RLG206H5 or RLG208H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG381H5 • Topics in Zoroastrianism

A detailed study of selected aspects of Zoroastrianism.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG382H5 • The Divine Comedy: A Spiritual Journey

This course studies the “Divine Comedy” by Dante Alighieri (1265–1321), a poem describing the author’s journey through the afterlife. It analyzes the religious themes of the text, highlighting how different traditions, such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Paganism, contributed to Dante’s shaping of the imaginary structure of the otherworldly spaces.

Recommended Preparation: RLG325H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG388H5 • Special Topics

A comprehensive study of special topics in the history of religions.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG399Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

For senior undergraduate students who have developed some knowledge of a discipline and its research methods, this course offers an opportunity to work on the research project of a professor. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, develop their research skills and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Project descriptions for the following fall-winter session are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: Completion of a minimum of 8.0 to 10.0 credits. (Amended)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG401H5 • Advanced Topics in Religion and the Literary, Visual, and Performing Arts

A critical exploration of selected topics concerning the relationship between religion and aesthetics, as expressed through the literary, visual, and performing arts. The focus in any given year may be on a particular tradition, or on broader, comparative understandings of "religion." Similarly, the course may concern one specific art form or a variety of forms, including architecture, dance, film, literature, music, visual art, etc.

Prerequisites: RLG101H5 and 1.5 RLG credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG402H5 • Religion and Stories

Stories are central to sacred texts and to creating meaning generally. This course examines different types of stories using approaches from the study of religion. Stories may come from religious traditions or anywhere else, and may involve various media such as books, films, video games, popular music, graphic novels, podcasts, etc.

Prerequisites: RLG101H5 and 1.5 RLG credits.
Exclusions: RLG401H5 (Winter 2020 and Fall 2020 and Fall 2021)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG411H5 • Advanced Topics in Religion, Media, and Culture

A critical exploration of selected topics concerning the relationships among religion, media and culture. The focus in any given year may be on a particular religious tradition or on a broader thematic question. Assigned readings typically include a combination of visual and written cultural texts, as well as works of cultural and social theory. Content in any given year depends on instructor. See Department of Historical Studies website at for details.

Prerequisites: 2.0 RLG credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG412H5 • Theorizing Religion

This course gives advanced students the opportunity to pursue in-depth study of major classic and contemporary texts in critical theory, cultural studies, and the philosophy of religion. Topics may include: religion and politics; crises of faith; psychology of religion.

Prerequisites: RLG101H5 and 1.5 RLG credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG415H5 • Advanced Topics in the Study of Religion

A critical exploration of selected topics in the study of religion. As part of this course, students may have the option of participating in an international learning experience that will have an additional cost and application process.

Prerequisites: 2.0 RLG credits

International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG420H5 • Women and Gender in Early and Medieval Christianity

This course combines lecture and seminar approaches to understand how ideas about women, gender, and the body were constructed and naturalized in ancient and medieval Christianity.

Prerequisites: RLG203H5 and 1.5 RLG credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG421H5 • South Asian Epics

An exploration of South Asian literary and oral epics moving across boundaries of language and genre. Students will engage with a variety of performative and aesthetic traditions including the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, Buddhist narratives, Sufi poetry, and vernacular epics. We will situate heroic, sacrificial, and romance genres in their social and performative contexts.

Prerequisites: (RLG205H5 or RLG210H5) and 1.5 RLG credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG422H5 • Religion and the Senses in South Asia

This course focuses on Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, and Sikh objects and rituals, and we will read primary sources and scholarship in religious studies, anthropology, and ritual theory. Topics may include the gaze in the formation of icons and images, votive offerings, feasts and fasts, smells (perfumery and corpse disposal), and the aesthetics of religious architecture.

Prerequisites: (RLG204H5 or RLG205H5 or RLG207H5 or RLG210H5) and 1.5 RLG credits
Recommended Preparation: RLG206H5 and RLG303H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG423H5 • Ritual and Material Practice in South Asian Islam

In this course we examine the intersection of material practices and senses in South Asian Islamic rituals in how religious worlds are experienced. The course also focuses on the role of ritual and material culture in shaping South Asian Muslim identities (Sunni, Shiʿi, Sufi).

Prerequisites: RLG205H5 or RLG303H5 and 1.5 RLG credits
Recommended Preparation: RLG204H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG430H5 • Advanced Topics in Judaism

A critical exploration of selected topics in the history of Judaism.

Prerequisites: (RLG202H5 or RLG330H5) and 1.5 RLG credits.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG435H5 • The Dead Sea Scrolls

This course provides a survey of the Dead Sea Scrolls, a brief history of the period in which the Scrolls were written, and a presentation of the various ways in which scholars have interpreted them. The course also includes in-depth study of selected texts and themes illuminating the formation of the Hebrew Bible, ancient Judaism, and the historical and theological background of the New Testament and early Christianity.

Prerequisites: (RLG202H5 or RLG203H5) and 1.5 RLG credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG440H5 • Advanced Topics in Christianity

A critical exploration of selected topics in the history of Christianity.

Prerequisites: (RLG203H5 or RLG340H5) and 1.5 RLG credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG442H5 • Desert Solitaire: Christian Monasticism and the Ascetic Tradition

This course explores the history and significance of Christian monasticism and asceticism, with a focus on the desert tradition. From the early Desert Fathers and Mothers to contemporary spiritual writers, we consider the enduring legacy of solitude, silence, and self-discipline in the history of Christianity.

Prerequisites: RLG203H5 and 1.5 RLG credits
Recommended Preparation: RLG101H5 and any RLG300- or RLG400-level course in Christianity

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG445H5 • Making Martyrs: From Socrates to the Suicide Bomber

Comparative study of martyrdom and the idea of the martyr beginning with Greco-Roman philosophical concepts of 'noble death' and continuing through Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in ancient, medieval, and contemporary contexts.

Prerequisites: 2.0 RLG credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG448H5 • Approaches to the Academic Study of Islam

This seminar introduces advanced undergraduate students to the history, genealogies, theories, and methods that have shaped the academic study of Islam and Muslims in the discipline of religious studies.

Prerequisites: RLG204H5 or RLG303H5 and 1.5 RLG credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG449H5 • Islamic Sexualities

This course focuses on the diverse attitudes and expressions of sexuality in Islam. Taking a broad approach, this course examines issues of sexuality, including homosexuality, fe/male sexuality, birth control, divorce, marriage, transgender identity and performance, and feminist sexual ethics.

Prerequisites: RLG204H5 and 1.5 RLG credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG450H5 • Advanced Topics in Islam

A critical exploration of selected topics in the history of Islam.

Prerequisites: (RLG204H5 or RLG350H5) and 1.5 RLG credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG451H5 • Islamic Literatures

This course is an in depth exploration of the literary traditions of the Islamic world. The course examines the influence of religion in the writings of Muslim authors, as well as the role of symbols, philosophy, mystical practice, ideologies, rituals and history in the creation of literary works such as poetry, novels, biographies, court chronicles, epics, and more.

Prerequisites: 2.0 RLG credits
Exclusions: RLG451Y5
Recommended Preparation: RLG204H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG452H5 • Anthropology of Islam

This course focuses on the everyday lived experience of Muslims in different parts of the world. We will read ethnographic studies and analyze films, which highlight important issues in everyday Muslim life: gender, modernity and piety, the role of ritual in everyday practice. This course has an ethnographic field project.

Prerequisites: RLG204H5 or RLG350H5 and 1.5 RLG credits.
Recommended Preparation: RLG306H5 or WGS301H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG453H5 • Researching Islam: Entering the World of Scholarly Investigation

How do academics research Islam? Students in this course learn about and gain hands-on experience with essential scholarly tools for discovering and disseminating new knowledge in this field. Both individually and collaboratively, students will work on original projects concerning academic literature, scholarly communication, or primary sources.

Prerequisites: 2.0 RLG credits
Recommended Preparation: RLG204H5

Course Experience: University-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class, Hybrid

RLG460H5 • Advanced Topics in South Asian Religions

A critical exploration of selected topics in the history of South Asian religions.

Prerequisites: (RLG205H5 or RLG210H5 or RLG360H5) and 1.5 RLG credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG461H5 • Religion and Aesthetics in South Asia

South Asian religious traditions are suffused with aesthetic elements and processes -- Hindu temple worship, for example, abounds in music, song, dance, and iconography. In this course we examine the close relationship between religion and aesthetics in South Asia through study of poetics, courtly poetry, visual culture, music, and performance traditions.

Prerequisites: (RLG205H5 or RLG210H5) and 1.5 RLG credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG462H5 • Sex and Gender in South Asian Religions

This course examines ideas, roles, and regulation of sexuality and gender in South Asian religious traditions, paying attention to sexual abstinence and promiscuity as forms of piety, and we will examine performances of the gendered body that transcend and/or problematize the binary construction of masculine and feminine.

Prerequisites: (RLG101H5 or RLG205H5 or RLG210H5) and 1.5 RLG credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG463H5 • Genealogies of South Asian Religions

This course looks at debates surrounding central concepts in the study of South Asian religions. We will look at theories of asceticism, devotion, renunciation, caste, kingship, ritual, and state that animate the discussion of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. Students will learn to place their ideas in conversation with larger intellectual genealogies.

Prerequisites: (RLG204H5 or RLG205H5 or RLG206H5 or RLG210H5) and 1.5 RLG credits
Recommended Preparation: RLG101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG464H5 • Saints, Royalty, and the State in South Asian Religions

This course focuses on the relationship between religious ideologies, saints, and state power in ancient, medieval, and precolonial Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, and Muslim states in South Asia. We will read primary sources in translation and examine art, architecture, and material culture to examine how kings and saints/ascetics negotiated politics and power.

Prerequisites: (RLG205H5 or RLG210H5 or RLG303H5) and 1.5 RLG credits
Recommended Preparation: RLG206H5 or RLG207H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG465H5 • Sex and Renunciation in Sanskrit Poetry

This course examines the paradoxical relationship of the erotic in Sanskrit poetry with its opposite—renunciation and the technologies of asceticism involving a rejection of sexuality. While the treatment of these themes reflects a deeper civilizational history emblematized by the figure of Śiva, the erotic ascetic, Sanskrit courtly poetry allows us to examine problems peculiar to courtly life and kingship. Did the aestheticization of power in Sanskrit poetry conflict with transcendental ideals? How was the legitimacy of pleasure seen as both autonomous from and concurrent with other legitimate human ends? We will read all works in translation, and no familiarity with Sanskrit is presumed.

Prerequisites: (RLG205H5 or RLG210H5) and 1.5 RLG credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG466H5 • The Sasanian Empire: Religions at the Crossroads in Ancient Iran

This course studies the religious life of the Sasanian empire that ruled over Iran between 224 and 651 CE. It analyzes how different religions coexisted and interacted in the territory of the empire, including Zoroastrianism (the official religion of the empire), Manichaeism, Christianity, Judaism, and Mazdakism.

Prerequisites: (RLG202H5 or RLG203H5 or RLG208H5) and 1.5 RLG credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG470H5 • Advanced Topics in Buddhism

A critical exploration of selected topics in the history of Buddhism.

Prerequisites: (RLG206H5 or RLG370H5) and 1.5 RLG credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

RLG497Y5 • Independent Reading

Student-initiated project of reading and research, supervised by a member of the Department. Primarily intended for students in Specialist or Major programs. After obtaining a supervisor, a student must apply to the Department of Historical Studies. A maximum of 1.0 credit in a reading course is permitted.

Prerequisites: 2.0 RLG credtis

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG499H5 • Independent Reading

Student-initiated project of reading and research, supervised by a member of the Department. Primarily intended for students in Religion Specialist or Major programs. After obtaining a supervisor, a student must apply to the Department of Historical Studies. A maximum of 2 reading courses, amounting to 1.0 credit, is permitted.

Prerequisites: 2.0 RLG credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

RLG499Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

For senior undergraduate students who have developed some knowledge of a discipline and its research methods, this course offers an opportunity to work on the research project of a professor. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, develop their research skills and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Project descriptions for the following fall-winter session are posted on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: Completion of a minimum of 8.0 to 10.0 credits. (Amended)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

SAH200H5 • Being Human in South Asia

What does it mean to be human? We will explore South Asian food, music, poetry, and objects to understand human experience through the lived practice of South Asian communities in historical and contemporary contexts. This course uses South Asian texts and practices as theory--as usable tools that help us become better readers of the cultures we study and of ourselves.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

SAN291Y5 • Introductory Sanskrit

This course introduces students to the basic grammar of the classical Sanskrit language. Students will engage with its phonology (including pronunciation, sandhi, and metrics) and morphology (including word formation, nominal declension, and verbal conjugation). Students will apply their grammatical knowledge and analytic skills to the reading of basic Sanskrit texts. By the end of the course, students will be able to read simple, narrative Sanskrit.

Exclusions: SAN390H5 or SAN391H5 or RLG260Y1 or RLG260H1 or RLG263H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

SAN392Y5 • Intermediate Sanskrit

This course is a continuation of Introductory Sanskrit. It deepens students' knowledge of the phonology, morphology, and syntax of classical Sanskrit using both western and Indian linguistic terminology as descriptive devices. Students will apply their deeper grammatical knowledge and sharpened analytic skills to the reading of a variety of Sanskrit genres. This course counts towards LIN Major and Minor programs.

Prerequisites: (SAN291Y5 or RLG260Y1) and RLG260H1 and RLG263H1.
Exclusions: (SAN390H5 and SAN391H5) or (RLG359H1 and RLG360H1)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

SPA100Y5 • Spanish for Beginners

Introduction to the Spanish language for beginning students; overview of basic grammatical structures, development of vocabulary and oral and written expression.

Exclusions: Grade 12 Spanish or SPA100Y1 or LGGA30H3 or LGGA31H3 or equivalent beginner knowledge. Students are REQUIRED to complete the Spanish Language Assessment Questionnaire at if they have any prior experience with the language.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 48L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

SPA219H5 • Spanish for Heritage and Native Speakers I

This course is designed for heritage and native speakers with little to no knowledge of written Spanish who have basic to fluent speaking and comprehension abilities. The course provides foundations in understanding the Spanish grammatical system, opportunities to increase vocabulary and to develop writing skills and the ability to use the language across different contexts including in more formal situations. Students MUST complete the Spanish Language Assessment Questionnaire before enrolling in this course. Please visit

Prerequisites: As determined by the Spanish Language Assessment (…).
Exclusions: SPA100Y5 or SPA219Y5 or SPA219Y1 or SPA220Y5 or SPA220Y1 or SPA319H5 or SPA320Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

SPA220Y5 • Intermediate Spanish

Intermediate Spanish for non-natives. Intensive grammar review of the structures of Spanish integrated with an introduction to reading authentic Spanish material, with practice designed to build vocabulary and to improve oral and written expression. As part of this course, students may have the option of participating in an international learning experience that will have an additional cost and application process.

Prerequisites: SPA100Y5 or SPA100Y1
Exclusions: SPA219Y1 or SPA219Y5

International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 48L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

SPA235H5 • Music and Dance in Hispanic Culture

This course will explore the heritage and the modern manifestations of some Latin American, Caribbean, and Spanish musical styles and their accompanied dance forms. This course highlights the historical evolution of several prominent genres of music and dance, the place of music and dance in modern culture and their contribution in national identity and shows how European colonization and the slave trade impact on indigenous sounds and rhythms. The course is organized thematically and geographically and will be taught in English. Students who take this course for Spanish Language Citation must complete written course work in Spanish. As part of this course, students may have the option of participating in an international learning experience that will have an additional cost and application process.

Prerequisites: Open to all students.
Recommended Preparation: SPA100Y5 and SPA220Y5 or SPA259H5

International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

SPA259H5 • Introduction to Hispanic Culture

Forms of cultural expression in Spain, Latin America and Spanish-speaking North America, with study of representative media, including literature, journalism, film, visual art, and the urban environment. Introduction to methods of cultural analysis.

Prerequisites: SPA100Y5
Corequisites: SPA220Y5
Exclusions: SPA323Y1 or SPA323H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

SPA275H5 • Latin American Cinema

A survey of Latin American cinema, analyzed within historical, social, political, and cultural contexts. Aesthetic and social forms and questions of identity will also be studied. Throughout the course, the cinema of various Spanish speaking nations, regions, and historical periods will be highlighted. The course is taught in English. Students who take this course for Spanish Language Citation must complete written course work in Spanish.

Exclusions: SPA375H1
Recommended Preparation: SPA100Y5 and SPA220Y5 or SPA259H5.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

SPA305H5 • Spanish for Business and Media

An intermediate level Spanish course focusing on topics and language related to professional and media spheres. Students will work with language appropriate for the workplace, newsprint, and online media, as well as financial and diplomatic institutions. Topics studied will include foreign affairs, business, advertisement, and the geopolitics of Spain, Latin and North America. Students will gain literacy and intercultural skills, as well as critical thinking skills through the study of workplace culture, newsprint and social media, current and historical political events. Writing practice may include letters, CVs, opinion pieces, as well as social media posts.

Prerequisites: SPA220Y5 or permission of the department.
Exclusions: SPA323H5 or SPA323Y1 or SPA323H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

SPA319H5 • Spanish for Heritage and Native Speakers II

This course is designed for heritage and native speakers with solid reading and writing abilities in Spanish as well as fluent speaking and listening skills. The course provides opportunities to develop a complex Spanish grammatical system as well as opportunities to increase vocabulary, and develop writing skills and the ability to use the language across different contexts including in more formal situations.

Prerequisites: As determined by the Spanish Language Assessment Questionnaire (…).
Exclusions: SPA100Y5 or SPA219Y5 or SPA219Y1 or SPA219H5 or SPA220Y5 or SPA220Y1 or SPA320Y5 or higher

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

SPA320Y5 • Advanced Spanish

Advanced Spanish for non-natives. Selective review of grammar with emphasis on the complex sentence; intensive practice in written and oral expression to improve proficiency. As part of this course, students may have the option of participating in an international learning experience that will have an additional cost and application process.

Prerequisites: SPA220Y5
Exclusions: SPA320Y1 or SPA319Y1

International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 48L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

SPA323H5 • Business Spanish

Practical uses of spoken and written Spanish for business contexts. This course builds on grammar and vocabulary knowledge already acquired at the intermediate level.

Prerequisites: SPA220Y5
Exclusions: SPA323Y1, SPA323H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

SPA390H5 • Cross-cultural Communication and Pragmatics in the Spanish-speaking World

The course introduces students to the different ways in which speakers communicate across the diverse Spanish-speaking world. Students will analyze how culturally defined politeness, social norms, and speaker identities impact how language is used in diverse Spanish-speaking countries. Students will also explore, identify, and solve problems resulting from cultural differences between Spanish and other languages. Furthermore, students will develop pragmatic competence in Spanish and will compare variation in pragmatic norms among different Spanish-speaking communities.

Corequisites: SPA219Y5 or SPA319H5 or SPA320Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

SPA420H5 • Advanced Topics on Spanish Grammar

Study of traditional topics of Spanish grammar from a linguistic perspective with the goal of improving students’ knowledge and usage of Spanish grammar and language understanding in general. Topics include (but are not limited to): word order variation patterns, subject types, the verbal system, and the Spanish copulas. This course employs a cross-linguistic approach, as some of these topics are discussed from a comparative perspective. This course is taught in Spanish.

Prerequisites: SPA219Y5 or SPA320Y5 or as indicated by Spanish Language Assessment Questionnaire (
Exclusions: SPA420H1 and SPA421H1

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

SPA443H5 • Studies in Spanish Linguistics: Pragmatics

This course introduces students to the discipline of linguistics through a focus on Spanish- speaking communities and the linguistic diversity amongst them. This advanced task-based course focuses on developing students’ pragmatic competence in Spanish, or the ability to use the language appropriately in different social contexts. To do so, students will analyze how culturally confined politeness norms, contextual elements, and speakers’ identities impact how language is used to carry out different speech acts such as requests, invitations, and apologies, among others, and will compare variation in pragmatic norms among different Spanish-speaking communities.

Prerequisites: SPA320Y5 or (SPA219Y5 and permission of the instructor)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 36L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

URD212Y5 • Introduction to Urdu

This course is for students who have no background knowledge in Urdu. The course provides students with basic information about the Urdu language paying particular attention to literacy skills, i.e. reading and writing in Urdu. Students start by learning how to write and pronounce the alphabet and how to connect letters to form new words. Then, they learn basic vocabulary in Urdu in order to express basic ideas orally and in writing. By the end of the course, students should be able to write simple sentences to express basic information, and they should be able to conduct basic conversations in Urdu. All students MUST complete the Urdu Language Assessment Questionnaire (…) before enrolling in URD course for the FIRST time.

Prerequisites: All students who are enrolling in an URD language course for the first time MUST complete the Urdu Language Assessment Questionnaire ((…).

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

URD312Y5 • Intermediate Urdu

In this course, students will continue developing skills in spoken and written Urdu with the study of more complex grammar. Students will continue to build vocabulary and advance their ability in literary and colloquial forms of the language. Students who have not completed the listed prerequisite of URD212Y5 are REQUIRED to complete the Urdu Language Assessment Questionnaire (…) by no later than August 29th. Late assessment submissions will not be accepted.

Prerequisites: URD212Y5 or appropriate language level as indicated by the Urdu Language Assessment Questionnaire ((…).

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 72L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

UTM109H5 • utmONE: Special Topics at the Intersection of Science and Humanities

This course brings together first-year students to explore a current topic or problem at the intersection of science and humanities in a small-group environment. The focus of each section will depend on the instructor’s areas of expertise and will provide students with the opportunity to develop foundational learning strategies and sharpen their academic skills to support the transition into university. Students participate in a series of tutorials that will help them build foundational skills for academic success such as creating study plans, taking notes, reading critically, and developing a growth mindset.

Exclusions: UTM108H5 or UTM110H5 or UTM111H5 or UTM112H5 or UTM113H5 or UTM114H5 or UTM115H5 or UTM116H5 or UTM117H5 or UTM118H5 or UTM119H5 or UTM190H5 or UTM191H5 or UTM192H5 or UTM193H5 or UTM194H5 or UTM195H5 or UTM196H5 or UTM197H5

Distribution Requirement: Science, Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

UTM110H5 • utmONE: Special Topics at the Intersection of Social Science and Humanities

This course brings together first-year students to explore a current topic or problem at the intersection of social science and humanities in a small-group environment. The focus of each section will depend on the instructor’s areas of expertise and will provide students with the opportunity to develop foundational learning strategies and sharpen their academic skills to support the transition into university. Students participate in a series of tutorials that will help them build foundational skills for academic success such as creating study plans, taking notes, reading critically, and developing a growth mindset.

Exclusions: UTM108H5 or UTM109H5 or UTM111H5 or UTM112H5 or UTM113H5 or UTM114H5 or UTM115H5 or UTM116H5 or UTM117H5 or UTM118H5 or UTM119H5 or UTM190H5 or UTM191H5 or UTM192H5 or UTM193H5 or UTM194H5 or UTM195H5 or UTM196H5 or UTM197H5

Distribution Requirement: Social Science, Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

UTM115H5 • utmONE: Communication Among Cultures

This course is an introduction to inter-cultural communication primarily in the areas of writing and speaking. It is designed to address fundamental skills related to language use in the academic setting by focusing on topics such as customs, attitudes, beliefs, and values. Specific examples will be drawn from real-life university situations, and multiple viewpoints on the nature of diversity in communication will be discussed. Students participate in a series of tutorials that will help them build foundational skills for academic success such as creating study plans, taking notes, reading critically, and developing a growth mindset.

Exclusions: UTM108H5 or UTM109H5 or UTM110H5 or UTM111H5 or UTM112H5 or UTM113H5 or UTM114H5 or UTM116H5 or UTM117H5 or UTM118H5 or UTM119H5 or UTM190H5 or UTM191H5 or UTM192H5 or UTM193H5 or UTM194H5 or UTM195H5 or UTM196H5 or UTM197H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities, Social Science
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

UTM116H5 • utmONE: Happiness

This course investigates the concept of happiness from its earliest articulations in the ancient world to today. Drawing on a wide array of sources in disciplines in the social sciences and humanities, we will investigate "happiness" across time and place. Throughout the semester students will reflect on the concept as it relates to their own lives as well as how it shapes society as a whole. As part of this course students will participate in a series of tutorials that will help them build foundations for academic success (such as understanding the value of higher education, developing a growth mindset, and finding passion).

Exclusions: UTM110H5 or UTM111H5 or UTM112H5 or UTM114H5 or UTM115H5 or UTM117H5 or UTM118H5 or UTM119H5 or UTM190H5 or UTM191H5 or UTM192H5 or UTM193H5 or UTM194H5 or UTM195H5 or UTM196H5 or UTM197H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities, Social Science
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

UTM190H5 • utmONE Scholars: Special Topics at the Intersection of Social Science and Humanities

This course brings together first-year students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement to explore a current topic or problem at the intersection of social science and humanities in a small-group environment. The focus of each section will depend on the instructor’s areas of expertise and will provide students with the opportunity to develop university-level research and critical thinking skills to support the transition into university. Note: All interested students must apply and a select group of academically successful students will be accepted into utmONE Scholars. The application can be found here:

Exclusions: UTM110H5 or UTM111H5 or UTM112H5 or UTM114H5 or UTM115H5 or UTM116H5 or UTM117H5 or UTM118H5 or UTM119H5 or UTM191H5 or UTM192H5 or UTM193H5 or UTM194H5 or UTM195H5 or UTM196H5 or UTM197H5

Enrolment Limits: This course is open to first-year students only.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities, Social Science
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

UTM192H5 • utmONE Scholars: Special Topics at the Intersection of Science and Humanities

This course brings together first-year students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement to explore a current topic or problem at the intersection of science and humanities in a small-group environment. The focus of each section will depend on the instructor’s areas of expertise and will provide students with the opportunity to develop university-level research and critical thinking skills to support the transition into university. Note: All interested students must apply and a select group of academically successful students will be accepted into utmONE Scholars. The application can be found here:

Exclusions: UTM110H5 or UTM111H5 or UTM112H5 or UTM113H5 or UTM114H5 or UTM115H5 or UTM116H5 or UTM117H5 or UTM118H5 or UTM119H5 or UTM190H5 or UTM191H5 or UTM193H5 or UTM194H5 or UTM195H5 or UTM196H5 or UTM197H5

Enrolment Limits: This course is open to first-year students only.
Distribution Requirement: Science, Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

UTM193H5 • utmONE Scholars: Nations Colliding?

This course investigates the complexity of our global interconnectedness through the lens of a substantive topic. Questions vary annually, but may include: Do all nations benefit equally from this increasing connectivity? How do global connections affect culture? What strategies offer long-term sustainability? What are the impacts of interconnectedness, both to individual citizens and to societies at large? Questions will be explored using a multidisciplinary approach. Note: All interested students must apply and a select group of academically successful students will be accepted into utmONE Scholars. The application can be found here:

Exclusions: UTM110H5 or UTM111H5 or UTM112H5 or UTM113H5 or UTM114H5 or UTM115H5 or UTM116H5 or UTM117H5 or UTM118H5 or UTM119H5 or UTM190H5 or UTM191H5 or UTM192H5 or UTM194H5 or UTM195H5 or UTM196H5 or UTM197H5

Enrolment Limits: This course is open to first-year students only.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities, Social Science
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

UTM194H5 • utmONE Scholars: Religion and Politics

This course aims to engage with the current political challenges that religion in its diverse manifestations poses to secular society and political systems. This seminar will encourage students to become more thoughtful and self-critical about how society responds socially and politically to these challenges in the 21st-century. Note: All interested students must apply and a select group of academically successful students will be accepted into utmONE Scholars. The application can be found here:

Exclusions: UTM110H5 or UTM111H5 or UTM112H5 or UTM113H5 or UTM114H5 or UTM115H5 or UTM116H5 or UTM117H5 or UTM118H5 or UTM119H5 or UTM190H5 or UTM191H5 or UTM192H5 or UTM193H5 or UTM195H5 or UTM196H5 or UTM197H5

Enrolment Limits: This course is open to first-year students only.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities, Social Science
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

UTM195H5 • utmONE Scholars: Curiosity and Control: Voyages of Discovery to North America

Students will investigate how both a curiosity for novelty and a desire for control motivated the so-called "Age of Discovery" and shaped the experiences of First Nations, Africans, and Europeans in medieval and early modern North America. With a focus on how people adapted to new environments, this course will provide opportunities for students to explore historical questions with contemporary resonance from the perspectives of both science and the humanities. Note: All interested students must apply and a select group of academically successful students will be accepted into utmONE Scholars. The application can be found here:

Exclusions: UTM110H5 or UTM111H5 or UTM112H5 or UTM113H5 or UTM114H5 or UTM115H5 or UTM116H5 or UTM117H5 or UTM118H5 or UTM119H5 or UTM190H5 or UTM191H5 or UTM192H5 or UTM193H5 or UTM194H5 or UTM196H5 or UTM197H5

Enrolment Limits: This course is open to first-year students only.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities, Science
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

UTM196H5 • utmONE Scholars: Building Global Justice

This course focuses on themes of social justice, global change, and conflict through the lens of multiple disciplines. Through the exploration of concepts such as class, race, gender, religion, culture, and power on a global level, students will be involved in assignments and small group activities that develop and refine key skills that contribute to student success in university courses. Note: All interested students must apply and a select group of academically successful students will be accepted into utmONE Scholars. The application can be found here:

Exclusions: UTM110H5 or UTM111H5 or UTM112H5 or UTM113H5 or UTM114H5 or UTM115H5 or UTM116H5 or UTM117H5 or UTM118H5 or UTM119H5 or UTM190H5 or UTM191H5 or UTM192H5 or UTM193H5 or UTM194H5 or UTM195H5 or UTM197H5

Enrolment Limits: This course is open to first-year students only.
Distribution Requirement: Humanities, Social Science
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

UTM250H5 • Special Topics at the Intersection of Social Science and Humanities

This course covers a special topic at the intersection of the social sciences and humanities. Content relates to the instructor’s area of interest and varies in focus from year to year. This course may satisfy either the Social Sciences or Humanities distribution requirement, depending on the topic offered. The course may vary in terms of contact type (L, S, T, P) from year to year, but there will be between 24-36 contact hours in total. See the UTM Timetable.

Prerequisites: 4.0 credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities, Social Science
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

UTM251H5 • Special Topics at the Intersection of Science and Humanities

This course covers a special topic at the intersection of the sciences and humanities. Content relates to the instructor’s area of interest and varies in focus from year to year. This course may satisfy either the Sciences or Humanities distribution requirement, depending on the topic offered. The course may vary in terms of contact type (L, S, T, P) from year to year, but there will be between 24-36 contact hours in total. See the UTM Timetable.

Prerequisites: 4.0 credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities, Science
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

UTM350H5 • Special Topics at the Intersection of Social Science and Humanities

This course offers in-depth instruction on a special topic at the intersection of the social sciences and humanities. Content relates to the instructor’s area of interest and varies in focus from year to year, but it is designed to offer in-depth instruction in interdisciplinary research methods and writing practices. This course may satisfy either the Humanities or Social Sciences distribution requirement, depending on the topic offered. The course may vary in terms of contact type (L, S, T, P) from year to year, but there will be between 24-36 contact hours in total. See the UTM Timetable.

UTM LAUNCH courses cannot be used to satisfy the prerequisites for this course. Any other course with a ‘UTM’ designator at the 100-level or 200-level qualifies.

Prerequisites: 8.0 credits, including 0.5 credit in UTM courses

Distribution Requirement: Social Science, Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

UTM351H5 • Special Topics at the Intersection of Science and Humanities

This course offers in-depth instruction on a special topic at the intersection of the sciences and humanities. Content relates to the instructor’s area of interest and varies in focus from year to year, but it is designed to offer in-depth instruction in interdisciplinary research methods and writing practices. This course may satisfy either the Sciences or Humanities distribution requirement, depending on the topic offered. The course may vary in terms of contact type (L, S, T, P) from year to year, but there will be between 24-36 contact hours in total. See the UTM Timetable.

UTM LAUNCH courses cannot be used to satisfy the prerequisites for this course. Any other course with a ‘UTM’ designator at the 100-level or 200-level qualifies.

Prerequisites: 8.0 credits, including 0.5 credit in UTM courses

Distribution Requirement: Humanities, Science
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

UTM450H5 • Advanced Special Topics at the Intersection of Social Science and Humanities

This course offers advanced instruction on a special topic at the intersection of the social sciences and humanities. Content relates to the instructor’s area of interest and varies in focus from year to year, but it is designed to offer in-depth instruction in interdisciplinary research methods and writing practices. This course may satisfy either the Humanities or Social Sciences distribution requirement, depending on the topic offered. The course may vary in terms of contact type (L, S, T, P) from year to year, but there will be between 24-36 contact hours in total. See the UTM Timetable.

UTM LAUNCH courses cannot be used to satisfy the prerequisites for this course. Any other course with a ‘UTM’ designator at the 100-level or 200-level qualifies.

Prerequisites: 8.0 credits, including 0.5 credit in UTM courses

Distribution Requirement: Social Science, Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

UTM451H5 • Advanced Special Topics at the Intersection of Science and Humanities

This course offers advanced instruction on a special topic at the intersection of the sciences and humanities. Content relates to the instructor’s area of interest and varies in focus from year to year, but it is designed to offer in-depth instruction in interdisciplinary research methods and writing practices. This course may satisfy either the Sciences or Humanities distribution requirement, depending on the topic offered. The course may vary in terms of contact type (L, S, T, P) from year to year, but there will be between 24-36 contact hours in total. See the UTM Timetable.

UTM LAUNCH courses cannot be used to satisfy the prerequisites for this course. Any other course with a ‘UTM’ designator at the 100-level or 200-level qualifies.

Prerequisites: 8.0 credits, including 0.5 credit in UTM courses

Distribution Requirement: Humanities, Science
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC101H5 • Introduction to Visual Culture

(Formerly CCT201H5/VCC201H5) Introduces the ways in which we use and understand images across the realms of art, advertising, mass media, and science, with examples drawn from painting, photography, film, television, and new media. Presents a diverse range of recent approaches to visual analysis and key theories of visual culture.

Exclusions: FAH201H5 or CCT201H5 or VCC201H5
Recommended Preparation: CCT109H5 or (FAH101H5 or FAH202H5)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC205H5 • Monsters

This course examines monster movies and television shows alongside readings from monster literature, comics, and critical essays. It considers the social significance of the monster in order to learn something about how the threat of the monster relates to historical anxieties concerning mass-media technologies, social deviance, and the hybrid forms of visual media culture that we typically associate with the era of 21st-century convergence culture but define the genre of monster media from its ancient beginnings.

Exclusions: VCC340H5
Recommended Preparation: VCC101H5 or VCC201H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC207H5 • Urban Sites and Sounds

Introduces students to histories and theories of urban spaces emphasizing the modern city. Drawing from history, architecture, geography, and media studies, the course explores how urban change is evident in the spaces, forms, and sounds of the modern city. Case studies of specific urban environments depending on instructor's research emphasis.

Recommended Preparation: VCC101H5 or VCC201H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC236H5 • North American Consumer Culture: 1890-Present

Examines the history and theoretical treatments of mass consumerism in North American society. We will look at the relationship between the market and cultural politics, cultural production, and mass consumption. Specific topics include: the shift from mass production to mass consumption; the growth of department stores; the rise of advertising; the relationship of race, class, and gender to consumer capitalism; the development of product brands; and the emergence of global marketing.

Exclusions: HIS336H5 or VCC336H5
Recommended Preparation: VCC101H5 or VCC201H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC290H5 • Topics in Visual Culture and Communication

An examination of a topic in Visual Culture. Topics vary from year to year; the content in any given year depends on the instructor. This will be a lecture course.

Recommended Preparation: VCC101H5 or VCC201H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC292H5 • Topics in Visual Culture and Communication

An in-depth examination of topics in visual and media culture, from both historical and contemporary perspectives. Topics vary from year to year, and the content in any given year depends upon the instructor.

Recommended Preparation: VCC101H5 or VCC201H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC304H5 • Visual Culture and the Politics of Identity

Examines the ways in which social-cultural identities are constructed by, and at times disrupt, various visual technologies, logics, and representational strategies. Issues and problems to be addressed include nationality, stereotyping, invisibility, and surveillance. Course materials will be drawn from modern and contemporary art and visual culture, and will also include readings from the fields of feminism, race studies, queer theory, and performance studies.

Prerequisites: CCT200H5 or VCC101H5 or VCC201H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC306H5 • Visual Culture and Colonialism

Many of our most popular and influential image technologies, visual forms, and ways of thinking about images first developed in the second half of the 19th century: the heyday of European colonialism. This course re-examines the visual culture of modernity in the light of this deeply colonial genealogy, through forms such as photography, colour printing, film, exhibitions, postcards, maps, scientific illustrations, and the body as image.

Prerequisites: VCC101H5 or VCC201H5
Exclusions: VCC302H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC308H5 • Activism in Visual and Media Culture

This course will examine political and social activism in visual and media culture focusing on the role that visual representation has played in social movements and how artists/activists have employed visual media to achieve specific ends that challenge and resist dominant visual representations and political formations.

Prerequisites: VCC101H5 or VCC201H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC309H5 • Society and Spectacle

Spectacles have been vehicles of social and political power at varying historical moments and locations. Since Guy Debord's Society of the Spectacle was published in 1967 the term has been deployed as a critical concept for thinking about visual culture. This course takes up a number of historical case studies in order to locate and situate phenomena associated with spectacle and spectacular visual entertainments. Topics may include the role of images in mediating contemporary social relations and the connection between spectacle and violence.

Prerequisites: VCC101H5 or VCC201H5
Exclusions: VCC209H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/36P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC334H5 • Media Realities

This course examines the relationship between mass media technologies and the idea of "reality" with an emphasis on the electronic and digital forms that dominate the discourse of "reality" in contemporary media culture, television, and the Internet. It will explore such questions as: How do shifting aesthetic conventions of realism, "reality" programming, and documentary inflect both theoretical and historical understandings of what constitutes reality? And how do our ideas of media technology inform these conventions and the understandings they produce?

Prerequisites: VCC101H5 or VCC201H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC338H5 • Picturing the Suburbs

This course considers how images of suburbia circulate between two interrelated but often counter-posed realms of visual culture: the popular genres of film, television, and new media entertainment and the iconography of "high" art practices such as painting, photography, and avant-garde film. In the process it addresses such fundamental issues as the relation between art and mass production, the aesthetics of private and public space, and the role that visual media play in constructing the socio-political space of the built environment.

Prerequisites: VCC101H5 or VCC201H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC360H5 • South Asian Visual Culture

Popular imagery from the Indian subcontinent is now increasingly visible in the global arena, particularly via the West's discovery of 'Bollywood.' But what have these images meant to South Asians themselves, what are their histories, what traditions and practices do they draw on? This course introduces key concepts for understanding South Asian visual culture and its multifaceted postcolonial modernity. Images examined include popular prints, film, photography, comic books, urban environments, advertisements, crafts, art, propaganda, rituals, television, and the internet.

Prerequisites: VCC101H5 or VCC201H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC390H5 • Topics in Visual Culture and Communication

An in-depth examination of topics in visual and media culture, from both historical and contemporary perspectives. Topics vary from year to year, and the content in any given year depends upon the instructor.

Prerequisites: VCC101H5 or VCC201H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC392H5 • Topics in Visual Culture and Communication

An in-depth examination of topics in visual and media culture, from both historical and contemporary perspectives. Topics vary from year to year, and the content in any given year depends upon the instructor.

Prerequisites: VCC101H5 or VCC201H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

VCC394H5 • Comics and Visual Culture

Examines comics and graphic novels and their histories in print and digital media, including production, dissemination, and reception. Develops a foundational understanding of the visual grammar of comics and addresses theories of narrative.

Prerequisites: VCC101H5
Exclusions: CCT336H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC397H5 • History of Communication Design

This course examines the historical development of communication design from the industrial revolution to the present. Focuses on the emergence of design theory in changing economic, technological, and social contexts.

Prerequisites: VCC101H5
Exclusions: CCT352H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC399Y5 • Research Opportunity Program (ROP)

This course provides a richly rewarding opportunity for third or higher year students who have developed some knowledge of visual culture and communication to work on the research project of a professor in return for 399Y course credit. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, enhance their research skills, and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Participating faculty members post their project descriptions for the following summer and fall/winter session on the ROP website in mid-February and students are invited to apply at that time. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: (VCC101H5 or VCC201H5) and a minimum of 10.0 credits.
Exclusions: CCT299Y5 or CCT399Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC400H5 • Advanced Project

This course is designed to serve as a capstone course for VCC specialists. Students engage with advanced readings in the field and refine skills in critical analysis of selected topics in VCC. A major focus is the design and implementation of an advanced research project selected in consultation with an instructor.

Prerequisites: (VCC101H5 or VCC201H5) and completion of 13.0 credits. Open only to VCC specialists.
Exclusions: CCT400H5 or HSC400H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC405H5 • Individual Project

A research project carried out under the supervision of a faculty member. Students will carry out a research project on a selected topic related to VCC. Students must obtain signed permission from the faculty member they would like to have as their supervisor.

Prerequisites: Completion of 13.0 credits including VCC400H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC406H5 • Post-Colonialism and the Image

How has the legacy of modern colonialism across the globe impacted how we see images, how we think about them, and how we make them? And how do images perpetuate or overturn the legacy of colonial power relations? This course introduces students to the key concepts and debates in post-colonial theory as they relate to visual studies.

Prerequisites: (VCC101H5 or VCC201H5) and VCC306H5
Recommended Preparation: VCC304H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC407H5 • Architectures of Vision

Based upon Michel Foucault's work on modern architectures of surveillance, control, and discipline, this course examines such modern and contemporary architectural-visual formations as the museum, domestic interior, cinema, and the residential and commercial skyscraper. Ways in which these sites have come to define notions of citizenship, privacy and publicity, and community will be of particular focus and concern.

Prerequisites: 13.0 credits including a minimum of 1.0 VCCcredit and (VCC101H5 or VCC201H5)
Recommended Preparation: FAH289H5 and VCC304H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC409H5 • Capital, Spectacle, War

This course investigates the conjunction of contemporary global capitalism, spectacle, and militarized neo-liberal governmentality in order to develop a critical understanding of the inter-related forces that constitute the most current and politically and ethically pressing events in the world today. These may include the war on terror, the disaster film genre, technologies of surveillance, politics of humiliation and scandal, and theological and financial speculation and visions of the future. Readings will draw upon both historical and in many cases the latest work in political theory, cinema and new media studies, critical philosophy, and religious studies.

Prerequisites: VCC101H5 and VCC309H5 and an additional 1.0 credit in VCC

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC410H5 • The Collective Afterlife of Things

This fourth-year interdisciplinary seminar provides students with an opportunity to examine theories of art and artistic practice in the context of contemporary visual culture, environmental devastation, global warming, climate injustice, and species extinction. Readings are drawn from eco-criticism and philosophy, visual studies and political theory, accompanied by contemporary art, film, literature in order to critically examine the concepts of “collective,” “afterlife,” and “things.”

Prerequisites: VCC101H5 and a minimum of 1.0 credit in VCC at the 300//400 level.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC411H5 • Real Space to Cyberspace

This course examines the re-conception of traditional understandings of architecture and space -- public and private -- brought about by digital technologies. Notions of space affect our conceptions of political, social and inner life; this course investigates the impact of hyperspace and virtual reality on real and imagined space in a global context.

Prerequisites: FAH101H5 and VCC101H5 and an additional 1.0 credit in VCC

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC415H5 • Theory and Criticism of New Media

Introduces a variety of approaches for interpreting, criticizing, evaluating, and theorizing digital media with a particular emphasis on visual cultural phenomena including augmented reality and virtual reality. Examines how the thinking of new media is conditioned and altered via major theoretical models.

Prerequisites: VCC101H5 and a minimum of 1.0 credit in VCC at 300/400 level

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC419H5 • Animals in Visual Culture

In 1977 the influential critic John Berger wrote an essay called “Why Look at Animals?” which framed humans’ relationship with animals as a matter of vision or, as we now say, of visual culture. More recently the humanities have been described as taking an “animal turn,” influenced by posthumanist thought and the idea that we are living in a period of unprecedented human impact on the planet, commonly (yet controversially) known as the Anthropocene. How has visual culture studies developed on or challenged Berger’s insights since he wrote that essay? Building on critiques of the category of “nature” as something that somehow pre-exists “culture” and is outside of it, which in turn challenges the terms of our distinctions between humans and animals, how does recent scholarship approach the place of images and vision in human-animal relations, and indeed the very idea of the animal itself? This seminar investigates these questions through texts that discuss key theoretical questions and examine representations of animals across a variety of media, species, historical or geographical contexts, and disciplinary approaches.

Prerequisites: (VCC101H5 or FAH101H5) and a minimum of 1.0 VCC credit.
Exclusions: VCC490H5 - Animals in Visual Culture Fall 2018
Recommended Preparation: FAH275H5 or FAH375H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC420H5 • The Visual Culture of Automobility

Cars are the quintessential mass-produced commodities, and as such are central to the spread of capitalism and to the forms, spaces, affects, and imaginaries of modernity, postmodernity and beyond. Drawing on anthropology, geography, architectural theory and cinema studies as well as visual studies, art history and critical theory, this seminar examines the visual cultures of automobility over a range of historical periods and cultural contexts.

Prerequisites: 13.0 credits including (VCC101H5 or VCC201H5) and a minimum of 1.0 VCC credit at the 300/400 level
Exclusions: VCC490H5 topics course - The Visual Culture of Automobility.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC425H5 • Art and Media Culture

Explores intersections of art, pop culture and mass media in Europe and North America between World War II and 1970. Reviews how the definition of art moved into an expanded field of media culture.

Prerequisites: 13.0 credits including (VCC101H5 or VCC201H5) and a minimum of 1.0 VCC credit
Recommended Preparation: FAH289H5 and VCC308H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC427H5 • Participatory Media

In order to explore the complex social and political issues surrounding the discourse of democratic participation in today's "new media" culture, this course provides a historical and theoretical survey of "old" media technologies that embrace the aesthetics of participation, running from popular theatre forms (including vaudeville and Chautauqua) to call-in radio shows, avant-garde and novelty films, activist video art, and the audience-based talk and game shows of fifties television that most directly prefigure the participatory genres of contemporary media programming.

Prerequisites: (VCC101H5 or VCC201H5) and at least 1.0 credit in VCC

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24P/24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC490H5 • Topics in Visual Culture and Communication

An in-depth examination of topics in visual and media culture, from both historical and contemporary perspectives. Topics vary from year to year, and the content in any given year depends upon the instructor.

Prerequisites: 13.0 credits including (VCC101H5 or VCC201H5) and a minimum of 1.0 VCC credit.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VCC492H5 • Topics in Visual Culture and Communication

An in-depth examination of topics in visual and media culture, from both historical and contemporary perspectives. Topics vary from year to year, and the content in any given year depends upon the instructor.

Prerequisites: VCC101H5 or VCC201H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VST410H5 • Internship in Visual Studies

This internship course provides an opportunity for students to gain practical experience at an institution or business closely related to the arts and to visual studies. This is especially tailored for mature and self-disciplined students in their final year of study, who are ready to apply knowledge acquired in previous courses and are planning a career in the arts and cultural sector. Students registered in any DVS program are eligible to apply. Students work closely with the DVS internship coordinator to establish suitability. Regular updates and a final report and presentation will be required. The final grade for the course will be based on these, along with the assessment of the employer.

Prerequisites: Minimum completion of 5.5 credits in DVS Programs and 8.0 additional credits and minimum CGPA 2.5 and and permission of internship coordinator.

Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

VST410Y5 • Internship in Visual Studies

This internship course provides an opportunity for students to gain practical experience at an institution or business closely related to the arts and to visual studies. This is especially tailored for mature and self-disciplined students in their final year of study, who are ready to apply knowledge acquired in previous courses and are planning a career in the arts and cultural sector. Students registered in any DVS program are eligible to apply. Students work closely with the DVS internship coordinator to establish suitability. Regular updates and a final report and presentation will be required. The final grade for the course will be based on these, along with the assessment of the employer.

Prerequisites: Minimum of 5.5 credits in DVS program courses and 8.0 additional credits and minimum CGPA 2.5 and permission of internship coordinator
Exclusions: VST410H5

Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS101H5 • Introduction to Women and Gender Studies

This foundation course introduces the core ideas students will explore throughout their studies in Women and Gender Studies. It immerses students in a highly participatory and provocative encounter with history, social theory, politics, policy, art and culture seen through a gender lens. It provides an interdisciplinary overview of the historical 'waves' of women's movements for equality in a global context and background to the development of Women/Gender Studies as a site of learning and feminist inquiry.

Exclusions: WGS160Y5 or WSTA01H3 or WSTA03H3.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS102H5 • Reading and Writing in Women and Gender Studies

Using key feminist texts, this course advances students thinking, reading and writing in the discipline of Women and Gender Studies. The emphasis is placed on the development and application of interdisciplinary skills in the interpretation, analysis, criticism, and advocacy of ideas encountered in Women and Gender Studies.

Recommended Preparation: WGS101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS200Y5 • Theories in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

This course provides an opportunity to engage in an in-depth examination of specialized and scholarly work within women, gender, and sexuality studies with a focus on the diverse and multidisciplinary expressions of feminist thought from the perspective of postcolonial, transnational, intersectional, diasporic, Black feminist, indigenous, and queer theories. This course situates the importance of praxis, the relationship between theory and social practice, to women, gender, and sexuality studies. Students will engage throughout with the relationship between theories of gender and sexuality as they relate to, and are inseparable from, an understanding of race and racial formations. It incorporates study of the themes and debates concerning the socially constructed categories of gender and sexuality in historical and contemporary contexts.

Prerequisites: WGS101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 48L/24T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS202H5 • Fundamentals of Research in Women and Gender Studies

This interdisciplinary course focuses on the visions and methods that feminist scholars use to study women's and gender issues within and across a range of traditional disciplines. The course explores feminist epistemologies and research methods to understand how to carry out feminist research. We will focus on how feminist scholars challenge dominant theories of knowledge and the major methodologies employed in the social sciences and humanities.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS205H5 • Introduction to Feminism and Popular Culture

This course explores the forms and functions of popular culture and its representation and understanding of the social category of women. It examines specific media forms including, but not limited to, film, song, visual arts, music, video, television, advertising and new media forms. It critically analyzes the impact of these portrayals on women in society while examining the cultural constructions of race, sexuality, class and ability.

Exclusions: WGS271Y1 or WSTB13H3. May not be taken with or after WGS470H5.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS210H5 • Women, Gender and Labour

This course covers a wide range of issues relating to female participation in public and private sectors of the today's Canadian workforce. It examines the relevance of education, perceptions, sexuality and family issues. Services and infrastructure, as well as collective bargaining are also addressed.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS211H5 • Gender, Technology and the Body

This course engages with feminist theories of embodiment to explore the body’s intersections with gender and technology. Drawing on the interdisciplinary fields of feminist studies, science and technology studies and disability studies, it explores a range of technological and scientific policies and processes that shape and affect bodies in transnational contexts.

Recommended Preparation: WGS101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS215H5 • Introduction to Women, Public Policy and the Law

This course introduces students to women's position in Canada as political actors and provides gender-based analysis in relation to public policy and law in Canada. Students will study women's historical participation in and exclusion from policy decision-making processes, and evaluate the impact of feminism and women's activism on Canadian public policies. Using intersectional framework, the course will also examine different ways in which public policies can be made more responsive to gender and diversity concerns as well as the role public policy can play in overcoming gender inequalities. We will investigate key historical changes in public policies affecting Canadian women in such areas as family, workplace, education, poverty-welfare, sexuality and reproductive laws, immigration and refugee laws, and global issues. The course concludes with women's achievements in this area.

Exclusions: WSTC14H3
Recommended Preparation: WGS101H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS250H5 • Women in Families

This course studies how the notion of family is conceptualized and organized transnationally and historically and examines the multiple familiar roles of women in diverse contexts.

Recommended Preparation: WGS200Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12T
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS299Y5 • Research Opportunity Program

This courses provides a richly rewarding opportunity for students in their second year to work in the research project of a professor in return for 299Y course credit. Students enrolled have an opportunity to become involved in original research, learn research methods and share in the excitement and discovery of acquiring new knowledge. Participating faculty members post their project descriptions for the following summer and fall-winter sessions in early February and students are invited to apply in early March. See Experiential and International Opportunities for more details.

Prerequisites: Completion of at least 4.0 and not more than 9.0 credits

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS301H5 • Representing Islam

The course explores historical and contemporary debates regarding the construction of gender in Islam. It examines historic and literary representations, ethnographic narratives, legal and human rights discourses, the politics of veiling, and Islamic feminism. This course situates Muslim women as complex, multidimensional actors engaged in knowledge production and political and feminist struggles, as opposed to the static, victim-centered, Orientalist images that have regained currency in the representation of Muslim women in the post 9/11 era.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5
Exclusions: NEW368H1 or WSTC13H3
Recommended Preparation: WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS325H5 • Sustainability: Society and Feminist Praxis

Sustainability considers humanity’s relationship to the environment. It reflects on a feminist politic of care and the specific ways people are affected along lines of race, gender, class, sexuality and citizenship. It explores how feminist scholarship seeks to direct policy change and respond to ecological and climatic crises.

Recommended Preparation: WGS101H5 or WGS200Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS335H5 • Women, Migration and Diaspora

This course examines the process of migration to Canada from a gender perspective, noting the interplay between structural impediments and women's own agency. Historical perspectives on migration and government policy, and on ways women have rebuilt lives and shaped communities.

Exclusions: ERI335H5 or NEW335H1 or WGS380H1 or WSTB06H3
Recommended Preparation: WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS336H5 • Political Aesthetics and Feminist Representation

This course engages with feminist theoretical models and approaches to examine the ways in which the “body” has been constructed, enacted, and embodied through aesthetic forms like photography, cinema, music, performance, film and to understand how women, queer, and racialized artists use aesthetics as a response to social and political crises. This course considers what constitutes the relationship between the political and the aesthetic and approaches aesthetics as important sites of ideological and political tension.

Exclusions: JNV300H1
Recommended Preparation: WGS200Y5 or WGS202H5 or WGS205H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS337H5 • Special Topics in Women and Gender Studies

A special topic by guest instructor. Topics vary from year to year. Check the web site for current offerings.

Recommended Preparation: WGS200Y5 or WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

WGS340H5 • Black Feminisms: Diasporic Conversations on Theory and Practice

This course examines how Black Feminisms are theorized, produced and practiced, by predominantly Black women scholars, activists and cultural producers located in the diaspora - Canada, the United States and the Caribbean.

Prerequisites: WGS101H5 or WGS200Y5
Recommended Preparation: WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS341H5 • Black Queer Cinema and Visual Culture

This course introduces students to LGBTIQ themed films and visual culture from Africa and the diaspora. It analyzes gender and sexuality from the perspective of black/African filmmakers, visual artists, and theorists.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5 or WGS205H5
Recommended Preparation: WGS336H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/24P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS343H5 • The Montreal Experience: Sex and Gender in la Cité

This course examines how gender and sexuality intersect with factors such as nationhood, race, language, politics, religion, geography, and the arts in Quebec. After six classroom sessions, the class will travel to Montreal for 4-5 days, where they will visit museums, cultural institutions and attend guest lectures at various institutions. This experiential learning opportunity allows students to engage in deeper learning to see the issues and histories they have been studying come to life. Ancillary fees apply for this course.

Recommended Preparation: WGS101H5 or WGS200Y5 or WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS345H5 • Genealogies of South Asian Feminisms

This course examines the histories of activism for and by women in South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka) from the colonial period to the present. Topics include colonialism, the Partition of 1947, war, religion, development, labour, nationalism, and the family/reproductive rights.

Prerequisites: WGS101H5 or WGS200Y5
Recommended Preparation: WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS347H5 • Indigenous Feminisms and Decolonization

This course explores themes related to Indigenous feminist scholarship and activism in North America. The course centres on how Indigenous women engage in decolonial practices as a response to histories of colonialism and genocide. Themes include status and tribal nations; oral history and narrative; violence and resistance, knowledge construction and pedagogy, community, self-governance and freedom.

Prerequisites: WGS101H5 or WGS200Y5
Recommended Preparation: WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS348H5 • Sex, Gender, and the Environment

This course discusses, historicizes, and theorizes the undeniable connection between the health of our bodies and the health of our planet. This course engages with Indigenous feminisms, Black feminisms, and queer/decolonial/anticolonial thought to build a response to historic and ongoing colonial, gender-based, and environmental violence through grounded justice practices.

Prerequisites: WGS101H5 or WGS200Y5
Recommended Preparation: ANT241H5 or GGR202H5 or SOC228H5 or WGS102H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS350H5 • Critical Race Theory in Women and Gender Studies

This course's central focus is an examination of the way race and gender operate together in structuring social inequality. It offers the analytical tools for exploring the interconnections between race and gender, along with other systems of domination, and incorporates perspectives from women of colour and from women in the global "South."

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5
Exclusions: WSTB11H3
Recommended Preparation: WGS202H5 or WGS368H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS351H5 • Gender, Race, and Surveillance

From forced sterilization and sex-selective abortion, to selfies, prisons, and biosecurity, this course conceptualizes suspicion and technologies of surveillance in transnational perspectives. Informed by a range of interdisciplinary scholarship, namely critical transnational feminist and Black feminist texts, it interrogates how surveillance has long enacted racialized, gendered, and biopolitical injustices.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5
Exclusions: WGS337H5 (Fall 2017)
Recommended Preparation: WGS101H5 or WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS353H5 • Theories of Masculinity

Working with gender studies' theories, this course draws on social and cultural constructions and practices to offer a complex reading of masculinities. It explores contemporary debates of the ways in which masculinities have been theorized and experienced in practices and identity formation.

Exclusions: WGS275H1
Recommended Preparation: WGS101H5 or WGS200Y5 or WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS354H5 • Gender, Sexuality and Sport

This course explores how gender, sexuality and other intersectional identity markers work within and against structures of privilege and oppression in the world of sport. It takes up topics and themes that inform popular culture and influence the construction of social norms.

Recommended Preparation: WGS101H5 or WGS200Y5 or WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS355H5 • Wired Women: Gender, Cyberspace and New Information Technology

The course examines how computer technologies facilitate women's participation in cyberspace and how women define and construct their involvement. It studies the simultaneous generation of new modalities of empowerment and disempowerment including language, role-playing, communication, gaming, and networking and conduits for sex trafficking, harassment and other forums of exploitation.

Recommended Preparation: WGS200Y5 or WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS365H5 • Gender, Justice and the Law

This course discusses the construction and representation of women in Canadian and International law. It analyzes specific contexts and historical issues including employment, sexuality, reproduction, deviance and a variety of justice theories relating to gender.

Exclusions: WGS365H1 or WSTC16H3
Recommended Preparation: WGS200Y5 or WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

WGS366H5 • Women and Psychology

An interdisciplinary analysis of the relationship of women to a variety of psychological and psychoanalytical theories and practices. Topics include gender development, stereotyping and gender roles, the impact of gender on intimate relationships, women and the psychological establishment, women's mental health issues and feminist approaches to psychoanalysis.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5
Exclusions: PSYD18H or WGS372H1
Recommended Preparation: WGS202H5 or WGS367H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS367H5 • Women and Health

Feminist theories and frameworks examining the interconnections between women, health and biomedicine in North America and transnationally.

Exclusions: NEW367H1 or WGS367H1 or WSTC21H3
Recommended Preparation: WGS200Y5 or WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS368H5 • Women in World Cultures

Examines the diversity and shared experiences of women in western and non-western societies. This is primarily a history course, supplemented with some contemporary perspectives. It compares women in diverse economic, cultural and religious settings. As part of this course, students may have the option of participating in an international learning experience that will have an additional cost and application process.

Exclusions: ERI368H5 or NEW368H1 or WGS368H1
Recommended Preparation: WGS202H5

International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS369H5 • Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (S.T.E.M.) analyzes how society, culture, education, and intersectional power relationships shape women’s lives and their career choices and studies the underlying gendered issues in these professions.

Recommended Preparation: WGS101H5 or WGS200Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS369Y5 • Gender, Colonialism and Postcolonialism

An examination of the complexities and the processes of colonialism/postcolonialism. Emphasis is placed on writings by feminists in the Global South, and the diaspora, to explore how subordination was forged and resisted in specific colonial and postcolonial settings.

Exclusions: NEW369Y1 or WGS369H1
Recommended Preparation: WGS200Y5 or WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 48L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS370H5 • On Love: Gender, Sexuality, Identity

This course considers the construction and mobilization of the gendered, sexed and sexualized subject within its historical, cultural and geographical contexts and seeks to understand the role of love in the construction of gendered identity and sexuality. Through its examination of texts on love, passion and desire, it investigates the lives and treatment of selected women in feminist scholarship in order to think through how ideas about race, class, sexuality, desire and danger are mediated in and through the body.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5
Exclusions: WGS374H1
Recommended Preparation: WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS372H5 • Theories of Sexuality

This course offers a critical overview of contemporary theories of sexuality, focusing on transnational discussions by feminists and queer theorists.

Exclusions: WGS450H5 or WSTD03H3
Recommended Preparation: WGS101H5 or WGS202H5 or WGS200Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS373H5 • Gender, Violence and Resistance

This course will focus on how gender and violence shapes and impacts the lives of women and LGBT persons. The course will explore the concept of gender and the myriad of ways in which it has been shaped by historical, and contextual relations of power and privilege. The course will explore how scholars in the feminist/women's movement have defined the concept of violence as it impacts women and girls.

Exclusions: WGS373H1 or WSTB12H3
Recommended Preparation: WGS200Y5 or WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS375H5 • The Aesthetics of Sexuality

What is the relationship between aesthetic form and sexuality? Drawing on theories and methods from feminist and sexuality studies, this course engages this question to understand the emergence of queer aesthetics as a response to social and political crisis, whilst comprehending how LGBTIQ+ artists create livable worlds by imagining otherwise.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5 or WGS205H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24L/12P
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS410H5 • Independent Project in Study of Women & Gender

An opportunity to carry out an extended research project under the supervision of a faculty member. A proposal must be presented to the faculty member and consent obtained before the end of the July registration period.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5 and 2.0 WGS 300+ level credits.
Exclusions: ERI410H5 or WGS411Y5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS411Y5 • Independent Project in Study of Women & Gender

An opportunity to carry out an extended research project under the supervision of a faculty member. A proposal must be presented to the faculty member and consent obtained before the end of the July registration.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5 and 2.0 WGS 300+ level credits.
Exclusions: ERI411Y5 or WGS410H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS415H5 • Black Feminist Performance in Popular Culture and Everyday Life

This course provides students with an understanding of how Black Feminist Performance is read, interpreted and experienced in popular culture and everyday life. The course focuses on texts and cultural work produced by feminist scholars, critics and artists who engage with race, gender and sexuality across multiple sites.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5 and 1.0 WGS credit at the 300/400 level
Exclusions: WGS434H5 (Winter 2020)

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS418H5 • Feminist Cultural Studies of Biomedicine

From vaccines and contraception, to erectile dysfunction drugs and clinical trials, biomedicine and biotechnologies are increasingly powerful and transformative modalities transnationally. Incorporating methods from feminist postcolonial, cultural, media and technoscience studies, this course examines biomedicine by critically attending to its intersections with gender, race, sexuality, colonialism, capitalism and culture.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5 and 1.0 WGS 300+ level credits
Recommended Preparation: WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS419H5 • Gender and Disability

A critical interdisciplinary investigation of how gender impacts on central topics in disability studies: the normalized body and cultural representations; sexuality; violence; the cognitive and social roles of medicine; transnational perspectives on disability; and disability rights and issues of social justice including the experience of people with disabilities and responses of resistance.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5 and 1.0 WGS 300+ level credits.
Exclusions: WGS366H1
Recommended Preparation: WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS420H5 • Engendering Human Rights

This seminar analyzes human rights responses to particular gendered sites of historical repression including examples of genocide, torture and war. It includes reactions generated from government and international organizations as well as remedies developed by victims/survivors. As part of this course, students may have the option of participating in an international learning experience that will have an additional cost and application process.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5 and 1.0 WGS 300+ level credits or (HIS338H5 or HIS438H5)
Exclusions: WSTD04H3
Recommended Preparation: WGS202H5

International Component: International - Optional
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS421H5 • Engendering Ethics

This course situates feminist ethics within the context of Western moral theories, and will consider the challenges that have been posed to this tradition from careful consideration of the category of women's experience. It will examine foundational texts in the history of ethics as well as more recent feminist interventions in such paradigms. The course complements the study of the theoretical texts with analysis and discussion of contemporary social and political issues pertaining to gendered selves.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5 and 1.0 WGS 300+ level credits
Recommended Preparation: WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS425H5 • Decolonial Feminist Archival Practices

This course challenges the notion of the archives as institutions and repositories of historical truths. It develops students’ archival analytical skills using critical feminist intersectional, decolonial, diasporic, and queer approaches. Students learn to reimagine and rethink archival spaces.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5 and 1.0 WGS credit at the 300/400 level
Recommended Preparation: WGS372H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS430H5 • Diasporic Sexualities

What can diaspora studies teach us about sexuality studies? And, what can sexuality studies teach us about diaspora studies? This class examines the relationship between diaspora studies, sexuality studies, and feminist studies by focusing on how diasporic movements of bodies have altered and transformed modern conceptualizations of gender and sexuality. It will investigate how diasporic subjects negotiate their relationship to constructs of home and (un)belonging.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5 and 1.0 WGS300+ level credits
Exclusions: WGS430H1
Recommended Preparation: WGS202H5 or WGS205H5 or DTS201H5 or DTS202H5 or DTS301H5 or DTS401H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS434H5 • Special Topics in Women & Gender Studies

A special topic by a guest instructor. Topics vary from year to year. Check the web site for information about this offering each term.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5 and 1.0 WGS 300+ level credits.
Recommended Preparation: WGS202H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

WGS435Y5 • Women and Gender Studies Practicum

The practicum allows advanced WGS students to combine theory and practice through part-time unpaid placement with a community agency, government body, educational or social change organization.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5
Exclusions: WGS470Y1 or WSTC23H3
Recommended Preparation: 1.0 credit of WGS at the 300-level or higher

Course Experience: Partnership-Based Experience
Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS455H5 • Queer Theory

This course examines the theories, histories and experiences of 'queer' in Canada and transnationally. It incorporates the diversity of emergent cultural expressions of LGBTQ sexuality understood beyond definitions of social identities.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5 and 1.0 WGS 300+ level credits
Exclusions: WGS376H1
Recommended Preparation: WGS202H5 or WGS370H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: In Class

WGS470H5 • Politicizing Culture: Pop Feminism and Representation

This course examines the intricate relationships among feminism, culture, power and representation. Major themes include: the construction of gendered, sexualized, and racialized subjectivities; ideologies and the media; bio-and communication technologies; neoliberalism and neocolonialism; and counter interpretations, reclamations, and remixes of hegemonic cultural forms.

Prerequisites: WGS200Y5 and 1.5 WGS 300+ level credits
Recommended Preparation: WGS101H5 or WGS202H5 or WGS205H5

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Total Instructional Hours: 24S
Mode of Delivery: Online, In Class

WGS497Y5 • Independent Reading

Student-initiated project of reading and research, supervised by a member of the Department. Primarily intended for students in a Major program. After obtaining a supervisor, a student must apply to the Department of Historical Studies. A maximum of 1.0 credit in a reading course is permitted.

Distribution Requirement: Humanities
Mode of Delivery: In Class